Chapter 17 of 28
averygoodunSequel and continuation of "Marry A Choice." Now complete.
ReviewedThanks to both my lovely betas, Keladry Lupin and Southernwitch69, for their time, sharp eyes, sympathetic ears and sound advice. All mistakes are my own, however.
Although Hermione was anxious about what the rumor mill would damn her and Severus with the next morning, she needn't have worried. It seemed that Blaise Zabini had given the mill more interesting fodder by being caught in a broom closet with a fifth-year... Hufflepuff. Since that was obviously more exciting gossip than her and Severus getting along, she was left to attend classes and meals in peace.
She would have liked to see more of Severus, but it seemed the only time they had free for each other was immediately after dinner. Hence they began a nightly ritual of Severus walking Hermione to her quarters, although frequently there were detours involved, most of them involving a jaunt through the library.
Hermione was certain they would be the focus of the rumor mill once again on Thursday after she and Severus had been caught coming out of the Restricted Section Wednesday night rather flushed (and, in her case, mussed) by a group of third-year Ravenclaws, but to her surprise, there was barely any mention of them because early the next morning Daphne Greengrass was seen kissing Neville yes, Longbottom in the Charms corridor.
So it was that Hermione managed to make it through an entire week in peace.
Friday dawned auspiciously enough, and besides some rather annoying twinkling by the Headmaster during her Potions lesson, the day proceeded much to her liking. She'd even received full marks on the essay he'd assigned about the Skele-Gro Potion with encouraging notes on her thought processes. It was a nice change from the usual acerbic comments left by Professor Snape.
As she made her way to Transfiguration after lunch, she was struck by how she was now automatically separating 'Severus' from 'Professor Snape' in her mind. She was exceedingly pleased that there really did seem to be a difference between the two, and now that they were getting past their professional relationship, it was becoming much, much easier to see him as a man, rather than just as the teacher.
The past week had been illuminating indeed, and she couldn't help but notice that whenever she thought of Severus, as now, a grin would pull at her lips.
"What's so funny?" Harry asked, breaking into her thoughts.
Hermione looked over at him and let the grin loose. "Severus."
Harry made a face that she was pretty sure was more genuine than affected. "I'm sorry I asked!"
She swatted at him, although he dodged from reflex, laughing good-naturedly.
"So things are working out okay?" he asked with genuine interest.
She nodded. "Yes. He's been very... well, I want to call him 'sweet,' but that doesn't exactly hit the mark with Severus, does it?" she asked Harry playfully, knowing it would elicit a moue of disgust.
She laughed. "He's been sarcastic, inquisitive, comforting, insightful, caring, and... well... playful." She sighed happily. "He's been wonderful, Harry."
Harry nodded with a lopsided grin. "I'm glad to hear that." He seemed to mean it.
"No protestations of the impossible?" Hermione asked in amazement.
Harry laughed and gave her a quick squeeze. "Hermione, even Goyle can see you're happier now than you have been for months. I can't tell you how... relieved I am."
She looked at Harry intently, then smiled wryly. "I'm sorry if I've..."
"Don't!" Harry said harshly, though he softened his tone with a smile. "I won't have you crying in your pudding anymore."
Hermione laughed, albeit ruefully. "Don't worry, Harry. I won't cry in my pudding unless it's a pudding worth crying over." She paused for a moment, then asked tentatively, "So I seem happier now?"
Harry laughed at that. "Hm... You've been smiling, laughing, joking around and you've got a glow about you that you haven't had in months. I think it's possible that you might be happier." He beamed at her, though the smile slipped into something less pleasant as he added in a mumble, "And to think all of that's thanks to Snape."
"You think I'm in love with Snape?" Hermione asked, bewildered at what she thought Harry had said.
Harry turned to her with a confused and incredulous expression. "Love?" he asked, just as bewildered as Hermione. A second went by when the two just looked at each other, and just as he opened his mouth to say something more, McGonagall opened the classroom door.
Looking thoughtful, Harry muttered, "Talk later?"
She nodded, and they headed into class.
Just as class was wrapping up, the door opened and Severus appeared. He only gave her a hint of a glance as he made his way to Minerva who seemed to be expecting him. Even before he said anything, Minerva looked up at Hermione and indicated she should come down.
"Would you take care of these?" Hermione whispered to Harry, indicating her bag of books and supplies. Harry nodded quickly and offered a quiet 'good luck' as she headed down to the front.
"Ready?" Severus asked sharply. She frowned at the tone before noticing that he looked rather tense. She gave him a small smile, which he responded to with a quick nod.
"Good luck," Minerva said sotto voce as she escorted them to the door, giving Hermione's shoulder a supportive squeeze.
Once in the corridor, Severus set off at his usual brisk pace. Hermione rushed to keep up, knowing they didn't have much time to collect Poppy from the infirmary before meeting Draco in the Entrance Hall. As it was, Severus was impatiently muttering under his breath by the time the three of them reached the front doors.
He stopped muttering, though, when he saw that it wasn't just Draco waiting for them.
"Teddy?" Hermione called out uncertainly.
He turned around and smiled at her, at first brilliantly, though it quickly became rather sheepish.
"I was hoping I could go with you, just in case you do end up needing my testimony," Teddy said, watching Hermione with a hopeful wariness.
Before Hermione had a chance to smile back and respond, though, Severus impatiently cut in.
"Come if you wish, but we need to leave. Now." He then turned on his heel and led the way out of the castle. Hermione flashed Teddy a grateful smile before hurrying to catch up with Severus. She hoped his brusqueness was just impatience, not jealousy, but if it was the latter, she didn't want to give him justification. Unfortunately, it was impossible to tell which emotion was motivating him when she caught up and noticed his scowl.
When she touched his arm, he glanced over at her, giving her a short acknowledging nod before turning his attention back to the path. Judging that he wasn't in the mood to chat, Hermione dropped back to talk with Poppy, thanking her for coming to give her testimony as a mediwitch. Poppy, however, was breathing too hard to do more than wave off Hermione's thanks, leaving Hermione to walk down the hill beside her in silence.
