Chapter 15 of 28
averygoodunSequel and continuation of "Marry A Choice." Now complete.
ReviewedAuthor's Note: Many thanks go to Keladry and Southern for their encouragement and sharp eyes. Any mistakes there happen to be, however, are mine.
Hermione realized when she woke up the next morning that she hadn't seen Severus once the day before. She and Teddy had been so late to lunch that only a few people were left in the hall when they arrived, Severus not among them, and then they'd completely missed dinner.
She hoped he would still be in as playful a mood as he had been the day before. If he was, their outing could be a lot of fun. Of course, she was hoping that he had been playful. It was always possible that he was mocking her.
Frowning, she pulled out the letters he had sent and reread them. Chuckling as she reached the end, she could almost imagine Severus sulking a bit as he wrote, "I will have you know that if I were referring to Quidditch in the metaphorical sense, the word "quick" would not have made an appearance."
The written word was difficult to interpret without vocal or physical inflections, but she thought that it was more likely, especially after their last meeting, that he was not taunting her, but teasing. She couldn't see him putting down anything so close to purple prose in any other circumstances.
She carefully folded the letters in half and put them in her worn out copy of "Hogwarts: A History," smoothing out the creases made by the memo charm before shutting them in the book. As she put the book back onto the shelf, a slip of paper fell out of the book's back and fluttered to the floor.
Leaning over, she picked up the paper and instantly recognized the note. It was from Ron. Her fingers started trembling as she stared at the note, frozen in a state of indecision. One part of her wanted to reread the silly note again just to reconnect with Ron, to remember everything they'd had. Another part of her wanted to toss the note into the fire and get on with life, let go, forget. Yet another part railed at her for being so unfaithful as to even wish to move on while a fourth part quietly took control and forced her to safely replace the note in the back of the book and put the book back on the shelf.
She had forgotten Ron's notes. He hadn't written many, and most were highly unsentimental filled with whinges or requests rather than lovemaking but they were from him. The majority of the notes were stowed away in a small box full of her sentimental treasures, but that one, that had been his last note. Although she had memorized it, she hadn't had time to fully absorb it, not enough to stow it away, before the last battle overtook their lives. Before it took his life.
She frowned again, realizing that she hadn't touched "Hogwarts: A History" since she had recovered from the battle. She couldn't even remember quoting it in the last three months. No wonder her friends had been worried.
She snorted, snapping herself out of her maudlin trance. It occurred to her then that everything was in its place. All her possessions had been neatly transferred once again. This was now her home in the castle. She looked around the room, letting her eyes skitter past the bookshelf and the hidden note. Everything really was in its place. It was home.
Catching sight of the clock, she decided she didn't have time to analyze why that thought had a melancholy feel to it.
"You're late, Madam." Snape was standing rigidly by the front door, glaring at any students who dared pass within his range of vision. For an instant, Hermione thought he looked nervous, but dismissed the idea as silly. He was just impatient.
"I am not!" Hermione replied with a smile. "It won't be 10:01 for another thirteen seconds! Well, five now, but you know what I mean."
He snorted dismissively and turned to leave; Hermione wondered if maybe that was his way of saying, "Fair enough."
They walked down the hill to the front gates and the Apparition point in a companionable silence, although that was due more to Hermione's breathlessness than from lack of topics; Severus' stride was rather demanding.
When they reached the gate, Snape held it open for Hermione, raising an amused eyebrow at her obvious panting.
"My legs are short, and yours aren't," she snapped, mildly annoyed at his amusement. He bowed his head in acknowledgment, although Hermione suspected it was more likely to hide a grin. Rolling her eyes, she stepped through the gate and waited while Severus closed it behind them.
"Shall we?" he asked, offering his arm with an almost friendly smirk.
Twining her arm through his, she nodded. "Yes, let's shall," she replied and grinned when he gave her a quizzical look at her odd phrasing. "Leaky Cauldron, then?" she added.
He gave her a long, wry look before nodding his head and disengaging her arm. "After you," he said, waving to her courteously.
Hermione closed her eyes and disappeared with a quiet pop. She kept her eyes closed until the slight nausea passed, and just as she opened them, she heard a barely audible pop beside her. Turning, she found Severus smoothing his robes out and adjusting them minutely. She watched in amusement until he was satisfied and looked up to acknowledge her.
"Shall we?" she asked, playfully mimicking him from before, including the friendly smirk.
Raising an eyebrow, he smirked back. "Indeed." He then pulled out his wand and tapped the bricks, waiting until they had melted away to offer his arm to her once more.
When Hermione opened the ancient door leading to Ollivander's, she looked around, marveling at how nothing had changed, not even the tiny bell ringing somewhere out back. As she looked around in wonder, she didn't notice Mr. Ollivander emerging from the back room until he greeted her.
"Good day, Ms. Granger, or would you prefer Mrs. Snape now?" he said softly, looking at Severus curiously.
"I'm still going by Granger for now, but thank you for asking," she replied, catching sight of Severus scowling out of the corner of her eye.
Ollivander turned his attention back to her, and she suddenly remembered how creepy his unblinking stare was.
"And what can I do for you, Ms. Granger?"
"I, um, need a new wand."
He tilted his head and continued staring at her. "So soon?" he asked after a few unnerving moments.
Hermione's brow wrinkled in confusion. "What do you mean, 'so soon'? I'm not the first of my friends to break my wand."
"Of course not," he said. He didn't react in any other way, but she could sense his disappointment. She gritted her teeth into a sweet smile, trying not to let his attitude grate on her nerves.
"'Tis a shame about your old wand. Ten inches, vine wood with dragon heartstring. Unusually stiff, but yielding, if I remember correctly. A fine wand." He nodded to himself mournfully as he got out the measuring tape and charmed it to start measuring her.
"Yes," Hermione said archly, "I was rather fond of it myself."
Ollivander gave her another long, piercing look, then nodded once and began searching the shelves. After a minute of searching, he came back with a small box. Opening it, he revealed a wand so similar to Hermione's former wand that she couldn't help but gasp. Upon picking it up, though, she frowned. It didn't feel at all like her other wand had. It felt heavier and almost sluggish, worse even than Lucius' wand.
