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Where You Belong
by selinabln
7.38/10 (16 Ratings, 0 Likes, 11 Favorites )It's the evening before Umbridge's final hearing and Severus realizes something important.
443 Words, Started 06/29/2008, Completed 06/29/2008
by SS Lupin
7.38/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )When James goes to Spinner's End over the Christmas holidays, he sees more than he had expected.
690 Words, Started 12/23/2006, Completed 12/23/2006
Breaking the Ice
7.38/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Is not talking at all a form of conversation? Fleur/Hermione/Angelina
1,092 Words, Started 06/12/2012, Completed 06/12/2012
Overactive Imagination
by alexa83
7.38/10 (13 Ratings, 0 Likes, 29 Favorites )You've come to almost believe that it's all a result of your overactive imagination, but perhaps you've been wrong all along.
2,732 Words, Started 06/12/2005, Completed 06/12/2005
A Practice in Glamours
by ellebell
7.38/10 (29 Ratings, 0 Likes, 13 Favorites )Whilst practising for her Transfiguration OWLS, Hermione has an unexpected encounter with the Potions Master.
663 Words, Started 04/21/2008, Completed 04/21/2008
You Wouldn't Dare
by blue artemis
7.38/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Arthur overhears two of his children.
429 Words, Started 08/08/2010, Completed 08/08/2010
Luring the Enchantress
7.38/10 (213 Ratings, 0 Likes, 421 Favorites )~Complete~ Slytherin tactics are used by Severus to lure Hermione to his lair. This will be a story of deliberate seduction. Whose side is Severus on anyway? Winner of the Multifaceted Awards, Rd 6, Possibility Category, Best AU fic.
246,926 Words, Started 04/19/2005, Completed 03/25/2006
Iron Chef Hogwarts--Familiar Edition
by blue artemis
7.38/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Crookshanks is dreaming again
270 Words, Started 09/14/2009, Completed 09/14/2009
Death Eater Bingo
by lyn_f
7.38/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Death Eaters play Bingo. Who wins?
185 Words, Started 10/03/2010, Completed 10/03/2010
by notsosaintly
7.38/10 (21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 22 Favorites )"Her breath burns my already feverish skin."
546 Words, Started 04/04/2005, Completed 04/04/2005
A Dreaded Holiday
by GinnyW
7.38/10 (13 Ratings, 0 Likes, 38 Favorites )My take on the WIKTT Valentine's Day Carni Challenge. Dumbledore hires a carnival for the students and staff for Valentine's Day. One-shot. Round 4 Joint winner in the Multifaceted Awards in the Rapture category.
4,091 Words, Started 04/13/2005, Completed 04/13/2005
Crookshanks' Revenge
by blue artemis
7.38/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )Ron makes a grave error in regards to Hermione, and she ends up finding comfort elsewhere.
1,979 Words, Started 02/06/2011, Completed 02/06/2011
Italian Food
by blue artemis
7.38/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )The twins think they have a source for calamari.
303 Words, Started 05/30/2010, Completed 05/30/2010
Family Ties
7.38/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )Scorpius Malfoy finds out that his grandfather eloped with Hermione Weasley.
185 Words, Started 08/31/2008, Completed 08/31/2008
Holding Hands and Skimming Stones
by sunny33
7.38/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Sev and Remus were happy once.
139 Words, Started 05/27/2012, Completed 05/27/2012
Snakes in the Lion's Den
7.38/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )What's in it for two Slytherins who are stuck at the Burrow for a week at Christmas time?
553 Words, Started 12/20/2009, Completed 12/20/2009
Reclining Nude
by Savva
7.38/10 (13 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )All it took was his father's crazy caprice and his son's fate was sealed. From that day in the French museum, young Malfoy knew exactly how his future wife was supposed to look. A little etude for a gloomy day.
1,637 Words, Started 01/20/2011, Completed 01/20/2011
Dumbledore's Bequest
by melusin
7.38/10 (16 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )Drabble series for LJ's grangersnape100
Challenge: Through the Keyhole.
920 Words, Started 06/14/2015, Completed 06/14/2015
A Change of Plans
by Squibstress
7.38/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )A frustrated witch, a lonely wizard, a chance meeting in the staff bath— a story about how these small events change the lives of Minerva McGonagall and Severus Snape and alter the course of the Wizarding War.
10,534 Words, Started 01/10/2012, Completed 01/10/2012
If Only
by kittylefish
7.38/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )A kind deed almost leads to something more.
45 Words, Started 03/15/2011, Completed 03/15/2011
Gilderoy and Lucius: The Battle for Peacock Domination
by Clairvoyant
7.38/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Gilderoy Lockhart has a new roommate at St. Mungo's: Lucius Malfoy, freshly released from Azkaban.
7,107 Words, Started 03/21/2010, Completed 03/21/2010
Saving The Day
by septentrion
7.38/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )Severus watches Teddy as a favour for Hermione.
1,045 Words, Started 02/14/2010, Completed 02/14/2010
Caught in The Act
by ancientgirl
7.38/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 35 Favorites )The kids are a bit older and no longer is it just the dynamic duo. Get ready for the fantastic four.
1,651 Words, Started 06/20/2005, Completed 06/20/2005
A Longing Beyond Reason
by Pennfana
7.38/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )Lupin is consumed with an overwhelming desire for...what? With cameo appearances by Hogwarts teachers, various random house elves, deadly bakeries and a very special singing telegram.
2,235 Words, Started 10/22/2005, Completed 10/22/2005
by Somigliana
7.38/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Severus’ consuming obsession with Hermione leads us to these disquieting 100 words.
128 Words, Started 02/12/2008, Completed 02/12/2008