They Portkeyed from the front gates to the Ministry's atrium, and after they had all registered their wands at the front desk, they were told to gather in the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement's office on level two.
Hermione's first reaction was surprise that Malfoy wasn't being tried by a court until she remembered that it was very possibly just a pre-court meeting. Or it could be a meeting place where they would gather prior to leaving for the courtroom.
She was not reassured, however, when she looked up at Severus only to find him scowling at the wall rather fiercely. When the rest of the group moved but Severus was still standing there, she gently touched his elbow. He didn't startle but looked down at her as if coming out of a dream, his face slowly regaining its normal indifferent mien. With a quick nod, he motioned for her to join the rest of the group at the lifts, following just behind her.
They were all silent as the lift took them lower and lower into the Ministry, and Hermione was wondering what everyone else was thinking. She had no idea how much knowledge the boys had of the Ministry or if they'd ever dealt with the Department of Magical Law Enforcement before, although she suspected they must have, what with their fathers being charged and imprisoned only a couple years before. She wondered if the boys were thinking about their fathers.
The lift finally came to a stop at level two, and they filed out of it, following Severus as he made his way through the maze of corridors. She stole a quick glance at Severus' face and wasn't surprised to see that his stone mask was back in place. She knew it must be difficult coming back here for him, and a sudden wave of gratitude washed over her at his stoic support. Needing to show him that she recognized and appreciated his sacrifice, she caught up with him and wove her arm through his.
Without missing a step, he looked down at her and quirked an eyebrow in a silent query, which she answered with an equally quiet smile. It took only a moment for him to understand, and she was rewarded with a slight relaxation of his face and the warmth of his hand finding its way to rest on top of hers.
She was almost sorry when they reached the office, as it meant they needed to separate, if only for decorum's sake. The secretary greeted them and politely told them to have a seat while she let the head, Mr. Walgren, know they were there. After a minute, the secretary came back out and told Hermione to enter.
Hermione looked at Severus nervously, but he just nodded supportively. She reluctantly left his side and headed into the office as directed.
Although the room was decorated in rich, warm tones, Hermione shivered the minute she entered. The head of the department was a wizard she had never seen before. He was fairly heavy-set, though tall enough to seem big boned, with a large walrus-like mustache over a big, square jaw. His most striking feature, however, was his cold, viridian eyes.
"So you're the girl who's accused Mr. Malfoy of rape, eh?" he asked dismissively, not bothering to introduce himself.
Hermione bristled but managed to keep hold of her temper. "Yes."
"What evidence have you got?"
She bristled even further. "Considering it was only attempted rape, sir, the only evidence I have is my testimony, although the school matron can attest to the condition, both physical and mental, that I was in once I escaped from him." The wizard looked at her long and hard and seemed to come to some conclusion that was not going to be in her favor. "And both my husband and Mr. Malfoy's son can testify that Mr. Malfoy has been conspiring to do me harm for some time."
One of the wizard's eyebrows slowly rose. "You the girl who got married, causing a scandal, then?"
Hermione clenched her fists and only by supreme effort managed to not spit invective at the man.
"Yes, and, if you don't mind, I would prefer to be addressed as Ms. Granger."
She might have imagined it, but she thought his eyes grew a bit harder at the mention of her name.
"One of the 'dream team'?"
"Yes." There was no doubt about it; his eyes were trying to stab her. "And I would like my husband to join us for the rest of the interview, sir."
His mouth thinned, but he nodded, sending a message to his secretary with a wave of his wand. Only a few moments later, Snape walked in, and an immediate change overcame the head's demeanor.
"Snape!" he said, standing up with a smile and outstretched hand. "It's good to see you, old man!"
"Walgren," Severus replied coolly, taking the hand and then conjuring a chair beside Hermione's.
Walgren stilled at that action, and Hermione could see him putting the pieces together.
"You married your student?" he asked Severus, ignoring Hermione altogether.
Severus' narrow lips thinned further. "Hermione is no longer my student."
Walgren sat down slowly, looking as if he was trying to figure out just how to treat the two people before him. Finally, when he was resettled, he said with a knowing smirk, "Ah."
Hermione saw Severus' hand twitch toward his wand even as hers did. But Hermione was surprised when Severus smiled knowingly back and said, "Indeed. I caught wind that Lucius was trying to seduce her, but I felt that would only end badly for everyone involved, so I took matters into my own hands."
Hermione had to remind herself to breathe. She had to remind herself that killing her husband was not a good idea, especially in the middle of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. She was so angry that she barely managed to hear Walgren's next words.
"So Lucius did want to lay hands on your wife?" He no longer looked dismissive, but thoughtful. Hermione managed to take several deep breaths and realized what tactic Severus was using and why.
"Yes. So much so, in fact, that the day he attacked her, he had come to the castle to duel me for her."
"So you believe your wife's story?"
Severus leaned forward confidingly, and even though the whole ordeal insulted and disgusted Hermione more than the attack itself had, she had to admire Severus' technique. "She had nightmares for several days afterwards and wouldn't let me near her. Yes, I believe her claims."
Walgren nodded thoughtfully. "I see." He stroked his mustache thoughtfully for a few moments before saying, "I was led to believe that this was just another case of poor girl claiming rape to get at Lucius' money, but I can see now that I was mistaken." He looked at Hermione for the first time since Severus entered and bowed his head. "My apologies, Ms. Snape."
Hermione didn't trust herself not to swear at him if she opened her mouth, so she merely offered him a blunt nod in return.
"I will take your testimonies, and his trial will be set for next week."
"You mean he isn't going to get tried today?" Hermione asked, bewildered.
Walgren just chuckled. "Trials aren't trivial things, luv. They take time and care. But if it'll ease your mind, I'll see when the next available court is."
Hermione opened her mouth to respond but stopped when Severus placed his hand on her knee and squeezed. Snapping her mouth shut, she sat and fumed.
Walgren looked at the calendar on his desk and was able to act very surprised at what he found there.
