New Chapter for Always By Your Side
Always By Your Side
morgaine_dulac149 Reviews | 149 Ratings, 0 Likes, 13 Favorites )
‘She kept his soul from dying, and he kept hers from living.’ After five years of mourning, Morgaine returns to Hogwarts to face the ghosts of her past as well as the ghost of Severus Snape. (Sequel to Morgaine's Story)
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About morgaine_dulac
Member Since 2008 | 52 Stories | Favorited by 122 | 948 Reviews Written | 2,443 Review Responses
Born: in the glorious year of 1979, when Dio joined Black Sabbath and Peter Pettigrew started passing on information to the Dark Lord
Colours: black, green, silver
Passions: writing, cooking, baking, witchcraft
Obsessions: quite a few, chocolate for one (hi Lupin!), but mainly a certain Potions master and a blond DE.
When I am not writing alone, I co-write with my favourite Ravenclaw star_girl. Look for sevs_starsisters to find our stories.
Published writer since 2014. Original fiction is good fun, but I find myself returning to fan fiction every now and then
Reviews for Always By Your Side
Wonderful start. I like Demeter's name. Lovely choice. Severus as a ghost. Does that make it easier or harder to let go of a loved one if you can talk to them but not hold them, touch them, etc?
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
In order not to give away any spoilers to this story, I'll just say that there will both be joy an heartache. I'm so glad you decided to read ABYS. Of all the fics I've written, this is the one closest to my heart.
Words are inadequate to express how deeply this story touched me! *wipes tears*
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
Thank you so much for reading the whole story of my favourite SS/OC. Those two will forever be in my heart.
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Reviewer)
And mine too! :)
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
*jaws drop open* Heirs of Slytherin? OMG!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
I didn't see that one coming either. :P
What???!!!! Severus doesn't know of his daughter yet???? Tell. Him. Now!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
Would you have the guts to tell him?
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Reviewer)
Hehe. I just might take the plunge;)
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
You're a brave person!
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Reviewer)
No wonder I got Sorted into Gryffindor. Coz I'm talkative, brave and reckless! ;)
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
Reckless might be an understatement. ;-)
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Reviewer)
I know!! :D
I was finally able to sit down an read the rest of this wonderful story. I don't know where to begin... I loved it! I love the twist and turns, the angst, the beauty etc! I guessed early on that Lucius had fathered Melvin, due to the difference between Melvin and Alek. I mean, the Malfoy genes are strong! Narcissa might be blond, but her sisters aren't and still Lucius and Narcissa managed to get the fair Draco. Oh and Morgaine is (still) so strong! A powerful white witch! And Demeter! Oh what a wonderful character! I'm glad Severus got to know her, even though he missed her early childhood.And a happy ending! Maybe only semi-happy...? No, happy! Severus and Morgaine together forever! ♥
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
Dear Mrs Astoria Malfoy, I am very glad that you liked this story. It is very dear to me, and so are the characters in it. Of all the characters I've left behind, I miss Morgaine the most, and I wish I were a bit more like her (not the angsty part, though). I like to think this is a happy ending. Severus and Morgaine deserve being together, and Demeter has a little family of her own now. She will miss her parents, of course, but she knows that they are happy now. Thank you very much for reading.
Such a bittersweet ending. You had me teared up towards the end... but in a good way! I'm so happy that Morgaine and Severus are together now, for always... but it's still sad that they had to leave Demeter and her son. I'm sure she'll let him know what wonderful people his grandparents were. They won't be forgotten. :)I've followed this story from the very beginning, and I'm sad to see it end, but I know that whatever you come out with next will be just as wonderful. Many many hugs and thanks for sharing this story with all of us!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
Many hugs and thanks right back at you. It's readers like you that make the whole fan fic writing worth the while.
A very touching story, it almost made me cry
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
Thank you. I am very glad you liked it.
That was lovely.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
Thank you, my dear.
what a lovely and moving ending of a beatiful story, you are a very gifted storyteller.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
Thank you, my dear. I am very glad you enjoyed the story.
Again, my compliments for this beautiful, touching tale. I have been following it since its start, when you were just an "absolute beginner", as David Bowie would say, and now you have become a fabulous author.You know what I think about the story, as I have reviewed it in another place and in our letters. As I said above, I found it extremely moving, full of tender feelings and sweetly saddening. But... I'm still disconcerted by Lucius' madness ;)Thank you for the mention, it wasn't necessary. But I'm glad to have my name linked with your story. Again, forgive my Englishalian, and sorry if I wasn't able to express myself in a better way.I keep your friend in my prayers. Hugs.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
I gladly forgive you your Englishalian, which I fins a lovely word :-) Thanks for your opinions and support through out the story. Means a lot.
Pass the tissues, please. That was lovely. Glad she got to that point. I hope it helps in her healing.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
*passes tissue and some chocolate* Have to admit that I needed both when writing this chapter. One more to go now. Hope you'll like it.
I am so glad I saved reading this story when I needed something special. What a wonderful and endearing storyline and chapter. I know the story is coming to an end but in my heart and I know as well in yours Severus will live on forever. Thank you for this beautiful and heart touching story. Jen
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
You're such a darling, Jen. Thank you so much for considering my story to be something special. Severus and Morgaine have been with me for so long now that I will really, really miss them. Hence be postponing sending the last chapter to my beta. Hope you'll read and like it. /M
Great chappie! Glad Lucius had a miserable end. He deserved it. These fanfics make me violent!! Poor kids, they're scarred. I'm sure it won't be easy to get over everhting. Now, will Morgaine be able to go back and forth through existences? Please say yes. LOL.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
Don't those fic make all of us violent? I mean, I've never made anyone go up in flames before, hehe. I promise you that the children will be well taken care of, and I hope to have then next chapter ready very soon.
