New Chapter for Journey out of Darkness
Journey out of Darkness
StormySkize179 Reviews | 179 Ratings, 0 Likes, 126 Favorites )
Book 7 -- The Way it Should Have Been. Harry, Ron, and Hermione don't return to Hogwarts for their seventh year. Instead, they join forces with the Order of the Phoenix to find Voldemort's Horcruxes and save the wizarding world. Members of the Order teach them how to fight. Along the way, Hermione realizes that her feelings for Ron have changed -- and so have her feelings for two other Order members.
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About StormySkize
Member Since 2005 | 13 Stories | Favorited by 172 | 431 Reviews Written | 998 Review Responses
I am in my late 50's and I didn't even start reading Harry Potter until after the third book came out. My granddaughter got me 'hooked on Potter,' and while surfing the net one day, I found a fanfiction site. That was it! My first story, "Renaissance," was published on Ashwinder a month later and I've been writing ever since. I am primarily a HG/SS shipper, but I also enjoy reading and writing RL/SS. I live in Tampa, Florida with my wonderfully adoring and supportive husband, and three completely spoiled cats. (Kallie, Mysha, and Smudge {who was the inspiration for the cat that Severus gives Hermione in my story "Renaissance."}) I'm always happy to correspond with my readers and I answer ALL reviews. I'm always looking for plot-bunnies, so feel free to throw some ideas out.
Reviews for Journey out of Darkness
I really like this story, in fact I might say I love it :P
Am interested in how the Hermione/Snape/Remus love triangle is going to pan out lol. I love that Serverus stood up for her so immediately, god love him. why couldn't Hermione have slipped some tongue into that kiss on the cheek :P hehehe
Loved it
I am also really sorry about your Dad, I hope things are a lot better for you now. I also hope that you don't break your promise of updating within 8 months:P, unless I read that wrong and you were promising that you wouldn't be updating until 8 months from when you added the chapter, and if that's the case, I greatly look forward to May/June :D
Lots of love and thoughts for you
my condolences on the death of your father. it's never easy, no matter how old we are. great update and welcome back! thanks muchly.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
Thank you so much for your kind words.
I am so glad you updated! I am so sorry about your Dad. I know what it's like to lose a parent. I hope things get easier for you. My thoughts are with you.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
I appreciate your kind thoughts. Things have gotten a bit easier, and I'm trying to concentrate on this story only and get it finished. I have quite a bit written, but still quite a bit to go as well. I'll keep at it. This fic will not be abandoned.Thanks for sticking with it, and for taking the time to leave a comment.
glad you are back. Nice chapter
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
Thank you so much.
Hooray! An update! I'm sorry to hear about your dad, and I'm glad you've started to dig yourself out the plot holes you were having trouble with. So happy to see this continued :D
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
Thanks so much. I'm still struggling with a few plot holes, but I'm trying to patch them over.Thanks for sticking with it, and for taking the time to leave such kind words.
very nice so far. :D
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
Thank you so much. I appreciate your interest.
Wonderful chapter, the reader really feels the mood in this chapter.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
Thanks. I thought they all deserved a night of frivolity.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
Thank you so much. I"m glad you're enjoying.
Very interesting... Lupin checking out Hermione, and Snape having conflicted feelings about her himself. Now I really can't wait for the next chapter!Livvy
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
Thanks so much. At this point, I"m not sure that Lupin realises what's going on ... but Snape is very perceptive, isn't he?Thanks for reading and for taking the time to leave a comment ... and some stars!
Now I have another story to add to my Favorites! This really is how things should have gone after Dumbledore's death. So Remus seems to be taking a more personal interest in Hermione, and Severus has noticed. Fortunately, Ron's too oblivious to notice, especially given that he's often dangerously ignorant... add jealous vindictiveness to the mix and heaven help the Order. Great story!
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
Thank you so much.Yes, lots of emotions bubbling close to the surface. I'm glad you like it. Thanks for taking the time to read and review.
Cute New Year scene. I'm glad you are back.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
Thank you so much.