"Oh, it seems that you're in luck, Miss. It seems someone already put him on the docket, although I don't know how that happened without my approval. It seems he's due in court in only half an hour."
Hermione forced herself to smile, though judging by Severus' hand squeezing her knee again, it wasn't very convincing.
Twenty minutes later found the five of them at the door of the anteroom to courtroom nine in the bowels of the Ministry. Severus opened the door for her, but she stood beside him as everyone else filed into the room. Although she was still furious with Walgren, and upset with Severus for his methods of manipulating the bastard, she was loath to leave his side. Possibly it was his confidence, possibly it was his knowledge of the area, or possibly it was because of his feelings for her, but whatever it was, standing beside him kept the depressed chill from entering her bones.
Teddy and Draco had entered the room, and Severus motioned for her to go in as well; she turned to comply when she was distracted by the sight of Lucius Malfoy being led to the courtroom's doors down the corridor.
As if sensing her gaze, Malfoy looked her way. Recognition made his eyes gleam, and he looked her up and down before smirking knowingly. Hermione felt a motion at her side and looked over to see Severus turning around to see what was delaying her. When she looked back at Lucius, she noted that the superior look only intensified when he caught sight of Severus' protective glare.
Lucius opened his mouth as if to say something, but quickly shut it again with an unpleasant expression.
"Prisoners are cursed with a Silencing Charm for the journey from their cell to the courtroom," Severus explained quietly while smiling smugly in Lucius' direction.
Hermione made an "ah" of comprehension, but then saw a motion from the corner of her eye. Looking toward the anteroom's door, she saw Draco coming out to investigate.
"Is everything alright?" Draco asked, touching her arm in a supportive gesture. She would have wondered at his sudden affection had she not seen him looking at Lucius out of the corner of his eyes; she knew it would look to Lucius like Draco was only looking at her.
Looking back to Lucius, she was struck by the sudden change. It was as if another man had switched places with Lucius. He was looking at Draco as if his world had been destroyed. He seemed broken. Where before he'd been standing by the Aurors as if they were his personal bodyguards and exuding arrogance from every pore, now it seemed as if the only thing keeping him upright was the guards' chains. Hermione watched, appalled, as the last dregs of hope drained from Lucius' eyes.
It wasn't until that moment that she understood, thoroughly and completely, that Lucius Malfoy was only a man, and like every other man, he had a heart to be broken as well.
She turned back to Draco, pasting a smile on her face. "Everything's fine, although I think you should go back into the room now," she replied, giving him a slight nudge in the direction of the room.
He made a show of smiling at her in a friendly way before turning away, not even giving his father a backwards glance. Hermione watched as Lucius' eyes followed his son before sinking closed in defeat.
"We should go as well," Severus said, trying to steer Hermione into the room with him. She shook her head.
"You go. I have to do something," she said, still looking at Lucius.
She didn't wait to see if Severus actually went into the room as she stepped toward Lucius and his guards. It wasn't until she was five feet away that the guards took notice and called for her to stop.
"May I approach Mr. Malfoy, please?" she asked politely.
The guard closest to her shook his head gruffly. "No, ma'am, 'fraid not."
She nodded her head understandingly, keeping her eyes riveted on Lucius who was still looking at the floor.
"Can you lift the Silencio for a moment?"
The guard shook his head. "No, ma'am."
Hermione nodded again, although she wasn't sure whether she felt relieved or disappointed. They didn't stop her from speaking, though.
"Mr. Malfoy?" she asked, trying to get him to look up at her.
It didn't work.
That made him look up, but she was surprised that none of the hatred or smug superiority was left in his gaze. There wasn't even outrage at her taking such liberties. He just looked at her with complete apathy.
"I'm sorry, sir."
That made him blink, but he didn't even try to say anything. She couldn't see anything in his eyes, but decided to answer the obvious question in case he was curious.
"I'm sorry I brought Draco with us. I didn't know how much... I didn't realize... I didn't intend to hurt you like that."
Lucius clenched his jaw for a moment, but then relaxed back into apathy.
Hermione fidgeted slightly, uncomfortable at how empty Lucius seemed. "Yes, well... I just thought you might like to know." She started to turn to go back to the anteroom, but stopped and faced Lucius fully again.
"I don't know whether you're sorry or not for all you've done, but where it concerns me, I forgive you."
He looked up at her again, but this time it wasn't indifferently, though she couldn't quite decipher his expression. He didn't say anything, just looked at her. He continued looking at her until she tore her own gaze away and turned to find Severus waiting for her at the door. His face was inscrutable, but when she reached him, he surprised her by giving her a soft smile. The heavy feeling in the bottom of her stomach lightened slightly, and she managed a weak smile back.
He took her hand and threaded it through his arm possessively, and as they walked through the door, he leaned down and whispered in her ear, "You're a far better person than I."
Hermione blushed and looked down, away from the curious gazes of everyone else in the room. Severus steered her toward one of the long, uncomfortable-looking benches, and they settled in for the wait.
Fifteen minutes later, a portion of the wall transformed into a rough mouth, and Severus was called from the room to give his testimony. Hermione tried not to fidget, but found it difficult, not knowing what was happening. It became even more difficult as the minutes ticked by with no sign of Severus' return. Finally, after another fifteen minutes, she couldn't stand it any longer and started pacing.
Almost as if that was the password to a complicated ward, the door opened to reveal a somber Severus reentering the room. She looked up at him curiously, but he didn't offer any clues to the trial. Hermione worried for a moment before remembering that witnesses in most trials were charmed to reveal nothing while the court was still in session.
She wagered that Severus hated that just on general principle.
Suddenly, the mouth in the wall opened up again, and she was called into the courtroom. Feeling more than a little nervous, she gave a quick smile to those gathered and made her way to the hallway. A guard was waiting for her at the door to the courtroom and opened it as she neared. She took a big breath, and then, while exhaling, she nodded politely to him and entered the court.
