New Chapter for Flight of the Prince
Flight of the Prince
Southern_Witch_69554 Reviews | 554 Ratings, 0 Likes, 370 Favorites )
Although on different sides of the war, Severus and Hermione work together, each for their own reasons. This is my take on the events following HBP and will lead up to the Dark Lord's demise.
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About Southern_Witch_69
Member Since 2005 | 144 Stories | Favorited by 1,103 | 2,209 Reviews Written | 5,450 Review Responses
I adore the world of HP.
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Reviews for Flight of the Prince
Thank you for a great week of bedtime reading and for the wonderful ending. I loved this story. It made me feel very happy. Thank you again!
This could have been avoided if Harry and Minerva had let Ron in on the secret. He would have been pissed off but they could have calmed him down before he did anything rash. If Harry had had more faith in Ron it would have been better. Protecting people from them selves usually doesn't turn out as well as we think it will because sooner or later they find out and it's not under our control when it happens. I'm going to take my own advice as a matter of fact. Good chapter. Good lesson in life. I can't imagine what's going to happen now. I guess this just moved the war up to a climax because Harry and Voldi hands will be forced to move now to control the damage. I feel truly sorry for Draco. I understand that Ron loves Hermione but he's been a real putz. If he thinks Hermione is going to be thankful for using another person and getting them hurt to rescue her, he doesn't know Hermione Granger as well as he thinks.
I do feel sorry for Lavender here. He did use her. Doesn't he see what he's lowering himself to be like? Doing bad things and justifying himself because he's angry and hurt? Is he going to try to trade Draco or the Malfoy's for Hermione?
Funny about honor among theives. Even sinners like thier friends and love their moms. I'm sure Rabastan would surely be a bully without Voldemort's influence, but he's just a poor, ignorant, jerk who wants to live a free life. He doesn't want to rule the world; maybe just the block. He wants to be on the side that wins. He wants others to respect him. He's from the wrong side of the track where might makes right. He's willing to do dispicable things to save his own arse. But, I think he could be saved with the right guidence. He needs a mentor and he needs a come to the alter moment. However, Severus is absolutely right. She and he cannot trust anyone! Everyone else there can be bought except she and Severus. She must never let her gaurd down. It's a dog eat dog world she's in right now.
Maybe it wasn't the right thing for Harry and Minerva to keep this from Ron. Now, they should have known that sooner or later Ron was going to find out something about what's going on and maybe if he had had Minerva there to walk him through it like Harry had, he wouldn't have been taken so off gaurd and become so emotional. Part of his anger is that they kept him out of the loop as if he couldn't be trusted. That hurts. They'd better come clean now if they care for him and I know they do.
I hope Harry and Ron don't go apeshit when Hermione realizes she can't compare a boy like Ronald Weasely to a man like Severus Snape. She is lucky to have the attention of Sverus Snape but doesn't know it, yet. He is worthy of her regard; more than worthy. I really want her to start trusting him more and believing that he is the hero that he is. I'm sorry for Ron, but he isn't right for Hermione. I hope this works out.
Well the Malfoys did the right thing. I hope things start getting better between Hermione and Severus. She doesn't remember betraying him. He needs to remember that she had to try. Maybe he really thought she understood they had to go through with this. If only which ever little blighter made noise under that invisibility cloak could have kept his mouth shut! Severus' hand wouldn't have been forced. If only's abound, don't they? All I know is that the entire purpose of the story is hopefully aimed at getting Hermione and Severus together as a couple by the end. I'm really enjoying the story of their journey.
I almost feel sorry for the Malfoys. They are in so much trouble. If they are wise they will go straight to Harry or Minerva for protection. They can claim they were tricked by the mudblood and to straight to Voldemort right away. I doubt that Voldi would believe that Hermione would give them a portkey out of malice. They could claim they were all 3 trying to take it away from her, but the sensible thing to do would be to stun her and not touch it. And if she wanted to hurt them why make a portkey? It sounds weak. They are screwed. I imagine Severus felt a little betrayed but I'm sure he has the good sense to know she had to try to escape. Any red blooded person would have done the same. Did he see that she had felt guilty for a moment at possibly signing his death warrant then deciding she didn't give a fat rat's ass what happened to him after all?
Hermione's situation would be horrifying. Snape is being quite as nice as he can be. Interesting chapter. I noticed Bella didn't dare try to hex Severus back. Narssisa has the potential to be a decent person under better conditions.
So much rides on those who trust Severus. He handles it so valiantly. Hermione would be silly if she wasn't scared in this situation, but I hope she begins to believe that Severus is the right side. Poor Draco and Narcissa and all the other Death Eaters who made the wrong choice and are now just trying to stay alive. Then there are the truly evil ones who enjoy the torture and violence and only want glory. I hope they all go straight to hell. That damned Bellatrix will be nothing but trouble as usual. It's unfortunate that she's so obviously loyal to Voldemort that he doesn't see what a loose cannon she is. Or, maybe he does and uses the insane bitch that is is for his own agenda.
Well I have to give Ron credit for his attitude through this mess. No one admitted who made the noise that gave them away under the cloak. I guess accusations and guilt are useless at this point. Maybe Harry made the sound and that's what really has him so angry. What if it's his fault Snape realized they were there?
Those idiots! I expect Ronald couldn't keep his mouth shut. Is he old enough to be participating in life or death situations? I vote we replace Ronald with Ginny. She is smarter and more serious. I'm sure she has gifts in strategy; she just hasn't been given the opportunity to exhibit them.
What an angsty piece of writing. Loved it especially after HG had been taken to the old Infirmary. ron is a bit of a git in this lol. But glad all turned out alright for them all in the end. Thanks for writing and sharing.
Really loved reading this. Great development and I also liked your characterizations of Rabastan and Draco. Kind of wish the initial SS/NBM never had occurred, sexy as it was LoL.
I've just spent the last couple of days reading and enjoying your story. I enjoyed the action and suspense you built here as well as Severus and Hermione's growing relationship.
This is a wonderful story that I enjoyed from start to finish. You are a great story teller and a very talented writer. Thank you for sharing!
Lovely story. Great tale-telling! The plot had some really good twists and turns!
Really liked your story. Glad Ron was reasonable at the end, he wasn't earlier.
"The last thing I want to do is bed you" No matter how many times Severus says that, no one will ever believe it.
I bet this causes quite a stir at the safe house.
It would be so weird to find out you were with one person when you thought you were with someone else.
It's a shame that Hermione's first time had to be with that klutz Ron Weasley. I love Ron, but lets face it he is not now and will never be as wonderful as Severus Snape. I hope she figures out who she was really with the night Harry interupted, then she can make an informed decision about who she wants to be with.
Wonderful update.
Poor goofy Ron, he is a danger to himself and others. I don't see Ron and Hermione together, I can't imagine them having anything in common.
Interesting start. I wasn't crazy about the SS/NM pairing but I'll adjust, HG/RW doesn't bother me as much. I love Mrs weasley so I was glad to see her make an appearance.
I love Severus taunting Bella, she is such an easy mark. I can't say I'm thrilled with Severus spending large quantities of time with Narcissa. Poor Ron, he is such a dork, only two things on his mind, food and sex.