New Chapter for The Plight-Trothed Bride
The Plight-Trothed Bride
beaweasley21,194 Reviews | 7.14/10 (1,194 Ratings, 0 Likes, 339 Favorites )
Hermione, Ginny and Luna, sharing a girl moment, decide to cast a Pairing-Plight Troth Charm on themselves for fun. Each placed in the cauldron one yesterday-today-and-tomorrow flower with sugar and spice and everything nice, and a snip, a snail and puppy-dog tail as they each said the rhyme. For Ginny, the results are exactly what she expected, and for Luna, she was only mildly surprised. However, for Hermione, the results were disastrous! She thought she’d be paired to Ron and live happily ever after. So what happened and why is she seeing Professor Snape in her dreams? He’s dead – isn’t he?
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About beaweasley2
Member Since 2006 | 53 Stories | Favorited by 519 | 2,769 Reviews Written | 6,181 Review Responses
I love to write. A dreamer, a creator and filled with wonder, imagination and life. Sometimes I get lost in the other worlds I've read and in some I create. It's all good, I’m in good company.
“Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and the strength, use it to create.”― Maria Montessori
“Our imagination flies -- we are its shadow on the earth.”― Vladimir Nabokov
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.”― Albert Einstein
“Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were, but without it we go nowhere.” ― Carl Sagan
Reviews for The Plight-Trothed Bride
OMG! Severus has a lot on his plate! The best part was that Hermione had turned to him during the night when she had had a bad dream and she noticed that he had respected her wishes not to be intimate that night. I think his behavior in respecting her wishes will yield great dividends down the line. Good for you, Severus. Well done.
Her talk with George seemed to open her eyes to just how much danger all of them were in, and in a perverse twist of that human propensity of "misery loves company," I think she must feel marginally better to know that she isn't the only one who is running into Death Eater trouble. "Many hands make light the load," eh?
Severus' staff meeting went well for everyone except Sybill. Poor woman, I think she bit off more than she could chew when she decide to share her inner eye with the new professors.
On top of everything else, Pepper alerts Severus to the new and deadly potions that Miss Priswell had brought to Talfryn. I am so glad that they caught these nasty concoctions before they found their way to his great-grandfather's mouth. I enjoyed the bit of levity you provided via Pepper's assertion that she understood Severus' instructions to behave irrationally. I love Pepper.
I hope this effort to catch all of those involved in trying to kill Talfryn Prince is very successful. The Rose and Thorns sounds like just the sort of place to seek out these nefarious wizards, and they are a scurrilous lot to be sure.Fabulous chapter, bea!Beth
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
When doesn't he? He always has a load heaped on him. lol Yes, his actions will bebeneficial in the long run... Yes, her talk with George was well overdue. She sin't thinking outside her own world too much and she needs to. So you liked the staff meeting? me too. Oh you'll see Pepper again - she's now aintegral part of a side plot. thank you for your review.
Clearly Hermione's experience having killed that Death Eater didn't ease her conscience after a night's rest. Thank goodness Harry dosed her tea with Dreamless Sleep. Staying busy at work with George helped her keep it together during the day, and being with Severus that night was a good experience. Until she decided to go for a walk in the private garden.Severus' intuition is uncanny, and if he hadn't gone to apologize for... snapping at her for asking so many questions... except what he really wanted was a kiss and a snuggle. And thank the Lord he did, otherwise she would be dead now. Merlin, will that girl—no woman—ever learn to watch her back? Constant vigilance!I'm glad she could be persuaded to spend the night at Spinners End. And I have a lot of admiration for Severus' ability to bloody well control himself. There is nothing like reciting a list of ingredients and mentally cataloging the storeroom shelves to take your mind off the... finer pleasures. Poor Severus.Now I wonder what will happen in the morning? I hope Hermione has had an arousing dream or two during the night.Beth
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
I know that killing in a battle is so different than on the streets - it rattles you, so I couldn't just have Hermione shake it off in one night. The intuition is - well, there is more there than that. Bonding effects, form when he strengthened the bond. Nope, she was lost in her thoughts, a dangerous thing, and yes, it's good Severus was there.