It seemed to be a full court as there were about fifty witches and wizards scattered about the circular room. Hermione distractedly made her way toward the center of the floor. She was aware of Lucius to her right, but decided it was best if she didn't look his way.
"Ms. Granger," called a male voice from the benches, "you are here to testify against Lucius Abraxas Malfoy. Is this correct?"
"Yes, sir," she answered, still feeling very nervous.
"You have charged that he magically bound you and then attempted to force himself upon you in a carnal manner. Is this correct?"
"Yes, sir." Her stomach roiled. She thought that she might not be so nervous if she could simply see the faces of the court, but they were cast in heavy shadow.
"Please tell us what happened."
Hermione reflexively looked over at Malfoy, and her stomach knotted. He was sitting in a chair with chains tying him down every which way. He wasn't looking at her or the court members, but at his hands, which were still upon his lap. She winced at the sight.
"Ms. Granger, we are waiting."
Recovering herself, she turned to the benches and told her tale, starting from when Malfoy had first entered the castle while she and Severus were having their spat in the Entrance Hall till she escaped his Petrificus Totalus and found herself in the strange little corridor. Every now and again she would glance at Lucius out of the corner of her eye, but he remained defeated and inert.
When she finished her version of the events, the members of the Wizengamot murmured amongst themselves for a moment before questioning her further.
"How did you break free from Mr. Malfoy's spell?"
Hermione shrugged. "I honestly don't know. At first I thought he had released me so as to position me better, but on further thought, I'm not certain that was the case. I did have a surge of magical energy that evening, so it's possible that breaking free was the first manifestation of the surge."
More murmurs met that. Although she wanted to be surprised that no one followed up on what she considered a fascinating subject, she knew full well that this was not the time nor place for a conversation on magical theory.
"Very well, Ms. Granger. Is there anything else you wish to add to your testimony?"
Hermione thought hard for a moment but couldn't think of anything else and said so.
"You may go. The guard will cast the Privacy Charm as you leave."
Hermione nodded, feeling relief sweep over her. It was over. For her, at least.
She returned to the anteroom with the charm in effect and released a huge sigh as she saw Severus anxiously waiting for her. She barely noticed when the wall opened up and asked for Poppy though she did smile distractedly at the departing mediwitch as she was intent on sitting down on one of the uncomfortable benches.
The rest of the afternoon dragged on. Poppy had come back in after only a few minutes to bid them all adieu; she had to get back to the castle as soon as possible, but she wished Hermione good luck in the outcome of the case.
Hermione was only slightly surprised that they didn't call either of the boys. It sounded as if the case against Lucius was only that of assault and attempted rape rather than anything more serious. The boys' testimony would only prove valuable if Lucius had been charged with conspiracy as well.
It wasn't until nearly six o'clock that they were called back into the courtroom to hear the verdict.
They filed into the room and took the nearest available seats, watching as the Wizengamot members settled themselves after what appeared to be a debate.
Someone rapped on a piece of wood and the noise died abruptly.
"All those in favor of acquittal?" a voice called without preface. A fair number of hands rose into the air, although, from Hermione's view, it didn't look like a majority. The court's scribe quickly counted them, and the voice called again, "And all those in favor of conviction?"
A number of hands rose, and Hermione knew it was going to be a close call. She started nibbling on her fingernails as they waited for the scribe's final count.
"The court finds Lucius Malfoy guilty of both charges," the voice said, and Hermione let out a huge breath, although she immediately turned to Draco to offer her support or congratulations. She was unnerved, however, to find him staring at his father with a cold glint in his eye and an evil smile edging his lips up. Something cold pierced her stomach, but then he looked over at her and the expression vanished. They exchanged polite congratulations before she turned to Severus, wondering if he'd seen the same expression. By the way he was observing Draco, she guessed he had.
They were so busy congratulating and observing each other, though, she missed the sentencing. It was only as they were leaving the courtroom that Hermione thought about that at all.
"Did you hear how long his sentence is, Severus?" she asked.
He nodded his head slowly. "He will serve the mandatory sentence for Binding Assault of three months in Azkaban."
Hermione stopped her forward progress, causing one of the boys to run into her. "Three months?"
Severus nodded again.
"And if he'd actually raped me?" she asked, anger growing inside her.
Severus tilted his head slightly. "I believe it would have been ten years in that case."
She calmed down a bit at that. It still seemed inadequate, but she didn't have more than an emotional response to it at the moment. It was something she could look into later when she was in a less emotional frame of mind.
They made their way out of the maze of corridors. When the lift came, they quietly shuffled into it, all of them glad to get out of the bone-chilling atmosphere.
"I think a celebratory drink is in order," Draco said suddenly, interrupting the silence.
They all looked at him, and indeed it seemed that he was in the mood for a drink. Hermione and Teddy looked to Severus, who looked back at them with the faint traces of disapproval on his lips.
"It's on me," Draco coaxed.
Severus sighed and then inclined his head in capitulation. "One non-alcoholic drink and then we head back."
"Excellent!" Draco crowed. The lift doors opened, and they followed Draco as he made his way to the designated Apparition spot.
"I assume we will not be heading to the Leaky Cauldron?" Severus asked before Draco could reach the unwarded area.
Draco shot him a condescending look. "The Leaky? My house-elves wouldn't be seen dead there!"
Severus smirked slightly, but said, "Then perhaps it would be better to Floo to the location instead?" He glanced Hermione and Teddy's way.
Draco waved off Severus' suggestion. "I am not going to dirty my robes for a M--for no reason," he said, correcting himself when he saw Severus' face darken dangerously. "I thought we could go to Arian's. I know you've been there, and you have, too, haven't you?" he asked in Teddy's direction. Teddy nodded, and Draco looked back at Snape triumphantly. "So you can just Side-Along Gr--your wife there."
Severus didn't seem terribly happy as he looked at Hermione to see if she was okay with the plan, but she nodded in approval. Draco smirked as he stepped over the Anti-Apparition line and disappeared with a small 'pop.' Teddy stepped over the line as well and, with a small wave, disappeared with a slightly louder 'pop.' Severus extended his hand, which Hermione took without hesitation. She was pleased when he pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her protectively before he Disapparated them away.
