New Chapter for A Place in the World
A Place in the World
noodle263 Reviews | 263 Ratings, 0 Likes, 51 Favorites )
Apart from it being an artefact of considerable antiquity, no one at the Department Of Mysteries could determine what it was. It was taken from the body of a slain Death Eater at the first fall of Voldemort and was, undeniably, of magical origin. Unable to extract its secrets, and unwilling to risk further experiments, the Unspeakables consigned it to the vaults. Or so they thought. Only one wizard may provide the answer, but he has no idea of his connection to it.
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About noodle
Member Since 2011 | 3 Stories | Favorited by 53 | 49 Reviews Written | 418 Review Responses
Reviews for A Place in the World
I love:
Minerva's fiery defence of Severus
Snape's reaction to Hermione returning the pilfered stout: "No."
Wondering just what Toby can be doing there...
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Yes, poor Minerva - she really is quite a softie under the pragmatic Scottish exterior. She would have been devastated to realise how wrong she had been even if she had no way of knowing any better.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Yes, poor Minerva - she really is quite a softie under the pragmatic Scottish exterior. She would have been devastated to realise how wrong she had been even if she had no way of knowing any better.
Such a fascinating glimpse into Severus' past. I love the idea that Lily's parents accepted him along with her magic. The picture painted of his childhood in canon is very bleak, but it can't have been just that, surely? I like this version better.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
I'm sure there would have been some bright spots there - but we can't deny they would have been cold, hard times.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
I'm sure there would have been some bright spots there - but we can't deny they would have been cold, hard times.
Ooh! Of all the places she chose to take him to...
The scene with the veil was well done. I've read plenty of scenes where he meets with Lily, but never one where he gets to overhear her and Dumbledore together.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Well, it is reasonably out of the way ;o) Sev did need some sort of closure with Lily - but he did show great restraint in not strangling Albus.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Well, it is reasonably out of the way ;o) Sev did need some sort of closure with Lily - but he did show great restraint in not strangling Albus.
This is unlike anything I've read before - I'm really interested to see where this goes!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi!! I set out to do something a bit different - hope the interest holds! Thanks for reading and reviewing :o)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi!! I set out to do something a bit different - hope the interest holds! Thanks for reading and reviewing :o)
I'm so glad the next chapter is already up - I'd hate to wait after a cliffy like that!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Would I do that to you? ;o)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Would I do that to you? ;o)
My goodness, but Eileen could be terrifying. I love the idea that she his her magic on purpose, not because it was beaten out of her.
Dementors in St Mungos? No!
Severus and Hermione's scenes together are just lovely.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
She's one powerful witch alright, but the world seemed to be against her - even magical people can lose heart and will when the chips are down. Dementors in St Mungos yes!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
She's one powerful witch alright, but the world seemed to be against her - even magical people can lose heart and will when the chips are down. Dementors in St Mungos yes!
*applauds wildly* Great Cesar's Ghost! This was a great chapter that has whetted my appetite for this story even more. I love the way Hermione and Toby came to spend a little time together. Working together to save the unicorns gave them a way to see the best in each other, and to develope a sense of trust. My favorite part was when Severus and Toby got a chance to talk, and Toby shared the scrap of parchment with his son. I was trying to figure out the significance of the chapter title, and all I could think of were the things Toby told Severus. Did four key pieces becomes five arrows, actually?1. Merlin had Welsh origins. His name was called Myrddin.2. Merlin's unnamed father was a Muggle.3. Merlin's father was a Roman.4. Merlin inherited his magic from his Welsh mother named Niniane..5. Niniane was a princess and sister to the king, and thus Merlin was a Prince of a royal lineage.I cannot wait to see what happens next when Severus searches the Llygad again as if it were a Pensieve. And what further secrets does Tocky know?Thank you for this incredible update!Beth
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi Beth! I had to split this chapter into three parts to stay safely within word limits. You see, when I'd filled in my plot diagram and dialogue prompts chicken scratchings, I hit word count and immediately thought: Oops, I've done a Hermione. I promise you, by the end of part three you will know the significance of the chapter title. I toyed with the idea of a distinct chapter title for each of the three parts, but the whole thing really was meant to go together as the one item - and my brain decided it was going to stay hard-wired and flatly refused to think otherwise. As for what Severus finds out - I shall be wicked (nicely) and say it opens Part 2 which is in the Queue ;o) Thanks again for reading and reviewing!ps. a certain emperor's ghost tells me that the roads here are dreadful.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi Beth! I had to split this chapter into three parts to stay safely within word limits. You see, when I'd filled in my plot diagram and dialogue prompts chicken scratchings, I hit word count and immediately thought: Oops, I've done a Hermione. I promise you, by the end of part three you will know the significance of the chapter title. I toyed with the idea of a distinct chapter title for each of the three parts, but the whole thing really was meant to go together as the one item - and my brain decided it was going to stay hard-wired and flatly refused to think otherwise. As for what Severus finds out - I shall be wicked (nicely) and say it opens Part 2 which is in the Queue ;o) Thanks again for reading and reviewing!ps. a certain emperor's ghost tells me that the roads here are dreadful.