Before she could even raise her arm to try to swish it about, Ollivander snatched the wand from her hand with another piercing glance.
"Maybe it is time after all," he muttered as he went back to the shelves.
Hermione looked at Severus, who was frowning, but upon seeing her glance shrugged slightly.
"Try this one," Ollivander said, bringing her attention back to him once more. She lifted the pale wand carefully and got as far as lifting her arm before Ollivander plucked it out of her hand.
"No, no, that won't do at all," he said, burrowing through his shelves a bit more. He came back with another box, slightly longer than the previous two.
Opening it revealed another pale wand, though it had to be at least fourteen inches long.
Hermione went to reach for it, but just as she touched it, it was snatched away and another box placed in its stead. This process repeated itself for nearly an hour before a tidy little box was placed before her.
She could feel the magic tingle in her fingertips as soon as the box was opened and looked up at Ollivander in surprise. He was watching her closely and nodded with a quirk of the lips.
She picked up the burnished sienna wand carefully and felt the magic thrum in her blood, much more powerfully than her old wand had. She didn't need to wave this wand about to know it was the one. Whether it had chosen her, or she it, they were one now, and she wasn't going to let it go.
"Alder, twelve inches with dragon heartstring. Quite supple, as well. A powerful wand in wise hands, good for the more... ah, difficult spells."
His pause, and the stress on the word "difficult," made Hermione look up at him. She was surprised to see his placid face was disturbed by a creased brow.
Looking at her intently, he added, "Be careful, young woman, on how you use this wand. The dragon whose heart this came from was an exceptionally strong and temperamental beast, even for a dragon. The wand might at times... mimic its origins. Beware, lest you lose control."
Hermione eyed the wand in her hand suspiciously and worried her lower lip between her teeth. The wand sang to her, but if it was absolute control she wanted, maybe it wasn't the right wand?
"Remember that control comes from within, Hermione," Severus murmured in her ear. Surprised by his closeness, she looked up at him, finding him regarding her benignly. He nodded encouragingly at the wand, and added, "Better to have a tempestuous wand that resonates with you than a sober wand that fights."
He offered her a small smile, a mere twitch of his lips, and retreated, leaving her to make her decision.
She looked down at the wand, turning it in her hand and examined its vibrant color, its weight, and the feel of how it fit in her hand. Closing her eyes, she listened to it and felt it hum to her, literally energizing her blood and magic. She could almost hear its melody and rhythm weaving itself into her own music.
This was her wand, tempestuous or not.
"I'll take it," she said, opening her eyes to see Mr. Ollivander nodding placidly, any signs of disturbance long gone. He rang her up, and she paid for it, never letting it out of her touch, continuing to toy with it after she placed it in her pocket. She and Severus both nodded to the old man and turned to leave.
"Be careful, witch," she heard Ollivander utter softly from behind them as they reached the door. "Control is the key to your fate."
Turning to face him, she found the room empty once more, nothing but dust motes moving about. She glanced up at Severus and found him looking at her a bit impatiently.
"Buyer's remorse so early?" he asked, a slight sneer creeping into his voice.
Narrowing her eyes at his tone, she decided not to respond other than straightening her shoulders and raising her chin as she regally stepped through the door.
Feeling very well fed, Hermione and Severus decided to walk back to Diagon Alley, as the weather was a fair sight warmer in London than it was at Hogwarts.
The first few blocks were spent in companionable silence, each wrapped up in their own thoughts and quiet observations of the city around them. Hermione was gazing into the shop windows contentedly when a stray reflection caught her whole attention.
She whirled around, immediately reaching for her wand while she sought out the tall man with blond hair she'd been sure she'd seen.
"What is it?" Severus barked, sensing her alarm and instantly ready for battle, though staying her hand as she made to pull out her wand.
Severus relaxed slightly and tried to indicate that she should relax as well. She ignored him, still searching the crowds for the familiar head.
"Hermione, he's in Ministry custody. He is nowhere near here, you can be sure."
"I saw him, Severus. I'm sure of it!" Hermione didn't care if she sounded slightly panicked, as it was an accurate reflection of how she felt. She looked through the crowds once more, not caring that she was disrupting the foot traffic around her.
"What did you see exactly?"
"It was a reflection in the glass there," she said, pointing offhand to the shop behind her. "I saw his hair as he turned away."
She felt Severus relax beside her and was annoyed when he placed a placating hand on her arm.
"Are you even sure it was a man? After all, there are many people with long blond hair, Hermione."
"Don't patronize me!" she said, shaking off his hand. "I know what I saw."
When he placed his hand back on her, she broke her search to glare at him and found he was looking at her with concern.
"Hermione, if he was here, he's as powerless to do anything as we are. There are too many Muggles around."
"That didn't stop Peter Pettigrew!"
He winced, but remained firm. "No, but Wormtail knew Black was after him with murder on his mind. He was desperate. Lucius, if it was him, and I highly doubt that it was, is not in fear for his life."
Hermione scowled and rescanned the crowd once more before quietly replying, "Desperation drove him to attack me."
Severus placed his hand on her elbow, and she reflexively tensed further.
"Lucius is locked up in Azkaban until his trial. He is not a threat to anyone but the rats and gulls who venture too near."
He tightened his hold on her slightly, giving her a comforting squeeze, and she gave in and nodded when he indicated that they move on.
"Don't worry about Lucius. It will spoil your digestion, and I just spent a small fortune on feeding you well. It would be a poor show of gratitude."
She smiled, despite his harsh tones.
"Back to the gratitude issue, are we?" she jibed playfully.
"That is how life works, my dear. I do something for you; you do something for me."
"And how does my not worrying about Lucius serve you?"
"As I said, worrying will spoil your digestion, and I would prefer to not smell the results."
Hermione snorted and playfully smacked Severus on the arm.
"I will have you know that I do not..." She paused, coloring a little.
"Do not... what?" he asked innocently.
