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Current parameters show 1,807 of 1,807 stories.
Living Legacy
by sshg316
197 Ratings, 0 Likes, 127 Favorites )An ancient spell, sealed with a kiss, leads to consequences both expected and unexpected. When truths are revealed, lives will be irrevocably changed, and two people will learn that a legacy is more than something left behind.
29,777 Words, Started 03/11/2008, Completed 04/03/2008
Tidings of Comfort and Joy
by StormySkize
196 Ratings, 0 Likes, 231 Favorites )Hermione Granger has been absent from the wizarding world for more than five years. When Severus Snape runs into her in a Muggle bookstore, he discovers why. An old promise made to Albus Dumbledore prompts Snape to offer his help to his former student.
63,487 Words, Started 01/08/2007, Completed 02/08/2007
Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy
196 Ratings, 0 Likes, 260 Favorites )With the climax of the next great battle drawing near, the key players who have the ability to halt or bring about potential destruction take center stage, as they always have in every great war since time began. And Dumbledore knew all this, but not when it truly mattered. Eventual SS/HG. Alternate Universe, HBP death disregarded.
2007 OWL Awards Nominee: Fire & Ice Category (SS/HG), Romance Category, Angst Category, and A/U Category.
2008 TNL Awards Winner for Best SS/HG AU Category
215,199 Words, Started 03/14/2007, Updated 09/05/2010
An Act of Love
by MMADfan
194 Ratings, 0 Likes, 78 Favorites )Severus Snape is hit by a stray spell, which has unanticipated and undesirable consequences. When he begins to feel some side-effects from the spell, Severus seeks the help of a colleague. A response to the Potter Place Winter Prompt Challenge #22. A third place winner in the Potter Place Challenge, and a featured story at SH Occlumency for November 2007. Not DH-compliant. Completely disregards DH.
Please note ratings and warnings in individual chapters. MA content in several chapters.
158,147 Words, Started 03/26/2007, Completed 03/17/2008
An Orphan For Christmas
193 Ratings, 0 Likes, 29 Favorites )Sometimes an unwanted gift becomes the most treasured possession.
29,275 Words, Started 12/22/2012, Updated 11/18/2015
A Time for Goodbyes
193 Ratings, 0 Likes, 59 Favorites )On her last night at Hogwarts, Hermione goes to say goodbye to her grumpy, cruel Potions professor.
67,181 Words, Started 04/17/2010, Completed 05/29/2012
The Life Unlived
by sshg316
193 Ratings, 0 Likes, 250 Favorites )While sorting through Severus Snape's belongings, Hermione makes an intriguing discovery that changes her life forever.
47,370 Words, Started 04/19/2009, Completed 05/01/2009
The Tenant of Lyonesse Hall
by lady_rhian
187 Ratings, 0 Likes, 14 Favorites )Seven years after the Final Battle, Severus Snape has been declared dead, and his property has reverted to the Ministry. Desperate to get away from her deadbeat job, Hermione purchases the Prince manor with the intention of renovating it, inheriting with it a rather forlorn house-elf, empty stables, and a well-stocked library. And, to her surprise, the ghost of one of Snape’s ancestors. Or is it?
35,067 Words, Started 02/08/2011, Updated 04/09/2012
by potterbrat
180 Ratings, 0 Likes, 57 Favorites )Draco Malfoy has changed sides. When he decides to leave Malfoy Manor, he needs help packing. While at the Manor, a surprise arrival changes everything. The warnings show abuse and violence, but I promise that nothing will be bad. It really is more of a romance, but the other stuff is necessary.
67,874 Words, Started 02/09/2007, Completed 08/17/2007
Bound to Happen Again
180 Ratings, 0 Likes, 88 Favorites )Sequel to Bound to Happen. Jealous. Possessive. Endlessly devoted. Such words could easily describe a man like Severus Snape, especially in regards to his wife. Unfortunately, Snape finds himself in the position of shielding Hermione from the temptation of a hot-blooded and disturbingly older man—himself. Story beta'ed by Madbrilliant, luvsev and Southernwitch!
30,399 Words, Started 08/09/2009, Updated 03/08/2010
Love Him in My Absence
by anogete
180 Ratings, 0 Likes, 224 Favorites )Hermione uncovers Snape's final remaining secret when he hires her as an assistant. Will she be able to keep her job and help him through another difficult time in his life? HBP-compliant.
44,563 Words, Started 05/29/2006, Completed 07/13/2006
Journey out of Darkness
by StormySkize
179 Ratings, 0 Likes, 126 Favorites )Book 7 -- The Way it Should Have Been. Harry, Ron, and Hermione don't return to Hogwarts for their seventh year. Instead, they join forces with the Order of the Phoenix to find Voldemort's Horcruxes and save the wizarding world. Members of the Order teach them how to fight. Along the way, Hermione realizes that her feelings for Ron have changed -- and so have her feelings for two other Order members.