When Severus' arms loosened, Hermione looked around and was somehow unsurprised at what she saw. It was very cozy, very posh, and she could feel the prejudice infusing the air. This was compounded by a man doing a double take at her and recognition hardened his features. The man's hateful gaze traveled over to Severus who promptly took her arm, secured it through his in a display of possession and protection and glared the man away.
She could understand why Severus hadn't looked happy at Draco's suggestion. He had donned a very bored and supercilious expression as he surveyed the room. When he caught sight of Draco, his expression didn't falter in the least, and the only reason Hermione knew he'd seen him at all was because he nudged her to start walking and subtly guided her by their linked arms.
He guided her to a semi-private area that contained a sofa and two club chairs occupied by the two boys. It was not lost on her how at home they both looked, sitting there with drinks already in their hands. Hermione marveled at the quick service they had received until she and Severus sat down and drinks instantaneously appeared in their hands.
"I hope you don't mind, but I've ordered you each a butterscotch," Draco drawled.
Hermione suppressed a snort of amusement at ordering something she thought of as a sweet. She managed to restrain herself to only lifting her eyebrows before politely raising her drink in thanks as Severus had.
When she took a sip, however, the silent reproach of Draco's tastes died. If she had thought butterbeer was good, it was nothing to the fiery but smooth sensation of butterscotch. It was butterbeer for grown-ups. She assumed it was alcohol free since Severus hadn't objected, although it certainly tasted stronger than butterbeer did.
She closed her eyes and let the liquid roll over her tongue before swallowing; she then relaxed back against the couch with a contented sigh. When she opened her eyes a few seconds later, she found the guys watching her with obvious interest and amusement.
"First time?" Teddy asked, even as Draco snickered.
She blushed and nodded, sitting back up as she tensed in embarrassment. She heard Severus' deep chuckle and looked over to find him looking at her almost fondly, although his hooded eyes hinted at something more than mere affection.
Blushing even more fiercely, she turned her eyes to her cup, frantically thinking of something to say to take their attention off of her.
"This isn't anything like the Muggle sweet," she said, then cringed.
Draco snorted. "I should hope not! Theirs is just a pathetic and failed attempt to copy us when some wizard was careless about who he let taste his drink."
Hermione cocked her head to the side and looked at Draco, deciding to ignore his racist undertone. "So you've had the sweet?"
Severus chuckled again when Draco looked a bit embarrassed. Draco took a sip of his drink to try and cover it, and Severus answered for him.
"When he was about four, he and I were doing errands in Hogsmeade, and having been a very good little boy, I assented to his request to go into Honeydukes and even agreed to buy him one sweet." Draco's face was now quite pink, and Hermione could tell it was all he could do to keep from squirming. "Narcissa had got it into her head, somehow, that sweets were bad for young children, so he hadn't had much exposure to them except at Christmastime, when, of course, Lucius would overrule Narcissa's objections and spoil him rotten.
"You should have seen his face, so alight with wonder at the sweets spread before him in the store. He went from bin to bin in a haphazard sort of way, trying to decide which one would be best. Finally, he came upon the small selection of Muggle sweets Honeydukes provides more as a joke than anything. He couldn't read yet, so I was listing what each one was, and when I came upon butterscotch, his eyes lit up with that four-year-old's 'I'm about to get away with something' look, and he solemnly picked one piece out of the bin while looking very pleased with himself!"
Hermione and Teddy were nearly shaking with laughter at this point, especially as Draco was looking more and more sullen.
"It turns out that Draco had heard his father and me talking about butterscotch," Severus said, lifting his cup, "and when he'd asked for a taste, Lucius had, not surprisingly, said 'no.' Draco had been rather put out at his father's refusal, especially as Lucius wasn't known for refusing his requests at that point. So, he really thought he was getting away with something when he found the confection and had me buy it for him."
Draco had sunk into his chair with his arms crossed against his chest, having given up all pretenses of a lordly demeanor.
"I was four. What d'you expect?"
Severus' smile softened into something almost paternal. "You should have seen how proud your dad was when I told him the story, Draco. He was so proud that he almost gave you some real butterscotch as a reward, although your mum put her foot down rather firmly on that count."
Draco pouted. "And that's why he kept giving it to me for Christmas?"
Severus smirked. "Well, beyond the fact that you seemed to enjoy it quite a bit, yes. He wanted to encourage you."
Severus' smile dropped from his face quite suddenly, and he looked rather somber. He observed Draco thoughtfully for a moment before swallowing the rest of his drink in a single gulp.
"Come, Draco, I have something to show you. If you'll excuse us for a moment?" he added, looking at Hermione and Nott. They nodded as the two men stood, and soon they were left alone.
Hermione and Teddy glanced at each other for a moment before hastily looking at their drinks. Hermione absently studied the low candlelight reflecting on the amber liquid while thinking about Severus, Draco, Lucius and Teddy and how they all fit together. Her muddled thoughts were interrupted, however, when Teddy said, "I'm sorry."
She looked up, finding him still staring at his drink. He was swirling the cup and observing the butterscotch with a slight frown.
"Thank you," she said, prompting him to look up. He was still frowning slightly, but he didn't look angry. "Thank you for the apology, which I gratefully accept, and thank you for coming today."
"Not that I was of any use," he grumbled.
"I'm glad you didn't have to testify!" Hermione exclaimed. "Both you and Draco would have been put in such awkward positions if it had been required. However, I'm grateful and touched that you were willing to put yourself out for me. I really do appreciate it and the moral support you did provide."
She reached out for his hand, and he met her halfway with a rueful smile. "It was the least I could do."
She smiled back happily.
"So, friends again?" he asked hesitantly.
She shook her head. "No." Teddy's brow contracted in worry before Hermione added, "Friends still."
He relaxed and his smile came back. They sat there in happy meditation for a few moments, their hands still clasped before either of them thought of anything to say.
"So, how are lessons with Professor Dumbledore?"