"I do not... stink."
"Are you certain about that?"
"One's own personal perfume is rarely as offensive as someone else's."
Hermione gaped at him then turned away, blushing and muttering, "I am not having this discussion with you. Not here, not now."
"Oh?" he persisted. "When would be a better time? We could schedule it and go over the finer points of gastronomic distress in detail. I even know of a few jokes that would break the... ice."
Hermione giggled to keep herself from gaping.
"I never thought of you as one for bathroom humor, Severus."
He snorted dismissively and said, "I should hope not."
Their conversation waned as Hermione considered this unexpected side of Severus Snape.
"Are you sure you wouldn't prefer a game of Quidditch?" Severus asked reluctantly as they neared Flourish and Blotts.
Hermione glanced up at him, unsure as to how serious he was. His lips weren't twitching and his face was blank. It was impossible to tell.
"Yes, I'm sure," she responded, wanting to pull at his sleeve when his pace slowed. "Do you honestly prefer flying about on a broom to browsing through book stores?"
"I'm allergic to dust," he said in the same undecipherable tone. This time his lips did twitch, though.
"Well, if that's really how you feel, why don't you go off and find a pitch while I look up all the rules and possible fouls. That shouldn't take too long, and I would hate to ruin a game with my gross ignorance."
His lips twitched again. "I suppose I can postpone till you have a better grasp of the game. Besides, if it got back to Minerva that I'd abandoned you for a quick ride on my broom, she would do unspeakable things to my unmentionables."
"And heaven forbid you do anything to anger Minerva," Hermione said sarcastically, though blushing slightly at his innuendo.
"Absolutely not!" was the emphatic answer he gave while opening the door for her. She paused as she passed him, grinning in bemusement.
"Are you afraid of Minerva?"
"Of course not!" he said, but didn't quite meet her eyes.
"You are!"
He looked down his nose at her and glared.
"I am no more afraid of Minerva than I am of Potter."
Hermione stepped back, astonishment written across her face.
"You're afraid of Harry, too?"
Severus' jaw clenched, and he impatiently motioned for her to step through the doorway.
"I am not talking about this," he muttered sotto voce.
Hermione couldn't help herself. "Oh, I understand you wouldn't want to discuss something like this in such a public venue. Maybe we could schedule an appointment to discuss it further?"
He gave her a look that could have frozen salt water.
"Careful, wench."
She tried not to giggle, but couldn't restrain a broad grin. "Or what, you'll give me detention?"
He stepped forward to loom over her, a wicked grin crossing his face. "I'm not your teacher any longer, Hermione. I wouldn't have to abide by those pesky rules and conventions."
Hermione flushed slightly as she took in his glazed eyes and feral grin. She opened her mouth to respond, but found she didn't know what to say. He leaned closer, raising an eyebrow provocatively. She licked her lips and noticed his eyes follow her tongue. When he looked back up to meet her gaze, she found it difficult to breathe, seeing the amount of longing and lust in his eyes.
She didn't know what to do. She didn't want to rush things, but she was so very aware of his body, so close, yet so far away. She was aware of her heart accelerating, pumping blood to her cheeks and elsewhere. She was very aware that it would take only the slightest hint of agreement on her part before he ...
"Well, this is a pleasant surprise!"
She and Severus both jerked their heads around to meet the happy face of Arthur Weasley. They instinctively stepped away from each other, making Arthur chuckle slightly.
"I didn't mean to interrupt you two; I just was so surprised to see you here, I couldn't help the exclamation." He looked expectantly from one to the other. "So, what brings you so far from Hogwarts?"
Hermione noticed that Severus had already recovered. He didn't look ruffled at all, damn the man. She was still trying to overcome the ridiculous feeling of being caught out by her father.
"Hermione needed a new wand, and Albus insisted that we... 'make a day of it.'"
Arthur chuckled again, this time more openly. "That sounds like Albus, alright. So, a wild day on the town was on the books, so to speak?"
Hermione groaned, and Severus rolled his eyes at the very bad pun. "You continue to amaze me, Arthur," he said very dryly.
Arthur winked at Hermione as he continued to grin at Severus. "I'm flattered, Severus!"
"Of course you are," Snape muttered.
Arthur laughed at that and slapped Severus on the back good naturedly. "I do miss your wit, Severus. One of these days you'll have to come by for dinner. You know Molly would love to feed you." He smiled at him, and Hermione was surprised to see Severus return the smile, albeit in a much more muted way.
Arthur then turned to her and added, "And you know that you are always welcome at the Burrow."
She blushed with the sudden discomfort of having rejected two of his sons. He seemed to understand her feelings, as he said, "You are family, Hermione, no matter your last name. I'm glad you chose Severus, actually. Fred, and I dare say George, would have driven you batty within a month." He lowered his voice to a false whisper and added, "At least you have a good year before Severus drives you crazy."
She gave him the obligatory laugh he was after, but was uncomfortable knowing how close she had come to choosing madness. Glancing at Severus, she saw he was equally uncomfortable, judging by his stiffening posture.
Arthur looked between them, picking up their subtle cues, and gracefully changed the subject.
"So, Severus, have you been following the Wasps' progress this season? Their new Beater looks to be a smashing addition."
Hermione groaned again, but this time it wasn't at the pun. She quickly excused herself, deciding it would be a good time to go find the Arithmancy books she wanted.
Hermione had found the texts she wanted, as well as a few others that looked promising, and was so involved in the theories presented, she hadn't noticed the passage of time until her stomach started growling.
Looking at her watch, she squeaked in surprise. Six hours had flown by since lunch. Looking around, she noticed it was darker outside nearly dusk and the lamps had all been turned up to keep the light even.
