New Chapter for A Place in the World
A Place in the World
noodle263 Reviews | 263 Ratings, 0 Likes, 51 Favorites )
Apart from it being an artefact of considerable antiquity, no one at the Department Of Mysteries could determine what it was. It was taken from the body of a slain Death Eater at the first fall of Voldemort and was, undeniably, of magical origin. Unable to extract its secrets, and unwilling to risk further experiments, the Unspeakables consigned it to the vaults. Or so they thought. Only one wizard may provide the answer, but he has no idea of his connection to it.
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About noodle
Member Since 2011 | 3 Stories | Favorited by 53 | 49 Reviews Written | 418 Review Responses
Reviews for A Place in the World
I'm very glad Severus was able to hear Lily's appology, and Jame's, though it matters little. Bless Fawkes for coming to him and I'm so proud that Hermione had planned ahead. What a girl!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
I guess an apology heard through the Veil is better than none at all. Fawkes has a way of showing up at exactly the right time ;o)
Facinating beginning. It makes me want to read on. I only need to know one thing. I don't normally read unfinished works because I can only read stories with happy endings. Real life is sad enough. If I pursue this story and follow you to the end will I be sad? If you are worried about giving anything away, you can email me instead of answering this review. Thank you for writing a good long story for Severus Snape.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you! Actually, I got the epilogue back from my Beta the other day, so I can assure you that the story will be a finished one as soon as the chapters work their way through the queue. I think that posted chapters are far enough along now that giving things away is not a concern - you won't be sad at the end ~hugs~
The Dragons rule!!! take that Dementors! Wow sister Clarise is Eileen, she and Toby seem to be getting along nicely, I wonder what Severus will make of that. Arawn got what he deserved, if you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas, as my Grandmother used to say. Can't wait for the next chapter, to find out what happened to Severus and Hermione, and the old Dragon.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
They do indeed! I even think they enjoyed themselves. The next chapter is in the queue - you'll find out there what happened to Severus and Hermione ;o)
There is quite a growing mobilization against Arawn and his Dementors. •Witches and wizards.•Centaurs from Scotland's Forbidden Forest, the Black Forest, and southern France have a long history which informs their ability to fight the coming battle. •Pan's descendants. I wonder if Pertus or Oriens, or both, will be the "messenger" who contacts them.•Sister Clarise is definitely of magical origins, and I wonder if she isn't related to Severus?I'm still very curious about the connection that the bronze spear-head and the gold platter and cup and what part they will play in thwarting the coming darkness. I'm pretty sure they have something to do with Severus as well as Merlin and Nimuë.Yay! It's wonderful that the Grangers are happy with Hermione's and Severus' relationship. Thank you for sharing this story with us. And now I'll hush so you can get on with working on the next chapters.Beth
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi Beth - no need to hush (Madam Pince isn't looking) and it's a pleasure to share the story with you. I won't say too much though, as your wonderings will be addressed in the up and coming chapters - but a couple of them won't be given until the end.
Petrus should fit right in at Hogwarts, there should be no more overdue book, at any rate.
I'm beginning to wonder, if Severus got all his magical blood from his mother. Magical people and places, seem to be responding to Toby in an unusual way.
I am loving the way the relationship, between Hermione and Severus,is building.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
And no more smutty notes, scribbles in margins, coffee-cup rings, biscuit crumbs, chocolate smudges, or Paper Cut jinxes ;o)
Good gracious a lot of things are going on all at the same time. It's enough to give anybody a migraine!
•Severus found out just how powerful a witch his mother was, and it made him wonder why she had never protected him from his father's wrath. That left me wondering if she didn't use her magic because she didn't want to draw the attention of any magical folk. That would make sense if there were members of the Prince family who would seek her and an kill her and her family. He knows that his Uncle Drusus died to protect the Llygad. Maybe the day will come when Severus will better understand why his mother left the Wizarding world, married a Muggle, and did not use her magic.
