New Chapter for A Kind Of Magic
A Kind Of Magic
star_girl345 Reviews | 6.06/10 (345 Ratings, 0 Likes, 62 Favorites )
What happens when two types of magic collide? Severus Snape is about to find out...
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About star_girl
Member Since 2008 | 12 Stories | Favorited by 64 | 88 Reviews Written | 734 Review Responses
I also write with morgaine_dulac under the pseudonym sevs_starsisters.
Reviews for A Kind Of Magic
Ah, Severus, trust yourself a little bit!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Bless him. Feels he so unworthy of love.
Their both so insecure about themselves as to being attractive. Hopefully they can both encourage each other in that matter. You know, help each other see how great they are. So, now did the binding make her conceive? And Severus said there are ways to get around her age to be a student. Certainly there are ways to get around her being a student and being in love with him. (He's just afraid to go down that path, right?)
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
He's afraid and also a man concerned with fulfilling his duty. He feels responsible. Sarah and Severus have more in common than they realise.
If she has some of his powers, does that mean he has less?
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
An interesting question. I'd say no, from how strong LV became after his transference to HP. And SS is a powerful wizard. But she gave some of herself, her love, to him. They now share a bond.
Thank you for that - Dumbles is good for something at least- trying to clean up one of his messes is a start; Sarah is being overwhelmed and there's more to come-- but now the hard part: Severus... he's been cut so deeply... his own worst enemy... great chapter! xxx
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
You nailed it there, definitely his own worst enemy
Must read on - lovely, lovely work - yum!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Well, both must put one foot in front of the other... their hearts have broken - can they mend them and will they allow themselves to - especially Sev - we know how *extreme* he can be... great work!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
small steps for both of them.
What a way to find out - the full witnessing of experiencing his deed, rather than verbal - WOW! so, painfully, well done - poor Sarah & poor Sev! xxx
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Cruel, aren't I? :(
Great chapter - it's 'refreshing' to read a story where Sev's dark past isn't glossed over in a few lines, but rather clearly depicted - some of the acts of what Death Eaters did and what it meant to be one/met their criteria; it's poignant in capturing the defilement of the broken, female rape victim as well as the young male one, Sev, forced to partake in the deed - well done!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Not a pleasant topic, it's true, but I never thought Snape took pleasure in violence. He could torture far more effectively with mere words.
Sweet banter and fun! Sarah's surprising him early should be a true surprise!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
You'd think that...
Leave it to Dumbles to force him to dig and unearth the past; but Sev seems to accept that soomer is better than later...
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Good old Dumbledore, master manipulator!
Lovely chapter - so the time is drawing near for others in the Wizarding World to receive her, as well as her saying her good-byes to her Muggle world.
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
It's an exciting time!
Post-coital yum, regardless of the slightly foreboding owl from Mr Ollivader - back to bed, indeed, Sarah & Sev!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
These two certinaly click on a physical level...
Perfect, just simply perfect - thank you!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Thank YOU!
Got to read on - and quickly - great chapter!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
love the smoking icon :)
Love Sev being a sugar-daddy - LOL! Just kidding; rather I love it that he is enjoying spending his Galleons in such a way and having someone so wonderful to spend them on, regardless of him feeling obligated - lovely chapter! Lovely wandlore details -yum!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
I see him as being chivalrous really, and quite old-fashioned in that sense.
Ah, Sev is so yummy and debonaire -lucky Sarah! Thank you for all the detail and ambience - it's such a rich treat!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Who knew he could be so sophisticated?
He is just a big pussycat, isn't he? Him grabbing her and his resounding 'No!'- brava! and the incredible confession of being afraid - great!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
underneath it all, there's a big heart that yearns for love.
Incredibly *sweet, sweet* chapter - so gently and flowing - lovely atmosphere & chemistry! Squeeing!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
I would, once again, kill to be Sarah!! To go to Hogwarts, and be taught by Snape...Excellent!
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Me too! But it won't be easy...
Poor Severus, will he ever believe that he is worthy of love?Hope you arrived safely in the New Year./M
Response from star_girl (Author of A Kind Of Magic)
Hugs star sister x