47,785 Words, Started 03/16/2008, Updated 09/26/2009
Fallen Sparrow
by Hanagasume
178 Ratings, 0 Likes, 22 Favorites )Considered pariah by Wizarding society, and spurned by those she had held most dear to her during her time of need, Hermione turns to Severus Snape to guide her through her struggle with the darkness and her desire for revenge.
75,909 Words, Started 08/23/2010, Completed 04/14/2012
Caged Bird Sings
178 Ratings, 0 Likes, 83 Favorites )Hermione wakes up in a cell, held captive by none other than her former professor, Severus Snape. She’s scared, alone, and confused about her feelings for her unwilling captor. How can she know what is real and what isn’t when he won’t tell her anything?
57,483 Words, Started 03/23/2010, Completed 07/13/2010
by averygoodun
177 Ratings, 0 Likes, 23 Favorites )AU. Fatigued, Snape makes a mistake that could cost the wizarding world everything.
74,097 Words, Started 05/06/2011, Completed 11/24/2011
by Pyttan
175 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Her forced, unhappy and loveless marriage had ended when Draco Malfoy was lost at sea. Now he's back.
22,908 Words, Started 06/25/2012, Completed 11/02/2012
Power of the Mind
175 Ratings, 0 Likes, 15 Favorites )Now a professor at Hogwarts, Hermione Granger begins to experience fierce migraines and voices in her head. What is causing these headaches or who?
77,984 Words, Started 07/13/2012, Completed 04/28/2014
Droxy's Folly
174 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )In a world where Lord Voldemort defeated Harry Potter and the Order, the Minister for Magic makes Hermione Granger an offer she cannot refuse - become a spokesperson for the new regime, or rot in prison. But Hermione has her own, dangerous agenda. Can she complete her appointed task without running afoul of the law, or the man she despises most - Severus Snape?
Written by stgulik and Teddy Radiator for Droxy. This story was originally commissioned as a TPP Every Flavour Auction gift, but was actually written for the 2012 Summer LJ het_bigbang fest.
71,959 Words, Started 08/31/2012, Completed 09/23/2012
Full of Grace
by livvy6
172 Ratings, 0 Likes, 138 Favorites )Hermione Granger has lost everything. She is trying to make sense of her life in a world that has turned upside down.
31,863 Words, Started 02/26/2008, Completed 03/26/2008
Harmonic Resolution
by karelia
170 Ratings, 0 Likes, 72 Favorites )"Ah, music. A magic beyond all we do here!" Hermione had long forgotten the fateful words Dumbledore had uttered at the end of her first Welcoming Feast when they proved true beyond the shadow of a doubt.
24,916 Words, Started 10/01/2009, Completed 10/26/2009
by Cosette
170 Ratings, 0 Likes, 89 Favorites )Hermione, Severus, and Draco's lives become intertwined in ways none of them could have predicted or imagined. This is a story that weaves three perspectives together: Hermione's, Snape's, and Draco's. Please note that this story will end up being MA and contain slash.
After Dumbledore is killed by Snape, Voldemort goes on to take over the Ministry of Magic and installs Snape as Headmaster at Hogwarts. Believing the remaining horcruxes to be hidden at Hogwarts, Harry, Hermione, and Ron return to Hogwarts. Needing a way to spy on Snape, Hermione comes up with an idea that has unintended consequences.
Draco believed that he and Severus had something special. But before returning to Hogwarts, Severus mysteriously ends their relationship. Dejected, Draco returns to Hogwarts determined to win Severus back.
Severus Snape is working on a secret project, one that will give him a power no other human has ever had before. But the project has withered to a standstill as he is overwhelmed with his new duties as Headmaster and Voldemort's favorite Death Eater.
20,555 Words, Started 03/06/2008, Completed 09/24/2008
The Real Me
by debjunk
169 Ratings, 0 Likes, 18 Favorites )Received Honorable Mention in Anything Goes Challenge. Sybill Trelawney has been hiding a huge secret. She’s not the witch she appears to be. Now that she is no longer in danger, she can come out of hiding and be herself. But who is she, really? And what does she want out of life?
50,008 Words, Started 08/13/2008, Completed 05/01/2009
A Victorious Draw
by nastygrl
169 Ratings, 0 Likes, 113 Favorites )After the war, Hermione needs help, and Ron cleverly enlists Severus' help.
20,512 Words, Started 11/24/2009, Completed 01/11/2010