New Chapter for The Resolution Solution
The Resolution Solution
GinnyW57 Reviews | 57 Ratings, 0 Likes, 79 Favorites )
A drunk Snape makes a list of New Years resolutions and now has one year to fulfill the entire list or he loses his magic.
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About GinnyW
20 Stories | Favorited by 251 | 164 Reviews Written | 529 Review Responses
I'm a 40+ year old mother of 4 who works full-time, goes to school, and writes in what little spare time I have. Once upon a time I co-moderate the SS/HG Gift Exchange with Shiv5468 and Scattered Logic.
Reviews for The Resolution Solution
do you think you'll finish this?
Great chapter. I am glad she finally got the courage to tell him her feelings, even if it took the rude grammy to do it! I liked their conversation and his gift to her very much! Looking forward to the next update--not so long this time please!
Great story and I can't wait to see what happens. Only a few days left
I can't believe this chapter put tears in my eyes. I'm so happy to see the update. Poor Sev. Hermione's Gram is a nightmare. I have a mother-in-law just like that. Even offered to pay for DH's wedding to someone else once he dumped me. People like that do exist. Who would believe it? Please update soon!!!!
The chapter was definitely worth the wait! I love how her incredibly rude relatives served to do something good in the end - I like how you make her realize he is insecure and not trying to rebuff her... Looking forward to moooooore.
WAAAAAAAAH!! It's not finished!! *wails some more* Want moooooorrrrre!*grrrs* Don't lag so long in posting the next chapter, next time--I have a Mob, and I'm not afraid to wield torches with 'em!*hugs*~Lotm
Everything really reached a crescendo for Severus in this chapter. His anxiety over the horrible consequences of failing to clear his list before New Years arrived really came through. The qualities and actions necessary to accomplish the last task clearly are in conflict with his basic nature as you've shown us repeatedly. These two things combined kept him from realizing that the solution to his problem had been circling round him for a long time. I especially liked the last scene where he works out for himself that she is more than just the answer to the problem but also something he wants to keep. I appreciate that it took you a while to get this all to come out just right. The wait for this update was worth it, from this reader's perspective, to get this result. I'm hoping the remainder will flow more easily, and through a large lemon grove perhaps(?) before it reaches fini.
For some strange reason, my favorite line is Clan of the Redheads. But the nightmarish scene at her parents' house is like Clan of the Inlaws - giving Severus a nice preview of married life with Hermione. Poor guy! Can't Hermione pay him a visit after she recovers from telling off her Grammy? She might need a Calming Draught. (heh-heh!)
Oh, Severus is such a prickly man! Is Hermione sure she loves him now that he's awake? ;-)
I love the gift. What a beautiful way of telling her he cares, despite his gruff and, well, obnoxious behavior. Perhaps he's readier to admit his feelings for her than he thinks?
Love it, doll. Love it!
Oh man, Grammy was a mean old bitty. Bah!
I really enjoyed this chapter. It was well worth the wait.
thank you for the new chapter. it was wonderful.
"grammy" sounds like some of my relatives. Some actually insulted my husband while we were dating with my own father's prompting. Unfortunately they did it during a family members wedding and my hubby was so pissed he sat in the car for most of it.
I hope things are going better on the homefront. keep in touch. your in my prayers. p
Thanks for the update. Severus' POV was great.
Just please don't rush them to the New Year. I'd love to see more of their interactions until then- especially Severus' POV.
You have sucked me into a WIP. LOL.
I like that Snape is for once at Hermione's beck and call. Can't wait to see how it ends up.
Oh, Ginny, I'm so glad you said it 'wouldn't be too long 'til the next chapter.' I can't wait! This is such a fun story--I'm really enjoying it. Love date #4 especially!
yay! more 'resolution solution!' i loved this update--the nametag and the convo between remus and snape were inspired. it sounds like hermione is already well on her way to being wooed...
Two more chapters? *taps foot semi-impatiently*
Another funny chapter, everyone calling him 'Prince.' Favourite line:
"Hell, if he became a Muggle he wouldn’t be able to see his own castle!"
Items one and four gone?... now there is no excuse for him to offer, "hot sex… er… access to his personal library for her assistance." Maybe he should offer anyway, he does still need a girlfriend.
"It turns out she hadn’t like his suggestion of seeing if the list would be satisfied by using chains." *snicker* Obviously that cow doesn't know what she would be missing. ;)
This is really funny, LOL the whole time reading. :)
The nametag thing was a nice move by Hermione! Let's just hope that Severus will manage to let go of his embarrasment and anger and let her in. And I have to admit that I'm hoping for two more chapters rather than one, even though I really want to know how it all ends I don't want to stop reading it.
Oh, how fun! I truly am enjoying this story. I can't wait to see if he succeeds with Hermione; honestly, the poor fellow's throwing away happiness with both hands.
I can't wait to read more!
LOL, omg, that part about his date trying to poison him during dinner was classic!
Wonderful! I love the story and can't wait to see how things end and how Hermione got into his house!Keep Writing,
More more more more more more more more, please!~Lotm
Very inventive--but it needs resolution NOW! Please post soonest...
Query: Can anvils loom?Excellent start, anvils notwithstanding.
And this chapter was just as bloody brilliant as the first! Now, where's the rest?