New Chapter for Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy
Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy
Battle of Lissa196 Reviews | 196 Ratings, 0 Likes, 260 Favorites )
With the climax of the next great battle drawing near, the key players who have the ability to halt or bring about potential destruction take center stage, as they always have in every great war since time began. And Dumbledore knew all this, but not when it truly mattered. Eventual SS/HG. Alternate Universe, HBP death disregarded.
2007 OWL Awards Nominee: Fire & Ice Category (SS/HG), Romance Category, Angst Category, and A/U Category.
2008 TNL Awards Winner for Best SS/HG AU Category
Chapters (36)
About Battle of Lissa
Battle of Lissa
Member Since 2007 | 12 Stories | Favorited by 141 | 65 Reviews Written | 765 Review Responses
Student at California State University of Los Angeles. Currently studying Law and Society Sociology and Criminology while hovering in graduation limbo.
I enjoy writing simple poetry about love, life, and betrayal; either about myself or those closest to me.
Notice! December 2, 2010:
This site is amazing. The numerous reviews and reads I have received here has been beyond humbling. However as I have gotten older, RL has taken main priority to reading and writing fanfic. Any tiny fraction of personal time I am able to indulge myself has been spent in the fandom, but I must admit it had been dwindling more and more. I will NEVER abandon anything I have begun, and attempt to finish my WIPs every day. However, like many authors, I have made the mistake of submitting my work to more archives than I am capable of maintaining with the care that is due them. If I am able and time willing, I might continue to update my fics here, but my main priority lies elsewhere. MODERATED ARCHIVES ARE A BLESSING AND NECESSARY FOR QUALITY FIC. I stand by that. Unfortunately submitting my fics to various moderated archives means more time necessary to edit the various mistakes each individual archives will find in my work. My fics will continue to be updated at Ashwinder and Potter Place Archives, anywhere else will have to take a back seat. This is my problem and I take full responsibility. Thank you for reading, reccing, voting, and reviewing my fics on The Petulant Poetess!
Reviews for Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy
I am rereading this story so if you're seeing your count going up but not seeing reviews, I believe I have left them previously, along with telling you on LJ how much I loved your story (and still do!). :)
And not to nitpick, but I did feel like there was a paragraph missing or something in the middle of this chapter. First, there was never any mention that Pansy knew what it was that was chasing her and Hermione and then later Lupin remembers that Hermione was taken by Death Eaters, which Pansy also wouldnt' know unless she had still been close by Hermione when it all went down. I thought maybe there was a part missing where Pansy was hiding close by or ?? something.
Anyway, as always, great story and I can't wait to catch back up to the new chapters!!
I love it! I don't know how you keep track of all the different characters and plotlines but I'm impressed and hooked.
I know you aren't really updating this story actively anymore, but I just wanted to pass along that I've really enjoyed it. I like the thought-out internal reflections Severus and Hermione bring out in each other, and I really like seeing Sirius become darker (though I kind of wish he'd been less of a whiny brat and more take-charge and active in his descent, in a way). ;)
Thank you for sharing~!
Interesting plot. Black as the bad guy isn't really a foreign concept but u didn't sugarcoat Snape at all. On the other hand, your Hermione is really how I always pictured her to be, not overly innocent or too black & white. I found the next dark lord and balance concept plus SSHG ups and down intriguing that I wasn't able to back down from the screen until I finished the last chap. Looking forward to reading what else u have to offer...
Response from Battle of Lissa (Author of Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy)
More is coming! The delay is terrible but I'm still writing as much as I can when I can. Thank you kindly for the read and detailed review!
Loving this story. Please tell me it's not abandoned! Update soon please! :)
I love this story. I can't wait for an update. I hope hermione finds severus before he does something he will regret. Please update soon.
Ok, well i read that through this time which means yes, i had got to this chapter the first time and stopped when it became apparent you were writing snape in a completely different way than i imagine him to be. To clarify i mean i understand he has to take part in revels to cement his place as a spy, but usually his thoughts are repungent to what he is doing. You wrote him as not hating what he was doing.
So when i read this story before i didnt read past halfway through chapter5. And not because of content as i picked this story through category and my first choice was abuse/rape so i am not squeamish. However i decided that i wanted to see this different Snape and so here i am reading it again, and having this time read all of the chapter i can see how he got to being so un remorseful. so i will read your story and in future try not to be an idiot and wish only for one kind of take on snapes character:)
Hi there, can't wait for the next chappie...soon I hope...plse don't leave me hanging on, this is by far one of the best fic I've ever read...XX
This is one of those stories that I will enjoy re-reading from start to finish when it is complete.
What a complex web you are weaving. I love it.
Will Sirius take the bate? I assume so, or his days are surely numbered. I feel his days are numbered anyway, thanks to Snape and Hermione, no matter what he choses. It would be more noble of him to refuse, but I never felt he was the noble sort.
You're BACK! I read this chapter feeling a little bit hazy, but I read it all the same. I'll probably go back and re-read everything sometime soon. Just know that I'm not a lost reader.
I really hope this story is not abandonned. Your Severus is as true to self, as far as I am concerned, and Hermione is oh so wonderful. I really abhorre Sirius in this story and I'm thinking he might be the one? Plse continue this amazing tale...It's by far one of the best I've ever read...Truly...And I've read an awful lot of them, believe me...Some really great story this one is...please go on...
