New Chapter for Love Him in My Absence
Love Him in My Absence
anogete180 Reviews | 180 Ratings, 0 Likes, 224 Favorites )
Hermione uncovers Snape's final remaining secret when he hires her as an assistant. Will she be able to keep her job and help him through another difficult time in his life? HBP-compliant.
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About anogete
Member Since 2005 | 6 Stories | Favorited by 258 | 8 Reviews Written | 655 Review Responses
I'm a 26-year-old Accounts Payable manager for a construction company. Basically, I'm paid to write checks and intimidate the menfolk around here. I live with my boyfriend and our dog. I wasn't sucked into the HP fandom until just after the release of HBP. So, I'm a newbie compared to most of the fans out there. I've written in several other fandoms (under different pennames) - Anita Blake, Buffy, X-Files, etc.
Reviews for Love Him in My Absence
I really enjoyed their conversation. Each took steps to coming to terms with the pain of the war.
Well its a complicaton when another man enteres the pciture at leats it's not Victor .... hes not my favorite third person. Looking forward to more.
Ahhh they are going to live together at least a few days :) Thats exciting :)
Ah so a way to aman's heart is throughhis stomach LOL Loved the last scene.
Little progress. I look forward to the next chapter.
Well that was a tuff beginning for them. I know it will get better in time :)
Good chapter. I'm looking forward to more interaction between them.
Looking forward to more. Good start.
That was a wonderful ending and a pleasure to read. I enjoyed my time with this story. It was very well spent. Thank you.
That was a wonderful exciting encounter between them. You worte a very beleivable Snape.
really enjoyed this chapter. I love the growing awarness they are having of eachother.
Well Bummer she's moving back to ehr palce. LOL. Loved their growing friendship. Looking forward to knowing the identity of the patient...hoping it his mother. :)
Very well done. Glad they managed to come together. Sad that he had to lose him mother so soon after getting her back. Love the closing line, "they can put a sock in it."
This was a truly wonderful story. I read it all in a day. And you kept both of them so well in character. I could picture it all in my mind. Very believable. And the love scenes were so sensual. I found myself wanting to switch places with Hermione.
Great job.
this is perhaps the best ss/hg fan fic i've ever read
and im not just saying that
the characters of hermione and severus were DEAD on
oh my good lord that was good
(now write more)
I have to say that this is among one of my all time favorite fan fics. I love the way that you portray Severus' character. It is believable and honest. What man would not be snarky and bad tempered if he felt responsibe for his mother's incapacitation? BTW you are also one of my favorite authors on TPP. I apologize that I do not review more often. I have made it a New Years resolution to leave more reviews even when I am rereading fics that have been written long ago. Irish
This was quite lovely. I enjoyed it a great deal.
Response from anogete (Author of Love Him in My Absence)
Awww. I loved it! I just wish there was a cure for her and evil bid bad daddy snape (he doesnt even deserve that name!) would go away. Eileen is such a sweetie and i love how you used her so pivotally. Nicely done!
Response from togspled (Reviewer)
Response from anogete (Author of Love Him in My Absence)
Thank ya! I'm glad you enjoyed the fic. I didn't want to wrap everything up in a nice neat package at the end. I wanted things to be left undone or unsaid. I wanted there to be good things and bad things.
Response from togspled (Reviewer)
And that is exactly what you did. As mad as I am...*grawr*...that you didn't tie it up in a pretty christmas package for me , I think it worked wonderfully in this story. Thank you!!!
What can I say. I didn't realize you had updated and missed it until today. Incredible story. How gifted a writer you are! I loved the ending. Snape's sterility is fitting. In line with the barren waste of his heart. At least that has been revived. That note was so sweet. I really cried at this. My aunt's two year-old fought cancer for a year before she died, and this really made me wish for a moment that magic could be real. It just goes to show that at some time, everyone's life is touched with tragedy. But having those that you love around you makes all difference in the world. How grateful Eileen must have been to know that Severus had Hermione.I truly loved watching this develop. Again thank you for such a terrific story.
Response from anogete (Author of Love Him in My Absence)
Thank you for the kind words! How horrible that such a young child had to go through the difficulties and pain of such a evil disease. I've always had trouble (and still do) with understanding why some of these amazing people in my life have had to deal with cancer and the awful things it does to a person's body.
Dear Anogete,
*Much applause. Reader rises, and continues to clap hands furiously.*
I have read quite a bit on the internet, and this story definitely be in my top 5 favorite stories.
Thank you for making the effort to write this so well. And I also extend my thanks to Snarkyroxy, Allyness, and Jessica for helping you to bring this story about. (although, I have to admit the term "beta" is very new to me....)
Some of my comments might be a repetition of the past remarks I have made. Please forgive me that. And a disclaimer now, I'm new to this area of fandom, so my experience with these stories is limited. Please bear that in mind as you read my comments.
Wonderful story. I like how the relationship evolved, and the depth you gave to the characters. Usually when I read a Snape and Hermione romance, I overlook the....abruptness? of it just to see what happens. That DEFINATELY was not the case for me in this. I totally believe the transformation. You took the time to make it real. It worked for me.
I would have to say "believability" is the highest mark I give this work. Considering how some fandoms, any fandoms, go, that's a big compliment. Especially from me, because that's one of the tests I give everything I read. I do like some stories that do not pass that test for me. It's nice to read one that does. Not that anything I say has to mean anything, but for what it's worth anyway.
You also, to me, have a great build to this story, in both the events and the sexual tension. And you have some falling action too, which is nice, because many stories of a sexual nature tend to end on the climax of the story (pun not intended, but useful ). Or at least most of the ones I've read -- not just on this site, elsewhere too.
