New Chapter for HOT
notsosaintly21 Reviews | 21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 22 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About notsosaintly
Member Since 2005 | 38 Stories | Favorited by 707 | 843 Reviews Written | 2,009 Review Responses
Founder of The Petulant Poetess. Editor and full-time mother.
Reviews for HOT
~fans self~ lovely :)
WAOW!!Jummy!!You made my one mouth dry and the other...
Response from notsosaintly (Author of HOT)
This proves the point that you dont need many words to convey your meaning. Hot hot HOT
good lord, it made me wet!!
That was definitely HOT!
I mean, truly, what else can I say?
Astounding and magnificent and beautiful and arrousing and...
sizzling, and yet poetic: not always the easiest combination to pull off, and you've done it very well.
Whoa, that is a SIZZZZZZZZZZZZZLING one-shot. Well done, dear!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of HOT)
I think the line for that wish (if and only if she gets paired up with Severus, that is) could probably circle the earth at least twice. *lol*
You have a way with words.Tamara
Response from notsosaintly (Author of HOT)
Thanks, Tamara. I'm glad you got your computer problem fixed so you could read it.
Need I say any more.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of HOT)
Perfectly said. If you can say something in not-so-many words, and get the point across, that's the best IMHO. (The whole story's based on that opinion.)
Aaaah! This was SO intense. Loved it. A harsh poetry of passion.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of HOT)
Thank you. I'm glad I was able to portray the passion in so few words.
And I still love this story. :)
Response from notsosaintly (Author of HOT)
Simple and to the point ... :)
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Reviewer)
In this case, I think "hot" is an understatement. I also love the really creative format of this one-shot.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of HOT)
Thank you. I always forget this little one-shot is here, but I'm glad it gets read once in a while!
That was great! *smokes cigarette*
Definitely HOT. And spicy as well. And, in general, some fantastic Hermione/Severus smut. :o) ,Sue.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of HOT)
Thank you kindly!
So HOT!WOW!Sandra
Well, I'm a little late in the game stumbling across this one, but it is very steamy. The adjectives at the start of each paragraph were a little distracting. Still, it was hot.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of HOT)
And I'm a little late in responding (darn real life issues—let's all live online!). Glad you thought it was steamy. The adjectives are a poetic vehicle to inspire each line and actually relate to each line. Now I'm wondering if I had put poetry/prose as a genre. I probably should if I have not. (*goes to check*) Thanks for the review!!
Sexy and fitting, thank you!