•Hermione is a great comfort to Severus and I loved the spell she used to send her new merlin Patronus to find Severus. When the two of them walked hand in hand into the Entrance Hall. I'm glad that Kingsley and Minerva are both all right that two of Hogwarts’ bravest and brightest are together.
•Arawn has mustered his kidnapped Death Eaters, has stolen what he believes to be the Llygad, and is actively searching for Severus.
•Tobias appears to have come to a better understanding of the way his life had turned out and how badly he had treated Severus as a child. Now that he will be staying at Hogwarts, I imagine that there will be some uneasy times as father and son run into each other on a (nearly?) frequent basis.
•I really like Professor Addams. He's a great character and will, I think, play a vital part in these hard times coming to the school. I think he's really doing a great job of helping Neville and Draco see each other with different eyes.
•Oriens is another dream character. I think the way he has treated Toby will go a long way to changing the way he views the Wizarding world.
•Petrus is as cool a creature as I've ever read about in fandom. I think he will play a big part in this story as well.
All in all, I'd say Arawn may be biting off more than he can chew... I hope. Thanks for a great chapter. You've given me lots to think about.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Wow, I hope I haven't given you a migraine - they make looking at a screen an exercise in torture! I can't say too much - best to let the chapters do the talking (next one is in the Q). I'm happy that you like the OC's -- Petrus asked me to thank you for saying that he is 'cool'. Thanks for the review-of-intensive-thought :o)
Response from braye27 (Reviewer)
LOL! No migraines here. I was thinking about Severus.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hee! I hope I don't give him one either. After the inevitable hex, I might never hear the end of it :oP
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Wow, I hope I haven't given you a migraine - they make looking at a screen an exercise in torture! I can't say too much - best to let the chapters do the talking (next one is in the Q). I'm happy that you like the OC's -- Petrus asked me to thank you for saying that he is 'cool'. Thanks for the review-of-intensive-thought :o)
Response from braye27 (Reviewer)
LOL! No migraines here. I was thinking about Severus.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hee! I hope I don't give him one either. After the inevitable hex, I might never hear the end of it :oP
Severus' memorys of his childhood were heartbreaking, nothing will ever take away the pain of that time, for Severus or for Toby.
Dementors slinking around St Mungos! why are they torturing Death Eaters? not that I have a problem with that, but why aren't they just kissing them and be done with it?
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Yes, there's some things that can't be undone. I don't have any sympathy for the Death Eaters either - as for the Dementors, they are definitely up to something...
Thoroughly brilliant!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you! I'm delighted that you're enjoying the tale. Thanks for reading and reviewing :o)
i've read this story before. not sure if i've left a review... please please finish it! =))
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi again! Yes, you did indeed leave a review and I thank you for it :o) I will finish the story. In fact, I have just made a fresh cup of tea so I can pledge with this sacred and sustaining brew that, barring Death, I will complete the story ~stands and takes a sip without burning mouth~
please finish this! i know hgss or hp fics in general aren't as popular anymore but there are still new readers every year! =)) love the explorations of this story! i usually only read completed stories but i made the exception for you! =))
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Actually, I'm working on the last chapter at the moment, with an epilogue to follow that. Unless something kills me I will definitely finish the story! My chapters tend to stay in the Queue for long whiles - maybe 'cause I push to the word limits - the next one up has been sitting since 1 September and it's at #6 just now. Thanks for making an exception and reading a WIP. I understand about wanting to read completed stories - so many times I've been hooked on something wonderful and then the author goes bye-bye. I'm sure I'm not the only reader left to mourn unwritten chapters forever!
P.s. Just thought I'd add this to make sure I didn't imply that he isn't well represented in other points in the story, just when alone with Hermione, that's the only time I think he's OOC. You've written him perfectly when he interacts with anyone else, and all of your other characters are very well presented in your writing. I guess I'm just not used to a Severus who is all lovey dovey so early in a relationship and sp easy to handle :P
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi again! Lovey Dovey? Yikes! I wouldn't tell him that - Hex City... There's not a heart or flower in sight. Please refer to the twelve feet of parchment attached to your first review - I think I'd be pushing my luck with the Admins if I put it here, too. I could say "Hermione made me do it", but a ginger cat is watching me and I dare not...
