New Chapter for Love Remains
Love Remains
livvy6500 Reviews | 500 Ratings, 0 Likes, 31 Favorites )
Lily's life doesn't end when Voldemort hexes her. Instead, she and Harry go into hiding, but are things truly any better for her?
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About livvy6
Member Since 2007 | 17 Stories | Favorited by 655 | 625 Reviews Written | 6,131 Review Responses
I am a grateful fan of Ms. Rowling and of her overwhelming Byronic Character, Severus Snape! Please check out the first chapters of each fic (except for "How Can I Tell You," which is on Chapter 2) to see pictures of the Heroines.
Admins' Note: Livvy6 died suddenly on February 22, 2012, leaving behind her husband, six-year-old daughter, and seventeen stories well-loved by the TPP community. All who knew her—including those in Harry Potter fandom and all of us, here—are richer for having known her.
Requiescat in pace, Livvy. Always.
Reviews for Love Remains
You have the most amazing why of making me laugh out loud, and then cry like a baby in rather rapid succession! Well done. I LOVED the witches circle, too funny. The graveside was wonderful, as was Snape's talk with Ginny! Please keep writing forever... *grin and wink* Great job!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Aww! Thanks, that was sweet. I'm glad you like my crazy sense of humor! :)Thanks!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Aww! Thanks, that was sweet. I'm glad you like my crazy sense of humor! :)Thanks!
I loved the witches discussing it all. I'll never forget how horrified my male friends were when they realized girls told everything. The sccene with Ginny and Snape was really sweet. By the way, did I miss the mention of birth control in the last chapter? Severus asking if Ginny was pregnant made me wonder.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
No, no one is pregnant at this time. It is just the knee-jerk reaction of every father when an engagement pops up from nowhere. lol!Thanks
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
No, no one is pregnant at this time. It is just the knee-jerk reaction of every father when an engagement pops up from nowhere. lol!Thanks
Wonderful chapter. I'm grinning from ear to ear. Not only was there humour but the resolution with Severus and Harry at the gravesite was touching. I just love the witches circle! And the fellas reactions. Nice premise too, that it was born out of needing to keep fellow witches safe. The fawning over Severus after was so funny. Just a small point on the length of Severus's member...even though I am conversant with metric could you also put in the Imperial mesurement as well? It seems to be one of the the mesurements that has persisted post-metricization (where I live) and saves having to do a quick calculation (Perhaps Molly and the older wizards listening in would appreciate it being converted?).As always, love your work - and look forward to the next chapter,even though it means we are geting closer to the end.Cheers
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
LOL! Snape is a blessed 10 inches. Does that help? Yeah, only one more chapter and the the epilogue.Thanks!
Response from reets67 (Reviewer)
Thanks, although I did work it out prior- I believe an 'Outstanding' would be in order, or would that be an upstanding Outstanding?! Then again would that part of Severus' anatomy ever be written with less than an 'Exceeds Expections' in a 'Potions under Duress fic'?LOL! No 'Trolls' allowed I expect... ;-)
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
LOL! Snape is a blessed 10 inches. Does that help? Yeah, only one more chapter and the the epilogue.Thanks!
Response from reets67 (Reviewer)
Thanks, although I did work it out prior- I believe an 'Outstanding' would be in order, or would that be an upstanding Outstanding?! Then again would that part of Severus' anatomy ever be written with less than an 'Exceeds Expections' in a 'Potions under Duress fic'?LOL! No 'Trolls' allowed I expect... ;-)
That was nice. From the graveside to Severus' sweet words to Ginny, the emotions were heartfelt.And of course the witch's coven was hilarious. TMI, but hilarious.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Oh, but girls are like that - well at least the friends I have! lol!I'm glad you liked it.Thanks!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Oh, but girls are like that - well at least the friends I have! lol!I'm glad you liked it.Thanks!
Wow. That was intense and so amazingly sweet at the same time. I'm glad he found what he wanted. And that she got what she wanted.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Yes, finally love at last. Severus is happy and Hermione too!Only two chappies and and epilogue left until the end.Thanks!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Yes, finally love at last. Severus is happy and Hermione too!Only two chappies and and epilogue left until the end.Thanks!
One thumb for Harry and one for Hermione. That was a realy therapy session for Harry and Severus. I'm glad that the barriers are finally down. And Hermione, good. she sees it clearly, statedher boundries and set peramiters.