I'm enjoying this story so very much:) Favourites here where Petrus in the library, unicorns and above Muggle - house elf relations. Thank you for writing!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
! Thank you for reading and enjoying. Sometimes I think I'd like a house-elf... but there would be constant worry about accidentally gifting something.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
! Thank you for reading and enjoying. Sometimes I think I'd like a house-elf... but there would be constant worry about accidentally gifting something.
I am really enjoying this mystery and wondering how it's all going to end up.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you! I'm enjoying writing it as well :o)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you! I'm enjoying writing it as well :o)
This chapter is incredible! I started back at Chapter 12 because it's been so long, and I'm glad I did. Getting my brain up to speed was the right thing to do.The complexity of you narrative is wonderful, and I love the way you are involving so many races and cultures. Each culture has it's own stories and sacred writings, yet they all seemlessly mirror each other. I'm fascinated by the turn of events, and can't wait for the next chapter to post!Thank you for sharing such a great story. Beth
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi Beth! Sorry the update took so long, but I'm glad you enjoyed re-reading :o) I've read a few sacred writings from different places and that is what struck me: they really do talk about the same things! It's fun to include other cultures, there are so many fun details to explore - hopefully I won't make any insults or I'll be the one sent out to catch chickens ;o) Next chapter coming soon...
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi Beth! Sorry the update took so long, but I'm glad you enjoyed re-reading :o) I've read a few sacred writings from different places and that is what struck me: they really do talk about the same things! It's fun to include other cultures, there are so many fun details to explore - hopefully I won't make any insults or I'll be the one sent out to catch chickens ;o) Next chapter coming soon...
My goodness I usually don't chose to unfinIshed fic. I remember starting this ages ago and I guess forgot. It's really a detailed excellent piece. I see you last updated recently so I hope to see more soon. Keep up the great work!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you! The next chapter is in the Queue so more is coming soon... Today has been one of those days so I won't guess on how soon in case I jinx it :oP
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you! The next chapter is in the Queue so more is coming soon... Today has been one of those days so I won't guess on how soon in case I jinx it :oP
Despite the number of times I've read this chapter, reading he exchange between Severus and Toby makes me cry real tears. Every. Single. Time.Your characters are as complex as the story you are telling, and I am in awe of your skill. I am also deeply thankful for it as well as being vastly entertained.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
~hugs~ I'll send over another box of tissues! Albatross International will get them across the ocean ('cause it's too far for owls), then a horned owl will pick them up on your shores and drop them off to you :o)Thanks, Tea, you're a gem!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
~hugs~ I'll send over another box of tissues! Albatross International will get them across the ocean ('cause it's too far for owls), then a horned owl will pick them up on your shores and drop them off to you :o)Thanks, Tea, you're a gem!
I love this story more and more with each chapter, I hope it will be a very long story in the end.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi Chris! Thank you :o) It seems that once I fill out the chapter outlines, they always end up being longer than I thought... Next instalment is with my beta. Cheers and thanks for R & R
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi Chris! Thank you :o) It seems that once I fill out the chapter outlines, they always end up being longer than I thought... Next instalment is with my beta. Cheers and thanks for R & R
Absolutely loveing this story. I really love all the work and details you've added and the history, languge and terms you've used. It adds so much to the story. Its a very intriguing story .... and I wait anxiously for more. hint... hint ... hint......
