The Grey Lady
9 Stories
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Flight of the Prince
554 Ratings, 0 Likes, 370 Favorites )Although on different sides of the war, Severus and Hermione work together, each for their own reasons. This is my take on the events following HBP and will lead up to the Dark Lord's demise.
103,835 Words, Started 10/30/2006, Completed 03/14/2025
The Lost Corridor
210 Ratings, 0 Likes, 183 Favorites )Hermione and Snape are locked in an unknown corridor at Hogwarts. Each door they open leads them to a different place where they must complete a task in hopes of finding a way out of the corridor. Their journey brings hidden feelings to the surface along the way. Round Robin by some of the Poetess admins.
30,775 Words, Started 08/08/2007, Updated 11/21/2007
The Ransom of Albus Dumbledore
by spiderwort
50 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )After the Headmaster's death, Hermione stays at Hogwarts to research magic that the Trio might need to defeat Voldemort. She has a familiar, but totally unexpected visitor who has a horrifying tale to tell: Dumbledore cannot pass into the Beyond because of a mistake Harry made. His soul is trapped and tormented withing his tomb--and only someone who is still alive can help him.
107,755 Words, Started 02/17/2008, Completed 09/06/2009
The Enchanted Tower Room
by beaweasley2
544 Ratings, 0 Likes, 296 Favorites )Teenage Severus Snape and Lily find a room in the castle with a partially hidden staircase that leads them up to a private room at the top of a tower that even the Marauders don't know about.
Then twenty years later, Hermione Granger finds the room. Suddenly she’s confronted by Severus Snape, who’s always considered tower room to be his own private little nook, finds herself not only under the rooms spell, but must now meet the conditions of the room with the one professor that has always been her biggest enigma.
147,708 Words, Started 11/25/2007, Completed 01/08/2010
Always By Your Side
149 Ratings, 0 Likes, 13 Favorites )‘She kept his soul from dying, and he kept hers from living.’ After five years of mourning, Morgaine returns to Hogwarts to face the ghosts of her past as well as the ghost of Severus Snape. (Sequel to Morgaine's Story)
152,829 Words, Started 05/23/2009, Completed 08/25/2010
The Battle of Hogwarts Revisited
by fizzabella
37 Ratings, 0 Likes, 33 Favorites )Summary: The final battle and its aftermath where the saga's most charismatic and misunderstood hero receives the happy ending which all heroes deserve.
21,909 Words, Started 02/01/2010, Completed 03/03/2010
Sorrow of the Frozen
by MoonlitMeda
3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )When you've left the better part of yourself hundreds of years behind, there can be no moving on.
1,031 Words, Started 06/16/2010, Completed 06/16/2010
by peppermint
5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )"Missing scene" from CoS
279 Words, Started 09/19/2010, Completed 09/19/2010
by averygoodun
177 Ratings, 0 Likes, 23 Favorites )AU. Fatigued, Snape makes a mistake that could cost the wizarding world everything.
74,097 Words, Started 05/06/2011, Completed 11/24/2011