New Chapter for Deception of the Night
Deception of the Night
Clara Minutes47 Reviews | 47 Ratings, 0 Likes, 23 Favorites )
Unexpected circumstances during the summer lead Hermione to a situation she never imagined.
Start ReadingChapters (13)
About Clara Minutes
Clara Minutes
Member Since 2005 | 5 Stories | Favorited by 13 | 2 Reviews Written | 98 Review Responses
I'm a 20-something musician that loves Harry Potter. I've been writing for a while now. I've taken a little bit of a break from HP to focus on some other writings, but I'm making a comeback!
Reviews for Deception of the Night
Loved It!! Wicked!! Amazing!! Fantastic!! Bloody Brilliant!!
awwww, good chapter lets hope Hermione's able to wrap her mind around the realities of the situation soon.
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
She is making slow but steady progress, which is only to be expected after the horrors she went through. Thanks for reading and letting me know!
Awesome! Can't wait for the next chapter...I just hope that Hermione will be able to talk to Severus in the next chapter! I do hope so!
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
Thank you for reading and letting me know! I can guarantee that they'll talk, but things won't be very easy.
Ach! I've figured out the problem. [Yes, I'm a chronic complainer, but I write this with only the best of intentions.] It's a good story. I like the story. But it is my humble opinion that it lacks passion.
Not sexual passion, but intensity, fervor! It reads more like you are just tickling at the story rathering than shouting it out. Put some oomph in it! Crank up the emotions.
You can be passionate without all the gory details I wrote of in the last chapters review. These people need to express themselves more vividly.
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
I appreciate your words. Occasionally a bit hard to swallow, but I do ask for any and all feedback! It helps me to know exactly what my readers are thinking. I do realize that my descriptions are a bit nonexistant, and I am working on that. If you've read any of my old stuff you'll notice that.
Again, thank you for your thoughts.
I understand where Hermione is coming from, and I know Snape is not really doing well with her not being able to deal with him, but I really like your Draco.
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
Thank you so much! I've never really written Draco, but he seemed like a perfect 3rd party for this story.
Since you only wrote about what Severus did to Hermione, we don't know the extent of any other harm that may have been caused... but I have to feel sorry for her. Regardless of the fact that Severus didn't want to hurt her, he chose a permenant, extremely painful way to do what he didn't want.
I've recently seen the results of a hot metal burn on my sons hand and the scaring is deep and forever. Just what a pretty young woman wants to live with. My point is, I can't believe the memories will be that easily assuaged with visible deformities marring her hands and elsewhere to constantly remind her. And, I can understand why she wouldn't want to have Severus around regardless of how 'prepared' she was.
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
I agree that what Severus chose was overkill for the fact that he didn't want to hurt her, but he also had to think about what the other 30+ people would think and say.
As for the physical scaring, there will be some, yes... but it is my belief that the wizarding world's potions are better at healing than the medicines we know. Keeping that in mind, I think that the scars will be better hidden.
Lovely tid-bits, but it just leaves one aching for more. I understand completely what Draco must be feeling because I am too (thanks to you) I just want to lock them in a room together. I know, I know, Hermione needs to go slow and think her way though all the emotional turmoil. I look forward to your next submission to see how far they can both come and how fast, because you know Voldemort won't wait for too long. Keep up the good work, JoAnne
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
Isn't it infuriating? And they were moving along so nicely until Voldemort got in the way. Oh well, there will be progress, and not too far in the future.
Thank you very much for reading.
His branding her did that block out the rest of her pain of the DE's play time?
Hopefully she will be able to forgive him of such acts. How is Draco taking all of this?
I can see why this would be a very hard chapter to write.
Waiting for more.
Thank you.
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
Thanks for your thoughts. Having so much pain up front probably did block out most if not all of the pain.
As for Draco, he handles it in a slightly odd way, which you'll in the next chapter.
Thanks again!
Oh, I really hate reviewing.....I don't feel like we should have any affect on writers, positively or negatively. I'll just say I'm eager to see the rest of the story. It is very interesting and I look forward to your updates.
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
I'm glad that you decided to review. I always love hearing that people are reading along. Thank you for letting me know....
I am not sure what to say. I have enjoyed your story and you are an exellent writer, but I am not sure I would like the turn I think this story is taking. I find the situation where Severus, no matter the need for continue spying, is taking a student and someone I think he is responsible for, into a situation where the outcome will be torture and rape. I also find it hard to belive that Hermione willingly, no matter how "necessary", will let her self be tortured and raped by several Death Eaters with no greater wish than to hurt, torture, humiliate and probably kill her. I think that when the next update is submitted, I will have to make a decission on weather or not I want to continue reading this story. I read fanfiction because I love the characters, I want to be entertained, and want the good guys winning at the end. No matter if your intention is to let the "good" side win at the end, the price migth be to high to pay. Rape is a serious situation with ramifications for the futuere way wider the actual time it happens. I can't find it belivable for Hermione to ever forgive Severus for letting this happen to her, even if she would know that he is more or less forced to do so, and I can't imagine Severus being able to forgive him self either (and I am nor sure he should be able to forgive him self). To be honest, for him to do this marks him as the coward he himself hate to be called in my eyes. Well, enough about me ranting, your story still deserves it's five stars, and if I don't like the next turn of the story I will stop reading it without flaming you.