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Good morning and thank you! More is definitely coming so you are not hinting in vain.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Good morning and thank you! More is definitely coming so you are not hinting in vain.
What a most delightful story! I'll admit that once I started reading, I could not stop, and I had to continue until I came to the end of this chapter. I really love your story-telling, and this is a very unique plot! Very nicely done! I look forward to reading future chapters. :)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Oh Thank you Lyn! I'm really pleased you have enjoyed the story so far :o) More chapters are coming, promise. I have to say that without the standards set by TPP (a real education), and enforced (great fun!) by my beta, the story would be lacking a certain polish...
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Oh Thank you Lyn! I'm really pleased you have enjoyed the story so far :o) More chapters are coming, promise. I have to say that without the standards set by TPP (a real education), and enforced (great fun!) by my beta, the story would be lacking a certain polish...
I'm just loving all of the Australian references! Are you Australian? What is the little town briefly mentioned that the house supposed to be situated near? I'm guessing somewhere off the great dividing range from the description? Love the story so far, keep up the good work ;)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi Duchess! Yes, I'm an Aussie :o) I've travelled through, and beyond, the 'Great Divide', and there are a quite a few towns that could fit the description of the one in the fic. I've avoided singling out any particular one. Some common features are: it has an old pub, a war memorial, a local heritage association, looks at novel ways to keep itself alive (vis. the re-enactment society's annual visit), and a fine stamp of a cattle dog who seems to know everyone! Thanks so much for enjoying the story and for reviewing. If you have any questions about the country, feel free to ask.
Response from Duchess_Of_Arcadia (Reviewer)
Awesome, I thought you must be with the amount of accuracy you described it with and exactly what the small country towns are like ;) I just had Werris Creek in my head while I was reading it haha. I just love to see Australia being used in writing, books, movies, anything, we don't get enough recognition for the beautiful country we live in :)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi Duchess! Yes, I'm an Aussie :o) I've travelled through, and beyond, the 'Great Divide', and there are a quite a few towns that could fit the description of the one in the fic. I've avoided singling out any particular one. Some common features are: it has an old pub, a war memorial, a local heritage association, looks at novel ways to keep itself alive (vis. the re-enactment society's annual visit), and a fine stamp of a cattle dog who seems to know everyone! Thanks so much for enjoying the story and for reviewing. If you have any questions about the country, feel free to ask.
Response from Duchess_Of_Arcadia (Reviewer)
Awesome, I thought you must be with the amount of accuracy you described it with and exactly what the small country towns are like ;) I just had Werris Creek in my head while I was reading it haha. I just love to see Australia being used in writing, books, movies, anything, we don't get enough recognition for the beautiful country we live in :)
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! Whargarbl! Cliffie of dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom doom doomy doom doom!!!!!*runs around screaming*
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Whoa! Make a cup of tea or coffee and calm down! Your neighbours might get the wrong idea... Next chapter is in the Q. :o)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Whoa! Make a cup of tea or coffee and calm down! Your neighbours might get the wrong idea... Next chapter is in the Q. :o)
Oh, you big tease! Well, I'm glad we're finally going to see what Toby has feared for so long. I just hope the Aurors figure out that two Dementors are running around the Ministry. Glad Crookshanks is taking care of Sevvy. Thanks for updating!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi June! Yes. You will see exactly what has been spooking him (evil grin). Crooks is officially a sweetie. Cheers and thanks for the review!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Hi June! Yes. You will see exactly what has been spooking him (evil grin). Crooks is officially a sweetie. Cheers and thanks for the review!
"Legilimens!" A familiar room? Great Lord! Did Severus see the living room in his childhood home? Did Eileen somehow give her memory to Toby of the night her brother, Drusus, came to Spinners' End? Did he see, in his father's memory, the night that his uncle held him and called him "little falcon" and told him he would be a powerful wizard? Could the vision Severus had seen while linked with the real Llygad y Ddraig have been one of his own ancestor, Myrddin Emrys? Yeah, I know... Lots of fanciful musings, eh? I can't help myself. You tell such a good story—a story that links together so many personalities and wisps of legends, that my mind just goes the work trying to predict what could happen next.I really enjoy this story! Thanks! Beth
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Muse away and enjoy the activity (it's one of my favourite passtimes). The next chapter will answer your first set of questions. I checked its position in the Queue - I won't say where it is in the Q in case I jinx it :oP Thanks for reading, reviewing, musing, and enjoying (sounds like fun!).