Severus divulging his past, his darker side was a bit too much, but she did need to know, especailly if he likes that kind of thing. I think they will be fine. I really love this story. Good luck.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Thanks! Yes, Snape needed to know if he could turn her away from him, or scare her out of a relationship if she knew these things. His fear of rejection is so powerful at this point, it's remarkable he's even gotten this far with Hermione.Thanks!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Thanks! Yes, Snape needed to know if he could turn her away from him, or scare her out of a relationship if she knew these things. His fear of rejection is so powerful at this point, it's remarkable he's even gotten this far with Hermione.Thanks!
I like the Witches' Circle!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
He-he! I thought a little comedy relief was in order!Thanks!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
He-he! I thought a little comedy relief was in order!Thanks!
Wait till Dora, Molly and the girls hear about this, lol. Great way to spend the Christmas hols. Lovely chapter, E for exceeds expectations. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Aww, thanks! I'm glad you liked it. Yeah, the witchs' gossip session is going to be good :)Thanks!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Aww, thanks! I'm glad you liked it. Yeah, the witchs' gossip session is going to be good :)Thanks!
Thanks for the update. I'm glad they waited until she was finished with her schooling. now I can approve! I'm glad Harry does too.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Thanks! Yes, now they don't have anything to hinder their realtionship from developing.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Thanks! Yes, now they don't have anything to hinder their realtionship from developing.
And now he's found himself a woman.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Finally, he can be happy knowing he is truly loved.Thanks!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Finally, he can be happy knowing he is truly loved.Thanks!
Lots of warmth heat in that. sizzle!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
LOL! Yeah, well after all that angst, you gotta give Snape something worth it.Thanks!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
LOL! Yeah, well after all that angst, you gotta give Snape something worth it.Thanks!
That's what I'm takin' about!Umm umm umm umm umm. That man is sex-on-legs!This chapter was so perfect. Severus allowed himself to be vulnerable and timid with Hermione, and she responded with passion and enthusiasm for him, for him only. He was her first and her only.There were a couple of passages that stood out to me as priceless:“Congratulations, Miss Granger, on the success of both your endeavors,” he said with a sly smile.“What would those endeavors be, Professor?” she asked demurely as she sipped on her wine.“Oh, your two-fold plan on completing your education here at Hogwarts and seducing me. At least that was what I was told,” he answered. Then, he took a sip of his wine.She considered him for a moment and asked daringly, “Have I been successful? In both endeavors?” she added pointedly.“Very,” he said drawled. Obviously the ladies have been talking!*****"Hermione swallowed a giggle. It would not do to tell Severus that he was acting like a butler."*****"He looked into her eyes and saw an absence of pain. There was only joy and anticipation written on her face. She had weighed the possibilities and the cost a long time ago and had decided on him. She had never loved any other man or wizard. He was the only one. It was all he ever truly wanted, to be the only one, the first, the best, the most loved, the most adored."*****“I don’t think I ever enjoyed my name before tonight. You have a wonderful way of saying it,” he mused as he nibbled on her right breast.*****This is such a wonderful chapter. For Severus, for Hermione, and for the reader!!! Thank you. BethPS- I've run out of chapters to read. *hint*
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Well, Southern has the next chapter to load up, she's in charge. But we only have two chapters after this and then the epilogue, so we're winding down now! I'm so glad you enjoyed this!Thanks!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Well, Southern has the next chapter to load up, she's in charge. But we only have two chapters after this and then the epilogue, so we're winding down now! I'm so glad you enjoyed this!Thanks!
So many important things happened in the chapter!!!I got tears in my eyes when Harry called Severus "Dad."I'm happy that Harry now understands what Severus' life has really been like; I like that the son understands the father.And Harry's intervention with Severus on Hermione's behalf was critical to Severus finding the courage to go to her and make his case.I thought it was rather funny that Severus would sit in his rooms with Remus telling his friend about what had taken place between himself and Hermione, and then become shocked that the ladies would be discussing things such as his "sexual performance, penis size, how well, and how many times you are able to bring her to orgasm will be common knowledge for Dora, Ginny, Molly, and Fleur to analyze." Very nice chapter!Beth
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
That is so true. I don't think Severus would have gotten the courage if Harry had not of given him that push in the right direction. Severus and Harry need each other.Thanks!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
That is so true. I don't think Severus would have gotten the courage if Harry had not of given him that push in the right direction. Severus and Harry need each other.Thanks!
