New Chapter for A Place in the World
A Place in the World
noodle263 Reviews | 263 Ratings, 0 Likes, 51 Favorites )
Apart from it being an artefact of considerable antiquity, no one at the Department Of Mysteries could determine what it was. It was taken from the body of a slain Death Eater at the first fall of Voldemort and was, undeniably, of magical origin. Unable to extract its secrets, and unwilling to risk further experiments, the Unspeakables consigned it to the vaults. Or so they thought. Only one wizard may provide the answer, but he has no idea of his connection to it.
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Member Since 2011 | 3 Stories | Favorited by 53 | 49 Reviews Written | 418 Review Responses
Reviews for A Place in the World
Great battle! I've never tried to write a battle. It can't be easy. Thank you for not killing off major characters that you have made us love. I do hope that trend continues. Off to the next part of the battle!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you and you're welcome :o)
YIKES! I guess Arawn is sending Severus his ultimatum. I didn't know gobstones spit. Is this common knowledge or is this a genius invention you have made for this story?
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
LOL! No, spitting Gobstones is all JKR. I guess it comes from the British vernacular 'gob' which means to spit. It also refers to the mouth is general as in: 'Shut yer gob', or a reference to verbal truculence as in: at the referee's decision, he gobbed off something savage and got sent off the field.
I dig the new patronus! This is very exciting and a little scary.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Yes, I think it was a bit miffed at being left in the Aetherial dimension for so long. I've watched peregrines in flight and they really are breathtaking - and very fierce!
Another wonderful chapter. Thank you!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you for reading and enjoying :o)
OMG! OMG! Sister Clarise was Eileen! (I can't stop grinning!)'Wonder if Toby and Eileen will get back together? And will Tocky be their house-elf? That would be perfect... of course, we don't know how Severus is going to react knowing his mother is still alive... but after everything is said and done he should be happy about it... and Hermione will be happy, too. (I'm outta breath.)There were so many close calls– and we still don't know what has happened to Severus and Hermione or where they are– you nearly gave me a coronary. I hope the old old Ukrainian Ironbelly will have taken them to a place where they can be cared for and get the rest and nourishment they need. I have a feeling she would never leave Merlin's descendent or his witch behind.Loved this: Ricardus– "a young wizard with a nobleman’s bearing and one shoulder noticeably higher than the other."As you sow, so shall you reap. Arawn certainly received the rewards of his evil harvest. The protections on the Spear of the Stronghold reminded me of the protections on the Sorceror's Stone in the first HP book. The dragons were magnificient in their role of driving the Dementors back through the rift. May the Dementors forever starve.You wrote the action scenes so well that I could follow them with very few rereads. Your battle scenes are very well done.As always, thank you for this fabulous update.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi again! LOL! I hope you caught your breath and please don't go having a coronary. Severus would tell you that it's not adviseable.
The old dragon did say that she'd look after Hermione as though she was one of her own, and I've a pretty strong reason to believe that the same would extend to Severus ;o) Glad you enjoyed the action scenes - I had fun with those and so did the dragons (they do love a chance to showcase their abilities, Charlie tells me). And what other name would an Auror with a boar patronus go by? :oD Next chapter is in the queue and my Beta has finished with the Eplogue (and I'm still a bit weepy).
Until then, take care and forbid coronaries'
PS: Loyaulté me lie
There are so many things to love in this chapter!• Hermione's and Severus' ride on the dragon was jaw-dropping and thrilling at the same time.• I loved that the old dragon could communicate with Severus (and caution him on preparing a worthy nest for their dragonets' arrival).• I think Draco is so fortunate to have had time to talk with Oriens, and that the unspeakable has found a good solution to help the young Malfoy to heal himself while learning to heal others.• Emmanuel’s deep tones that nearly drove Rabastan bonkers, and he got what he deserved when he tried to hurt Toby and Tocky... Petrus turned him every which way but loose! Couldn’t have happened to a nicer chap.”• Arawn had to be sweating blood after he had seen what had become of the battlefield he had chosen for his first attack. I'm certain things won't get much better for him, and I hope it's Severus who gets the honor of finishing him off.• The story about how Styx came to be George's familiar is such a touching passage. Anyone who has lost someone as close as Fred was to George will instantly recognize how special this kind of friendship is: "I wanted to go away… anywhere… to be alone. I couldn’t cry. Couldn’t speak. Couldn’t think. Styx seemed to know… She didn’t expect me to do anything. And she stayed with me...”
I especially like Petrus' answer to Toby's question about true faith and sacrifice being grounded in love: "Petrus tested his balance with a few tentative steps. He lightly tapped Toby’s chest, right above the heart. “To know this, here is where you must search. The word ‘heart’, in your English, it seems to be made of two words – ‘here’ and ‘art’ – those words, they are saying, ‘here it is’.”
And now I simply have to get to the next chapter! When Sister Clarise heard the name of Snape, she had such an emotional reaction, that I have to see what's going to happen next!!!Once again, I LOVE this story.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi Beth!
Glad you enjoyed the dragon ride ;o) Yes, Sister Clarise did seem a bit emotional, didn't she? By now you'll have read the next chapter 'cause TPP told me it's been posted. Catch up with you there...