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi again! Lovey Dovey? Yikes! I wouldn't tell him that - Hex City... There's not a heart or flower in sight. Please refer to the twelve feet of parchment attached to your first review - I think I'd be pushing my luck with the Admins if I put it here, too. I could say "Hermione made me do it", but a ginger cat is watching me and I dare not...
I really am loving this story, it's really intriguing, and such an original plot too! That is very scarce in HP fanfiction these days. Can't wait for the next chapter! Literally just bouncing on my seat going 'I want more!' lol. I do have one critical thing to add, which is more just something that kind of irks me, but not enough that it interferes with how much I want to keep reading this story though obviously! :D I feel like Severus is really OOC with Hermione. He just literally jumps right into the deep end of the relationship with her and is so forthcoming with his feelings and such with her even though their relationship is so new. I feel like it just isn't very realistic for Serverus' canon personality. I always imagine him to be distrustful and there to be at least a few obstacles caused by his own lack of self esteem and ability to show emotion that they have to get past in order for Hermione to get close enough to him for him to tell her about his past and how the present things affect him. Although you might not be angling for that, you might have wanted a Severus who is communicative from the start, this is just my observation. :) Can't wait to see more :)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi Duchesse,
I guess the best way to answer your concerns is to go through my reasons as to why Severus is depicted as he is in the fic: he is ‘in character’ with the other characters… but is he really OOC with Hermione?
In canon, we can get an idea of what he might be like with someone he loves – but nothing as to what he would be like with someone who loves him in return – so how would we know? As a premise, we do know that:
1) He has loved and lost before because he made unwise decisions and let his temper get the better of him.
2) He has spent a lot of years in situations where his life depended on ‘learning it once, learning it well’.
3) Being a bit of a perfectionist, he hates making mistakes and will work to avoid them.
4) Once he has decided to devote himself to something (or someone) he is very much ‘all or nothing.’
Taking those four things, I got the sense that if he did form an attachment, he would see it as a chance at something that, to him, is close to miraculous. It’s a fair bet that he would go all-out to make it work by:
A) Using the past as a reference and a lesson in what not to do.
B) Making the most of every experience (and lesson) a relationship would give him.
C) Using every resource he has to avoid destroying or weakening what he values…
D) Even if it meant a journey into unknown territory, or placing himself in a vulnerable position with the one he loves to forge a stronger bond.
In the fic., he is not so much ‘easy to handle’ as applying points A-D. An example of this is in C4 as follows:
The stream of invective he was about to release lodged somewhere between his chest and his throat as a memory flashed through his mind. A small part of history threatening to repeat itself. I pushed Lily away, and regretted it ever after, he thought. I will not make that mistake again.
Both characters have been quietly trying new approaches and moving on from their old ways of doing things.
Hermione has been learning not to boss Severus around, or assume straight off that she knows what is best for him – the gentle art of giving space. Meanwhile, Severus has been finding out that true relationships are two-way streets, and that is safe to come out from behind his walls when he is with Hermione – he can trust her with things he would (as he should) keep hidden from anyone else. As he sees that she does not break his trust, or use it to manipulate him, he gets better at giving it.
As to the timing of the relationship, it gradually develops over some months. I have avoided throwing them into each other’s arms after ten minutes, and I have also avoided stringing them both along until they are half out of their senses with unresolved tensions.
Starting from an agreement based on trust (aided by Fawkes lending a helping wing – a phoenix does not show up for nothing; and Hermione giving Severus’ wand back – an action of trust which spoke louder than words), they progressed through a reasonably dignified, and gradually warming, friendship. Hermione started ‘thinking about it’ some time before Severus realised where it was all going. It took a small misunderstanding in C7 to give Severus the wake-up call that he needed to bypass some insecurities and ‘make his move’. In the fic., all of that took about 3-4 months.