The hardest thing to conquer is our own innate fear. Severus will have to get himself together if he is to ever have what he has always wanted.Severus, "screw your courage to the sticking place" and face your fear... she loves you!!!Beth
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
I hope you will like what Harry has to say in the next chapter!Thanks!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
I hope you will like what Harry has to say in the next chapter!Thanks!
Now that Harry and Severus have had a chance to talk about how much Severus loved Lily and loved being Harry's father... now that they have talked about the real reason that Lily had taken her own life... now that Severus has divulged to Minerva that he kissed Hermione... now that Harry has confirmed what Minerva said about Hermione's love for what will happen?Holy Moses! This is wonderfully written, and it has worn my ass out! Off to the next chapter!Beth
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Yeah, that was a full, rich chapter! I hope you enjoy the next one as well.Thanks!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Yeah, that was a full, rich chapter! I hope you enjoy the next one as well.Thanks!
Finally, after so much heartache and asking, Harry and Severus know why Lily killed herself. For her son, she killed herself so that her son would have a safe and protected life. As sad as this all is, I feel better for Severus and Harry now that they both understand... "Father and son were reunited at long last."Another fabulous chapter!!! Thank you.Beth
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked how Lucius explained things to Harry.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked how Lucius explained things to Harry.
Harry is getting small bit of information from the different people who knew the three of them during that time just before his mother committed suicide.It's like having all the puzzle pieces except the for final one... and he must go to Severus to get that piece.Will Severus be able to bring himself to talk to "his son" about his and his mother's relationship... personal and sexual?... and what happened at Lucius Malfoy's?What a wonderful story!!!Beth
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Lucius will have a lot to say! It will be very interesting.Thanks!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Lucius will have a lot to say! It will be very interesting.Thanks!
Hot dog!!! The brilliant Miss Granger has wowed the Potions Master. And he KISSED her!!! Hot dog!!!!Even though Severus left Remus' office in a huff, I am certain that the little acorns that Remus planted in the Potions Master's mind will sprout great oaks before all is said and done.And personally, I thought Remus' advice to Severus was spot on: “Severus, do you want my help? I suggest that you take Miss Granger up on her offer to assist you in your research, allow her to take advantage of you whenever she desires, and sexually harass her as the mood fancies you. Then, the day after she takes her exams, invite her into your bed and shag each other raw.” He smiled wickedly.Lovely, perfectly lovely... right on schedule...Well done!Beth
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Yeah, The "shagging raw" part was just inspired-just popped in my head :)Thanks!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Yeah, The "shagging raw" part was just inspired-just popped in my head :)Thanks!
Severus now realizes without a doubt that Hermione wants to have sex with him, but he cannot allow himself to contemplate such a thing... first, because she is still his student, and second, because he cannot trust that his heart will not be broken again.Yet when he sought out a whore, he found he had no desire for sex without love...Perhaps Remus and Tonks can smooth the way for Severus and Hermione to come together. That would be very nice!!!Beth
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Severus has been down this road before. He knows sex without love will just end in more pain for him, so he's going to have to deal with Miss Granger. Remus will be a great help to him.Thanks!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Severus has been down this road before. He knows sex without love will just end in more pain for him, so he's going to have to deal with Miss Granger. Remus will be a great help to him.Thanks!
Great Lord! This was as busy a chapter as I have ever read!!!I hope Hermione is able to stake her claim on Severus. It seems he just might be willing since he heard what she had told an angry Harry."... while Harry was arguing with Lupin, Hermione, and Ginny, Snape had been sedated and was lying peacefully when he had heard the shrieking voice of Miss Granger carry over into his room. She was giving Harry what for, and he listened in disbelief as she raged in his defense. It would be something to think on for a while to come.Indeed, it will be something to think on for a while to come!Beth
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Oh, yes! He will have a great deal to consider, that is for sure.Thanks!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Oh, yes! He will have a great deal to consider, that is for sure.Thanks!