Quickly gathering her books, she hustled out to the main area of the shop, hoping Severus wasn't too angry with her for losing track of the time so wantonly. When she reached the clearing, she looked around but couldn't see Severus anywhere. Hoping he hadn't left in disgust having given up on her, she quickly started searching the store for her husband. It didn't take long before she came across Severus. He was holed up in a secluded corner in a cozy club chair, his long legs sprawled in front of him. Hermione leaned her shoulder on the nearest bookshelf, watching him as he read. She had never seen him look so relaxed before, except for the morning after their wedding, when he'd been soundly asleep. It brought her pleasure, seeing him so entrenched in his book that the rest of the world was lost to him, although she wondered if he was as oblivious as he seemed, or if he had one corner of his mind keeping watch, making sure to stay alert for signs of malice. It didn't seem like he was the type to be caught off guard by anything or anyone, except possibly for her.
Sighing, she pushed herself off the bookshelf and took a step toward him when she felt his first ward. It was a modified Do-Not-Disturb charm, making him visible for the store clerks' sake, but unapproachable. She smiled triumphantly, having guessed correctly that he wouldn't leave himself so unguarded in public.
Closing her eyes, she felt the area for more signs of his protection and, after a moment, found three more wards, each more complex than the last. By the time she found the last one, she understood very well how he could seem so relaxed and oblivious; he was very well protected very well, indeed.
She was loath to interrupt his quiet reverie, so she left his inner wards undisturbed and wandered back to the Arithmancy section, figuring he would find her after he was done with his current section. He had to be at least partially aware of her presence after she'd stepped on the Do-Not-Disturb charm. He'd know she'd been there.
An hour later, Hermione wasn't so sure. She found herself looking at her watch more often than the book in front of her, as she grew more and more aware of her stomach and the lack of food within. She still didn't want to disturb Severus, but she was beginning to lose patience. Seven hours was a long time, even for her, to be ensconced in a bookstore. Of course, she could usually finish all but the most complex or lengthy book in seven hours.
Thinking about that, she furrowed her brows, wondering if Severus had indeed finished that book and was waiting for her to find him. Or was he a slow reader? Or had he fallen asleep? Or had he given up on her?
Slamming her book shut, she gathered her belongings and stalked back to Severus' corner, unsure of what she felt when she found him sitting there, in the exact same position, except obviously on a different page.
A little miffed at his oblivion, she purposely stepped through his first two wards while taking out her wand to dismantle the third and fourth. She was surprised that it took till she started working on dismantling the last ward before he looked up, and she was curious at his look of surprise upon recognizing her.
He waved his wand and the last ward fell down. He raised his eyebrow in a silent inquiry before asking, "Is there something you wanted, my dear?"
"Yes, Severus. I would like dinner."
His lips quirked up even as his brows drew down. "I know you've been starving yourself lately, but it's unhealthy to gain all that weight back in one day."
Hermione rolled her eyes.
"I have no intention of stuffing myself. All I want is to keep up my energy." Seeing his continued confusion, she added, "It's nearly nine, Severus."
She'd been expecting a look of at least fleeting surprise, but his entire reaction was to look at his watch, raise one eyebrow, and say, "Oh, so it is," before closing his book and getting up.
She watched as he stretched out his spine, gracefully and discretely relieving the tension stored up after sitting for so long. He waved his wand again, and the chair disappeared along with the lamps around it. Hermione looked around and grinned when she saw how dark and gloomy the corner he'd chosen was.
Looking back at him, still grinning, she asked, "So, do you do this often?"
He looked at her askance. "Pardon me?"
"Do you do this," she waved her arm about, indicating the corner and store in general, "often? Get lost in a book?"
His lips twitched, but otherwise, he didn't react.
"I never get lost, not even in books," he said disdainfully. "I knew precisely what time it was."
She raised her eyebrows at that.
"You knew it was this late, and you weren't the least bit curious as to what was keeping me?"
He snorted. "My dear, in case it bypassed your observational skills, this is a bookstore. I think even Mr. Crabbe would know what was keeping you."
She was about to open her mouth to tell him off for assuming that she was safe, for assuming she was nothing but a bookworm, when it occurred to her that not only had he given her an implicit compliment on her defensive abilities by not worrying about her safety, but he had been as absorbed by the books as she had been. He hadn't been bothered by the amount of time she'd spent. He hadn't minded whiling away the hours with the written word. He hadn't complained once.
"Well, I'll be sure not to ask to come to a bookstore with you again," she said instead. When he looked at her curiously, she added, "I see it's a dangerous thing for us to come to bookstores together. We could likely as not starve to death before either of us lost interest enough to say something."
His lips twitched. "Indeed, I do believe you have a point, my dear. Perhaps next time you will see the merit in my suggesting Quidditch as a viable option?"
She snorted merrily. "Not likely, Severus, but you can keep hoping."
She thought she saw him smile fondly for an instant before he schooled his face into his stern mask, though his feelings were belied by the gentle way he took her arm in his and guided her to the register.
"Perhaps it is a fool's errand, but I believe I shall keep hoping by your leave."
She looked up at him with a smile. "By all means, Severus, keep hoping. Just be careful to stay on the right side of delusion."
He smiled then, fully and sincerely, long enough for her to know it wasn't her imagination. "That, my dear, is in the eye of the beholder, so it very likely is too late for that on both our accounts."
"I dare say you're right," she said as she placed her books on the counter.
He smiled rather wryly and placed his book with hers. "Of course I am."
"Because you're always right?"
"It has become an unfortunate habit, yes."
She snorted derisively and turned to face him.
"Yes, I imagine that it's difficult to deal with dunderheads every day. No wonder you confine yourself to the dungeons whenever possible."
She'd said it as sarcastically as possible, but he nodded seriously.
"You have no idea how tedious it is, my dear."
Hermione eyed him sharply, thinking he might be mocking her, but decided to play along anyway.
"Oh, I have a fair idea myself."
He looked behind her for a brief moment, then smirked and nodded his head, reaching out behind her. "Yes, I imagine you would. That's one of the appealing traits about you. You know the difference between a hawk and a handsaw."
As he finished speaking, he pulled his hand back, caressing her back as he did so. She shivered slightly.