Hermione has finaly got to free the old Dragon from her shackles , I love the Dragon's comments, while Severus and Hermione were canoodling on her back. I'm not normally bloodthirsty but, I was so glad to see Rabastan Lastrange get what he deserved. It was so funny to see Petris, cowed into submission by Minerva, and no one would help him. George, Styx,Toby and Tocky are flying with the Dragons, while poor Arthur is left to deal with Molly in full mother hen mode.The time is almost here, for Sister Clarise to play her part, and I feel that it will be a very big part.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi Mick! Sorry I took ages (again) to reply. I've been Spammed something dreadful and it was a bit depressing and I didn't want to look (Headmistress knows about it but she can't be everywhere at once). LOL would you try dissuading Minerva? Not me. I suspect that Molly will have ruffled feathers for a while yet!
I am so happy for Tocky, it would have brocken his heart to be left behind " Tocky is willing " too sweet . The battle with the centaurs was gripping, and not over yet. Looking forward to the meeting between Hermione and the old Dragon.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Tocky is quite a charmer, isn't he? But I think most house-elves are (except maybe Kreacher) if given a chance to serve in a non-threatening household where they won't get beaten over mere trifles. Thanks for reading and reviewing :o)
I was very impressed with what Ron told Harry about being able to see how Hermione changing her mind turned out to be a good thing for him, too. He's grown into his own man.
I think Toby has made a friend for life with Arthur. Maybe they'll work together on that Triumph motorcycle and get it into "racing shape."
I breathed a sigh of relief when Oriens returned to Severus and Hermione with good news about the battle and with just enough hint of magic and power that they realized he had been there during the fight. I think
the sight of a broken, blood-smeared Death Eater mask and a shrunken Troll's head spoke volumes about the success of the centaurs and the secret warriors.
Sister Clarise is still as engimatic as ever, but I'm beginning to think I may have an idea who she is. I won't mention it here, but maybe I'll email you my musings, and you can choose to read it or not... it'll be up to you.
I love the way you tied Rabastan and the Dementor to the suspicious characters Ron and Harry saw reflected in the mirror wall of the building where they were "very much occupied" admiring the sporty concept cars.
I was intrigued by Severus' memories of what had happened to Cornelius Fudge as a result of Umbridge's evil manipulation of prisoners and Dementors alike. I like what happened to her as her punishment, and I like that the centaurs hadn't actually done what "many openly prejudiced humans suspected." I'm sure she found the bath-by-eels a delightful experience... NOT! She got exactly what she deserved.
A true melee has developed with Severus' duel with Arawn in full force, and Emmanuel and Pertus calling forth the power of the node to drive fear into the Dementors, and Harry and Ron battling Rabastan. I couldn't help smiling when all the bells began to send their carillon out into the city and drove the Dementors to the east. What a magnificent scene that created! And I loved Filius' description of "fractal geomorphic
Arithmancy expressed in sound" and his reference to the Wizard of Oz cracked me up.
The dragons arrival was a stupendous stroke of perfect timing!!! Well done. I feel sure that Rabastan will have his hands full when he finally reaches the top step. I'm certain Pertus will take great exception to any plans the Death Eater may have to silence Emmanuel. Monsieur Roquefort corralled the Dementors beautifully, but I know he must have been soooo relieved when Kingsley told him the dragons were the cavalry come to save the day! Hermione's reaction when she recognized the Ukrainian Ironbelly was just what I thought it would be.
This has been another rollercoaster ride of an update. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing and sharing this fabulous tale.Cheers and more flowers for you. Beth
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi Beth! Thanks again for the flowers - such vibrant colours! Funny how flowers can throw togather any colour scheme the like and make it look good. I've just put part three into the queue, so you'll find out who Sister Clarise is when I've got through Validation ;o) Yes, Umbridge was a piece of work indeed - glad she's safely stowed in Azkaban (which will be Dementor-free forever). Rabastan will have his hands full, alright, but not in the way he thinks. More dragons coming up...
“That depends very much on the outcome of my mission. If the result is favourable, we will have an advantage – one with surprise built into it.” This sounds like going into that forest is like planning to walk into a mine field. I hope everything goes as Oriens hopes it will.I hope all of the Fawksian Fellowship, along with all the power of the Phoenix and Macsen’s treasure, will be enough to vanquish Arawn and his unholy army.I can't seem to get Sister Clarise out of my mind... who are her ancestors? Thank you for another top notch chapter filled to the brim with any number of fascinating hints of what is to come!!!Beth
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hello Beth - sorry I took so long to reply, I've been crazily busy the last month or so and my TPP house-keeping slipped a bit (I need a house-elf!!!).
Yes, that particular forest can be a very dangerous place to enter - its one of the few remaining strongholds of some very rare (nowadays - there used to be lots of them) beings.
Will the unholy army be vanquished? Severus has a plan...
You'll see more of Sister Clarise in later chapters ;o) Thak you for reading and reviewing.
love how the drama is evolving as the story continued.. love blossom between severus & hermione!! now, onward to more..
