New Chapter for Dangerous Liaisons
Dangerous Liaisons
bellarossi277 Reviews | 277 Ratings, 0 Likes, 49 Favorites )
A tale of set-ups, sniping and silliness in large doses. When Ginny sends in an advertisement for the 'Lonely Hearts' Section of the Daily Prophet for Hermione, neither friend really anticipates a reply--that is, until Lucius sends one behind Severus' back, neatly forcing Severus to continue the correspondence. Despite their initial arguments, Severus and Hermione soon find themselves enjoying their correspondence, though they have no idea who the other is and that they seemingly despise each other in 'real life'! How on earth will this unlikely match of mistaken identities, verbal sparring and postscripts resolve itself?
Start ReadingChapters (7)
About bellarossi
Member Since 2007 | 10 Stories | Favorited by 23 | 35 Reviews Written | 709 Review Responses
known as Coco; also bella, gildedglamour on LJ, etc.
i'm a great many things, including:
indian & burmese
a proud harpy
a little crazy
creative and lovable... most of the time!
always vanishing at inappropriate times thanks to that dreaded 'RL'
really bad at updating regularly
apparently 'elegant', probably really not.
i like writing, slytherin men, writing about slytherin men... oh and reviews too.
In case you were wondering why it vanished off the face of the earth, not to worry. It's undergoing a significant bit of revision, but it'll be back eventually. It'll probably be under a different name, too, but the premise will largely be the same. Thanks to everyone who supported me through it; I just wanted to make a few changes but it'll be back, I promise.
Reviews for Dangerous Liaisons
Aah! We don't get the meeting? Well, of course not. But it's still torture, leaving us like this. It looks like you're pretty much done with this story, which makes me sad. I suppose I'll have to fill in the momentous meeting in my mind...
Excellent! And I let my glass of wine sit there because I just knew it would ruin my kb. Splorffing in many places would not have done it much good!
Oh I hope you don't leave it there! I have loved reading this and can't wait to see if there's more coming.
What! he found out!!!???
how when where?
and she?
he did it so that she would not see him but he see her, right?
oh that bugger.
And your second story about ginny and Draco is just cute!!
go ooooooooonnnn!
brilliant! love the format. thanks so much
Response from bellarossi (Author of Dangerous Liaisons)
:] Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!
How on earth did he figure that out? I'm glad you've continued. I love these secret admirer letter stories.
Response from bellarossi (Author of Dangerous Liaisons)
You shall see! I'm glad to be back, too, especially as everyone has been so supportive (and I totally don't deserve it after 6 months of no updates!) which is really nice. Thank you for reviewing :)
Well, that last letter certainly screams for more!
I know what you mean about six chapter syndrome; my own attempt has similarly stalled out. So glad you got over it, and I'm hoping you won't keep us in suspense too much longer.
Response from bellarossi (Author of Dangerous Liaisons)
Yeah, that one's a killer. As I've said before, the good news is that I anticipated this time and hacked out the whole storyline BEFORE I wrote it, so now all I have to do is write the corresponding letters. It's far easier than writing a 'normal' story, I can tell you that. 'Paris' is going to take much longer to get back to, and I've written the plot for that one out too. Don't worry; the muse will come back. I definitely won't be leaving it quite so long this time, time permitting. I've got a few big deadlines out of the way so I really do have the time to sit down and write things without feeling hassled. :) So that next chapter will be coming soon!
HA HA HA HA HA I can't wait to find out what happens next! I love this story, I really do.
Response from bellarossi (Author of Dangerous Liaisons)
Ahh that's wonderful to hear! I'm really glad. :) Next chapter is coming soon...ish, hahaha. Thanks for a lovely review!
LOL, love it!The wait was worth it =)Yay for the dramatic irony
Response from bellarossi (Author of Dangerous Liaisons)
Yay! I'm glad you think so haha. Yes, dramatic irony ftw. :D
Oooh - I am so glad you decided to continue! I really like this story and the way it is told. The format of the notes/letters is just great. I eagerly look forward to an update!
Response from bellarossi (Author of Dangerous Liaisons)
Thank you! I'm really glad to hear that. :]
Does that mean they've already had their date? Or how else did he know? And did he run away when he found out? Or did she? Don't keep us waiting too long!
Response from bellarossi (Author of Dangerous Liaisons)
Heehee. You'll see in the next chapter, I promise. And I won't take so long this time! :]
How did he work it out? :)
Response from bellarossi (Author of Dangerous Liaisons)
You shall see. :]
Please don't make us wait so long next chapter.... I can't wait to see more reaction.......
Response from bellarossi (Author of Dangerous Liaisons)
Hahaha I won't. Thanks for staying with the story!
I am trilled to see the update, thank you! I wonder if Severus letter to Lucius will come back and bite his arse? The one with the frase "it could be worse than a Weasley, it could be Hermione Granger" comment? He would deserve it! Promise me that if Severus acts like the arse he so often do with humiliating and hurting Hermione, you will make him pay, costly? I get so annoyed when otherwise great fics/plots are destroyed by letting Severus walk all over Hermione, hurting and humiliating her, and when/if he after thouroughly destroying her "lower" him self to admit any feelings for her, she either sniffles a tear, stutter and throw herself into his arms, or stumbles in her own feets in her hurry to throw her self at him while readily agree upon that she is just a stupid know-it-all who needs the "superior" Severus to show her the way... It migth not be in your plot at all, but if it is, please make him work hard, very, very, hard to make her even consider giving him another chance!And while I try to decide if I will find myself a "happy ending story" and swoon (drool) with the images of Severus and Hermione walking into the sunset together, or if I shall find myself a dartboard and throw some arrows at Severus image...:-)) I am truly and honestly looking forward to read the next update to this brilliant story!