Hermione smiled and squeezed his hand. "Oh, they are so good! He's given me a lot to think about and some exercises that have already really helped my control issues."
Teddy gave her an odd look. "Control issues?"
Hermione looked at him blankly for a second before she realized she hadn't told him about the other lessons she was receiving from Dumbledore.
"Oh, yes. That... display the other week? It seems Dumbledore is familiar with its cause and has offered to teach me how to control my newly accessed powers. So, I'm getting Potions lessons twice a week and the other lessons whenever we're both available, which has only been once so far."
"So you won't be scaring the wits out of all the firsties again?" Teddy asked cheekily.
Hermione snorted. "Not if I can help it."
He sighed and shook his head. "That's too bad."
Hermione let go of his hand and slapped his arm playfully. "Be nice."
He looked affronted. "I'm always nice! Have you forgotten I'm just a teddy bear?"
Hermione giggled. "Of course I haven't forgotten, Teddy. But you were showing your teeth and claws for a moment, there."
"So am I to hide the sharp bits away and mislead people into thinking I'm nice, safe Teddy, making sure they forget that I'm a vicious bear underneath all the cuddliness?"
Hermione let out a delighted laugh. "Well, that would be the Slytherin way, wouldn't it?"
Teddy smiled, but also shrugged. "I'd like to think that we Slytherins have more individuality than that. After all, you can't exactly call Professor Snape's method a sneaky one. Everyone knows just how dangerous he is."
"Ah, but what if he's using the same tactic just to hide what a softy he is on the inside?" Hermione joked.
Teddy, who had been taking a sip of his drink, snorted and then grimaced in discomfort. Rubbing his nose, he complained, "That was mean!"
"How is it mean to suggest that Severus is human?"
"It isn't. It's mean to make me laugh while drinking butterscotch! Do you know how much that hurts?"
Hermione just laughed rather unsympathetically while patting his hand. "Serves you right for showing your claws."
He smirked and then sniffed uncomfortably a bit more.
They sat in comfortable silence for a few moments before Teddy continued. "But really, I think you underestimate us Slytherins. We aren't all underhanded, nor sneaky, nor evil."
"No, you aren't. Just as not all Gryffindors are brash, brainless and bold. Though you must admit that the descriptions fit a couple members of our respective houses frighteningly well."
"Well, yes, I'll agree to that just as long as you aren't implying I'm being nice only because I want something from you."
"You don't?" Hermione asked slyly.
"Of course not."
"Are you sure about that? You don't want anything from the great, the fearsome, the all-powerful Hermione?"
Teddy was starting to look uncomfortable, so Hermione backed off with a smile. "I'll admit I'd be disappointed if that were the case. After all, I would like to have your friendship, and I'll be bold and brash if I have to be if that's what it takes to get it."
He smiled back. "But not brainless, I hope?"
She shook her head. "No, I'm afraid I've too much Ravenclaw in me to give up the use of my brain most of the time."
"I'm glad to hear that," he said, relaxing back into his seat.
A sudden unsettling thought occurred to Hermione though. "You aren't being nice just because you want to be my friend, though, are you? I mean, you do like me for who I am rather than my stupendous powers, right?" She tried to lighten her tone enough to make it seem like a joke, but he saw through her. He sat up, placed his cup on the table, took her hand in his again and squeezed it.
"No, Hermione, I'm not after you just because it will assuredly be good for me to be on your friends list in the coming years. I want to be your friend because I like and admire you."
She bit her lip, suddenly a bit choked up at his sincerity. "Thank you," she answered gruffly.
"Thank you for being so forgiving," he answered, squeezing her hand again.
"I should probably apologize as well. I didn't mean to denigrate you or your friends just because you're Slytherin."
He snorted and smiled wryly. "Well, I'm not sure I deserve an apology," he started, but then he dropped the smile along with her hand. Hermione was confused until she noticed that Teddy was looking over her shoulder. Turning, she saw Severus standing there, glaring at Teddy.
"Oh, you're back!" Hermione said with a smile that was mostly genuine. She hoped he didn't get the wrong impression from the handholding although, judging from his expression, he had. Hoping to staunch any urges towards hexing that might be flitting about his mind, she grabbed his hand to get his attention, then patted the seat next to her. "I'm glad, as this settee needs more than one to keep it warm."
She could see the thought of Teddy sitting in his spot was begging to escape his mouth, but she squeezed his hand and patted the seat again, looking up at him imploringly.
Without any acknowledgment, he walked around the sofa and sat beside her, although closer than she thought he would have, had his jealousy not been invoked. Not that she minded him so close. She was surprised, however, when he took her hand in his and started stroking it possessively with his other hand.
Hermione felt the tension rise subtly and looked over to Draco to see if he'd help defuse the situation. Unfortunately, Draco seemed a bit out of sorts himself and was ignoring them. Struggling to find something to break the uncomfortable mood, Hermione glommed onto the last thing Teddy had said.
"Why do you think you don't deserve my apology, Teddy?" she said, hoping that the tension hadn't make its way into her voice.
Teddy, who had been in a staring contest with Severus, broke away and looked at Hermione rather dazedly. "Um," he said, obviously trying to gather his thoughts. "Oh, because you were right. It turns out that Blaise and Daphne were behind the rumor."
"Were they?" Severus said in a chilling tone. Teddy nodded and swallowed nervously.
"Yes, sir." He returned his gaze to Hermione, obviously more comfortable under her scrutiny than Snape's. "After dinner on Monday, I asked around and found out that Blaise and Daphne had conveniently 'misinterpreted' what I'd told them and had mentioned it to a few of their friends in passing, which, of course, they then shared with other friends, and so on."
Hermione glanced at Severus out of the corner of her eyes and found his expression had been demoted from dangerous down to cranky.
"I never thought Blaise had anything against me," Hermione noted.
Both Teddy and Draco smirked. "He doesn't," Teddy said.
"But why--"
"Because he wants to get into Greengrass' pants," Draco explained with a snort.