"Well," she said, searching for words as her brain temporarily collapsed under the weight of both the compliment and the touch, "I'm not sure I'm completely sane, as I did..." She stopped herself from saying 'marry you,' thinking they weren't quite ready to joke about their seedling relationship yet. She covered her pause with an embarrassed look and continued: "As I did fancy Lockhart at one point, but I'd like to think that I'd at least know an idea from an idiot when the wind is right."
Something in his eyes flared, and he backed away from her, standing taller than he had been before. She would have sworn he was angry with her, except for the pleased aura he was radiating.
"Yes, I rather think you do know the difference, even if it does take a change in the weather to show you."
Hermione decided that was a good time to look away and pay for her books, but when she looked at the counter, everything was gone.
"Excuse me," she said to the clerk while looking around the countertop, "but weren't my books here?"
The clerk gave her a rather condescending look. "Yes, they were. They are now in the bag your husband is holding."
Hermione looked where the clerk indicated and indeed saw a big bag in Severus' hand. She looked back up at the impatient clerk who was looking behind her to tend to the next customer.
"And would you like me to pay for them?" she asked, maneuvering so that the clerk had to look at her.
The clerk sighed with heavy patience and looked at her pityingly. "Your husband has already taken care of it. Now," he said, while looking around her once more, "may I help the next customer, please?"
Hermione turned around to find Severus standing back a bit, eyebrow raised in amusement, watching her. She didn't know whether she was more upset that he had just stood by and let her make a fool of herself, especially after their previous conversation, or because he had paid for her things.
She walked out of the store scowling with Severus following behind her.
They got as far as the Leaky Cauldron before the silence was broken.
"So, where would you like to eat, my dear?"
She turned around to face him, scowl still in place.
"You didn't need to pay for my books."
His eyebrows rose in surprise, but his lips tightened in annoyance.
"Nor did I need to pay for your lunch, but since I invited you out, I thought it would have been rude to ask for you to pay."
"The lunch I expected. The lunch... My books aren't... I can pay for the books myself, you know. I do have money and can take care of myself."
His thin lips turned into a scowl. "I have no doubt of that, Madam. But can I not buy you a gift?"
She gave a sharp bark of laughter. "Severus, gifts are all well and fine, but that was over fifty Galleons worth of books! That goes beyond a simple show of affection."
Severus opened his mouth to rebut, but Hermione raised her hand to stop him and continued before he could object. "Also... I know you're probably thinking I'm being terribly ungrateful, but those books are needed for my studies. They're necessary. You buying them... it's like you buying me groceries, rather than just dinner. It carries the implication that I can't take care of myself."
His scowl still firmly in place, Severus waited for a moment to make sure she had finished and then peevishly asked, "May I speak, now?"
Hermione scowled back at him and nodded curtly.
"Although my intention is not to undermine your independence, answer me this: Where did you get the money to pay for your school supplies?"
"My parents pay for all my schooling costs," Hermione answered immediately.
Severus just stared at her, waiting as if she was missing the point. When she just stared back, he sighed heavily.
"Hermione, you are my wife now. That means you are my responsibility, whether that seems medieval or not. If you were earning wages and were to pay for your supplies from them, then I would gladly let you exert your independence in that manner, but I will not, nor do I think I should, allow you to exert your independence from me by relying instead on your parents."
Hermione expelled the breath she had drawn for protest in a slow hiss and nodded. "I hadn't thought about it like that. I didn't mean to insult you."
His scowl softened, though it didn't disappear. "So I gathered." He tapped the brick wall in front of them, and the wall neatly rearranged itself into the arched exit. "So, I ask again, where would you like to eat?"
Hermione sighed, suddenly feeling very young, inexperienced and foolish. She was glad the alleyway was dark as it hid her trembling lips. "It doesn't matter to me."
"Would you allow me to Apparate us somewhere?" he asked solicitously.
She nodded and suddenly felt his arms wrapped around her, his wand tapping her shoulder lightly. An uncomfortable moment later, they were standing in a wood a few feet away from a dirt road. Severus lit his wand and took her arm, guiding her through the brush, dousing the light once they reached the road. They started walking, her arm through his, in silence.
Hermione was glad he had extinguished his light, as she wiped her eyes surreptitiously. She didn't want him to know how upset she was, as she was ashamed she was upset in the first place. She really did feel like a fool, though. An illogical, childish fool. She should have known better. She should have thought everything through. She should have remembered. But she hadn't.
She knew that some of the dreadful pain in her heart was the realization that she wasn't her parents' child any longer. She would always be their baby, but Severus was right: She was no longer their responsibility. When she'd married him, she'd given up that part of her life. It was a hard realization.
After a few minutes, they rounded a corner and found themselves at the edge of the forest. In front of them was a smallish field, in the middle of which was a scraggly shack with a lone light. Hermione looked at Severus inquiringly, but he didn't seem fazed by the odd location. As if he sensed her gaze, he looked down at her for a beat, then back at the path.
"It doesn't look like much, but they serve the best lamb shanks in Europe."
She quietly blew her nose before asking, "Is it a magical establishment?"
He stopped their progress and looked down at her again. The light was so dim that she couldn't read his expression, but she could sense there was something he wanted.
"No, although they are aware of the Wizarding world. This is my uncle and aunt's house. My father's brother and his wife."
Hermione was a bit taken aback. "Oh."
"If you don't want to meet them right now, I'd understand. Perhaps I should have warned you, but... They aren't expecting us, so we can go somewhere else, if you like."
"No," Hermione said, getting over her shock. "No, it's fine, really, unless we'll be imposing on them. Don't you think they'll have eaten already?"
"They eat late," was all he said as he started forward again. Hermione didn't say anything else, but worried her lip nervously right up until Severus knocked on the door. She hadn't thought of Severus having family, although she couldn't think why not. She guessed it was just another case of thinking of Severus as just a teacher, rather than as a man.
A tremulous voice came from behind the door. "Who is it?"
"Just a wanderer and his wife, looking for some victuals," Severus responded loudly.
The door was thrown open, and a shortish, squat woman stood there in amazement.
"Wife! Severus, you rogue, you never even gave us a hint!" She immediately rushed forward and engulfed Snape in what looked like a bone crushing hug.
