New Chapter for A Place in the World
A Place in the World
noodle263 Reviews | 263 Ratings, 0 Likes, 51 Favorites )
Apart from it being an artefact of considerable antiquity, no one at the Department Of Mysteries could determine what it was. It was taken from the body of a slain Death Eater at the first fall of Voldemort and was, undeniably, of magical origin. Unable to extract its secrets, and unwilling to risk further experiments, the Unspeakables consigned it to the vaults. Or so they thought. Only one wizard may provide the answer, but he has no idea of his connection to it.
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About noodle
Member Since 2011 | 3 Stories | Favorited by 53 | 49 Reviews Written | 418 Review Responses
Reviews for A Place in the World
This is so gorgeously written, and the story is so intriguing! I'm so glad you've brought it to TPP!!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hello Tea, and thank you again! I'm going to enjoy posting the chapters here :o) Now, I have to go and write two feet of parchment on the correct use of the colon and the semi-colon...
This is really an interesting start. I like how you started with Eileen and Tobias. Nice to see a portrayal of them beyond the stereotypical abusive scenario.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you! I wanted to do something a little different :o)
wow, you threw us right into a mystery there! Very prommissing bginnings--although not promissing for poor Severus.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
. Severus did end up having a very rough time in canon, but his luck might change soon ;o)
Thank you so much for this wonderful story. It ia an amazing combination of adventure, thriller and romance, well written and simply fascinating.
A very enjoyable chapter! I am very curious about who Sister Clarise is and why she is important. I am quite amused that Petrus is channeling his hero, Monsieur Severus. He is a wonderful, wonderful addition to the Hogwarts faculty. He should become a Cannon regular in my opinion. I also really love the kneazle healing powers of the purrrrrrrr! This story thoroughly immerses the reader in the wizarding world in that really fun way the earlier HP books did. I am glad that the Grangers are finally on the right page, as well. I will forgive them.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi again and thank you! I'm happy to hear that you were immersed in a fun way :o)
You are so lovely at leading your story from one place and time to another places in tim so smoothly. Every chapter covers so many separate but connected plots. Dearest sister Clarise feels so alone and doesn't have anything but her visions to lead her. I hope she encounters our Hermione who may be able to make this discuvery less heavy a burden. We will need every pure hearted and brave witch, ghoast, wizard, and even a squib and a muggle to get this problem worked out. Good night my noodlelydo!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you! Sister Clarise is perhaps not so alone as she feels ;o) It's Friday afternoon here, close enough to evening to take a temporal liberty and say Good Night to you too. Sleep well and have delightful dreams :o)
The number of Dementors is terrifying! That dude, Arawn is a Voldemort wana-be. They knew the ancient ruin would probably be watched by Arawn and that he has been rangling Death Eaters together. Then knew what happened in the forbiden forest with the centars, I don't think they took enough precautions when they visited the ruins. They are so lucky Arawn hadn't been able to call up a couple of hundred dementors. I am pleased to see how things are going with Severus and his father. I have read hundreds of SS/HG stories over the last 15 years or so and I have never read one like this. You make me like Tobias and hope he and Severus can make amends. I love the healing powers of the purr. I have found they do work for me. I love my dogs like babies, but my cats, I love like friends. I'm glad things went well with Hermione's parents. It looks like the more time they spend in the trenches at Hogwarts the more they understand what Hermione went through. They should be called on to help out more often if possible. I was afraid Oriens had been killed at first and was going to be very sad about it. You kept the story moving so swiftly that I didn't have time to dwell on it. I wish Tobias could get his arrows back. They appear to be special arrows. I hope they let him keep the quiver and the bow. It must have belonged to Merlin or one of his men.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Happy New Year! Sorry I took so long to reply, December was a whirlwind! The purr is a wonderful thing - every now and then an article will pop up in media mentioning cats helping people when they are sick or injured by sitting on them and purring. One that I recall featured an orthopaedic surgeon who declared that if one of his patients was going home to the company of a cat (specifically!), then he could expect them to recover ahead of schedule :o)
Oooooooo-Very creepy! Poor Lucius. He's done well to make the best of his situation. This was a very interesting chapter. I'm very glad Lucius was so forth coming with his friend. I like the way you make most people in this story except the bad guys, very likable. It gives the story a good vibe. Maybe Severus will find it in his heart to visit he friend once in a while out of the goodness of his soul. Prison for life for a wizard could be hundreds of years. I hope that Severus will be able to see that Lucuis gets those visits he craves. Is Narcissa also in Askaban too?