Hermione bobbed her head in understanding, blushing a little as she did. "Oh. And Daphne?"
"Thought it would be fun."
"I believe she is jealous of you," Severus offered, surprising them all.
"Mm." His mask was back in place, which to Hermione indicated that he was very uncomfortable. "She has been harboring a... a crush on me for the last two years."
Both Teddy and Draco looked shocked at this, and although Hermione felt a bit shocked as well, she tried her best to hide it, feeling it wouldn't be politic to reveal such blatant disbelief.
"Oh," all three said in unison.
"Um..." Hermione said as her mind started sifting through the facts. "Then were the 'scandals' this week planned diversions?"
Nott looked very pleased at this question. "In effect, yes. When I found out about their role, I determined that they should be the ones to fix it."
"How did you manage to persuade them to cooperate?" Severus asked with interest.
Teddy grinned. "Well, Blaise was easy. I just threatened to tell either of you he was behind it, and that was quite enough to get him to agree. With Daphne... I didn't know about her, erm, motivation, but I told her that if you found out about her role, you would think that she was trying to break you two up, and, well, I pointed out that you wouldn't take kindly to that, seeing as you went to a lot of trouble to get married in the first place," he said apologetically to Snape.
"Risky," Snape said, stroking his chin thoughtfully, "but it seems to have worked." He gave it another moment of thought and then nodded his head. "Overall, well done." Teddy beamed. "But I do have to wonder, Mr. Nott, why you went through all this effort."
Teddy's smile faded, although he didn't look as nervous as he had when Snape had come back. "Isn't it obvious, sir? First of all, I knew the rumors were my fault and that if they continued unabated I would be the one facing your wrath as well as Hermione's. Secondly, you're our Head of House and deserve far more respect than to be laid out on the rumor mill. And thirdly... well, Hermione's my friend, and I would like to keep it that way." Teddy had raised his chin defiantly at the last statement, looking Snape in the eye.
Hermione smiled at Teddy while covertly glancing at Severus. She was surprised when she saw grudging pride flit across his mask-like face, although it seemed he was too tense for that to be his main emotion. She gave his hand a gentle squeeze almost reflexively, not knowing whether she was asking, pleading or warning him to be nice.
"Mm," was all Severus said, although, judging by Teddy's look, it was about the best he could have hoped for.
Severus then looked at the empty cup in Hermione's hand and glanced at both Teddy's and Draco's abandoned cups. "As it seems we have all finished our drinks, I think it is time for us to get back to the castle," he said and stood up. Already holding one of Hermione's hands, he offered the other one to help her up with both hands, which she gracefully accepted.
The boys stood as well, albeit a little more reluctantly.
"Gods, I'm looking forward to school being done with," Draco sighed, looking around the place lovingly and longingly.
Severus raised his eyebrow in warning while Teddy merely looked tense. Hermione shrugged. "Yes, it must be nice to look forward to lounging your days away in exclusive clubs, hey?"
Draco looked at her coolly and smirked. "You've no idea, Granger." Hermione didn't smirk back.
"Just be careful you don't go to waste, Draco," Severus said, and Draco narrowed his eyes at that. "Now, it is time to go," Severus repeated, tugging very lightly on Hermione's hand, guiding her out of Arian's.
Severus gestured for Teddy and Draco to Disapparate first and then, when they were gone, looked at Hermione. Hermione looked back at him for a second before moving in close and hugging him round the middle. She felt Severus tense up slightly at the unexpected gesture, but when his arms came around her and squeezed in time with their Disapparating, she knew she'd made the right choice.
They popped into existence right outside the Hogwarts gates and found Teddy and Draco leaning against the wrought iron. When the boys saw Severus and Hermione's embrace, both sets of eyebrows went up, although one of the boys' expressions seemed more genuinely amused than the other's.
A cold, hard wind had come up while they were gone, so their trip back up to the castle was a quick and silent one, none of them saying anything until they parted ways in the Entrance Hall. Hermione and Severus watched the boys descend into the dungeons and then looked at each other.
"Shall I escort you to your rooms?" Severus asked. Hermione nodded, holding out her hand to him. When he accepted it without hesitation, Hermione knew they had overcome some hurdle, although what the hurdle was, she wasn't sure.
Halfway up the second staircase, Hermione said, "Thank you for all your help today."
She saw Severus looking at her from the corner of her eye. "You're welcome, my dear."
Her face relaxed into a smile at the term of endearment, and she squeezed his hand in response. Neither said anything else the rest of the way, but Hermione was reluctant to part with Severus when they reached her door. They both had slowed as they neared her corridor, and now that they stood before her door, she tried to think of something to say to keep him there a little longer.
After standing silent for a few moments too long, she finally blurted out, "Would you like to come in?"
Severus looked surprised, but nodded. Out of reflex, it seemed, he looked both ways down the corridor before he followed her inside. Meanwhile, she quickly waved her wand tidying things up and starting a cozy fire in the grate. When she turned around, she found Severus standing in the middle of the entrance, staring at the fire absently and looking pensive.
"Something wrong?" Hermione asked, conjuring a teapot and some boiling water.
He shook his head distractedly, though he seemed to notice her invitation to sit down. She had hoped he would sit on the sofa for some more hand holding, but he chose the lone chair that faced the door.
She handed him a cup of tea, which he accepted with an indistinct murmur of thanks. She sat down on the sofa with her own cup and sipped it while observing Severus.
"I really do appreciate all your help today. I know it can't have been easy to go back to that place, but I suspect that if you hadn't been there, that awful Walgren wouldn't have let the trial proceed."
Severus sipped his tea carefully and nodded, still not looking at anything but the fire. "Mm."
Hermione raised her eyebrow and took another sip of tea.
"I take it Walgren was a Death Eater?"
Severus hummed again.
"Are you good friends with him?"
Severus didn't respond at all that time.
"I imagine you must miss taking tea with all those Death Eaters, although I'll admit I'm curious who was mother or if that role belonged solely to Voldemort?"
At the last word, Severus roused and looked at Hermione sharply. "What did you say?"