"Auntie Cora," Severus croaked, sounding breathless, "I can't breathe."
She released him from the hug, but only to turn to Hermione.
"And you must be his wife?" she said as she threw open her arms and embraced Hermione in the same bear hug, albeit a more comfortable one, as they were close to the same height.
"This is Hermione, my new bride," Hermione heard Severus say while Cora rocked her to and fro joyously.
Cora pulled back, putting her hands on Hermione's arms as if to keep her still. "Hermione? What a good Greek name. Welcome. Welcome to our family, Hermione." She then gave her another hug.
When Cora released Hermione, she patted her cheek tenderly. "You chose a pretty young wife, Severus."
Both Cora and Hermione looked up at Severus, who stood tall, but looked uncomfortable, as if he didn't know how to respond.
Cora laughed and caught his face in her hands and gently shook it side to side. "You should be ashamed of yourself, Severus!" She patted his face with a gentle slap. "We should have been there at your wedding! You know we would have loved to be part of it!"
Severus' jaw tightened in embarrassment. "It was a last minute decision, Auntie. There was barely time for me to get there."
"Pfft! As if a wedding could take place without a groom!"
Hermione and Severus looked at each other, each unsure as to who should explain.
"Well..." Hermione finally said, although she hesitated to say anything further.
No longer smiling, Cora looked at the two of them shrewdly. After a moment of careful scrutiny, she shrugged and let her face relax back into its happy mien. "Well, you better come along inside then, and tell us the story over some stew."
Both Severus and Hermione let out identical sighs and took her up on her suggestion.
"Gilgamesh! Your nephew has brought us a surprise!" Cora called out rather loudly, considering the size of the home.
Hermione looked up at Severus with a raised eyebrow. She mouthed behind Cora's back, Gilgamesh? He quietly snorted and shook his head minutely.
Their interactions were not missed by Cora, who explained with a twinkle in her eye, "It's a pet name I have for him. 'Gil' has always seemed too short."
"Why not call him Gilbert?"
"Because that's not my name."
Hermione turned around in surprise to find herself face to face with an older version of Severus. He smiled kindly at her as he took off his coat and cap and then extended his hands in a welcoming gesture.
"I assume you are the surprise my Cora mentioned?" he asked as Hermione tentatively placed her hands in his.
Hermione nodded, and Severus stepped forward to be beside her.
"Uncle, this is my wife, Hermione."
Gil looked at Severus, very surprised indeed. "Wife?" He looked back at Hermione, gripping her hands tightly, though not painfully so, and smiled broadly. "Oh, what happy news! It's an honor to meet you, Hermione! I am so happy to see our little Severus finally settling down!"
He drew her into an affectionate hug, then released her into Severus' care. She felt Severus tentatively put his hands on her shoulders as he stood behind her.
"They have hinted that there is a story behind their marriage, Gil," Cora said from the stove.
Gil just smiled at Cora. "Of course there's a story! Every couple has their story, even old, boring ones like ours." Cora scowled at him lightly before smiling back. "And perhaps they will even tell us their story, yes?" he added, looking at them hopefully.
Severus looked at Hermione who looked at Cora and Gil. They seemed so fond of Severus and so happy for him that she thought it almost cruel to hurt them with the truth. Unfortunately, that was all she had to tell. She wouldn't insult them with lies. She bit her lip and nodded reluctantly.
"Oh, come now!" Gil laughed, seeing her reaction, "It can't be as bad as that. After all, it isn't like you two were forced to marry, true?"
Hermione tried not to blanch, but she knew her reactions were plain to all in the room. Gil stopped laughing and looked at Severus with a serious expression.
"Severus, did you dishonor this girl?"
"Absolutely not!" Severus cried.
Hermione added, "It was nothing like that at all!"
"Maybe you should start the story before supper?" Gil said, his eyebrow raised sardonically.
Severus' shoulders slumped as he sighed and then nodded. "It all started when Hermione's boyfriend was killed..."
"And then I stopped the wedding and asked her to marry me instead. She agreed, and here we are."
Hermione rolled her eyes, but bit her tongue to keep from interrupting him. Cora saw her, though, and laughed.
"Perhaps you have a different story, dear?"
Hermione smiled back. "He left out quite a few pertinent details."
"I did not. All the essentials were there," Severus protested.
"I didn't say the essentials were missing, just a few details, like how you teased me terribly throughout the entire ordeal or how you rejected my proposal at the altar because it was undignified for the woman to propose, as if the whole farce had a shred of dignity to begin with."
"I didn't think that was relevant."
Severus gave her a look that was obviously intended to tell her something, but she blithely ignored it, turning to his relatives with a roll of her eyes. Uncle Gil, however, didn't seem to be amused.
"A young woman should never have to be put through such indignities!" Gil said, slapping his hand down on the table for emphasis.
Severus scowled back. "It wasn't as if I..." he started, but stopped when Hermione gently laid her hand on his arm.
"I don't think your uncle is angry at you, Severus."
"Of course I'm not! How dare the government try to manipulate your lives like that? How dare they think they know what is right for any person when it comes to the heart?"
Cora laid a restraining hand on Gil's arm and smiled up at him. "They found out, though, didn't they? They won't try it again."
"But too late for Severus and Hermione!" Gil yelled, still angry.
"But is it so terrible a result?" she asked quietly.
Gil looked at the younger pair, and his face softened somewhat.
"Perhaps not," he said, sitting back with a contemplative look.
"I can't honestly say that I would have chosen Severus of my own volition, but I'm not despairing of our relationship, now that the choice has been made."
Cora gave a knowing smile. "And it isn't all that different from people of my generation getting married after only a few months, or in some case, a few weeks, just so they could finally have sex."
"Auntie Cora!" Severus exclaimed, blushing furiously.
"I'm simply saying that those couples barely knew each other when they wed, the same as you. In some ways, you may be better off than them, as at least you know of Severus' temper, Hermione, and you've been Hermione's teacher all these years. You're not total strangers and have probably seen each other in less than ideal circumstances."