I am really looking forward to the completion of this. Have you any idea how long it shall take? I love everything you have written but cannot abide an unfinished story (once I've started it) because I devour books! Excellent work!
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
I have not abandoned this story. There have been RL issues that have made writing very difficult for me, but I'm hoping to get back to this tale soon. Thank you for reading and for leaving a wonderful review in spite of how long it's been since I updated.
Just read through your story and so far I have really enjoyed it. I was very impressed by how smoothly everything seemed to go - that is, the course of the story all seemed very believable and natural. This is in part because you've done a great job of gradually allowing the relationships between the characters in the story to develop naturally and on their own, rather than rushing any of the interactions between various people. All in all I've found this an awesome story - the only blemish on my satisfaction is that I noticed how long it has been since you last updated, and this made me very sad. I desperately hope that this story is not abandoned, because I really want to read more (especially the Muggle party - I can't wait to read that chapter and see what you do with that scene). So pretty pretty please keep updating?
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
This story has NOT been abandoned. I lost my dad a few months ago, and the emotional drain has been so much that I've found it very difficult to connect with my fictional characters. I'm desperately trying to get back 'into' this story. I appreciate everyone's patience as I struggle with RL issues.
LOL It's like a costume party for this lot! Really funny.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
Thank you so much.
ees time to paaaaaaartay! ~sits in the dark strobey colored ravey club and plays E Nomine techno club mixes and rocks out to crazy german music~we all know snape likes some good german techno
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
Oh, my ... I may have given you a wrong impression ...I'm nearly 59 years old ... I remember the Beatles when they DID play at the Cavern.German techno? I'm not even sure what that is ...I'm thinking you like the story ... you did give me some lovely stars ... but German techno? Not is this, or any other lifetime, for me ... or for Snape ... at least not in one of my stories!Thanks for reading and for taking the time to review!(Poor, old, decrepit author walks away, shaking her head. German techno??)
Response from keske (Reviewer)
Yeah, I had too much sugar and got a little carried away. But yes, I do love your story. I suppose I was just in the mood to ramble on about the kind of music i was listening to. But don't worry, I love the Beatles! Here Comes the Sun is my longtime favorite...and Octopus' Garden ^.^I suppose what I was really trying to say was that I hope the group enjoys their time in muggle London and experiences some wonderful new things!, yes. The band is called E, if you want to look it up like on youtube or something XD ( one crazy kid, yes)
That breakfast after Ron and Hermione broke up was classic! Nicely done.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
Thank you so much.
It was brilliant to choose Liverpool for their party. In my humble opinion, it's one of the best cities for a good pub-crawl!! Makes me wish I could go out with them.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
I've never been to Liverpool, never been to Europe at all, though I would love to go some day. I do a lot of on-line research when I choose settings for my stories. I always try to get the geography right. I really chose Liverpool because I wanted to use the "Spiders, Insects, Beetles (Beatles), Bugs" reference. Little things like that just tickle me, and I love including them in my stories. Lots of times the subtle references don't even get noticed (or if they are noticed, they aren't commented upon), but I love putting them in there. And I wish I could go out with them, too ... sigh ...Thanks for reading and reviewing.
One thing I always figured was wrong with DH - thatDumbledore wouldn't have had some way of verifyingSnape's loyalty to at least one senior Order memberin an emergency. I understand why it couldn't becommon knowledge, but Dumbledore would have hada Plan B for Severus. I'm so glad to see him take hisrightful place. Yeeaay!