Until those Death Eaters showed up, Severus and Hermione had had a good day. I know his taking her to Hogwarts was a bit out of the ordinary, but it could not be helped. Somehow I think the fact that Hermione knows she had been responsible for at least one man's death will have a life changing effect on her... I'm sorry she has to deal with it now, but on the whole I think it will help her understand Severus' reluctance to revisit his past.Beth
Response from braye27 (Reviewer)
I forgot to mention how much I loved Miss Maggie's reaction to finding out how her job was going to be changed... on top of finding out that her order for more stationery was going to be delayed. Brilliant!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
Yep, it was a pretty good day. Hermione now has more answers, and she can now understand what it's like to have something you truly regret in your past. Oh, yes, Maggie - the old bitty - she's not gonna be a happy witch. lol
Hermione handled the ruckus at George's shop very adroitly. Quick thinking on her part. And Lucius had lent her several of his books. And thank Merlin he did. Between what she found out in the books from the Malfoy library, the books Severus bought her, the ones in his library, and from Augusta Long bottom and Luna, she now has a much clearer understanding of the Moon-Song CURSE. I was delighted that she knew that neither Severus nor Lucius was fabricating what they had told her.This new understanding has allowed her to approach her relationship with Severus with a greater appreciation of what entering into the casting of this spell had set in motion. And this has in turn allowed them to spend a wonderful day with each other. They may not realize it yet, but I think they've overcome a huge impediment. I hope Severus will decide to go to the Burrow with Hermione for dinner... and perhaps get a handle on the "Ron mess." I know Ron won't be happy to see him there, but it has to happen sometime. I just pray that it goes well.Beth
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
Yes, she needed answers, solid understanding about this spell. and the finality that she's in. It is a point of her acceptance of them being Bonded. Although she's still wanting one more thing confirmed from Severus... But yes, Lucius lending her books is actually going to help make something happen later. Thank you for the review, doll. Happy reading.
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful writing. There is so much information in this chapter and it really help me (and Hermione, I hope) understand the meaning of the Moon-Song Spell.Hermione's choice of ink made me laugh, but Severus' choice for his reply made me guffaw. I'm amazed that he could withstand the temptation to put a big red "T" on it.The unspoken conversion between Lucius and Severus was hilarious. I never knew so much could be communicated through this unconventional sign language between these two old friends. LOL! Am I just dense or simply uninformed? Bea, this part was inspired writing!I'm worried about Severus' great-grandfather, and glad that he has taken over preparing the potions for him. I get the feeling that Healer Priswell has ulterior motives in making inferior potions for the old man. Is she the one behind this nefarious plan? I've tried to think of a reason why she would act in such a way toward her patient, and the only thing that comes to mind is that perhaps she was recommended to Talfryn Prince years ago, and he has hired her as his private healer. Has he written her into his will? Could she be trying to speed his journey into the next life? This is all very disturbing.I'm glad that Lucius "took the bull by the horns," in an effort to get Hermione to understand what she set in motion when she agreed to become a part of Ginny's and Luna's casting of the spell. With any luck at all, Hermione will come to see that Severus really is trying and the reasons behind the things he has been telling her. I hope their next date go much smoother. And I think Lucius should tell Severus about his lunch with Hermione before he finds out from Hermione.Thanks for another great chapter!Beth
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
Thank you very much. Yes, there is a lot in here to digest. I've pretty much closed the part of the spell in this one, and now she knows exactly what it does, the consequences and hopefully the finality of it. lets hope. As best friends, signals are not uncommon, but I know some military guys and some sign language movements - which gave me the idea of a silent language-codes. Yes, worry about Talfryn, but keep in mind Pepper is a good house-elf and Severus now knows that he's being poisoned. Yes, there is nefarious going on. But I can't say anything yet. sorry. I wanted to have Lucius give Hermione a clear view of why he's going to be respectful toward her and why his change of attitude. I also wanted to show the pure-blood attitude toward the spell. Theabsolute acceptance of the outcome - regardless of how bad the match can be. Thank you for the review, doll. Hope you like what comes next.