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
I'm sure Severus will drop in from time to time and will do what he can without breaking the laws. Lucius may even think Azkaban's cells are a better place than his estates with Voldy as live-in dicatator - you'd have to ask him about that. Narcissa isn't in Azkaban, though I gather the debate went on for some time as to whether she should be imprisoned or not. Lying to Voldy about Harry's 'alive or dead' status helped keep her out of the cells ;o)
Well, it turns out that Tobias Snape and I share the same favorite section of The Lord of the Rings. Hmmmm. I have become quite admiring of Oriens skills, powers and apparent pureness of soul. He is quite the guy. It's very attractive.
The wizarding world has their work cut out for them getting those Dementors back into the void. I don't envy that experience. Hopefully Severus' second way to repel a Dementor will be timely. Yehy! for Severus and Hermione's mating in the cavern. That was a date to remember. I would have liked more details but I realize this is rated PG-13.The relationship or maybe I should say interaction between Severus and Tobias in facinating. I am happy with both of their responses. If Severus had played nice too easily it would have been sappy and out of character.
Great story!!!!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you! There's a small surprise concerning Oriens later on. Minerva, with her animagus instincts, came fairly close to the mark in her first impressions of him. LOL I'll leave the... 'details'... to your imagination ;o)
I absolutely love the varity of magical creatures in your story! I want to hear Toby's story about the ghost. Good for Mertle! That's wonderful. I really like how you include so many different characters in a way that makes the reader want to know more.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Myrtle raised a few eyebrows, I'll bet. She's quite a sensitive ghost, really, and I think she'll do well in her new occupation :o)
I haven't figured out yet exactly what Arawn is planning to do with the Death Eaters. Obviously they are keeping an eye out for Severus. And then what? I am a little surprised that Oriens and Severus will be missing Hermione's meeting regarding Petrus. I would think Severus, at least, would have told Kingsley he would have to reschedule his meeting with Lucius. I know she isn't a little girl and doesn't really need his protection so I guess I'm just being a romantic. My husband wouldn't come if I were in Hermione's shoes. It's too bad Oriens isn't' going to be there to support his friend, Petrus. Also, they might want to ask Oriens some questions, but I understand that his other task is more important. I'm sure he told Hermione everything he knows about Petrus. You appear to be cultivating a sense of sympathy for Tobias with your readers. I assume that is because we will want things to work out between he and Severus. They would both have family. Normally we wouldn't care two shites about Tobias' redemption. It sounded like he has had a spell put on him that wouldn't let him tell who gave him the Lygad. Was he also spelled not to tell who his son was? He seemed to be wrestling with the information. Why would he feel relieved by admitting he was Severus' father? It's possible he might begin feeling a little bit proud at what an upstanding and important person Severus has become in spite of his childhood and he seems he may be regretting his failures as a father. However, other than doing the "right thing" depending on one's definition of such, why should Severus forgive his father? I suppose hatred does eat a person alive. It would probably be good for Severus' mental and emotional well being to give up the grudge for health's sake. If he asked me to forgive him I wouldn't hate him but he would have to earn the right to be my friend. There is no excuse for what he did, becoming a mean drunk and abusing his wife and child. We all have bad things happen to us. I suppose Severus is also thinking that his mom had a good reason not to let him know about the Lygad, but she really seems like she didn't care about him, that she didn't want him, that she expected him to turn out bad so she didn't teach him any magic. I know she was in a bad situation, but common decency would decree that you at least show affection and provide comfort for your own child even if you are keeping secrets from him for everyones sake. Eileen may have been noble enough to protect the Lygad but she wasn't noble enough not to take her troubles out on Severus. I am very happy for Severus and Hermione that they have each other, now. They were both very alone and unique individuals that don't fit in with the average person. It would be hard for them to find any one else intelegent enough and powerful enough for them. They enjoy their own company and a certain amount of solitude. They both don't like the spot light. They also have more in common due to their parts in the war and understand the other's trauma better than most others could. Of course that's the entire point of the genre. Silly me. You have drawn my intrest and desire to keep reading very well. I am truly enjoying these characters and the great plot.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
In uncertain times, priorities must be adhered to - especially if a threat is suspected. Toby wasn't spelled to keep Severus a secret. He didn't really feel that he had any right to call Severus his son anymore - deep down, that would have been causing hurt, hence the relief when he reasserts that truth within himself (I think Firenze knew that Toby needed to repair an inner truth, but he won't tell me in as many words). Forgiveness is a very individual thing - different people will come to it in different ways for different reasons, and in their own time (if they truly want to), but it's a hell of a lot lighter than the other stuff one could carry around ;o)
Noodle,thank you for continuing to write an amazing story.when it is complete I will refer your story to my husband.i have a feeling the dragons are taking care of Sleeping Beauty and her Prince while the recuperate from the battle.It seems Severus parents are reconcilling..Waiting for more..