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond to this.... I agree with all the points you've made, and I value your opinion. All I can say is that my intentions are good. I know the road I take is not often an easy one, but in the end, "good" will prevail. I hope to see you reviewing again, if not this story, then something else.
I am at the edge of my seat with this story! I just can't help wondering what's next! Amazing as always!
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
Thank you for reading and reviewing! I will update soon...
Very intense story. Should Hermione Sleep with Severus or Draco first? It might cause less damage. Update soon!
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
Thanks for reading and letting me know. I'll say that things will be bad, but the events are pretty set.
Sorry but the entire story doesn't work. You have not shown a convincing reason for her to place herself in this position. Would be better to have kidnapped her to begin and have them save her. Your writting is excellant by the way. It kept me reading. Voldemort is coming across as a bit lame, I think he would revel in excess torture, you could also say Harry is more concerned with the thought the torture is ongoing and finds himself unable to concentrate while she is missing. That or in his arragance- Voldemort hopes to sway her loyalties. Anyway I would scrap or rewrite it cause it could be very good.
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
I appreciate that you've taken the time to let me know what you think. I value any sort of feedback and do welcome it all. I am sorry to heard that you think this story doesn't work. Having her kidnapped outright would cause an uproar and negate everything that Severus and Draco are trying to accomplish. They need her willing so that she can give information. She is in peril, but trusts that she won't be taken complete advantage of.
wow. This is great I love the way this story is going... I'm a little aprehensive about the next meeting though!Don't wait too long to update please!
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
Thank you very much for letting me know what you think! The next update won't be nearly so far away, I promise.
Happy for the update. It seems Severus will have to do some breaking in with her. Is that what the looks are about? He feels sad it will have to come to that? Or has the Dark Lord told him in advance that they will give a performance for all to see and she must maintain her innocence?
Or do I need to read this over again to recall what is what?
Well I have to get shower fresh off to a meeting tonight. Oh joy. Would rather stay at home and read your story.
Have a great week.
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
Severus is in a pretty harsh situation. He knows how Voldemort works, and that scares him. It would scare anyone.
Thank you for reading! I always love hearing from you... :)
I'm dreading Hermione's next meeting. I don't think I'll have the stomach if/when that scene comes to pass. I still can't wait for the next chapter though.
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
I promise that none of my chapters are horribly graphic. I do thank you for taking the time to read and review. It means a lot to use poor authors! :D
A good story. I don't really like the fact that Hermione was tortured so badly. Great plot and characters!
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
Thank you. It was hard to write, so I'm sure it was even worse to read about Hermione's torture. Unfortunately, I think that is a very feasible course of events for the situation that she's facing.
Again, thanks for letting me know what you think.
Execellent fic!
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it.
how many chapters left? *scared look* i want it to keep going on and on and on and yea. :)
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
There are a total of 19 chapters and an epilogue. Don't worry, there is still plenty of story left to go.
Response from togspled (Reviewer)
An interesting story and you write well. However, I have some trouble understanding why Hermione would agree to put herself in this situation in the first place...
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
Hermione knows what is required of members of the Order. So, the fact that Draco is there means that there must be some good in him. That's what helps her make the decision to help him. Hermione kind of goes out of the way to believe that there is good in people. That's the aspect of her character I was using.
Intriguing. I can't wait to see who the guy is. My gut says that it's Malfoy, a secret Order member, and he was party Disillusioned... or something. LOL Maybe it's Snape on Polyjuice? Teehee... Mah mind is wandering!
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
Thank you. I'm glad that people are taking guesses. It's a lot of fun that way.
Since you say the story is already written, I guess there isn't any point in begging for a happy ending (meaning Severus and Hermione, alive, happy, and together), is it? Oh well, I like it so far and will hope for the best! Thanks for your work.
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
I'm not that cruel. There will be some rough spots, but this story does have a happy ending. :)
I see you've twisted canon a bit in your story, because I don't think Harry would ever tell anyone else than Ron and Hermione about the Horcruxes. Now I wonder what that unexpected place Hermione will find herself might be.
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
I don't know if I'm necessarily twisting canon. Sooner or later, the Trio is going to get to a point where they just can't do it on their own. Though, I'm glad to see that you're back along for the ride. :)
I like the start and find it interesting that the trio will be at the Dursleys together. I wonder if they'll give Dudley a taste of magic... Muahahaha
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
Thank you. They don't use magic, but Hermione gets to bossy them around a bit. ;)
Great beginning! I loved the sassy Hermione..
Response from Clara Minutes (Author of Deception of the Night)
Thanks so much for the review. The first chapter will be out next week.