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thanks ronio - hope you like it!
You know, you could have easily changed up the characters and the setting just a tad and been able to pull this off as an original novel. Just sayin'. It's amazing and everytime I come across an update I do a little dance. I almost can't wait for it to be finished just so I can read it all in a single sitting. :)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
! I don't think I would've had the confidence to go all on my ownsome - the great thing about sites like TPP is you can have an idea, fly it, and have a great time learning about writing fiction. This fic started when I was having a trip dowm memory lane with The Crystal Cave. I read Merlin's description and I could almost hear Severus saying "Sound. Familiar?" Yes sir. What? You want me to write about it? Me? Ack, OK, hold your hexes!
an interestig plot involving severus & an artfact!!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thanks ronio :o)
A great up date , I loved Hermione getting to know the centaurs', and Severus telling her he has seen their children. The dementor hunting for Severus with a scroll cluched in it's scaley claw, gives me the creeps * shudder *
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi Mick! Thanks for the review. Yes, Hermione has certainly revised her opinion of centaurs - look out Ministry! Dementors are creepy by nature
Hoorah!! Hooray!!! A new chapter!!! Your rehabilitation of Tobias Snape has been truly novel. Sounds like there will be a return "down under" soon. Looking forward to future chapters! Sandra
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you Sandra! I had a bit of fun with the idea of doing something a bit different. Stories of rehabilitation against enormous odds show up all the time in real life feature columns and documentaries. Besides, Severus did a bit of self-reform as well - he would know that it takes a lot of courage to dig oneself out of a dirty great pit!
I have nothing inciteful to say... just that I really love this story!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you!
This is one of the best stories I have ever read!! Once I started, I couldn't stop. Excellent so far!!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you very much! I'm very happy to know you've enjoyed it :o)
An up date
The scene between Severus and Toby was both heartrending, and sweet at the same time, I could just see little Sev, coming in covered in muck a big grin on his face, those were good times for the Snapes, a pity it all went to hell in a handbag when the mill closed, it sound like Toby was a good dad untill then. Fawkes has armed Toby, so he must be ment to fight in this war, he will have Tocky to help him, if he wants him to or not, I hope Tocky will like Australia.
. By the look of Severus' vision, is trying to show him the weapon he need to find to help him fight the dementor invasion.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Young Sev seems to have been a bit of a rascal - at least the neighbour thought so. I suspect that bath-time would have been rather dramatic. From what I can tell, the people in the industrial north were a very tough, pragmatic lot. Toby would have placed very high value on being the head of his household. Sadly, things do go wrong at times, and you don't have to read too much news to find instances where whole communities suffer when something central (usually a source of employment) to their world is lost.
It really depended on Snape’s cooperation, which Arawn was sure the ex-Death Eater would be obliged to give – this time. This sounds ominous- as though he is planning on taking over the Castle or taking Hermione hostage if Severus doesn't agree to his ultimatum.It was good to see Harry come prepared to make peace with Severus. Senior Auror McPhee is a wise Gorgon, isn't she? I'm very glad Hermione refused to put in a good word with Severus, but agreeing to take Harry's package to him is the right decision.I hope Sister Clarise is all right. I think that was her that Severus saw in his latest vision. I hope she will reach her goal soon. Severus is going to need all the help he can get.Great chapter, BTW!Beth
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hello Beth! I think Senior Auror McPhee will be just what Harry needs - she's very firm with him, but she's also fair. She seems to be teaching him to think before charging into action. Hermione can recognise a potential boy-ploy when she see one (essay introductions etc) - and she's probably had enough of those from school. But she's also well aware of Severus' feelings about a) Harry, and b) being manipulated and coerced. She'll never do that to him.Sister Clarise is a pretty tough cookie, really... Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Some very deep magic is being gathered, from all corneers of the wizarding world. Arawn has stired up quite a fuss, hasn't he. I hope sister Clarise is ok out in the storm, all alone.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
He has, indeed! Sister Clarise is used to solitude - she's pretty focussed on her quest right now...
Whoo! An update! I'd almost forgotten about this story. So glad I haven't lol.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
I'm glad you haven't forgotten :o) The chapter took a while to wander up through the queue, but it got here. I usually post 'next chapters' when the preceding one gets the Admin treatment, so the next is coming up...
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
I'm glad you haven't forgotten :o) The chapter took a while to wander up through the queue, but it got here. I usually post 'next chapters' when the preceding one gets the Admin treatment, so the next is coming up...
Another great chapter, I especialy liked Hermione and Toby with the Unicorns.
Tocky and all house elves for that matter, know so much more they are given credit for.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you!
Another great chapter, I especialy liked Hermione and Toby with the Unicorns.
Tocky and all house elves for that matter, know so much more they are given credit for.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you! I think the centaurs were quietly impressed. At least Firenze acknowledged it...
I feel that the story has taken a new turn, with the scene between Severus and Toby.
I love the involvement of the centaurs,the horns have a story behind them, I'm sure we will find out more in time.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Apologies for taking so long to respond - RL has had me running flat out just to stay in the one spot! The horns do have a bit of a legend behind them, as you'll see...