Happiness that Snape survived.Happiness that Harry and Ginny and Ron survived.Where is Hermione?Happiness that Remus and Tonks have a son.Where is Hermione?Severus' eyes welled up again and he grew angry at his weakness. “You were mine! My son! I toilet trained you, I fed you, I held you when you cried and fell! My family was stolen from me, and I never recovered from it!” Harry was in total, utter shock. It was obvious that he had been truly loved, that this man had placed him above his own needs. He hadn’t been perfect, no, he was teaming with faults and failures, but he had loved him. There was just one question.“Sir, why did my mum kill herself?”There was no answer from the sick and battered man in his bed. Just the sound of the burst of an emotional dam and gut wrenching sobs and shrieks from a wizard who had always prided himself on never being vulnerable.This was a very powerful scene!!! I'm glad that Severus was finally able to give into the pain at the loss of his family. Perhaps now he can begin to heal in body and spirit.Beth
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Thank you! I worked hard on that. It was the only thing to do-get Snape and Harry getting together and confronting the past. Hermione is there, no worries!Thanks!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Thank you! I worked hard on that. It was the only thing to do-get Snape and Harry getting together and confronting the past. Hermione is there, no worries!Thanks!
One day Severus will be able to turn aside these feeling of worthlessness, and see himself as Hermione sees him. His talk with Remus made it obvious that each wizard wanted a particular witch... they just needed to give themselves permission to love and be loved.I can understand Severus' rage at Dumbledore's order to lead Harry like a lamb to the slaughter. In his shoes, I'm not sure if I could have kept myself from hexing the Headmaster. Hearing what Dumbledore said about Harry having to die at the hands of Voldemort had to be wrenching. The way I love my children... I would fight lions and tigers for them... I can imagine how Severus must have wanted to obliterate Albus!!!After Dumbledore's demise, when Severus returned to Hogwarts as Headmaster, I was delighted to see how cleverly he helped Neville and Ginny. The words he shared with Ginny in private sat softly on my heart, and I was happy for Severus when she hugged him and he was able to relish "in the loving contact he had longed for so many months."That his thoughts went to Hermione made me smile.Beth
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Snape is such a private person, it was a lot for him to do that, to reach to Ginny. Thanks!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Snape is such a private person, it was a lot for him to do that, to reach to Ginny. Thanks!
Wow! They say that curiosity killed the cat, but in this instance, the cat got a particularly satisfying wanking out of it. Hello! Are you paying attention, Severus?He enjoyed her warmth and her gentle touch. It was confusing how physical she was with him. Her hands lingered on him. He enjoyed each time her soft body brushed against his. He knew Miss Granger was not crazy. He knew she did think of him as family, either. This was bad—very, very, bad......He nearly fell down as he watched her fantasize about him! ..... She wanted him to suck on her nipples and drive her hard and deep into a shattering orgasm. He was...imagining burying himself between those spread thighs that were aching for only him. Oh, this was bad, very bad…Lupin may be very observant and quick to pick up on the intentions of others, but I think he missed out on what Tonks was telling him. This was a GREAT chapter!!!Beth
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
LOL! I'm glad you liked it. Isn't it the truth? People can so easy to pick up on other's failings, but when it comes to their own issues, they are oblivious.Thanks!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
LOL! I'm glad you liked it. Isn't it the truth? People can so easy to pick up on other's failings, but when it comes to their own issues, they are oblivious.Thanks!
Really good chapter. I really like that she was open to him looking in her mind.
One quick question on clothing closures - in the beginning of the chapter you said that the dress had a row of buttons down the side, then later why does Severus lower the zipper on the dress?
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
I took that idea from an old dress I had from my early twenties. It was such a classic! It had buttons where a daring slit would be. You could leave it open and be VERY daring, or button it up and be conservative, and that is what Hermione did. It still had a zipper in the back. I guess I thought when I wrote "down the side," I assumed the reader would think from the waist or thigh on down. Sorry!Thanks!
Response from elsolel (Reviewer)
Thank you for clearing that up. I couldn't figure out why it would close two ways! That makes so much more sense.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
I took that idea from an old dress I had from my early twenties. It was such a classic! It had buttons where a daring slit would be. You could leave it open and be VERY daring, or button it up and be conservative, and that is what Hermione did. It still had a zipper in the back. I guess I thought when I wrote "down the side," I assumed the reader would think from the waist or thigh on down. Sorry!Thanks!
Response from elsolel (Reviewer)
Thank you for clearing that up. I couldn't figure out why it would close two ways! That makes so much more sense.