This turned out to be an essay :oP
Thanks for reading, reviewing, and a chance to do some unscheduled writing :o)
Response from Duchess_Of_Arcadia (Reviewer)
Great response! I think you had all points covered here, well done! An O for Outstanding effort! :PYou are right and I see that now. I suppose when reading a story over 3 days it all seems so sudden in your head when in reality(reality being the fiction, ha) it was happening over several months as you said. My review was not very well thought through, obviously. Whereas you've clearly sat down and put a lot of effort into portraying him as you do using what we know of his traits in a very effective manner. That was the only critical thing that I had to say at all about the story; I really do find this story to be of a very high quality, one of the best. Thankyou for being patient with my obtuse view of Severus :P xx
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
~hugs~ Thank you for the O! I would not call anybody's interpretation of Severus 'obtuse'. We are all different and see things in different ways - the great thing about a site like this one is that anyone can have an idea and put it 'out there', then readers can muse over the possibilities and (hopefully) have a lot of fun while doing so. LOL I know what you mean about losing track of fic-time. Doctor Who would have trouble with it! Thanks again for the review - I enjoyed writing the reply :o)
Response from Duchess_Of_Arcadia (Reviewer)
hehe I'm glad I gave you a bit of a challenge then :) all of this wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff gets to me and I just can't follow the lengths of time in fics :P
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi Duchesse,
I guess the best way to answer your concerns is to go through my reasons as to why Severus is depicted as he is in the fic: he is ‘in character’ with the other characters… but is he really OOC with Hermione?
In canon, we can get an idea of what he might be like with someone he loves – but nothing as to what he would be like with someone who loves him in return – so how would we know? As a premise, we do know that:
1) He has loved and lost before because he made unwise decisions and let his temper get the better of him.
2) He has spent a lot of years in situations where his life depended on ‘learning it once, learning it well’.
3) Being a bit of a perfectionist, he hates making mistakes and will work to avoid them.
4) Once he has decided to devote himself to something (or someone) he is very much ‘all or nothing.’
Taking those four things, I got the sense that if he did form an attachment, he would see it as a chance at something that, to him, is close to miraculous. It’s a fair bet that he would go all-out to make it work by:
A) Using the past as a reference and a lesson in what not to do.
B) Making the most of every experience (and lesson) a relationship would give him.
C) Using every resource he has to avoid destroying or weakening what he values…
D) Even if it meant a journey into unknown territory, or placing himself in a vulnerable position with the one he loves to forge a stronger bond.
In the fic., he is not so much ‘easy to handle’ as applying points A-D. An example of this is in C4 as follows:
The stream of invective he was about to release lodged somewhere between his chest and his throat as a memory flashed through his mind. A small part of history threatening to repeat itself. I pushed Lily away, and regretted it ever after, he thought. I will not make that mistake again.
Both characters have been quietly trying new approaches and moving on from their old ways of doing things.
Hermione has been learning not to boss Severus around, or assume straight off that she knows what is best for him – the gentle art of giving space. Meanwhile, Severus has been finding out that true relationships are two-way streets, and that is safe to come out from behind his walls when he is with Hermione – he can trust her with things he would (as he should) keep hidden from anyone else. As he sees that she does not break his trust, or use it to manipulate him, he gets better at giving it.
As to the timing of the relationship, it gradually develops over some months. I have avoided throwing them into each other’s arms after ten minutes, and I have also avoided stringing them both along until they are half out of their senses with unresolved tensions.
Starting from an agreement based on trust (aided by Fawkes lending a helping wing – a phoenix does not show up for nothing; and Hermione giving Severus’ wand back – an action of trust which spoke louder than words), they progressed through a reasonably dignified, and gradually warming, friendship. Hermione started ‘thinking about it’ some time before Severus realised where it was all going. It took a small misunderstanding in C7 to give Severus the wake-up call that he needed to bypass some insecurities and ‘make his move’. In the fic., all of that took about 3-4 months.