Oh geez. My heart is breaking for Severus. He is trying so hard, and she is so unsure of herself and her feelings for him... my heart is breaking. This chapter is so very well written, and the pathos surrounding Severus and Hermione came through like a deep, persistent ache.I thought the interview with the panel of school governors was a hoot. At least his meeting with Minerva went well, and some touchy subjects were addressed in a way that both of them could live with.As for Spinners End, I think Narcissa's elves did a wonderful job, especially with the sunroom, but I wonder if Severus even noticed it.I can't stand it, I've got to get to the next chapter before I die of anticipation. They are going to spend the whole day together this weekend, aren't they? Is that like 24 hours in a day? I gotta find out!Beth
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
Yes, sorry but as all relationships that involve two dysfunctional people, both with scars (in this case for Hermione, caused by the one you're Bonded to) it's sometimes hard to get over some things. And he's trying, but not exactly giving into his feelings either - he wants to be with her, but hasn't accepted/come to love her - yet. Working on some of their issues. I promise. I'm their therapist in a way. And it's only been a few months - not really that long. So you liked the board meeting. lol good. Yep, the house has been cleaned and some stuff that Narcissa sent to the house (remember Lucius telling Severus that she redecorated some rooms in the manor?) ended up in Severus' house. lol Nice to have rich friends, huh? Believe me - Severus noticed. How in the world could he not? Thank you for the review. Happy reading.
Lucius Malfoy has a gift for making funny, if spot-on, observations: “That’s what dating is – unnecessary expense for little reward,” Lucius teased him. “Don’t tell me she insists on expensive dinners?” This one cracked me up.I hope Hermione won't dither too long before deciding to go to Spinners End with Severus. He really can't go on this way... and I wish she wouldn't lie to him... Thanks for another realistic and sometimes touching chapter, bea. I'm really beginning to hurt for Severus.Beth
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
Oh I am loving using the Malfoys in this story - he is 'the voice of wisdom' for Severus, just as Hermione was the voice of wisdom for Harry. Only he has more wit, nerve and charm. I know that Hermione is offset by him at the moment, but as she had tired and nearly gave up - he's now accepting and trying to woo her back... unsuccessfully - sort of. It's going to take some healing, trust and trying to get them in a good place in this relationship, it's two people who really need therapy. lol Working on it all and so far - there is progress... some progress.
I'm so happy that Severus finally understood what Hermione had been trying to tell him about how the thought of going to Malfoy Manor made her feel. Brilliant way to get the point across, bea! I'm really tickled that Severus wanted to go back to his mother's family's home. I don't know what he will find when he gets to his great-grandfather's room, but I hope he isn't too late. I hope he gets a chance to talk with Talfryn Prince about that side of his family. I wonder if Talfryn is the last of his relatives.Hermione and Ginny had a very busy afternoon of shopping, and I thought all the commotion was funny. I take my hat to Hermione for not hexing some of the girls making the crude remarks about her and Severus. Hell, I wanted to hex them myself!The things Ron told Hermione about the remaining Death Eaters and their sympathizers were down right frightening. The bald-faced daylight attacks in Diagon Alley are very disturbing, not to mention the robbery at George's shop.Miss Maggie Whitmire is quite the "undercover" operator, isn't she? I can only nope she is digging her metaphorical grave deeper and deeper.Great chapter!Beth
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
Oh yes, all they need to do is learn how to express things with him/her on a mature level - ah, I feel like a therapist. It was just a side line that nagged at me and you'll see more of it as this progresses. as in life - things happen and things get us sidetracked. lolHermione is seeing what Harry had to deal with, only he came to expect it a bit. Yep, the DE's are out there - and you'll see more of them as well. Maggie - she's a piece of work and an annoyance. Thank you for the review, brayer. Hugs
I loved this chapter! I only wish Hermione could make herself go with him to Malfoy Manor, but I completely understand why she will not. At least they've spent a mostly pleasant afternoon together.Beth
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
Nope - and she has good reason (in her opinion) Yep, the afternoon was good. Thank you for the review.
