New Chapter for She Married Her Choice
She Married Her Choice
averygoodun418 Reviews | 418 Ratings, 0 Likes, 306 Favorites )
Sequel and continuation of "Marry A Choice." Now complete.
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About averygoodun
Member Since 2005 | 19 Stories | Favorited by 316 | 122 Reviews Written | 1,064 Review Responses
Right. I would like to state, for the record, that I WILL finish "She Married Her Choice". I will. Assuming I am in control of my own destiny and accomplishments, that is. ;-)
Unfortunately, real life (mainly an attention craving three-year-old) and inspiration have been keeping me from creative endeavors for a while now. I do foresee a time when that shall pass, but until then, I ask for your patience.
Thank you!
Reviews for She Married Her Choice
I expected Severus to go straight to the room to kill Malfoy. I wonder what stopped him. Thank you for answering one of my questions about how long Hermione had been missing. I guess you also answered the other question about Poppy too. She and Snape have never been lovers. Why is Malfoy still alive? He sexually molested Severus Snape's wife and Severus I'm certain had listened through the curtains when she was relaying the story to Harry and Ginny. I do remember the sound of door opening and closing. I do hope Hermione and Severus work out thier angst and give the other one the benefit of the doubt soon. Hermine knows Severus heard her conversation with Poppy. She knows Severus made love to her. I think she should extend the olive branch first and not be offended about the way Severus first responds. She'll have to let him have time to wind down and be sure she isn't giving him a backwards insult.
Is that a much as Dumbledore deserves? I think not. Maybe you have more in store. However, if she protests too much, Severus will be hurt even more to know how horrible she feels about being married to him. He won't believe it's because she thinks he deserves better. Poor Severus.
She doesn't think Dumbledore is actually afraid of her does she? He may be alarmed but, he is Albus Dumbledore. Does he know what she is so angry about?
I also thought by now you would have told us how long Hermione had been in the tunnel.
And, where is Malfoy? Still locked in the room?
Why would Poppy flew Albus before Severus that Hermione had been found?
And why hasn't she told Albus Hermione is found by the middle of dinner? I would have thought that by the time Hermione had time for a nightmare and then time to work herself up into a froth, then make it to the Great Hall, Poppy would have already told Severus and Dumbledore that Hermione had been found. Was she busy with Doby or something?
I am really into Hermione's problems and am totally glued to the story, I just have a lot of questions about this chapter. Please let me know.
Damn! Hermione can't win! She's been a good person so far. It is just proof that life is unjust! I think Severus would agree too. Why didn't Doby bring Harry back with him? Obviously, by now we all know that house elves can take humans with them. He didn't bring Harry though. I wonder what Severus has been thinking? I wonder if Poppy feels any responsiblility for Hermione's supposed running away? Poor Hermione. I do feel sorry for Severus too. He heard her say she didn't want to marry "Severus Fucking Snape" to Poppy. I dislike Poppy very much right now.
I don't mean to be totally dense, but is Poppy actually jealous? Has Severus been bedding Poppy and Professor Vecter? It's not like he wouldn't have a reason not to before now. Though Poppy is much older than he is. I'm not sure how much that matters in wizarding world. It seems less acceptable in this world for men to go out with older women.
Wow! That was intense! If I was Hermione I wouldn't know "whether to shit or go blind!", (to coin a phrase my mother used to use). Where the hell do they go from here?
Great chapter! What is Poppy's problem? She does act as though this was all Hermione's doing (the new law etc.). Actually, at first she acted as though she didn't know that they were married and that Hermione was breaking rules by being there.It does seem odd that the calamine lotion would cause an allergic reaction, unless he is allergic to it!You would also think that the Fat Lady would have known of Hermione's marriage as well!I think perhaps I'll reread "Marry a Choice" to see if I'm missing something key!Has Poppy planted seeds of doubt in Hermione as to Snape's love for her? I am assuming that Snape overheard the discourse and is hurt by Hermione's assurrances to Poppy that she would never have married him unless she was forced to.How will this effect their new closeness?Thanks! Is there a way to be notified when a new chapter is posted? I looked but didn't notice any.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
, I am so sorry for the delay in responding! My excuse is not even worth mentioning, so I won't.
I've edited the chapter a little tiny bit (during the argument scene between PP and HG) so that hopefully it makes a little more sense. In case you don't want to read it again, basically I changed it to make it clearer that Poppy doesn't know about the law. That and her perception of Hermione made her a touch angry for Severus' sake. More will be explained in ch. 6.