This turned out to be an essay :oP
Thanks for reading, reviewing, and a chance to do some unscheduled writing :o)
Response from Duchess_Of_Arcadia (Reviewer)
Great response! I think you had all points covered here, well done! An O for Outstanding effort! :PYou are right and I see that now. I suppose when reading a story over 3 days it all seems so sudden in your head when in reality(reality being the fiction, ha) it was happening over several months as you said. My review was not very well thought through, obviously. Whereas you've clearly sat down and put a lot of effort into portraying him as you do using what we know of his traits in a very effective manner. That was the only critical thing that I had to say at all about the story; I really do find this story to be of a very high quality, one of the best. Thankyou for being patient with my obtuse view of Severus :P xx
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
~hugs~ Thank you for the O! I would not call anybody's interpretation of Severus 'obtuse'. We are all different and see things in different ways - the great thing about a site like this one is that anyone can have an idea and put it 'out there', then readers can muse over the possibilities and (hopefully) have a lot of fun while doing so. LOL I know what you mean about losing track of fic-time. Doctor Who would have trouble with it! Thanks again for the review - I enjoyed writing the reply :o)
Response from Duchess_Of_Arcadia (Reviewer)
hehe I'm glad I gave you a bit of a challenge then :) all of this wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff gets to me and I just can't follow the lengths of time in fics :P
Wow.... PETRUS was afraid of the Dementor with Arawn. That's scary. So, has Kingsley now realized there are weak spots in the wards? Very glad Minerva will let Toby stay at Hogwarts. I wonder if Draco knows how to cast his Patronius spelll sounds like it might be needed soon. And I'm glad Severus and Hermione are turning to each other at this time. Thanks for updating!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi June! You are very welcome. I'd say Draco does know the non-Patronus-anti-Dementor method. His godfather would have taught him ;o) A lot of ward-strengthening has been going on, but it does take a bundle of energy, and resources are a bit stretched just now...
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi June! You are very welcome. I'd say Draco does know the non-Patronus-anti-Dementor method. His godfather would have taught him ;o) A lot of ward-strengthening has been going on, but it does take a bundle of energy, and resources are a bit stretched just now...
Another excellent and intriguing chapter! I can't wait to read Severus' reaction to Toby's newest accommodations!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
! I'll drop part of the 'reaction' in the Queue tomorrow :o)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
! I'll drop part of the 'reaction' in the Queue tomorrow :o)
A very exciting chapter, I love the image of Ron playing chess with the old Ford Anglia. Rabastan is sure scared of Senior Auror Mc Phee, isn't he. I just love the little glimpses of little Severus, cloomping around the kitchen in his first big boy boots, and cracking the sads,and turning the milk sour. The old Dragon is flying high, I hope hermione gets the chance to speak with her.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
LOL! You only need to be wary of Senior Auror McPhee if you've been misbehaving (which Rabastan has, for a very long time). Otherwise, she really is a very genteel and wise lady. Hermione will indeed get close up with the dragon...
Somehow this does not bode well, I think.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
There are some shadows - and other things - lurking...
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
There are some shadows - and other things - lurking...