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you for reading and reviewing, and most of all enjoying! I'd say that your feeling is spot on - dragons are very reliable and never go back on thier word ;o)
Pugsley Addams is brillient! I am so glad they are on to Arawn and the Dementors. I've never read a story where Severus and his Da make up. That would be awesome and original. I had really wanted to know what had happened to his mom and da. I'm glad you showed us. The boy Severus saw in the Lygad sounds like he could be one of Severus' ancesters. Thank the gods this is all happening after the demise of Voldemort.Please don't let me finish this befor you do!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Yes, you wouldn't want Voldy wandering around just now. Besides, his absence (and Albus') means that Severus can be his own wizard - for once ;o) Alas, I'm not in control of the queue, but I can tell you that I have a chapter in there waiting for the Admins to check over!
No time to review, must read on!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
~gasp~ You won't believe this... but a white rabbit carrying a pocket watch just scampered past saying that he didn't have time either - I didn't catch what else he said. I need to look at TPP's opening page more closely...
I'm so happy for Petrus and for Hermione and Severus. That Petrus is an awesome character and I am as invested in his wellbeing as I would be in Hagrid's. I do hope he does not come to harm. Though he seems fairly impervious to most magic from the sound of his episode in Paris. He wasn't impervious to the Unspeakable's shackles, however. I'm thinking that the dementors are on the track of Severus based on Tobias' emotions, is my guess. Nothing good can come of that evil Unspeakable. I hope Oriens and Severus are up to kicking his ass.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Petrus would like to thank you for your kind words :o)
Once again a lot of information in this chapter. I'm glad Petrus has Hermione Granger on his side. She won't stop until she has satisfaction. I feel kind of sorry for old Toby. He's a right bastard but he's done a great job avoiding capture all these years. Albeit was partly thanks to his late wife's forethought and her magical exact copy, I admit I am forced to slightly admire his wily Slytherin streak. He's going to be quite upset when he wakes up. That Arawn and the dementors are downright scary. So I hope Shacklebolt and Severus pay attention to Orien's concerns about the Unspeakable and take care. And Harry. Really dude? How lame was that? What did you think Snape's Muggle SOB of a father was going to do? You remember the pensieve?
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Ah, I see you've met Hermione? Yep, quite a reputation for persistance and a very strong sense of justice! If Toby had been born a wizard, he probably would have been sorted into Slytherin :oP Harry certainly let his impulsiveness get the better of him (possibly a bit of testosterone poisoning too, given his age), but he has people around who care enough to give him the tough love and direction he's been needing - cue a certain Senior Auror...
What a relief! They finally kissed. So Severus is unaware of the nature of the magical object. I do look forward to them meeting Petrus.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Yes, I think they were relieved as well ;o)
Wow! You covered a lot of ground in this chapter! Can a dementor sense someone as far away as Snape is? He apparently thinks his dad has the heirloom. This is skillfully written. Your description of the scenery is pure art.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
At the moment, Severus doesn't know what his dad is carrying - he only knows it is a magical something because he could sense it. Dementors... it depends on who they've been sent to look for ~evil grin~
I have only just found this little treasure of a story and have thougrouly enjoyed it so far!
