New Chapter for A Place in the World
A Place in the World
noodle263 Reviews | 263 Ratings, 0 Likes, 51 Favorites )
Apart from it being an artefact of considerable antiquity, no one at the Department Of Mysteries could determine what it was. It was taken from the body of a slain Death Eater at the first fall of Voldemort and was, undeniably, of magical origin. Unable to extract its secrets, and unwilling to risk further experiments, the Unspeakables consigned it to the vaults. Or so they thought. Only one wizard may provide the answer, but he has no idea of his connection to it.
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Member Since 2011 | 3 Stories | Favorited by 53 | 49 Reviews Written | 418 Review Responses
Reviews for A Place in the World
With every chapter we find ourselves going deeper into this wonderfully complex story.
Lucius is a good friend to Severus, he also owes Severus a large life debt, for protecing Draco
Looking forward to more.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Lucius owes, alright - but he'll always look for a way to pay his debts so that he gets some benefit as well.
Auror McPhee has got her work cut out for her, with Mr Potter,maybe Severus could give her a tip or two.
There is so much infomation, and lore in every chapter intakes a little while to absorb, it is a joy to read.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Ah, Senior Auror McPhee has had plenty of experience in dealing with young people who have needed firm guidance at times, but never received it. She'll sort him out, no problem.
Toby is taking everything in his stride, the magic world, ghosts,centaurs, if I were thrown headfirst into all that, I don't think I would handle it as well.I love the image of Hermione "woman-handling" Severus, and snogging him senseless.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
You'd probably handle it far better than you think! It's hard to tell how a situation might be coped with until you're actually in the thick of it. Plus, Toby has had a dose of that modified Calming Draught Poppy gave him - it has probably helped him over the initial surprises. Wish I had some just now. The workplace has descended into end-of-year lunacy.
Does anyone know, that Toby's behaviour was influenced by the Death-Eaters?
I'm glad to see that, Hermione and Severus are getting closer.
Arawn thinks he has control over the dementors, but I doubt that very much.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't - either way, Voldy's objective was acheived (temporarily). Sit down with Dementors, get up with madness (Lord Theodolphus Mopely Umbridge Usher, 1780).
Oh, that would be funny... I can just picture Severus doing exactly that just to make his point to his prospective father-in-law.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
I get the feeling he will... He told me he had to go and see Hagrid about borrowing 'the new dog'.
I get the feeling that the dementors are having trouble finding Severus, because he isn't feeling the old hate now he 's with Hermione. I'm glad Oriens managed to bring Toby in without bloodshed, it may make the meeting with Severus easier.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
The clue is in the false memory that Lucius gave to Arawn(in Muggle Trouble). Oriens, unlike young Harry, is not one to go blustering into a situation without thinking it through first ;o)
Good on Toby, Hermione really is the brains of " The Golden Trio" Harry just goes off half cocked, and get into more trouble.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Yup. Unfortunately, Harry didn't get many lessons in 'boundaries and consequences' while at Hogwarts. A bit sad, really, 'cause he might have had a smoother road with a bit lot more self-discipline.
Ha ha, I love the part about the lycanthropy books being picked on with silver written parchment, who'd have thought? Let the books bite the kid!! And you'd think a Ravenclaw would treat books better.. If that's who it was. Well, please update more soon!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
A clever piece of charms work, that one. Diabolical! Yes, you would think that someone in Ravenclaw would know better... but then again, you could say that about a whole heap of things :oP
Gah! So much intrigue!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hee! What would a story be without it?
I really like the fact that the Phoenix can vanquish the dementors here, not something I've seen before, but kinda makes sense, when you think about it. I like the mini cliffie here, so I'm gonna shut up and go read more now.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Fawkes thought it made sense, too. It was either give him a scene of his own, or he'd chew the door seals on the fridge right off.
So.. I just wanted to say that I love some of the ideas you've come up with that I haven't seen in fics before- hiding dementors in shadows, stuff like that- so bonus points for that, on top of a story so far. :)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thanks muchly! There's a lot to play with in the HP universe - and it's fun thinking up stuff :o) Glad you're enjoying the read!
Arawn is a very creepy character, a new dark lord in the making, he is big trouble.
I love the slow build up between Severus and Hermione.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hee! That's what my beta said. Darklings: ya gotta have 'em :o)
Ah... now I see where the title of this three-part chapter comes from.
I loved your description of Fawkes banishing the Dementors:
The Dementors could not sense what banished them. It came out of intolerable brightness and struck with irresistible force. In its touch was a silent song, and it burned like the fires of creation. That was totally spectacular!!!
Severus and Hermione are formidable team—tender with each other and tough as nails against their foes. Oriens' command of Kris was thrilling, and Toby's quick thinking and sure aim had me cheering. When Arawn hit Toby with that curse all I could think about was the Sectumsempra that Severus had created "for enemies." I pray he can heal his father before it's too late.
