New Chapter for Shelter
averygoodun177 Reviews | 177 Ratings, 0 Likes, 23 Favorites )
AU. Fatigued, Snape makes a mistake that could cost the wizarding world everything.
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About averygoodun
Member Since 2005 | 19 Stories | Favorited by 316 | 122 Reviews Written | 1,064 Review Responses
Right. I would like to state, for the record, that I WILL finish "She Married Her Choice". I will. Assuming I am in control of my own destiny and accomplishments, that is. ;-)
Unfortunately, real life (mainly an attention craving three-year-old) and inspiration have been keeping me from creative endeavors for a while now. I do foresee a time when that shall pass, but until then, I ask for your patience.
Thank you!
Reviews for Shelter
Geez, this chapter was packed with lots of ups and downs. Almost exhausting to read, but fabulous nonetheless. I will be sorry to see this end.
Lots of action and drama in this chapter! :)
Hate...Bellatrix! Snape smiles? Odd but nice!
Sinestra?!?! I never would have suspected, but I like it.
Kingsley and his fist sure have some nerve. But Severus returns the favor in his own way, so all is well.
I love the tender moments we see between Severus and Hermonie. I'm glad she understands about the necessity of Harry's situation, and that she doesn't let Severus scare her off.
I love the closure that you've given with the scene between Severus and Lily.
Wonderful chapter, as always!
I really appreciate authors who keep closely to canon while making their stories original. This is one of the best I've read for those qualities. Looking forward to your next chapter.
Great job of weaving your story with canon, Having Aurora Sinistra be one of the Death Eaters was unexpected and a brilliant way to ramp up the tension. Makes me appreciate even more the precarious situation Severus had to navigate.
I'm looking forward to seeing how the Battle of Hogwarts progresses and what Severus and Hermione do to protect each other and their friends and colleagues.
Excellent chapter. I love the way your story is woven into the original with just a few changes. I can't wait for the next chapter!
Very intense chapter. I love your take on things.
I'm glad Snape finally got some peace from talking to Lily. Now, if he survives, he can move on and know it is with her blessing.
This re-telling of canon events make more sense than what we got in the books. That said, I am certainly crossing my fingers that Harry is still alive, and that Severus will make it out alive as well. Thank you very much!
What a fantastic and emotional chapter, so well written I have tears in my eyes. Thank you so much for writing this wonderful story, I look forward to read the rest.
Take me to your leader....*giggles* I really like how you incorporated the canon events into your version of the battle, Hermione's putting Severus in his proper place, and most of all, Lily asking if he really needs her forgiveness. That was very insightful and touching. Thank you so much for updating....can't wait to read more!
Nice blending of canon there. I was glad Severus got a few moments with the Resurrection Stone. I always thought it incredibly selfish of Dumbledore not to have let Severus find closure with it. Yes, of course, it might have brought peace to the spy he wanted kept so guilt ridden and under his thumb. Hmm, obviously I have an opinion about this subject. Great update. Looking forward to the next.
This was a very good rewrite of very crucial scenes! I enjoyed reading this go'round of the start of the climax of Deathly Hallows and how Severus was able to help Harry even more. Let's hope he remains alive?
Now I'm worried. Nice bit with Kingsley, by the way.
Sinistra a spy - shock! Glad Severus revealed Sinistra in front of everyone. Shacklebolt's reaction to Snapey was somewhat understandable, but the fist to the nose was not; glad Kingsley got zapped and in such a clever way. Snape really has been working harder than all of us combined trying to off You-Know-Who -- SO TRUE!!! But did Kingley's Occlumency mini-lesson really help Harry...
So very glad Severus got to use the Resurrection Stone to see Lily just one last time. Closure at last! And I noticed that Severus didn't bury the Stone, so it is still there for someone else who might need it.
THANK YOU for the new chapter! Such a lot happened here, and I hope Draco is still recovering.
Awesome tie in with canon in this chapter. :)
I loved how you worked in that bit of DH (one of the few parts of DH I liked), and I loved that Severus was able to have some closure with Lily. Can't wait to read the rest!
That was wonderful. I can't wait to see how everything ends up with these changes.
Ooh, very nice. Snape's plan is clever. Any particular reason for turning Sinistra evil?
excellent chapter! I can't wait for the next one. Poor Snape. He's so starved for human kindness.
It`s great to know that Severus finally has a reason to survive.
LOL at Harry requesting SS to take care of Hermione. If I recall correctly, Hermione has been the one taking care of the terrible duo since forever, but the thought really counts.
I hope you won`t off Draco as you did poor Ron. And Harry, of course.
Can`t wait to see how the culmination will be like. Thank you very much and hope the next update is soon!
I think this may well be my new favorite chapter. The emotions of this thing are overwhelming in a wonderful way.
I like that Harry is maturing, and Snape against his will, has noticed. The scene where they discuss the last horcrux was both sad and lovely. Hermione is a lucky girl to have two such wizards care so much about her. Harry clearly knows her well, and Snape is learning every day.
The scene in the bathroom between Snape and Hermione moved their relationship to a whole new level. I don't think he truly had a good grasp on what it means to be someone's friend, and Hermione laid it out for him plainly with her words and actions. I always love stories where Snape can be human, and still be in character.
And then there's Draco ... I do hope that he is just exhausted or something. Just when things were starting to look up, you go and do this to us. You can remedy that by updating soon, okay? :)
OMG! There is so much hanging in the balance, and so little time to see to everything that must be done. I hope the ruse of Neville looking for the locket will accomplish what is needed, and that all the pieces will fall into place... but everything never happens the way it's supposed to, does it?
Please, please, please let Draco be all right and please let him have the Cup with him.
This was a great chapter. So much happened that I had to go back to reread a few places just to wrap my head around thing... like that the diadem was feeding on Severus' magic. It's a good thing Poppy was there to recognize what was going on.
I'm happy that Draco is on their side now, and I hope his trip to find Ravenclaw's Cup is as trouble-free as possible.
I sorry Ron is dead, but I'm glad he's not suffering anymore. It seems like his passing has taken a pressure off everyone, and their spirits are now stronger.
The budding feelings between Severus and Hermione are now becoming obvious to everyone... especially the two of them.
Uh oh. And the Carrows are due to arrive soon as well. Eep! :0