Severus happens to be allergic to calamine. Bummer for him (but maybe that's one reason he got into potions in the first place, eh?).
Who says the Fat Lady didn't know about the marriage? That portrait has attitude, you know.
As for everything else, that's discussed in the following chapters. Heck, that's what the story's about!
Thank you so much for your wonderful review. I am not sure if there's a way to be notified, but I'll look into it. For a head's up, I've submitted chapter 4, so it should be up in a couple of days. Whee!!!
Response from AMRA (Reviewer)
Thanks so much for taking the time to respond and don't worry, I know only too well all the things that can come up!I am off to reread "Marry a Choice" and then this one before I read Chapter 4!
I love this story. Thank you for showing the vulnervable side of Severus. I think there is so much there that no one really sees, due to the personality he shows.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Thank you! Well, certainly in fanon there's much, much more. We'll find out how much more there is in canon although I'm expecting dSnape/Lily action in there somewhere!
ohhh evil smut cliffie! or should i say lemon cliffie? i love the way they're courting and severus feels quit in character to me. thanks so much and i await the next update with longing!
This story is priceless. I love the way you picture Severus. I wonder just how much of the conversation between Hermione and Madam Pomfrey he heard?I hope you will update soon.Sandra
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Thanks! Snape/Severus is so much fun to write, so I'm glad he's coming off well. As for the coversation, well, let's just say nothing is going well for Hermione this week. I'll try to update soon, but I want to stay one chapter ahead of updates, so... hopefully my muse will be happy and cooperate. Cheers!
Yay, a new chapter!!!! (dance of the rapid fan) Pneumonia sounds awful. I wonder what Draco needed the night before? I feel sorry for him with shrew Pansy. And Poppy's tantrum?? Whoa.... Why didn't Hermione just have Dobby bring her breakfast, especially as Severus needs to eat too? I hope she gets the shower fixed. Thanks for updating!!!
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Wow. I have a fan? Cool. Sorry it took a while, but my muse hasn't been cooperating, and I want to stay a chapter ahead of updates (meaning, yes, chapter 3 has been written and will be sent off for betaing very soon).
Anything to do with the lungs is nasty, but pneumonia is quite icky. Of course, I exaggerated it for Severus (that potion, you know). Draco and Pansy are perfect for each other. She doesn't act that way towards him, after all. Besides which, Pansy has a grudge against Hermione (that hexing of Draco incident before the story started). As for Poppy... heh heh heh.
Hermione didn't think of Dobby until it was too late. And she also didn't really want to be around Severus for longer than needed, as she's still feels awkward around him.
The shower will need to be fixed, won't it? Thanks for the review!
that was fun to read. Some days one'd better stay in bed !
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Indeed! And it hasn't even started yet.
I love that this chapter is full of healing and love. Something I think both Sev and Hermione need.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
They certainly do need lots of both. THey've still got a ways to go, but I think they're well on their way now. ;-) Thanks!
Now she can move forward. :)
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Yes! That she can. :-)
Lovely chapter. And worth waiting for it. :)I almost jumped out of the chair when I saw the story was updated. *giggles* Good work!
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Thank you! I'm glad you think so, but sorry for how long it took, anyway.
Hey is that true about the archaic of gild is to make bloody what dictionary did you get it from? Sorry I was overwhelmed by a know-it-all griffindor suddenly.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Heehee! Yes! Merriam Webster, the online version, I believe was my reference ( I knew that was the word I wanted for that scene, but when I looked up the precise implication, I was dumbfounded by that! It was just completely perfect!
/know-it-all gushing
Thank you!
If you could read chocolate, it would feel like this. The venerable Professor Snape is allowed to be dark chocolate. Does he have nuts, I wonder? It has been a while...I wonder what is happening between Master Nott and the leading lady. I can't imagine a Snape taking that well. I'm glad that Hermione and Severus have re-established a rapport and some trust. I hope it doesn't all end because of Nott! (Actually, I'm thrilled at the prospect of a secret love triangle.)I can hardly wait for more. I really love this fic!
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Does he have nuts, I wonder?
LOL!!! Yes, I think he does, although I haven't checked recently. What is happening between Teddy and Hermione is just a simple friendship! Really! Honest! Snape has nothing to worry about at all. *cue evil laughter*
Yes, Snape and Hermione will be making steady progress from here on out, although of course there will be bumps and potholes to deal with. Nott may just be one of those, although he may not be.
I'm so glad you're still with me, even after the looooooong hiatus. I hope that I'll be able to update more frequently from here on out.