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
That was one of my major complaints, as well. Dumbledore basically hung Snape out to dry. I understand the need for secrecy and all that, but come on -- couldn't just ONE other person have known Snape's true loyalties? Dumbledore expected Snape to be killed -- hell, even SNAPE didn't expect to survive. But shouldn't there have been some sort of contingency plan in place just in case, by some miracle, he did make it through? The only information left behind that proves Snape's 'innocence' are the memories that he passes on to Harry, and that scene in the Shrieking Shack when he does so is lame, lame, lame. How did Snape or Dumbledore know that Harry would be 'available' to receive those memories? I also feel that the 'promise' made in the very first book ("I can show you how to brew fame, bottle glory, and even put a stopper in death!") was horribly broken by JKR. In my personal opinion, I think she got pissed off by how popular Snape became in fandom, and she compromised her own story line in order to sabotage that popularity. (What? They love SNAPE? Snape is horrible! I'll show them!)That's just my opinion, of course, but I feel she truly wasted a valuable opportunity to prove the very values she purported to uphold -- that love and redemption are important and can make a difference.Oh, how I rattle on ... sorry!Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Response from AmyLouise (Reviewer)
I do agree absolutely that JKR didn't know what to do withSnape and his increasing fascination for readers - especially those who are old enough to appreciatesomething of his complexity. The one with the realtalent, and the true hero, was obviously Snape. Andhow does JKR reward him? By having a Potter namedafter him. That would have thrilled him no end, I'msure!
Hmmm.... I'm not seeing this party as a good idea. Let's see:- 8 free tickets from a mystery supplier- given to the brothers of the Weasley known to be Harry's best friend- and for a "private" party - packed with helpless mugglesI smell a trap! Looking forward to the next chapter.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
Oh, I wish I'd been clever enough to write a trap into the party, but honestly, it's just a party -- a chance for the folks who've been cooped up in Grimmauld Place to get out and 'frivol' a bit. I hope you won't be too disappointed.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
I just found this story, and since I think DH wasn't as well-contructed as the earlier books, and the Epiloguesucked, I think it's worth reading. I like your start, andI'll be trying to catch up now.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
I'll have to agree with you about DH and that awful epilogue. I hope you'll enjoy the way I tell my version of Book 7.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Cool! Can't wait to read what sort of mischief this lot can get themselves into!Livvy
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
I wasn't sure what kind of reception this idea would get. I'm glad you like it.Thanks for reading and reviewing and for leaving all the pretty stars!
Congratulations on becoming a validated author!Nice chapter, I chuckled over Hermione's warning the boys, I liked how Remus and Severus reacted to going to the Beatles and I'm left wondering if Severus would want to hold Hermione's hand. I know...terrible pun
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
It is a terrible pun ... I wish I'd thought of it!I'm glad you're enjoying.Thanks for reading and reviewing.Love the stars!
severus in liverpool! i can hardly wait! what a first rate idea! thanks so much
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
Oh, I wasn't sure what kind of a reception that idea would get. I'm glad you approve!Thanks for taking the time to read and review.
Glad to see this again.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
Thank you so much. I've made a New Year's resolution to get this story finished. Nothing annoys me more than a story that is left to languish, and I'm ashamed to find myself the author of such a piece. It is a situation I vow to rectify!Thanks for all the shiny, pretty New Year's stars!
oh my gosh, are you and i kindred sprits or what. i began a story over a year ago, had most of it plotted out in my head and in notes (but didn't have chapters outlined or anything.... i'm obviously a novice!). after writing about 20 chapters, i was jonesing to post it, even though i had only about 20% of the story written at best. now, a year later, i'm at chapter 30, and it's about 3 months or so between posts because i'm having a hard time writing the 'filler' chapters inbetween all the planned out action. arrgghhh. so, i learned my lesson. anyway. i'm quite interested in this story and can't wait to see where it's going to go. i have a feeling that it may be a long one!
Response from StormySkize (Author of Journey out of Darkness)
I've actually written quite a lot of it. The problem is that it's all in pieces and I have to find a way to tie everything together. Also, one of my major plotlines had to be scrapped after I started posting. Now, the story is heading in a direction that is no longer viable and I have to try to re-route it in a way that still makes sense. Had I not posted the beginning chapters, I could have re-written and no one would have even noticed the detour!I still see the destination in my head ... now I have to use my GPS (Gimpy Plotting Skills) to get there without falling into a p(l)ot hole!Sometimes I wonder why I torture myself this way ... sigh ...Thanks for the encouragement!And happy New Year!