New Chapter for Shelter
averygoodun177 Reviews | 177 Ratings, 0 Likes, 23 Favorites )
AU. Fatigued, Snape makes a mistake that could cost the wizarding world everything.
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About averygoodun
Member Since 2005 | 19 Stories | Favorited by 316 | 122 Reviews Written | 1,064 Review Responses
Right. I would like to state, for the record, that I WILL finish "She Married Her Choice". I will. Assuming I am in control of my own destiny and accomplishments, that is. ;-)
Unfortunately, real life (mainly an attention craving three-year-old) and inspiration have been keeping me from creative endeavors for a while now. I do foresee a time when that shall pass, but until then, I ask for your patience.
Thank you!
Reviews for Shelter
Beyond awesome!!
I really liked the gradual shifting of Severus & Hermione's emotions & perceptions of each other, thank you for sharing!
Whew! What a battle scene - I'm still catching my breath! And while my inner fangirl was looking for a kiss between our protagonists, my inner critical reader realizes that this is the best way to end the story. Hermione's need for shelter is over, and they can leave the future to another day. :D
Absolutely top-notch story!
With apologies for not posting a review until this far along, I just have to say how much I love this story, the way you've rewritten DH, and the pacing that seems very, very right.
I've been moved to laughter and tears so many times already. But this chapter and the last, where Snape and Hermione have begun to realize the changes in their relationship, and just how important they are to each other, have simply been joys to read.
And those cliffhangers you keep insisting on inserting at chapter end - I'm so glad I'm reading this as a completed work!
Congratulations, by the way, on being featured on the SSHG Quiz as a prolific author - that was my impetus for looking through your stories. I know I read Marry a Choice and Dying in the Cold in my lurking days, and I'm sure I've read others, but it's so wonderful to find some really high quality sshg stories that are still new to me, like this one. :D
Excellent story! I was hooked from the first sentence. Please, please! Sequel! Glad I found the story on the SSHG Quiz. Love your work.
Excellent story babe. Thank you so very much for writing it.
Loves you, Sonia :)
p.s. I told you I would get to reading this eventually, and today seemed like the perfect day!
Ah! A lovely story. I've been away from reading it for a few months as I worked my way through life and the Exchange. It's great to be back, and to see updates to my favorite fics. This is such a well written story. The characters really have life to them. And watching them as they change is great. Thank you for sharing.
I really enjoyed reading this story - a true alternate universe with believable characters. Your writing was excellent and just drew me in from the beginning. Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful story.
I waited until the end to review, mostly because I waited til the end was posted before I read...but I'm regretting that wait. I think it ended wonderfully, what a lovely story and alternate to the actual book. Thank you for sharing!
I've really enjoyed this story. I like how you developed Hermione and Severus' relationship. Interesting battle scene. Thank you for a wonderful story.
This is such an enjoyable take on the story. I am wishing this was the true story. I like these people all working together. Amazing work!!!
An epilogue, please? If not, thank you soooo much for sharing Shelter with all of us. It has been an intense ride, but each update has been such a joy to read. I really loved how you handled the developing relationship between SS and HG, which is full of possibilities for the future, but based on a very solid, mutual trust and (perhaps) reliability. I will miss this very much.
Very nice tale about deception all in the name of trying to do what is right while placating the wrong.
You had me a bit worried there at the end with the Dementors, but all worked out ok. I kind of like the open ending. All I needed to know was that they lived and remained friends. Nicely done.
What a great story! You definitely have a way with words and descriptions.
I really enjoyed reading this and I hope you continue to write more stories.
Thanks for sharing your work!
Am I terrible to say that I'll take the loss of Hagrid over Severus any day? Nicely done there, even if they still have to look for the stupid snake. A boar is a good choice and it is better than a hedgehog, LOL!
Another wonderfully written and plotted story from you. I hope you enjoyed writing it as much as I enjoyed reading it! I think the ending was very true to the burgeoning friendship between Snape and Hermione -- here's hoping for a continuation! Keep up the great work.
Well done! I'm sorry Minerva died, but she was always a brash Gryffindor and she died fighting baddies and protecting her cubs. Snape's new Patronus is interesting -- a wild boar, a dangerous fighter. Very impressed that Severus was first to launch his Patronus, leading the others in casting theirs. Yay for the victory! And yay for Severus and Hermione having an open ending. THANK YOU for writing. Happy Thanksgiving!
That was a good ending. It's too soon for them to be anything but friends, but you left it open for our imagination. :)
Definitely left open for a sequel. Is that what you had in mind?
Most of the deaths you left rather ambiguous which I like (that way I can pretend they were just hexed unconscious).
I thought the new patronus was appropriate. After all, the boar is Hogwarts mascot and Severus had become the students protector with Albus gone.
A good read. Thanks.
Merci beaucoup. Félicitation pour la scène finale . J'ai toujours été frustrée que Severus ne donne pas la pleine mesure de son talent sur le champps de bataille.
Quite a realistic ending, actually. For a moment there, I was afraid you were going to have them all killed off by Dementors. I prefer what you actually did.
I am exhausted. There were so many things happening at the same time that I'm in awe that you were able to write it so well that it made sense. Well done!
I was so worried when Severus wouldn't wake up. Thank goodness that he finally did. I don't think I could have stood it if anything had happened to him or Hermione.
Go, Neville! Bellatrix got exactly what she deserved.
I'm looking forward to seeing how this story plays out, but I've enjoyed reading it so much that I'm not looking forward to the last chapter.
I like a strong Molly who isn't a cariacature of everyone's worst in-law nightmare. That was a brilliantly bloody battle. Whoo, I'm alliterative tonight. Good chapter, I am both looking forward to and dreading the end.
LUNA!!!! Ack!!! And what was that spell that knocked Severus for a loop??