Once again our Miss Whitmire is being the epitomy of "Loose-Lips-Lucy." Perhaps this will be the time she gets cought red handed.Those Death Eaters waiting for them at Godric's Hollow were a good reminder that even though Voldemort is gone, the havoc he created is still at large. I'm glad Severus was able to at least get this bunch off the streets.Except for a couple of sunburns, Harry's birthday weekend was a rousing success, and Luna and Hermione will soon make that all right, too.Now just what is Hermione going to tell Severus? He can't be far behind his Patronus, can he?Beth
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
lol Yes, Maggie is a gossip lover. Yes, the attack should be a good reminder that the dangers are not over, there are dissidents still at large, and yes, Severus did get some off the streets. It was a birthday any Muggle would love. Oh, wait till you read... Thank you for the review.
Despite the way Hermione Apparated away from Severus as they "talked" by the river, I think the evening went well, except they didn't get to see the sunset from the pier. I'm glad that she finally understands that they are bonded for life and that no amount of "foolish wand waving" can undo it. I wish Severus had gone inside Spinner's End and had seen what had been changed.I love that Severus has decided to accept the Headmaster's position. Wonder how that is going to work with Hermione being a student? Will she stay with Severus in his quarters?I loved this chapter. It's pure Hermione and pure Snape. And like Ginny said, they sorted out quite a bit.Beth
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
Well I wanted a date that wasn't perfect - I can't see these two having a perfect first date, besides, this isn't Severus' usual m. o. lol Yep, he accepted the position. It will be fun to find out, won't it? Hummm. possibly or not... Thank you. They did sort out a bit. Thank you for the review, doll.
That was quite brilliant.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
Thank you very much.
I liked the interaction between Severus and Hermione, and am glad that he softened enough to get her to stay and have some bonding time as best they can in the current situation. What is with him making her think he is worse off than he is? And not revealing that he has been released from the hospital? I sure hope the upcoming raid goes better than the previous one. And of course that the two of them get some alone time coming up. How are they ever going to form anything more than the ambiguous relationship that they currently have if they are always apart? Looking forward to more soon!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
It's been tough getting one emotionally-scarred, slightly dysfunctional male and a warn-torn-battle-bruised teen with little romantic relationship experience aligned in a healthy relationship, but I think I'm finally getting them there. Or at least on the right track. Hopefully. lolHe was testing her to see how much she cared about him, and if there was hope. A male Slytherin tactic of sorts. He didn't tell her because if was against Healer advice, and He has other things to resolve. But by not telling her, he once again gets to have the advantage... Don't worry, he's in the castle next chapter!Thank you very much for the review and pretty stars.
I'm so glad he is improving. It is high time he gets back so they can get moving along with the relationship. Hermione must feel like such an outcast with her dorm mates. They don't mean any harm, but hopefully the excitement will wear off and things will calm down for her. About those dreams... hmmm...
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
Yes, they are. Oh, he returns soon enough. Hermione still has Luna and Ginny around, but yes, the excitment will ebb a bit as we go along. For some of the girls. Yes, those dreams... lol Thank you very much for the review and the pretty stars.
I like it. Please update soon.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
Thank you very much.