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Muse away and enjoy the activity (it's one of my favourite passtimes). The next chapter will answer your first set of questions. I checked its position in the Queue - I won't say where it is in the Q in case I jinx it :oP Thanks for reading, reviewing, musing, and enjoying (sounds like fun!).
Aargh! This mystery with Toby has me at the edge of my seat!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
! The answer is in the next chapter which is having a nice, quiet snooze in the queue. Cheers and thanks for reading and reviewing :o)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
! The answer is in the next chapter which is having a nice, quiet snooze in the queue. Cheers and thanks for reading and reviewing :o)
Thank you for this very interesting chapter. There are so many threads here, and I am sooooo much looking forward to seeing how you weave them all together. I got chills when I read this: "... the elusive something took a fleeting form, vanishing as quickly as it took shape: tiny rainbows dancing and flickering, a flash of silver, a voice he did not recognise. For the life of him, he could not identify where the memory came from – if it was a memory at all. Severus was not certain if it was even real."And this: "Like a leech questing for the blood-heat of a host, it turned this way and that. Purposefully, it began to move towards the hospital, tracking the taste of a memory and the scent of fear. The other followed not far behind."These two passages sent me straight back to the Prologue. Which one is the true Llygad y Ddraig, and which is Eileen's copy.And then there is this: "My uncle turned from me and spoke to my grandfather, saying that I bore an unusual name for one reputed to be the spawn of evil. He had sight of the truth when he mused that this supposed Devil was in fact a man: a Roman.What does the story of Myrddin Emrys have to do with Severus? Hummmm... Severus is a Roman name.Great chapter!!!Beth
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
~ stops weaving for a moment~ Hi Beth! The answers to your questions will take shape as the story progresses - the next chapter is somewhere in the queue. Hee! Leeches creep me out like no other animal. With apologies to leech enthusiasts, it was a natural thing to have a Dementor behave in a similar way. Thanks for reading and reviewing! ~ trims off excess wool and continues weaving ~
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
~ stops weaving for a moment~ Hi Beth! The answers to your questions will take shape as the story progresses - the next chapter is somewhere in the queue. Hee! Leeches creep me out like no other animal. With apologies to leech enthusiasts, it was a natural thing to have a Dementor behave in a similar way. Thanks for reading and reviewing! ~ trims off excess wool and continues weaving ~
This story gets more and more intriguing with each chapter!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
! Thanks for being intrigued, and for reading and reviewing!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
! Thanks for being intrigued, and for reading and reviewing!
there has to be more!!! i can't wait to read what happens next.
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
There is more!!! Thanks for reading and enjoying :o)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
There is more!!! Thanks for reading and enjoying :o)
Holy Cow! This chapter is chock full of the most amazing and most teasing details imaginable. Go you! I can't wait to find out what happens next. In the beginning I was deeply suspicious of both Arawn and Oriens, and while I am convinced of Arawn's larcenous character, I am likewise convinced of Oriens's goodness.May the Spirits of the Queue find your updates pleasing and get them out to us pronto. I am really loving this story!Beth
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thanks Beth! The next chapter is in the Most Hallowed Queue. I cannot tell if the Spirits of the Queue will be appeased by the Offering of the Update - I usually have to do penance before the alter of Grammatical Precision :oD
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thanks Beth! The next chapter is in the Most Hallowed Queue. I cannot tell if the Spirits of the Queue will be appeased by the Offering of the Update - I usually have to do penance before the alter of Grammatical Precision :oD
Excellent! Love it - can't wait for the inevitable Snape v. Snape interaction!!
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you! Yes, I'm afraid getting those two in the same room is inevitable ;o)
Response from noodle (Author of A Place in the World)
Thank you! Yes, I'm afraid getting those two in the same room is inevitable ;o)