You made me laugh several times throughout the story. Just over quirky things, like how he called her a "potions mistress", and some of Crookshanks typical antics. Although the fact that Crookshanks curled up by Severus's feet was kind of a big deal, since his lineage means he can discern natures........which you understated, which was great. Oh, and his mom making those comments was classic. I loved it. My jaw actually dropped when she told Hermione how glad she was Severua had found someone "as beautiful and talented" as her.
My one low point is that the mother was found to have cancer upon waking up. Granted, it's believable that no one would have found it before now, because, well, why do a head scan of a patient comatose for over two decades? But, it seemed a little overdone. I thought she would have just passed away, since I guess that has been known to happen. However, the story would not have been able to end as it did. His mother is okay for now -- a grieving Severus would have led to quite a different ending. So I understand the decision.
That, and Hermione invited him home that morning not the night before.... (take it as a compliment I'm obsessing over this story enough to note that mistake)
All in all, absolutely wonderful story. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this, and I think I might actually be reading this again.
Any chance of a sequel?
Sincerely Satisfied Reader,
Mrs. Mystified
Response from anogete (Author of Love Him in My Absence)
Wow, I've been a bad author and haven't check my reviews in a while. What a pleasure it was to sign in and see such a wonderful note! I'm very glad that you enjoy the story. Unfortunately, I have no sequel to offer for this one, but I do have a couple other shorter fics floating about out there, as well as ideas to begin other stories. I'm just waiting for that darn muse to return to me. The words just don't come so easily sometimes.
Response from Mrs Mystified (Reviewer)
Dear Anogete,
I completely understand about not checking reviews. My computer actually broke about half a year ago, and hadn't been able to come online at all, really. So when I came online again (finally!) and checked my email, it was kindof interesting to see that a response came the same month I got a new computer. Thank you for taking the time to reply after all this time! It was nice to see a response on the first page of my inbox to help me jump back into things. I hope you are well, and again, great job on a wonderful story -- I remember how estatic I was about your piece when I wrote this review.
Response from anogete (Author of Love Him in My Absence)
May the Muse amuse you soon!
Dear Anogete,
So, I am commenting again before the end. Ah well.
What I truly appreciate is the depth you are giving to Hermione and Snape. The psychosis depicted in this chapter is very real. The need to apologize and be forgiven on such....gosh, how to put it......indirect hurts? is a real need of people. As it is to be thanked, as Hermione thanks Snape for his sacrifices. I've known of people who were thanked for actions they did completely unrelated to the person who thanked them, and it....helped something inside them. So having this exchange of thank you's and sorry's is a welcome site to me. It's real.
I truly like where you are going with the character's developments. I didn't completely believe some of their interactions, the first Saturday conversation for example, but as you have expounded on the story, I do believe it now.
The way you describe Snape sound like real psychosis (nice way of saying "mental problems.") Like Snape could be Bi-Polar with paranoia (albeit rightfully so).
And I have to admit, I'm glad I'm reading a fiction that is already posted in it's entirety, so I don't have to wait..........
Which is good because I can't put the webstory down!
Mrs. Mystified
Response from anogete (Author of Love Him in My Absence)
I feel your pain on incomplete fics! I feel a sense of loss when I devote so much time to reading a fic, only to find that it has been abandoned. And, I actually won't even read an incomplete fic until at least five chapters are posted. There are too many authors that write a chapter or two and putter out after that. I started this fic months before I posted anything. The last two chapters were away at my beta's before I posted the first chapter. I thought I should give the same sort of consideration as an author that I like to receive as a reader.When I first began posting it, many people responded with questions about Snape's motivations. Some were concerned that he was out of character or that he was acting strangely for no reason at all. I had the entire story planned out by the time I finished the second chapter. I knew what I wanted to do and where I wanted both characters to go. So, I wrote with the end in mind. I didn't want Snape to remain a complete mystery until the very end when he finally reveals what is going on to Hermione. So, I think many of his actions in the beginning do seem off without the knowledge of what is happening in his life that is revealed in later chapters. I kept telling everyone that there is more to Snape's life than just potions and Hermione working for him.Anyway, glad you're enjoying it. And I promise to never post an unfinished story. ;-)
Dear Anogete,
I was planning on commenting when I had finished reading all of this -- and I still do.
But I simply could not pass by this chapter without remarking.
White Sheets?!!!!
I was completely surprised!!! I would never have thought of white sheets for S. Snape's bedroom! So, thanks for surprising me! Such a small detail, I know......... Until Later, Sincerely,
Mrs. Mystified
Response from anogete (Author of Love Him in My Absence)
LOL I'm glad I could surprise you. ;-) I've never really bought into all those thoughts of Snape's sheets being silk or satin. Nor do I believe that he'd be one for indulgent colors. He's a very matter-of-fact sort of fellow, and I think because of that he would have plain, white sheets. I don't think he'd fuss over his bedclothes or put much thought into them at all. He'd just use what he had - and everyone has white sheets.
Thank goodness they're finally using first names!
Response from anogete (Author of Love Him in My Absence)
It took me a while to talk them into it, but I think I finally convinced Severus to play nice.
Aww, i loved this story, it had a few turns, and characteristic disagreements, and yet everything turned out great :) I loved your idea of the letter from Eileen, such a brilliant idea to bring them even closer!Great story!~Sarah
Response from anogete (Author of Love Him in My Absence)
Thank you! Glad to hear that you enjoyed it! :-)
Great love story, great writing
Response from anogete (Author of Love Him in My Absence)