Hermione nodded emphatically and noticed out of the corner of her eye that Severus nodded as well, albeit reluctantly.
"Although, the benefit the couples had was that they were in love with each other. Severus and I... well..."
Auntie Cora shrugged, although with a smile tugging at her lips.
It was quite late when they left. Cora and Gil both insisted Hermione call them Auntie and Uncle, and both made sure she knew that she was very welcome in the family, Cora going so far as to give Hermione her mother's secret recipe for tzatziki that had been handed down throughout the generations.
Hermione left with a warm glow of love, eradicating the memory of all the negative feelings she'd had earlier that evening. She didn't feel young, so much as cherished, and instead of feeling foolish, she felt young.
They Apparated back to the gates, and Severus took her hand into the crook of his elbow as they walked up the hill to the castle. At first they walked in silence, both still enjoying their full stomachs and full hearts, but as happens with romantic walks under the chilly stars, Hermione shivered, breaking the spell.
"Are you cold?" Severus asked, disengaging her hand from his arm so as to wrap that arm and his cloak around her.
"A little," Hermione responded quietly, pleased at his attention.
His arm tightened around her, pulling her toward him, and she readily complied. They continued to walk that way, casually bumping into each other for a few paces before Hermione's mind got the better of her.
"How on earth did you end up so reserved with relatives like yours?"
Severus snorted. "First of all, I lived with my parents the majority of the time. They were not as... open... as my aunt and uncle. My mother, especially, discouraged such open displays of emotion. She never did understand that aspect of my father. He would try to rein in his emotions for her, but..."
Hermione thought Severus had paused, but after a few moment of silence, it became clear he wasn't going to continue. His face was pensive and strained when she peeked up at him, and she debated with herself on whether to barge into his privacy or not. After a bit of back and forth, she finally decided they would never get anywhere if she left him to lead the personal conversations.
"But," he said slowly reluctantly, "it always backfired."
He started walking quickly, but when Hermione fell behind, he stopped, back rigid, waiting for her to catch up.
"I'm sure Potter told you of the childhood scenes of mine he found in his one successful Occlumency lesson." He said it as a statement, but it confused Hermione.
"Um, no. Harry didn't tell us much of anything about those lessons."
Snape looked at her sharply. "You needn't lie to protect him."
"I'm not lying. Harry does have some good points, you know. He doesn't spread gossip and certainly not with malicious intent," she replied with a bit of bite.
Snape regarded her silently for a moment then nodded, tucking her back under his cloak before continuing their slow pace from before.
"One of the memories he witnessed was of a fight my parents had when I was a small boy. Back then it... it disturbed me, but as I grew up, I realized that my dad just needed to blow off steam every so often. He was an emotional man trying to repress it all for the sake of his wife.
"But I am the product of both my parents, not just one. I may have my father's temper, but I also have my mother's abhorrence of all things... uncomfortable. Emotional displays are as uncomfortable as possible, hence my reserve, as you kindly put it."
"But if emotional displays are abhorrent, then why... erm, that is... I'm not exactly a shrinking violet, as I'm sure you've noticed, and, well, it's obvious you adore your aunt and uncle, who are most definitely not restrained..."
He sighed. "It's not something I can explain easily, Hermione."
"Will you try?"
She felt him shift beside her, as if in discomfort. She suddenly felt bad for pushing him into an uncomfortable place.
"Don't worry about it, Severus. I don't need all the answers right now."
For some reason, Severus found that highly amusing as he let out a beautiful laugh that curled around her like an embrace before floating off in the wind.
"Who says there are answers at all, my dear?" he replied, still chuckling.
She reviewed what she'd said and saw the joke. Smiling, she looked up at him and said, "I do, of course. Everything has an answer, even if there isn't a question. And I should know."
He laughed again, and Hermione knew she wanted to hear that sound more often; it was addictive.
"Yes, you are my little know-it-all, aren't you?" he joked as they reached the main doors of the castle.
She smiled playfully up at him. "I do remember someone giving me that title at some point as a matter of fact."
She noticed his hand twitch as if he wanted to reach for something. Judging by his relaxed smile, she guessed he had wanted to reach for her, and she was mildly disappointed he hadn't.
They stood there on the threshold for a few awkward moments before a gust of icy wind reminded them of their location. Severus ushered them in and closed the door behind them.
"May I escort you to your door?" he asked gallantly, although it came out a little stiff.
She smiled and extended her hand. "I'd like that."
He gave her a small smile back, accepted her hand, and they made their way up to Gryffindor Tower.
Once again, they were silent, but Hermione wasn't going to break it this time. She didn't want to make Severus any more uncomfortable than she already had. She didn't know if it was fair of her to demand any answers from him at all, although she didn't know how she was going to get to know him otherwise. He was too reserved to offer many clues without prompts, and she wasn't skilled enough in the art of reading him. That skill would come in time, she knew, but she was impatient. She didn't want to wait for years to know who her husband was, or what he liked, loved, hated or despised. She wanted to know now.
And she had been fairly forthcoming herself. Probably a little too much so, for his taste. She knew he was better at reading people than she was, having had more practice, but it seemed he had a difficult time reading her. He'd come to many stunningly wrong conclusions the week leading up to the wedding, so she could only assume that he read her as well as she read him. She wanted him to know her, preferably with as few misunderstandings as possible.
"It comes down to need, I think," Severus said softly, breaking the silence and wrenching her out of her thoughts.
She nearly said 'pardon,' but kept her mouth shut and thought back to previous conversations.
"Need?" she asked, looking for another clue.
"Yes." She thought he was going to stop there, but when they reached her corridor, he furrowed his brow and continued. "While my mother loved us very much, she didn't give many displays of affection. It didn't bother me and still doesn't. However, when I met Uncle Gil and Auntie Cora the first time, it was at Dad's funeral. They... they were as they are now, and they showered me with affection. It was... unnerving, uncomfortable and unwelcome, but..."
He squeezed his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"But it was touching all the same?"
He opened his eyes and looked at her, nodding once.