Response from bellarossi (Author of Dangerous Liaisons)
Goodness, why would I ever let Severus get the upper hand here? Believe me, he's got it coming. And yes, he's definitely paying for that comment, you'll see.I should point out, though, regarding the 'it could have been Hermione Granger' comment, you should look at it from his point of view. For Lucius, Draco marrying a 'mudblood' really WOULD be a fate worse than death. It's more of putting it into perspective, the way I see it. But you're completely right, he will pay for it regardless. I have some fun conflicts planned for them, but you'll just have to wait and see! I can assure you this will turn out happy and sappy. With bribing I could work in a sunset scene. :D
Response from Sampdoria (Reviewer)
I am totally in favour of bribes, it's a brilliant way to get things the way you want them...:-))
Let's see. Enjoyed the letters, Ginny and Draco are so cute to each other. Lucius is a berk - Ron's toe jam, and Severus finally caught on! Yeah!
Response from bellarossi (Author of Dangerous Liaisons)
Yay! Haha yeah that sounds about right to me. :]
Okay, you can NOT leave us hanging like that. I had to re-read the previous chapters because it's been SO long and I hope we don't have to wait too long for an update. Really enjoying this story.
Response from bellarossi (Author of Dangerous Liaisons)
But the thing is, I totally can. :D Not to worry, I'm really not that cruel. I'll try to have something up by next week. It isn't actually writing it that takes a long time. Once I sit down and do it, it only takes about a day at the most. The chapter queues are freakishly long right now, though, so that will delay quite a bit. I'm really glad you like it, and I do promise to try to keep things as regular as I can!
I am so glad to be reading another chapter of this!!!!!It fulfilled my wishes:) Perfect:)Fizzabella
Response from bellarossi (Author of Dangerous Liaisons)
So good to hear! Thanks for sticking around, I really appreciate it! :]
That's great! How did he figure it out? Will she?? Did she??
I'm so glad you updated, I hope you're able to convince your muse to stick around!
Response from bellarossi (Author of Dangerous Liaisons)
All will be revealed. :]Haha I'm pretty sure my muse is here to stay. I've actually written out the whole plot and I've been crossing things off as I go along. So that isn't even the problem, it's just that I literally had no extra time and I hate writing a chapter over more than one day. I feel like I lose the thread after too long. Anyway, I'll definitely try to keep updates more regular this time! Thanks for reviewing :]
How did he figure that one out? I guess I should go back to previous chapters and read them again. Very excited that you picked this up again.
Response from bellarossi (Author of Dangerous Liaisons)
That might help, but it will all be revealed in the next chapter. :] Thanks so much for staying with the story!
Squee! I'm so happy to see an update to this. Lovely chapter and the last line makes me very curious as to what will happen next :)
Response from bellarossi (Author of Dangerous Liaisons)
Thanks! Haha yes, I couldn't resist. Have to put something to keep you people coming back, don't I? ;]
Lovely chapter! The last letter was absolutely brilliant. I virtually can't wait to read on!
Author's Response: Thank you! Hopefully the next chapter will be up soonish, so you won't have to wait quite so long this time, haha.
Uh-oh. You can almost hear the melodramatic DUM-DUM-DAAAAAAA in the background. Is this realization only one-sided like in "You've Got Mail" or does she know Toby is Severus? I guess we will just have to wait and see.
Response from bellarossi (Author of Dangerous Liaisons)
Hahaha I know right. I'm just a DRAMAAAA whore. I love those omfg moments. Yes, it will be one-sided for now. It follows You've Got Mail/The Shop Around the Corner for about two more chapters, then I go crazy and add more plot twists. Well, actually, I wrap up a lot of plot twists, to be honest. But there's more interesting stuff coming along that deviates from the YGM plot. :] I'm excited about writing it so I hope you like it!
An unkind person would ask how Toby is supposed to see the rose in that rats nest of head of hair she has. Good thing I am not unkind.HOW DID HE FIGURE IT OUT??
Response from bellarossi (Author of Dangerous Liaisons)
:D Patience, young Padowan.
Have I mentioned how much I am enjoying the correspondence flying back and forth? Its a hoot. You should post a picture of Gin's engagement ring. Busy bodies curious fangirls want to SEE it!Toby and Mary Jane have given each other some big hints. I wonder if they will slap their foreheads and say "I should have known" after the truth is revealed?
Response from bellarossi (Author of Dangerous Liaisons)
Hahaha I'm very glad. Actually, I did have a ring in mind... Tiffany's, of course. :] Only the very best for Mrs Draco Malfoy. I'll put a link in the next chapter for you!You'll see the 'oh wow I'm a fool' head-slapping in a few more chapters. Particularly the coming one, and especially when Hermione figures it out. :] They're fun to write, so I hope you enjoy them!
how did Severus figure out who MJ is? I'm glad Draco and Ginny and their friends are excited for their wedding, and wonder if Ron will ever grow up. I'm afraid of Hermione's response to Severus at the restaurant. meeps! thanks for the new chapter.
Response from bellarossi (Author of Dangerous Liaisons)
You shall find out soon enough! I think you'll like what I have in store for the restaurant scene. Don't worry about Ron, you'll find out more about him in due time. Thanks for the review! :]