New Chapter for A Balance of Three
A Balance of Three
magalena98 Reviews | 98 Ratings, 0 Likes, 51 Favorites )
It's seven years after the end of the war and Voldemort's fall; the wizarding world is in shambles. Hermione uses Arithmancy to figure out that a new triad needs to be formed to restore balance to the wizarding world.
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About magalena
Member Since 2007 | 18 Stories | Favorited by 123 | 166 Reviews Written | 544 Review Responses
I am a Harry Potter fanfic fanatic, I only discovered it after the release of DH. Disapointed that the series was ending, I read some blurb about fan fiction (which I had never heard of before) clicked a link and 'voila' I was hooked. I started out reading mostly Dramione, but evolved and although I still like DM/HG, my OTP is SS/HG. I also enjoy reading LM/HG and 3-somes with SS/HG/LM or DM/HG/BZ. As you can see I love seeing Hermione paired with those lovely Slytherin men.
After reading for nearly 2 years, I started writing a bit of my own, mostly shorter drabbles or ficlets. I've written seveal stories for fests, such as the SS/HG exchange, the LM/HG exchange, and the LuciusBigBang, fest among others.
I am magalena at here and at AFF, and; magdalena at GE, OWL and IATQO; and madeleone at live journal, AO3, Ashwinder and the Maple Bookshelf.Reviews for A Balance of Three
I think Severus is lucky to be in his cosy little cabin, out of range of Hurricane Hermione and her pointed questions
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
Oh, but the sparks shall fly eventually. :)
I get the feeling that the real firework will start, when the two Sltherins are informed fo their ... good fortune.
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
You could very well be right!
Well I surprised myself how much I really enjoyed this triad . Even with Malfoy in the mix it was funny and he did add to the story plot and development. Thanks so much for sharing.
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
Thanks for giving it a try and for taking the time to comment, I'm glad you enjoyed. I know it's not for everyone but this trio is my OT3. :)
EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!I would love "to know" where their relationship is in 10, 20, 30 years....children? Does Harry marry again?
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
So glad you enjoyed the story. As far as the future I leave it to the readers imagination.
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
So glad you enjoyed the story. As far as the future I leave it to the readers imagination.
I keep coming back to this story. I really enjoy it every time I read it.
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
Oh, you don't know how much it pleases me to hear that. To learn that you enjoy my story so much that you have read it and re-read it is a high compliment. Thanks so very much!
Love they chose to go ahead anyway even though the triad was no longer essential. :)
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
Thanks, I agree, it was nice how that all worked out for them in the end. I do so love a happy ending. ;-)
Definitely an orgasm of epic proportion. It was a pleasure to read your story. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
I certainly was, so much positive energy being relased there. :) So glad that you liked it. Thanks for taking time to comment. :)
Yay! A great ending to a very enjoyable story. I liked that they entered into the bonding by choice and not obligation. I mean, they always had a choice, but before if they had opted out, there was a negative consequence. Now it is completely by choice and that makes it just that much better when they all make the choice to proceed. I think I've said before, but I like that you started with Hermione and Lucius and then added Severus. It is almost always S/H as a couple and they throw Lucius in as a bonus, or S/L are friends who seduce Hermione. Your way just tweaks the dynamic a bit and I really liked it. Plus the end was steamy and happy. You can't go wrong with that combo. Nice job.
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
Thanks so much for the in depth review and for all of your other reviews and comments throughout the story. It always means a lot ot hear what people like or dislike about a story and also to know that they enjoyed it .
Whoa! What a fabulously lemony ending! Sorry to see it end, as I really enjoyed the development of the characters. Love Severus's terms of endearment for Hermione, very sweet. Great job!
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
Thanks so much, I am pleased to hear that you enjoyed the story.
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
Well, thank you so much. I am touched by your comments. Thank you for reading and for taking the time to review.
An excellent ending to a wonderful story.
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
Thank you very much.
Eeek, delicious. Little James is so cute. Hurrah for Hermione's boys! Let the Tantric practice begin!
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
Yay for practice, lots and lots of practice!
Wow great story!Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
Thanks so much, next (final) chapter is is queue. ;D
The ordeal with Harry and his son had to be so frightening for everyone involved. I love when Harry and Hermione have such a close relationship, and I think he really needed her at this moment.The bedroom scene was steamy and will continue to be for some time according to Severus' announcement to Harry. What a good friend Harry is to just ignore them and give them their space. Of course they did save his son, but still, some things are harder to overlook than others. Hermione is really embarrassed, but I suspect two men will make her forget all about it in no time. I can see nothing but a happy ending in sight :)
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
Yes, it was a close call for James. Thank Merlin for Severus. I think that after all the tragedy they've both endured, Harry just wants Hermione to be happy.
Ok I couldn't hold off any longer... when's the next chapter! Don't keep this woman waiting! Good work so far :)
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
LOL! The next and final chapter is in the queue even as we speak...err...write...err... (Oh, heck, you know what I mean!)And thanks!
yumm..... a girl could really get used to having two still dont care much for the multi-wife-thing tho. :p
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
So true!
severus can be a real prince when he tries. both men seem to have very strong feelings for hermione; however will they share?? and lucius is very perceptive.
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
Severus a prince? (pun intended?)And yes, I think Lucius is very good at working things out.
snape may not 'grovel', but he can certainly APOLOGIZE. and i reiterate: hermione is one lucky b- er, Witch. *smirk*
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
That sounds like a plan, but it might be harder than you think to get SS cooperation.
oh boy. *headdesk* eagles gotta make nice for little otter!!
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
i hope that snapes renewed patronus form is an eagle. i also like the way your lucius is much, much more than his wealth & holdings. a dab hand @ arithmancy & transfiguration. awesome. hermiones gonna be one lucky witch!
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
Indeed she is. ;-)
as hermione well knows, by hating blindly the voldemorts of the world win. ive always admired the notion of redemption. snapes delving into ojibwe lore is neat.
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
So very true. And Severus has been exploring all kids of different cultures over the past several years.
cool about kingsley. 'Puff Pride!!! (evrytime ive taken a sorting test i place hufflepuff).
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
I'm a 'Puff too. LOL!
a pissed-off hermione is nvr to be taken lightly. thought she wouldve released that infamous flock of canaries... lol. now that snapes 2 masters are dead, it makes a lot of sense he wouldnt stay put in britain afterwards. but NOW he has a very compelling reason to return.....hmmm. dont envy kingsley at all. he has his work cut out for him.
Response from magalena (Author of A Balance of Three)
LOL! The canaries just never occurred to me. And, yes, I can totally see Severus going off and exploring the world.