I eagerly await future installments and look forward to the adventures of well loved characters old and new.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi Daisy Thank you and welcome! I'm glad you're enjoying the story - next chapter is in the Queue :o)
Oh Tonks is a tough sort! I like how he handled himself, but feel sorry for Harry. He lost his wand! The rest will heal, but his favorite wand! omg!I laughed at Hermione's recollection of kissing Viktor and Ron and comparing them to Severus. and the fact that the location of their first kiss held import and signifience. Nicely done. I wasn't aware that the portraits could change clothes? I thought once painted they were always in the same outfit forever? But I totally laughed at Seveurs' remark about the wine. hilarious! I really want to read more about what happened between Toby and Eileen, and how she save him (I"m assuming she saved him) from the Death Eaters. When he's fianlly face to face with Severus, I suspect he'll be ...? gods, I'm not going to even guess. You, my dear, manage to surprise me at turn after turn. It's great. I have no idea where your going and yet, it's fantastic when I read what you've come up with. I'm very much enjoying this story.A little worried, more and more people are findign out about this artifact and I fear that may not bode well.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
OMG indeed! LOL, don't worry, he'll get it back. And get a bit of 'tough care' from Gawain. I love the Fat Lady - she can be such a fuss, and I could just see her in frilly night-attire. Who knows what portraits get up to (I mean... do they?) I suppose - if they can read painted books, drink (or spill) painted wine, and handle painted objects - if some obliging artist painted a well-stocked wardrobe for a pleading portrait's birthday (paint-day?) then maybe a passion for fine robes could be carried on into portrait-life. You'll see what happened between Toby and Eileen in a later chapter, so I won't say anything now ;o) Yes, the Snape lads do get to interact. Again, I'll leave those scenes to the chapters. Don't worry, those who know are those who need to know. Thank you for reading, getting surprises, enjoying getting surprises, and reviewing!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
OMG indeed! LOL, don't worry, he'll get it back. And get a bit of 'tough care' from Gawain. I love the Fat Lady - she can be such a fuss, and I could just see her in frilly night-attire. Who knows what portraits get up to (I mean... do they?) I suppose - if they can read painted books, drink (or spill) painted wine, and handle painted objects - if some obliging artist painted a well-stocked wardrobe for a pleading portrait's birthday (paint-day?) then maybe a passion for fine robes could be carried on into portrait-life. You'll see what happened between Toby and Eileen in a later chapter, so I won't say anything now ;o) Yes, the Snape lads do get to interact. Again, I'll leave those scenes to the chapters. Don't worry, those who know are those who need to know. Thank you for reading, getting surprises, enjoying getting surprises, and reviewing!
Oh my goodness, Au! That is a long jump by Portkey! I really like the banter between them and the beginings of mutual respect. Still quite intrigued...
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Yes, a very long jump. H says the fractal georamic (a branch of Arithmancy) equations were a nightmare to solve - I believe her! Thank you for reading and reviewing :o)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Yes, a very long jump. H says the fractal georamic (a branch of Arithmancy) equations were a nightmare to solve - I believe her! Thank you for reading and reviewing :o)
Oh, wow, interesting beginning... Can't wait to read more.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you :o) As I recall, you were the author of the very first story I read when I 'accidentally' discovered fan fiction (not the FF site, I found that afterwards). I say 'accidentally' because there were some weird coincidences that lead me there [insert weird alien theme tune here].
Response from beaweasley2 (Reviewer)
My beta told me about your story, and I have to admit, I'm loving it. The POV switching is off putting on occasion, but overall it's very imaginative and creative. Quite original. I've even recommended it to some of my friends who follow fanfic. I look forward to seeing where you take this, and love the Au places, slang and the mystery you've got going.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you :o) As I recall, you were the author of the very first story I read when I 'accidentally' discovered fan fiction (not the FF site, I found that afterwards). I say 'accidentally' because there were some weird coincidences that lead me there [insert weird alien theme tune here].
Response from beaweasley2 (Reviewer)
My beta told me about your story, and I have to admit, I'm loving it. The POV switching is off putting on occasion, but overall it's very imaginative and creative. Quite original. I've even recommended it to some of my friends who follow fanfic. I look forward to seeing where you take this, and love the Au places, slang and the mystery you've got going.
Facinating my noodle! In my head Petrus sounds like Hercule Poirot as played by Monsieur Suchet. I am loving it. I wait patiently for Severus and Hermione to develope a relationship. Am I mistaken or was the man with the wagon and large beautiful horses none other than Tobias Snape? If it is, the world is too small, mon ami. It seems terribly sad that the Prince line will die unless Severus has an heir. But I guess that is what happens when they played with the dark.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
He does a bit, doesn't he? I loved the Poirot series with David Suchet (but I had to force myself to watch the last one) - it's one of the best character portrayals out there.
The world can be too small, or too big, or just the right size - it all depends on circumstance and perspective (not sure where that came from... OK, who's invading my headspace?).
Hermione is marvelous! I wish I had a secret place like that. It explains why she chose to send her parents to Australia. Severus is lucky to know Hermione. I wonder how his mother's heirloom ended up in the vault? I am thinking that Severus is not aware of it, yet. You seem to know a lot about Australia. It sounds like you've seen it. This story is impressive in the scope of territories the plot covers, France, England, Scotland and Australia. I am really enjoying it! This is a well written tale.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hermione is one very switched on young lady! Severus doesn't know how lucky he is, just yet.
Actually, I am Australian - and I've been lucky enough to see more of the country than most people do. Glad you're enjoying the wander through different lands - I figured that there's a whole world just waiting to be featured in a story and it doesn't matter if it's real life or fiction :o)