I can't wait for the next chapter to post. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story!!!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Good morning! Yeah, it took a while to get to the reason for the chapter title (word limits, you know) so thanks for waiting :oP Fawkes is lots of fun - when I write his character, I get Mercury - The Winged Messenger by Gustave Holst running through my head. The music seems to fit Fawkes perfectly. I did want to get it across that S & H would be a dangerous duo in a fight, so thank you for describing them as a 'formidable team'. Next chapter coming... Cheers for now!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Good morning! Yeah, it took a while to get to the reason for the chapter title (word limits, you know) so thanks for waiting :oP Fawkes is lots of fun - when I write his character, I get Mercury - The Winged Messenger by Gustave Holst running through my head. The music seems to fit Fawkes perfectly. I did want to get it across that S & H would be a dangerous duo in a fight, so thank you for describing them as a 'formidable team'. Next chapter coming... Cheers for now!
Yay Fawkes! I like to imagine that Fawkes found Severus before he succumbed to the snake bite. Really, Jo, the answer was right there. You could have let him find some happiness in life. Back to the story. I loved the scene where he was just on this side of the Veil listening to the beyond and finally getting release from his past with apologies from those who treated him poorly or used him. Very well done. The last part made me laugh, too. I look forward to seeing what happens next.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hee! I agree with you about 'the answer' being right there. Nice and obvious ;o) One of the things that nagged me into writing was the sense that the canon outcome just didn't feel right. Then I remembered Mary Stewart's books and a very familiar description... I hope you enjoy the other chapters. Thanks for dropping by :o)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hee! I agree with you about 'the answer' being right there. Nice and obvious ;o) One of the things that nagged me into writing was the sense that the canon outcome just didn't feel right. Then I remembered Mary Stewart's books and a very familiar description... I hope you enjoy the other chapters. Thanks for dropping by :o)
Gah! What's with all the cliff hangers? I need more!
This is utterly brilliant! Also, Senior Auror McPhee? *clutches sides*
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Yeah, sorry about those... more is coming. Heee! Senior Auror McPhee is needed - and she'll bring out the best in Harry. I felt sorry for Harry as he spent his childhood being totally squashed. Then he was 'let loose', in a sense, without any guidelines, boundaries or meaningful consequences - at an age when those things were exactly what he needed.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Yeah, sorry about those... more is coming. Heee! Senior Auror McPhee is needed - and she'll bring out the best in Harry. I felt sorry for Harry as he spent his childhood being totally squashed. Then he was 'let loose', in a sense, without any guidelines, boundaries or meaningful consequences - at an age when those things were exactly what he needed.
...the tentative truce that wandered in the air like a ghost unsure of its own identity.
That's such lovely phrasing!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Aww... Thank you :o)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Aww... Thank you :o)
Hmm... I think Toby needs to have that chat with Severus!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
He certainly does! But he needs to find the right opportunity...
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
He certainly does! But he needs to find the right opportunity...
Ooh, this is moving on apace! I'm growing very fond of grumpy Toby, while Hermione and Severus are just delightful together.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hee! Give him a cup of tea, that'll sort him out.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hee! Give him a cup of tea, that'll sort him out.
This world is so complete, it's incredible. Toby's interactions with the inhabitants of Hogwarts are fascinating (someone bothering to talk to Myrtle!) while this line: Finally, she timed herself while she treated Crookshanks to a dry run, during which the half-Kneazle disobligingly went to sleep is just perfect!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
LOL! Poor Myrtle, she got a really bad deal in Canon. I could just see Hermione's expression upon discovering that Crooks had gone to sleep - he was supposed to be her staunchest ally!!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
LOL! Poor Myrtle, she got a really bad deal in Canon. I could just see Hermione's expression upon discovering that Crooks had gone to sleep - he was supposed to be her staunchest ally!!
Just why are the Dementors herding Death Eaters?
I hadn't thought about how much Toby would blame Severus for what happened. I can't wait to see whatever it is that has him so afraid!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Why, indeed! You'll see...
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Why, indeed! You'll see...
I loved the scene with Petrus! I do hope Hermione succeeds in finding his freedom. The scene with the Dementors was terrifying!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you! We all know Hermione will be very peristent and have all her arguments arranged. Dementors is not very nice...
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you! We all know Hermione will be very peristent and have all her arguments arranged. Dementors is not very nice...
Ooh, ooh, ooohhh!!! Toby found, Severus working for the Ministry, Petrus' case about to get the Hermione treatment! This is getting exciting!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
SO much to take in! Toby taking out two wizards was brilliant and that kiss! *sigh*
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hee! Snapes are very resourceful and should never be underestimated.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hee! Snapes are very resourceful and should never be underestimated.
This story is growing ever more epic! To think, Dark wizards plotted to bring Severus to the Dark arts... I can't wait to find out more about these ancient Princes.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Then read on, s'il vous plait...
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Then read on, s'il vous plait...