Hermione waved her hand dismissively and put her cup back on the table. "What's wrong?"
Severus rolled his eyes and frowned. "Nothing."
"Severus, did you hear anything I said before 'Voldemort'?" He pressed his lips together and simply glared at her. "I've never seen you so inattentive, and I figured something must be wrong."
Severus put his teacup down as well, shaking his head as he did so. "I'm afraid it has been a long day, and I'm not in a sociable mood. I should head down to the dungeons now and catch up on marking before rounds." He stood up to go, and Hermione followed suit.
"I wasn't criticizing you, Severus, nor was I asking you to leave. I just wanted you to know that you can talk to me as well."
Severus did look at her then. He came up to her, took her face in his hands and lowered his lips to hers for a gentle kiss.
"I know, my dear, I know. But let me tell you in my own time."
Hermione harrumphed slightly at his hypocrisy, but nodded all the same.
"I really should be going, though," he said, then kissed her again, a bit more passionately. When he finally withdrew, he gave her a fond smile. "Sleep well."
And then he was gone, leaving Hermione to watch the cozy fire all by herself.
AN: Next up, the weekend.
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Latest 25 Reviews for She Married Her Choice
418 Reviews | 6.5/10 Average
I loved the journey and am now loath to return home again.
love the sequel.. see more action & drama ahead!!
Very cute!
Cute ending. Good story all in all, I've enjoyed reading it.
That's the best epilogue I've ever read! heheheh....
I am very sad it's all over, but I have to say I mightily enjoyed the ride! Thank you.
A clean bum is a happy bum! ROFL! :)
An excellent story! I'm sorry see it end, but it was a great read.
I am torn between excitement and gratitude that this sequel is finished, versus whining for more. yes, more! you've written characters in such a way that I've grown to care for them -- I really do want to know what happened to Remus and Teddy and Kingsley (esp Teddy). any ideas, dear goddess author? I don't dare ask about the other characters, like Vector! and I will not ask what your next story is. I do thank you for your commitment to finishing this story, and for the hours and hours of pleasure you've given us. have a wonderful birthday, Elizabeth!
ps - you can update your author's bio now.
Love the illustration. I was having trouble picturing the short hair. I LOVE it!!
Lovely! I adore Severus' way with words in his letter to Minerva, and in her words in her reply to him. Yes indeedie! A clean bum is a happy bum. And he is doing nappy duty, too.
He tries to be such a tough guy, but he's really a softie.
I have loved reading every word of both MAC and SMHC!
delightful! thank you so much for sharing you time, talent, and vision. you rule and reign!
Nice... and thank goodness you're back updating this wonderful story. It's time she confessed her feelings now though, isn't it?? And Vector is creeping me out... and Nott, well he obviously still wants Hermione and it's a little odd she hasn't sussed! Is the girl blind???
Looking forward to the next installment!
I love this story! I had first read Marry A Choice quite some time ago over on Ashwinder, and then the first few chapters of this one... And then I apparently saw something bright and shiny and forgot all about it until the other day, when I saw it updated here with so many new chapters that I hadn't read yet! I can't wait to see just what is going on with Professor Vector, especially as she's not bothering to hide her dislike for Hermione from Severus at this point. And what about Hermione's use of "The Force"? Do wands equal light sabers?
Anyway, I'm glad this story is over here where I could see it again, and thanks for continuing to work on it. It is on my Favorites list now so I won't miss any more!
That was lovely, but I can't help but worry if things are too good for these two.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
They have that kind of relationship, don't they? ;-)Thanks!
Snape + Calming Draught = AWESOMESPEW = Society for the Promotion of Elvish Welfare.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Oops. Thanks for the sharp eyes! And I'm glad you liked doped-up!Snape! He's fun.
I want to know how hermione got from a room in the dungeons (the locked room WAS in the dungeons, right?) to the kitchen which is on the fourth floor, by falling down a cliff. hogwarts works in mysterious ways...and will she get her wand back?
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Hogwarts is magical. Plus that tunnel was really long?No. She won't. :-(
Response from mock_turtle (Reviewer)
I'm totally willing to buy that they went from the dungeon to the fourth floor by falling. I just think it's weird that none of the characters seemed to notice.
...and the whole beginning of this chapter sounds like something I would say. also not on purpose. poor hermione and the double entendres. they're like land mines.and I love that you used bush's speech. hil-aaaaaar-ious.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Thank you!
I find it kind of hilarious that their first night together, snape is sick with chicken pox. whatever gave you that idea??
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
I think my son came down with chickenpox about the time I was writing that, if I recall correcctly. But I'm glad you see the humor in it. :-D
dunno why, but this whole bedroom scene seems a lot more real than these things tend to be (written). I like it.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
I've finally caught up with your story, and first I want to apologize for not commenting along the way, and second I want to tell you what a fantastic pair of stories you've written!!! I first read Marry a Choice, and now I'm reading She Married Her Choice. It's marvelous. It's wonderful. It is so endearing that I can't find the words to adequately describe it. Only two more chapters? I will be sorry when it it is finished.Well done, avery! Here is a well deserved bouquet.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Thank you so much for any reviews you choose to give! I can totally understand where you're coming from. I am so glad you like these stories. I've put a lot of time, thought and energy into them, so it's gratifying to know that it isn't for nothing!Thank you!
*sigh* he's so romantic! lovely update. thanks so much
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
LOL. Yeah, when he deigns to be. ;-)Thank you!
lovely! the ability to tease and be teased -- a mark of their growing ease with each other. I'm glad she and Teddy can have an animated discussion about Muggle and werewolf issues, although I still wonder what goes through Teddy's head; you'll have to hit me on the head with that, as I cannot fiture him out with any certainty. I'm still wondering if she will tell Severus that Vector was/is jealous and wanting Severus for herself. thank you for the new chapter!! I'm excited to read the next.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Yes! Very much so! They are learnng, even if it's a been painful lesson plan. You'll find out about Teddy soon enough. Only two more chapters to go, you know!*hugs*