I loved the "peppercorn plan," that Hermione proposed to Toby. It's things like this that you write so well and that put real muscle on the bones of your stories! They aren't necessarily a requirement, but they flesh out the relationships beautifully. It's the same with the story about Severus' first pair stout leather boots and remembering what his father had told him about having them. And Tocky's reaction had me grinning from ear to ear. Well done, m'dear.Another point worth mentioning is how well the three hard returns work to alert the reader of coming nested scene changes It's a very good tool.I love the "nose twisting" Severus gave Arawn when he sent his Patronus with his reply: "...While you consider your reply, don’t bother with any more empty threats – the Ministry has found nothing to substantiate them. Don’t forget to name a place and time, Arawn. I look forward to hearing from you.” That royally pissed him off. LOL! And has made him a bit reckless, I'll wager.I am so proud of George Weasley!The battle was wonderul! Although I had to reread the scenes and consult a few maps on Google, I was able to follow the action fairly well. I'd still love to see your maps, so I'd know if I guessed correctly. The way you choreographed the attacks by the centaurs was brilliant! With Fawkes and the old dragon on their way to help, I hope that Hermione will have the chance to talk to the old dragon and tell her how grateful she was that she flew them north to Hogwarts. I can't wait to find out what happens when the fleeing half-souls and Death Eaters run head long into the waiting surprise forces who have prepared a special welcome for them in the forest. Here is a lovely bouquet in thanks for another thrilling update!Hugs, Beth
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Morning Beth! I owe the 'three hard returns' method to linlawless - I'd found a reference on-line which suggested two hard returns, then lin proposed three so that it didn't look like a mistake to the reader - always good to know that it works :o)
Yes, Severus placed a nice little snare in his reply to promote and facilitate reckless behaviour. Hopefully, George will give you more reasons to be proud of him ;o)
You can probably tell I've been having fun with geographic locations - can't help it!! There's a whole world of places out there, jump in and explore the possibilities. While I love having maps in stories (and never find it a pain to stop reading for a while to pore over them) I haven't created any maps for this fic. I've kept the descriptions of the general locations as true to life as possible, but I doubt you'd find the forest where the secret allies hide out - it'll be hidden by more charms and wards than you can poke a stick at!
Hermione will have a chance to meet the dragon, no worries there. And thank you for the bouquet! ~puts it in a vase and positions it on desk~
Just wondering... don't most people pronounce the "aitches" so what so special about the gargoyle pronouncing them all the time? Thought it usual.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Well, you see, Petrus' first language is French - it's the first language he learned when he came to conciousness at Notre Dame. Native French-speakers, when speaking English, tend not to pronounce the aitch. For example, the question "Which hairdresser do you go to?", would sound like "Which 'airdresser do you go to?" when spoken in English by a French person.
However, it was Oriens who taught Petrus English. Now for a small diversion - Oriens is South East Asian, from the Indonesian island of Sumatra. From chatting with my work colleagues who come from that part of the world, and others from North and East Asia, I noted a common theme of seeking perfection in the use of language (particluarly formal address) and parents expect their children to learn and speak English well.
I've extended that concept to Oriens teaching Petrus - Petrus said once that Oriens always insisted on him pronouncing the aitches - even though his linguistic tendancy would have been not to pronounce them.
But it is a curious thing about the aitch - why is it not spelled as "haitch", like you pronounce the letter in a word? I've no idea. A curiosity of the English language! Hope this mini-essay clears it up for you :o)
Response from jadecadence (Reviewer)
Definitely! Loved the mini-essay. Will ask my Indonesian auntie-in-law. I would say that she is 97% grammatical. I am from Southeast-asia too! However, my country's history is too short to be in any Harry Potter fan-fic I would think! Wonder if someone could start a prompt on how One can best incorporate Singapore into a story :) and then I can have a good chuckly laugh over it. :)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
I'm sure it could be done... Hagrid says that there's a Merlion living in Singapore Harbour, Severus tells of a hermit healer who invented Tiger Balm and is half human, half tiger. Also, in the grounds of Jurong, there are some magical birds who can dazzle you with bright feathers - but beware their beguiling songs which, Filius says, are particularly powerful charms! They will lead you into the forest and you will turn into one of them!
And I'm sure there is a history of dragons in your part of the world - they may be sleeping in underground caverns (have to ask Charlie Weasley). Of course, any story based in Asia would have to follow the tradition of beginning with a poor scholar living in the forest, and one day he encounters a beautiful lady (who may or may not be human!).
Awwwwwrgggh! It hurts, it HURTS! The PAIN of an unfinished work of art! Not for God's divine glory... yet I cannot resist the lure.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Whoa! You need a cup of tea (tea is a divine gift and cures a great many things). Thanks for reading and reviewing and I hope the pain is not so bad now...