What a great chapter! What a horrible way for Lucius to die... but it served him right, the lunatic. I'm so glad they've been found. I'm intrigued by the fact that Demeter can make dead flowers bloom and that the wood her wand is made from is aligned with death and ressurection. Hmm... I wonder if flowers are the only things she can bring back from the dead...Morgaine's foray into the spirit world is also extremely interesting. I wonder if perhaps she can bring Severus' spirit back to the world of the living with her... if she can die and come back, why not Severus as well? Does that makes sense?Either way, I can't wait to see what comes next... great job as usual!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
Is it bad to admit that I enjoyed giving Lucius a horrible death? Very much hoping to be able to finish the next chapter this weekend, so you won't have to wait too long for the answer to your questions.
good, now Lucius is out of the way. What will happen to Morgaine and Severus now? Looking forward to have that solved. Great chapter as usual
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
Back from holidays now and hoping to be able to finish the next chapter this weekend, so you can see what will happen to Morgaine and Severus.
Oh, Merlin, you killed her. Wow, I have to give it to you. I wasn't expecting crazy Lucius to be going quite so off the deep end. I hope Morgaine's magic protects Demeter. Hopefully, Lucius won't give her up as a lost cause. Obviously he wants Morgaine 'out of the way' meaning dead, I'd presume. Spell binding chapter, as usual.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
Hey! I didn't kill Morgaine! She is very much alive. So far. hehe No, seriously, I know it is confusing. But the next chapter will hold many answers. Stay tuned. :) (You're right about Lucius, though. He's lost it!)
WHOA. What happened? Oh, I can't wait for the next update! This is so exciting!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
All the questions will be answered in the next chapter, which is currently being beta-read. I hope you won't chew off all your nails until it's posted ;)
Oh, what a cliffie! Is she dead? Did she sacrifice herself to save Demeter? What a wonderful chapter... Lucius is indeed mad, thinking to bring back the Dark Lord in the body of a child. What part will Severus play in all this I wonder? I can't wait to find out! Great chapter!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
All your questions will be answered in the next chapter, which is currently being owled to my beta. Shouldn't be long, I hope. Thanks for reading and reviewing, and for the sparkly stars, of course :)
wow, now I understand ( sort of) Lucius twisted plans and the connection he think he can use for his own advantage. He is indeed mad. And now the obsidian stones came in play and may help the rescue team to find them. great chapter.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
Yep, Lucius lost it. Heck, not even I fully understand what he's up to ;)
Holy cow, this just gets worse and worse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe Lucius did that to Alex! Can things get any worse? I mean really? I'm sure they could, given the author. bwahahahaha
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
Bahahaha! Thank you!! I think ... ;)
oh evil, evil Lucius, and quite insane by the look of it. I remember Morgaines father was a deatheater, related to Tom Riddle? but Riddle senior was he not muggle with no connections to Voldemort? many mysteries now
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
Yep, Lucius has taken over Bellatrix's job of being the most bat-shit-crazy one in the family. Tom Riddle had a very close connection to Lord Voldemort, he was his father, remember? The Muggle who Voldy's mother tricked into eloping with her. And Morgaine's father ... according to Lucius, he was not just any Death Eater, but the Dark Lord himself. But then again, Lucius had lost his marbles. So, who knows?
Response from gurlimargrethe (Reviewer)
I ment with no connection with Salazar Slytherin, Riddle senior that is
What? How can that be? And what does that mean? And just what does Lucius want from Demeter? Nasty man...
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
Lucius? Nasty? What gave it away? :P What Lucius wants from Demeter (and Morgaine, and Melvin) is twisted, complicated and ... well, plain nuts, basically, you'll see soon. Thanks for sticking with me and the story! Means a lot!!
oh my, now what. The spells to keep Demeter safe will not be renewed. What about Alek, is he in it too. I hope the mistress will be so jealous she will help, but can she? This is a very cruel cliffhanger, you are a wicked woman
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
Wicked is my middle name, which you will probably agree upon once you get to see the whole of Lucius' plan. Sigh, sometimes I am not sure who's crazier, him or me :P But I promise to do my very best to help solve this mess. And Alek Riverbed ... hm, have a closer look at him.
Lucius Malfoy... what does he have up his sleeve? I'm wondering if Morgaine stopped Alek because of her devotion to Severus, or because of Demeter's friendship with Melvin? Hmm... I'm seeing the happy ending slowly slipping away... well, at least the ending I'm looking for! Great job as usual!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
Hm, "happy ending". That will be a question of definition, I think. As for Lucius, he has plenty up his well-tailored sleeve, as usual. Thanks for reading and for leaving a note, of course.
Don't go, don't go, I am sure Lucius will be lurking in Estonia. I am worried about Morgaines health, she has headaces and her magic is not up to par, can she protect her daughter? and Severus will not be there to help. Please update soon so I can sit back on the seat again
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Always By Your Side)
Lucius lurking? Dear, innocent, Lucius? Whatever gave you that idea? :P