"They came again for my mother's funeral, and I was... very touched. They hadn't been on friendly terms with my mum, but they came anyway to give their respects and support me."
He paused as they came to her door, but Hermione leaned against the doorframe, patiently waiting for him to continue.
"It... It's not so much that I wished I had their flamboyance, or that they'd raised me, because I do like who I am. It just opened my eyes to a different approach at relationships, and it was one that had appeal."
"Severus, I..." Hermione started, intending to assure him that he was as flamboyant as they were, though in a subtler manner, but stopped herself, somehow knowing that he would not appreciate it. Instead, she said, "I'm touched. Thank you," and rose up on her toes to kiss him gently on the cheek.
She watched as his face tensed in anticipation and then relaxed into a soft smile as she stepped back.
He took her hand and concentrated on it, playing idly with her fingers before he raised them to his lips.
"Thank you for this day, Hermione."
"Thank you, Severus. I had a wonderful time."
He reluctantly let her hand go, letting her fingers slip through his like silk falling from the skin. But before she turned to go, he leaned in and brushed her cheek with his lips and then was gone in a flurry of black robes.
She smiled at his back until he'd turned the corner, then made her way to bed, quite sure that her dreams would be good that night.
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Latest 25 Reviews for She Married Her Choice
418 Reviews | 6.5/10 Average
I loved the journey and am now loath to return home again.
love the sequel.. see more action & drama ahead!!
Very cute!
Cute ending. Good story all in all, I've enjoyed reading it.
That's the best epilogue I've ever read! heheheh....
I am very sad it's all over, but I have to say I mightily enjoyed the ride! Thank you.
A clean bum is a happy bum! ROFL! :)
An excellent story! I'm sorry see it end, but it was a great read.
I am torn between excitement and gratitude that this sequel is finished, versus whining for more. yes, more! you've written characters in such a way that I've grown to care for them -- I really do want to know what happened to Remus and Teddy and Kingsley (esp Teddy). any ideas, dear goddess author? I don't dare ask about the other characters, like Vector! and I will not ask what your next story is. I do thank you for your commitment to finishing this story, and for the hours and hours of pleasure you've given us. have a wonderful birthday, Elizabeth!
ps - you can update your author's bio now.
Love the illustration. I was having trouble picturing the short hair. I LOVE it!!
Lovely! I adore Severus' way with words in his letter to Minerva, and in her words in her reply to him. Yes indeedie! A clean bum is a happy bum. And he is doing nappy duty, too.
He tries to be such a tough guy, but he's really a softie.
I have loved reading every word of both MAC and SMHC!
delightful! thank you so much for sharing you time, talent, and vision. you rule and reign!
Nice... and thank goodness you're back updating this wonderful story. It's time she confessed her feelings now though, isn't it?? And Vector is creeping me out... and Nott, well he obviously still wants Hermione and it's a little odd she hasn't sussed! Is the girl blind???
Looking forward to the next installment!
I love this story! I had first read Marry A Choice quite some time ago over on Ashwinder, and then the first few chapters of this one... And then I apparently saw something bright and shiny and forgot all about it until the other day, when I saw it updated here with so many new chapters that I hadn't read yet! I can't wait to see just what is going on with Professor Vector, especially as she's not bothering to hide her dislike for Hermione from Severus at this point. And what about Hermione's use of "The Force"? Do wands equal light sabers?
Anyway, I'm glad this story is over here where I could see it again, and thanks for continuing to work on it. It is on my Favorites list now so I won't miss any more!
That was lovely, but I can't help but worry if things are too good for these two.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
They have that kind of relationship, don't they? ;-)Thanks!
Snape + Calming Draught = AWESOMESPEW = Society for the Promotion of Elvish Welfare.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Oops. Thanks for the sharp eyes! And I'm glad you liked doped-up!Snape! He's fun.
I want to know how hermione got from a room in the dungeons (the locked room WAS in the dungeons, right?) to the kitchen which is on the fourth floor, by falling down a cliff. hogwarts works in mysterious ways...and will she get her wand back?
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Hogwarts is magical. Plus that tunnel was really long?No. She won't. :-(
Response from mock_turtle (Reviewer)
I'm totally willing to buy that they went from the dungeon to the fourth floor by falling. I just think it's weird that none of the characters seemed to notice.
...and the whole beginning of this chapter sounds like something I would say. also not on purpose. poor hermione and the double entendres. they're like land mines.and I love that you used bush's speech. hil-aaaaaar-ious.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Thank you!
I find it kind of hilarious that their first night together, snape is sick with chicken pox. whatever gave you that idea??
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
I think my son came down with chickenpox about the time I was writing that, if I recall correcctly. But I'm glad you see the humor in it. :-D
dunno why, but this whole bedroom scene seems a lot more real than these things tend to be (written). I like it.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
I've finally caught up with your story, and first I want to apologize for not commenting along the way, and second I want to tell you what a fantastic pair of stories you've written!!! I first read Marry a Choice, and now I'm reading She Married Her Choice. It's marvelous. It's wonderful. It is so endearing that I can't find the words to adequately describe it. Only two more chapters? I will be sorry when it it is finished.Well done, avery! Here is a well deserved bouquet.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Thank you so much for any reviews you choose to give! I can totally understand where you're coming from. I am so glad you like these stories. I've put a lot of time, thought and energy into them, so it's gratifying to know that it isn't for nothing!Thank you!
*sigh* he's so romantic! lovely update. thanks so much
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
LOL. Yeah, when he deigns to be. ;-)Thank you!
lovely! the ability to tease and be teased -- a mark of their growing ease with each other. I'm glad she and Teddy can have an animated discussion about Muggle and werewolf issues, although I still wonder what goes through Teddy's head; you'll have to hit me on the head with that, as I cannot fiture him out with any certainty. I'm still wondering if she will tell Severus that Vector was/is jealous and wanting Severus for herself. thank you for the new chapter!! I'm excited to read the next.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Yes! Very much so! They are learnng, even if it's a been painful lesson plan. You'll find out about Teddy soon enough. Only two more chapters to go, you know!*hugs*