Response from jadecadence (Reviewer)
I bet you have not tried White tea ;)
I'm so very glad tis story ain't over! Please update and complete it! Preferably as I am reading the next chappie hehehehe...
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Oh, I'll complete it all right - have to. Severus will arrive in my dreamscape and hex me into atoms if I don't :oP
Response from jadecadence (Reviewer)
👍😄😄 wow! Whhhhaaat priceless blessings you authors have that is only availed to your kind who exercise their talents! :))
I moved inexorably through your chapters without leaving a review... even forsaking my Bsf homework for to finish reading. Sighs. You know your story has momentum!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
- hope you got to the homework in time and the results were perfection! Thanks for reading and reviewing :o)
Superb chapter. Excellent read. Well done!!!!!!!!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it :o)
Amazing epic, astounding plot, intriguing characters, feel-good, mind-boggling personal redemptions... Outstanding!(while not flawless, your Internet-based French was surprisingly decent too)
Hurrah! New chapter!I've read a lot of good HP fics over the years, and this is truly one of the best of the best. I'm always looking forward to the next installment (and checking for them far more often than is reasonable or even sane).Keep up the great work.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi! Thank you very much :o) The next chapter is up and the one after that in the queue (hope that saves you a bit of checking). Thanks for enjoying the tale :o)
Severus’ eyes widened as he interpreted Petrus’ Latin. He knew that the stone Being didn’t have the authority to make any sort of binding pronouncement as such… but this unexpected rehearsal of a nuptial Mass set his stomach into what felt like a Celtic knot. He glanced at Hermione, who stared at Petrus with her mouth slightly open and her cheeks a beguiling shade of pink. Feeling unexpectedly coy, he took her hand and turned to face her. Well, I suppose we asked for it, standing side by side before the altar in a Parisian cathedral.***
After several demure attempts, Hermione raised her eyes to look at Severus, her lower lip caught firmly between her teeth. She faced him and took his free hand as Petrus recited an age old prayer with the soulful grace of a poet. She felt her wizard’s presence at her mind’s door and opened herself to hear what he might say: "Hermione… I will… I do."***
Now for The Portal of the Last Judgement... hummmm... If Severus is correct, this could be BIG! “Given Petrus’ observation that the power amplifies the resonance of the bourdon… Would I be correct to assume that this upwelling of power is focussed by the tolling of Emmanuel – similar to the focussing of magical power through a wand?” I can't wait to see what Firenze has to say about that.***
Who was in the upstairs master bedroom?
Toby sat forward. “Just before she told me to run for it… there was a dog barkin’ and… and…”Severus recalled everything he could about the witnessed memory. “A floorboard creaked upstairs – in the master bedroom.”“And that floorboard would only creak… When?”Severus’ posture stiffened. “On a re-bound. I got to know it extremely well. It would only make a noise within several seconds of someone walking on it.” He locked eyes with Tobias. “If there was someone there who shouldn’t have been there, my mother would have known.”“But what if someone was? Someone she knew about… Or some-bloody-thing.”Father and son shared a simultaneous, unspoken exchange of the same breathtaking, skin-prickling suspicion—
Who on earth could have been in that bedroom? This chapter is chock full of clues!!!***I'm so glad Oriens got in touch with everyone. I was beginning to worry myself! And now we have a new element in the alliance– highly classified allies that Oriens cannot say anything about. I am racking my brain to remember a clue or two... ***And last but not least, what is this plan that has Minerva so excited and just what constitutes a suitable gargoyle?
Thank you for this totally marvelous update!!!Beth
Response from braye27 (Reviewer)
I don't know how I managed to post two nearly identical reviews on two different days at two different times. Either I'm not as clever as I like to think I am, or I'm very clever without a clue as to how I did it. LOL!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
You did! Did someone get to your e-device with some strange version of the Gemino Curse? Hope not! Tell you what, let's go with very clever :o)