New Chapter for A Kind Of Magic
A Kind Of Magic
star_girl345 Reviews | 345 Ratings, 0 Likes, 62 Favorites )
What happens when two types of magic collide? Severus Snape is about to find out...
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About star_girl
Member Since 2008 | 12 Stories | Favorited by 64 | 88 Reviews Written | 734 Review Responses
I also write with morgaine_dulac under the pseudonym sevs_starsisters.
Reviews for A Kind Of Magic
What a beautiful, beautiful, BEAUTIFUL ending! *can't stop gushing*
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Reviewer)
Please let me know whether there is a sequel to this... Would love to read it!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Thank you so, SO much for taking the time to read and review. I am amazed people are still reading and enjoying after all this time. There isn't a sequel I'm afraid but if you fancy another long fic I have an SS/GW on here called "A Second Chance for Happiness" if that floats your boat. Thanks again for your support, it made me grin from ear to ear getting your reviews :)
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Reviewer)
Ah, I'm quite a newbie here, tbh... I discovered fanfiction pretty late (late 2015 :P)... but then, better late than never! You should have seen MY grin as I read your story and was quite fascinated to note how alike we think (I mean, I was just writing an SS-centric Parvati Patil story inspired by the Gandhamadana herbs mentioned in the Ramayana, which also deals with alternative magic, you could say!) Oh, and I'll definitely check out the SS/GW fic. I'll read anything that's not SSHG (love to LOATHE that one!), though SS/OC remains my all-time fav! Nice meeting you
BUNSEN BURNERS!!!! On a more serious note, this chapter was adorable. Strongly reminds me of MY own girlfriends and the unadulterated girl talk!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Well, a girl's got to tell her secrets to someone, right?
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Reviewer)
But she didn't. At least, not fully! *wicked grin*
You've made Dumbledore very likeable here for me, more than in canon; being a portrait becomes him more - HA! Lovey moments and suspicion on Sev's part. Look forward to Sarah's reaction to the revised history book
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
The interaction between Snape and Dumbles is such fun to write.
Lovely - you capture all of the excitement and magic of going to Hogwarts through Sarah's eyes so sweetly & smoothly - you can just feel her feelings and hear Sev purring his tom-cat purr in pride showing her around! Can't wait for their private lessons!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Thank you :)
Love your sizing Severus' own feelings of himself and the (im)possibility of being loved/loveable - you precisely zing us wih it; and love your Dumbledore being Dumbledore to the fullest - lovely chapter!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
I do love writing Dumbles I must admit!
Oh, ye gods, this is not going to be easy - for either of them! *evil grin* Love it!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
The path of true love never did run smoothly...
Love the development and all the possibilities going & being at Hogwarts will present!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Thank you again, I'm so pleased you're enjoying it the second time round :)
Love his reflections and that, after all he's been through, he accepts that he believes in love...
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Of course he does... he's a pussycat really ;)
Love the natural flow of their magical revelations!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
It was time to be honest!
Mmm... love the banter and passion - the entire set-up is just brilliant! Love his coming down a peg or two and Sarah's powers bursting forth!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
This is where it really kicks off!
Wonderful - I remember this, and it's all the more special; such a wonderful rital enactment, and the wonderful cliff-hanger!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Thank you! :)
Yes, yes, and yes! I feared he wouldn't play along, but I'm glad his, um, curiousity is up and willing! And Sarah does seem keen on confirming the man from her dreams is a part of her future-wonderful chapter!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
He still thinks he has the advantage here... how wrong he is ;)
*happy dance* - Merlin, I love this chapter, the overlapping and blend of Wicca & Wiarding Worlds, and I have a feeling Sev is truly going to benefit soon in more ways than one - let the Great Rite begin! xx
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Awww, thank you! Reading your revies as you revisit the story makes me want to re-read it too, hehe.
Oh, yes, too close for comforts that spell sounds... Severus can't help his reflexes for survival, after all he's been through! reading on! xx
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
I love the dynamics & pace set, and the Flinch and Madam Pince imagery is just priceless *evil grin*; love that the book contains so straightforward information - just enough but not too much - to really urge Severus onward! xx
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Filch and Pince are an unholy union!
Hey, love! I'm snuggling down this evening and enjoying this story that I read many moons ago on another site, and now, I'm so happy to experience it again - wonderful Wicca set- up, and am guffawing & relishing Sev watching every moment & move of Sarah's!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
hey nag, I'm honoured that you decided to revisit this story, which is my first ever fanfic! Thank you :) xx
Absolutely Sev, turn this lovely new discovery to your advantage - hehe! Wonderful scenario - I have a feeling that he's going to watch, learn and enjoy his research (it's about time;-) xx
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Well, he is a Sytherin after all ;)
Started your story last night. What a wonderful Christmas present to myself. That is to enjoy the happiness that Severus so deserves. Thank you for giving Severus the love and attention that JKR so overlooked.
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Thank you so much for reading, I'm so pleased you enjoyed it enough to read it all in one go!
It just came to my attention that I never congratulated you for fnishing this story in a so wonderful manner. good job!!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Thank you so much for sticking with it, and all your reviews and support. Means alot :-)
Wicca being the one great advantage she has over him, this is a wonderful approach. Meddling though! Let's hope she can keep quiet for a while. Severus was already responding to her rite: "he had come to realise, she soothed his soul"I wonder will he ever watch her memories; will he find a way to heal her, too?
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
There are only a few chapters to go, so I hope you enjoy where this heads. Thanks so much for the review.
Will Severus feel anything different as Sarah completes her ritual? I am all sorts of curious!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
You'll have to wait and see ;-)
What a lovely idea of her wanting to heal him, body, heart and soul. Beautiful.
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Thank you, sis. I don't think the dear professor desrves anything less than total adoration :)
I'm sure he'll forget all about it once she's there in his arms.
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Naww. Best place to be.
Yes someone will need cheering up, I know just the witch to do it!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Any offers? ;)