Search Works in post-HBP/HBP
Current parameters show 310 of 310 stories.
Trysts With Quidam
60 Ratings, 0 Likes, 39 Favorites )After Severus decides to embrace his second chance at life and happiness, he stumbles upon a bizarre late-night rendezvous that changes his life forever.
347 Words, Started 10/13/2009, Completed 11/13/2009
The Waiting Game
58 Ratings, 0 Likes, 27 Favorites )Severus has just five days to make Hermione his. But he also has a murder to solve. Can he do it in time? Or will his partner, Draco Malfoy, get the girl?
Complete AU. Does exactly what it says on the tin (and no funny business).
16,843 Words, Started 06/22/2007, Updated 02/12/2008
The Resolution Solution
by GinnyW
57 Ratings, 0 Likes, 79 Favorites )A drunk Snape makes a list of New Years resolutions and now has one year to fulfill the entire list or he loses his magic.
19,678 Words, Started 08/07/2006, Updated 01/25/2007
Revelations of a Bed and Breakfast
by Soul Bound
56 Ratings, 0 Likes, 112 Favorites )Winner of the Potter Place Prompt Challenge! Days after the final battle, Harry Potter flees to Muggle London for some fresh air, ends up following Severus Snape to a secret meeting, and witnesses something he wasn't meant to see.
5,434 Words, Started 12/07/2006, Completed 12/07/2006
The Valiant Never
55 Ratings, 0 Likes, 37 Favorites )SBHG: Her best friends' fates – and that of her world – lay on her shoulders. At 20, Hermione Granger can't do it alone. But Fate steps in, and the Impossible gives her hope... and love. "Sirius"... :Abstract Prologue:
**Reviews are much appreciated**
163,560 Words, Started 01/08/2007, Completed 07/02/2008
In Need of a Moment
54 Ratings, 0 Likes, 9 Favorites )Hermione finds herself drawn to Ron's older brother. He feels the same. Is something possible between them? This is in drabble format--my first attempt at it.
10,411 Words, Started 06/03/2006, Completed 07/19/2006
The F Word
by madqueenmab
54 Ratings, 0 Likes, 87 Favorites )My answer to the "Creative Cursing" Challenge. Snape's in recovery post-snakebite; Hermione's swearing like mad. Snark and sexiness occurs.
997 Words, Started 05/18/2008, Completed 05/18/2008
54 Ratings, 0 Likes, 53 Favorites )Losing someone is always hard. Hermione deals with starting over, coping with loss, and the confusion of moving on.
3,411 Words, Started 08/08/2006, Completed 08/08/2006
Guilt and Suspicion
by snuggleslut
53 Ratings, 0 Likes, 72 Favorites )Hermione is just starting her life as an Unspeakable when something happens to her in the Department of Mysteries, forcing her to deal with her inner turmoil with some unwilling help from Severus Snape.
12,363 Words, Started 05/22/2008, Updated 12/19/2008
You Win
by Pearle
52 Ratings, 0 Likes, 82 Favorites )An angry and annoyed Hermione has decided to give up on "Project: Friend Snape." But sometimes we miss most what we can no longer have.
Note: The M(R) rating is basically for one word in the story, even the imagery is not as explicit as the rating.
4,518 Words, Started 12/07/2006, Completed 12/07/2006
by firefly124
51 Ratings, 0 Likes, 57 Favorites )Nagini's bite carried some severe consequences, and Severus has a long, rocky road to recovery ahead of him. Traveling that road leads to healing, and not just for him.
18,843 Words, Started 02/26/2008, Completed 03/11/2008
Wasted Time
by CharmedForce
49 Ratings, 0 Likes, 37 Favorites )A short look at Hermione's life after Hogwarts, and how sometimes the one person we spend so much time looking for is right next to us the whole way.
5,875 Words, Started 06/08/2007, Completed 06/14/2007
The Serpent's Egg
by Azrael
47 Ratings, 0 Likes, 74 Favorites )A Time Turner Story. Finding Horcruxes is dangerous business and the trio are looking forward to a night at the Hogs Head. But then a Time Turner accident changes everything...