I like it. Well, maybe LIKE isn't the right word, but I'm intrigued and want to read more. I can't blame Snape for being angry and Hermione should have known better than to mess with magic without doing the research. She seems a bit out of character in that respect. Not that I mind a bit of OOC. Snape, however, does not seem at all OOC. LOL. Lucius doesn't KNOW who the girl is, yet. I wonder if he'll be so empathetic when he finds out!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
I really appreciate your honesty. Most poeple think she's ooc, but she's post war, possibly tramatized a bit from it all now that it's over, young, and missed out on that 'natural childhood' in this one. We all make mistakes, but she's not a competent in the relationship department in this story. Giving advice is one thing: living what you give as 'advice to others' is another. lol I think you'll be quite surprised by Lucius in this fic. I hope you enjoy the rest, but keep in mind, one emotionally disfunctional guy + one relationship inept girl = a very rocky relationship and things will not be easy for them.
Response from mimmom (Reviewer)
I wouldn't want a story without some sort of conflict. :) I read lots of rocky relationship stories.
I like it. Well, maybe LIKE isn't the right word, but I'm intrigued and want to read more. I can't blame Snape for being angry and Hermione should have known better than to mess with magic without doing the research. She seems a bit out of character in that respect. Not that I mind a bit of OOC. Snape, however, does not seem at all OOC. LOL. Lucius doesn't KNOW who the girl is, yet. I wonder if he'll be so empathetic when he finds out!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
Thank you for your honest statements. Yes, war torn, weary, and young Hermione made a mistake. Don't we all. I hope you like the rest of the story. Thank you for the review.
Response from mimmom (Reviewer)
Hermione never lived through her adolescence properly. It's a time of many MANY social mistakes but she has had to deal with life in time of war and actually was in the very center of things where no child should be. She's more than entitled to make a few mistakes now. Snape made some DOOZIES when he was her age. Oh well. He's had so few people on whom he could rely so he tends to be self absorbed.
oh dear. Snape's in for a bit of a shock. Very good so far. I'm enjoying this.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
Thank you very much. Yes he is!
I can't wait for him to get back to Hogwarts. All those little hiding spots... The scene where he sets MacTavish up was fabulous.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
Yes, well he will very soon. Yes, all those little places he knows so well. Thank you for the review and the pretty stars.
Interesting chapter. I really liked the scene between Hermione and Severus. Their relationship seems to be growing/developing nicely. Great job. Can't wait for more! ~Jen
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
Thank you very much. Yes, he wanted to know how she felt about him. lol Thank you for the review and the starts. Hugs~
I rather liked the smaller interactions between Hermione and Severus.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
Thank you very much.
I have pulled this chapter up 4 times to try and read it. Well now I am done. Once again you created a brilliant world that I can loose myself in. Severus is the ultimate Sytherin. I like that Hermione was pushing but in the right direction. I hope that she does not do anything stupid and waits for Sev to come back to the castle. I hope that it will be an interesting reunion. Hint Hint.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
Thank you very much for your compliment. Oh, the reunion will be 'controlled' by our fav Slytherin. lol So it will be a bit fun, well, I had fun writing it. Thank you very much for the review and the pretty stars.
Vengeance will be his... :)
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
LOL oh yes.
Great update! Glad to see things progressing for Severus and Hermione. Interesting on the wand, I would've almost thought it would be related to David (or whichever healer) as he "killed" him to resuscitate him... But then again Severus didn't have his wand on him at the time like he did in the raid.Why do I have the sensing doom that Hermione's going to take things into her own hands since Kingsley and Harry are obviously trying to protect her possibly on Severus' orders. And I'm assuming she doesn't know that he's been released.Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Plight-Trothed Bride)
Thank you very much. Yes, things are progresing. Well, the wand... MacTavish disarmed him when Severus was hit with the Inferius Curse, and his wnad changed loyalty. Hermione used the Humane Killing Curse, Mortiferus ferire vitalis, on Severus, not David. So, if the wand were to recognize her, he'd be able to use if since they are soulmates. Because you know me too well... but I've another thing in mind. Nope she doesn't know he's walked out AHA. (against Healer's advice)Thank you very much for the review and the pretty stars.
Response from Jinxie (Reviewer)
Aw a pity. I could just imagine David writing her a tattling letter on Severus walking out! Looking forward to seeing what scenario you have in mind.