New Chapter for The Pop-up Book
The Pop-up Book
shellsnapeluver11 Reviews | 11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About shellsnapeluver
Member Since 2007 | 6 Stories | Favorited by 154 | 182 Reviews Written | 1,336 Review Responses
Severus Snape has always been my fav character since I found HP. I enjoy dark, graphic stories, but will read some fluff and I love humour.
Happy to be in Slytherin house.
Reviews for The Pop-up Book
Well, that is *really* clever and disturbing - and amusing too. Bluebeard Plus. Brilliant.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of The Pop-up Book)
Well, thank you so much,
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of The Pop-up Book)
! I love it when I can be distrubing!! heheheheheh...S~
OMG!!! This is OUTSTANDING! (excuse the pun!) So witty, creative, and dare I say real? Oh, yes, very real! Hermione would go snooping, wouldn't she? And Snape, he would need a secret stress reliever!This line made me laugh out loud : "See. This was his fault. This was why I was going to die. Because Severus Snape felt it more important to bed his wife than to make certain she was adequately warned about the presence of murderous objects in his home."Great fic to go with CC's art!Love it! Mwwwaaaaaa!
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of The Pop-up Book)
I'm so glad you enjoyed this!!!! It really made my day that you read it! Thank you soooo much! Much love!And many kisses back!
LOL! Great way to bring Cruel_Crush's art to life! And a great way for Snape to get what he wants... 25 times!
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of The Pop-up Book)
Thank you Beth! I really feel in love with that piece.
OMG I love this! Yes, Sev bringing a monster to life muahahahaha! Perfectly horrific, just the right thing to cheer me up after an afternoon of 5th graders.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of The Pop-up Book)
Oh, isn't this brilliant! Can you imagine teaching all day and the coming home to write horror fics of your students!?!?!?!?!? You would have a blast, no doubt. hahahhahah*smooch*
Death by book? Only Severus could come up with this. Very well done.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of The Pop-up Book)
Lmao! YES, ONLY HIM! thanks!
great googly-moogly!! what a concept! i can absolutely see him doing such a thing. great stuff! thanks so much
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of The Pop-up Book)
BWhAHAHAHAHAHH *snort* BWHAHHAHAAH "googly-moogly' bwhahahahahha I LOVE IT. Thank you!
Oh, now that is a neat concept! I like it. Are there six more starring the Golden Trio? Buahaha. Got to release frustration somehow....
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of The Pop-up Book)
Thank you so much! Yes, 6 more books! I wonder what they entail?? lol.
When I first saw these pictures on DA, I thought a story begged to be written for them. Great job.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of The Pop-up Book)
Really! Oh, I'm so glad I did then, because I was just SO drawn into them!! thanks~
Odd and scary, but so fiendishly unique and clever!! Books are deceptively 'safe'. I must admit I would be like Hermione, thinking they must be alright. Oh yes, and the coupe de gras, it was meant for Harry. LOL Twisted snarky Severus!! Brilliant.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of The Pop-up Book)
THank you Rhiannon!!!! Books, are NEVER safe. lol.
wow! what a great premise and you brought it to life beautifully! Thank you for all your hard work and for sharing with us!
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of The Pop-up Book)
Thank you, I appreicate your review and reading of my little, creepy story. lol.
That's one way of finding stress relief. :)
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of The Pop-up Book)
Oh, yes! hehehehehehhe.Thank you