32,889 Words, Started 02/14/2007, Updated 06/25/2007
Deception of the Night
47 Ratings, 0 Likes, 23 Favorites )Unexpected circumstances during the summer lead Hermione to a situation she never imagined.
16,244 Words, Started 11/21/2006, Updated 06/20/2007
Pushing the Envelope
by Britt1975
46 Ratings, 0 Likes, 53 Favorites )Severus Snape is about to be given his liberty from the Ministry’s pilot rehabilitations program and his Probational Monitor, Hermione Granger. Five years is a long time to spend under the thumb of an annoyingly know-it-all Gryffindor, but is it long enough for him to see her as more than that? Will accusations of impropriety doom their chance for happiness?
13,707 Words, Started 08/16/2007, Completed 09/29/2007
Beginning To Live
by juniperus
42 Ratings, 0 Likes, 19 Favorites )After surviving Voldemort's psychosis, Dumbledore's machinations, and Nagini's bite, Severus Snape tries to begin anew half a world away from home. "It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live." - Marcus Aurelius
7,543 Words, Started 10/25/2008, Updated 11/10/2008
The Trials of Matchmaking
by shalimar1981
38 Ratings, 0 Likes, 38 Favorites )After the war Molly Weasley decides that Severe Matchmaking Tactics have to be employed so everyone will be paired up happily. What does that mean for Hermione and the two men interested in her? Of course, this is Molly Weasely's version of 'happy' we're talking about. Warning: wacky pairings, misunderstandings, machinations and general silliness ahead. Not DH compliant of course. A gift to evie_eros in the Summer Round of the SSHG exchange 2007. Nominated for Best Mulitple Partner Story at the Quill to Parchment awards! Nominated at the OWL awards 2008!
11,623 Words, Started 08/22/2007, Updated 04/11/2008
A Wizard's Guide
by Pearle
37 Ratings, 0 Likes, 81 Favorites )The woman in the photo was her, right down to the birthmark she had on her right hip, but why Snape would have a copy of "The Wizard's Guide to the Kama Sutra" with her picture on it made no sense, but then, not everything is always as it seems.
Based on a drabble written for the GrangerSnape100 ‘It's not what it looks like Challenge.’
7,213 Words, Started 06/01/2007, Completed 06/01/2007
A Rose for Hermione
37 Ratings, 0 Likes, 25 Favorites )Hermione and Snape disappeared years earlier. Harry has finally found them. One shot.
2,860 Words, Started 03/07/2006, Completed 03/07/2006
Faithful Death
37 Ratings, 0 Likes, 22 Favorites )It is five years after the final battle and life is great until there is a murder at Hogwarts. Please heed the warnings.
27,935 Words, Started 07/31/2006, Completed 09/12/2006
Twilight Indulgence
35 Ratings, 0 Likes, 42 Favorites )Severus is surprised to find a scantily dressed Hermione in his bedroom during the night. Why, whatever could she want? And why is Lucius lurking about the castle? Response to the Potter Place Fall Prompt #5.
9,831 Words, Started 12/10/2006, Completed 12/10/2006
The Dear John Letters
35 Ratings, 0 Likes, 44 Favorites )Letters in search of a noble end. And a pair of knickers.
2,457 Words, Started 02/27/2008, Completed 02/27/2008
As Sharp As Any Thorn
by Argosy
34 Ratings, 0 Likes, 65 Favorites )The road to redemption is a winding one. Draco Malfoy spends Christmas at Grimmauld Place, post HBP. DM/HG.
9,107 Words, Started 05/29/2006, Completed 05/29/2006
My Brother's Child
by beaweasley2
34 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )Fred's girlfriend Lydia goes to Fred’s the funeral to lay flowers on his grave and breaks down crying. After the funeral, she tells George that she's pregnant with Fred's baby, and he accidently announces her pregnancy to the entire family. However, George decides at Fred’s wake that he’d like to raise his brother's child. How can he convince her to marry him? Does she? What do the others think?
15,948 Words, Started 02/09/2008, Completed 03/27/2008