Response from Battle of Lissa (Author of Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy)
Nope, not abandoned! And perfect timing, I received your email while I was submitting the next chapter (the index page should say "next chapter in queue". I had originally lost future chapters when my hard drive crashed, but I was recently able to retrieve all that info. Thank you so much for your read and review!
What a wonderful story!!! Please update soon if possible.
Response from Battle of Lissa (Author of Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy)
Thank you so much! I know the wait was very long, but the next chapter is finally in queue! Thank you for the read and review!
Your severus scares the bloody hell out of me.
Response from Battle of Lissa (Author of Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy)
Yay! I never tire of hearing that, lol.
Another cliffie. You can't but help feel sorry for Severus. I do wish his and Hermione's relationship would shuft slightly, I know Severus is very protective over her but I can't help for a bit more from him. Great chapter look forward to more.
Response from Battle of Lissa (Author of Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy)
Thank you so much! The next chapter is FINALLY in queue. Thank you for the read and review!
This chapter was down right painful. Others were as well. I'm not sure why this one struck such a chord, but it did. My heart is aching.
Response from Battle of Lissa (Author of Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy)
Thank you so much for the review! The wait was long, but the next chapter is finally in queue.
Yeesh, and the plot thickens. It is my personal opinion that Ginny should have stayed long enough to hex Harry's balls off, and that Sirius should die, soon. If one of these two events have the possibility of occuring in the future I will be a happy camper. Marvelous chapter, as usual!
Response from Battle of Lissa (Author of Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy)
Thank you so much! I know the delay has been long, but the next chapter is finally in queue. Thank you for the review!
What an interesting chapter, I enjoyed it very much!
Response from Battle of Lissa (Author of Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy)
Thank you so much!
Great chapter.
Response from Battle of Lissa (Author of Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy)
Thank you!
This is a fascinating and dark story so far. It creeps me out that Dumbledore is basically insisting that Hermione "babysit" Sirius, even if it means letting him get too close for comfort.And I must comment about Severus' extensive tatoos. I had a friend once who went from unmarked skin to almost covered with tatoos in only two years. He admitted that he suffered from bi-polar disorder. The only way he could forget the mental pain of his depression was with the physical pain of the tatoo process. It only took a few hours, but he felt freedom for that small period of time. He had also "self medicated" before he was diagnosed, drugs and alcohol. The life Snape leads in this fic, and his mental state... His drug use and tatoos all make perfect sense to me. Sad but true.You have done an excellent job so far. I have a long ways to go to catch up, but I will eventually.
Response from Battle of Lissa (Author of Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy)
Thank you so much for this detailed and well thought out review! Especially your tale of your friends personal experiences. I have seen the same behavior as well. I know the delay is extremely late, but the next chapter is in queue. Thank you for the read and review!
I began reading this a few weeks ago and have finally caught up to the latest chapter. I must say that this story is incredibly addictive. I have found myself thinking about it at random moments during the day. Your plot twists are intriguing, unique, and memorable. This is probably one of the most epic and complicated fics I've read. I like it a lot. I have been growing concerned about Severus' perception of Hermione as a possession as well as Hermione's acceptance of Severus' murders. Sirius's condition is also intriguing and slightly grotesque. The more fics I read the more I realize that I don't like Sirius and I think that the way you have captured him is more realistic than the canon Sirius. The fact that he put Severus in a situation that may have resulted in death is disturbing and I wonder that no one (that I've read) has picked up on that before. Ultimately, this story is disturbing in the way that you can't look away and I love it. The tone of the story is dark but not dreadful, with light (I hope) at the end of the tunnel. I look forward to reading more.
Response from Battle of Lissa (Author of Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy)
More Severus and Sirius to come next chapter! Very exciting that this fic seems disturbing and complicated to you. Such praise! The next chapter is finally complete and on its way. Thank you for the read and detailed review!
There were a few points of interest in the chapter, Hermione's 'girls night out' (why did she bring booze, so unlike her) and Severus's reading her mail, were the two points that stuck out for me.
Response from Battle of Lissa (Author of Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy)
Sorry for the long wait. Next chapter complete and on its way. Thank you for your continuous reads and reviews!
Response from Battle of Lissa (Author of Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy)
Sorry for the long wait. Next chapter complete and on its way. Thank you for your continuous reads and reviews!
Oh the tension in the house . Loved this chapter, actually love this story. Looking forward to next update. Many thanks
Response from Battle of Lissa (Author of Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy)
The next chapter is FINALLY complete. As soon as my beta corrects it, it will be posted. Sorry for the long wait and thank you for the read and review!
Response from Battle of Lissa (Author of Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy)
The next chapter is FINALLY complete. As soon as my beta corrects it, it will be posted. Sorry for the long wait and thank you for the read and review!
Wow -- I found this story on Thursday and spent most of my weekend reading it --not a waste of a weekend! Although, now that I am caught up, I wish I had paced myself!It was ingenious how Snape saved Hermione from the Voldemort and the Death eaters. It could have gone either way. Had Voldemort decided to Occlumens Hermione, it would have been all over!I will wait anxiously for an update.... you are truley gifted!
Response from Battle of Lissa (Author of Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy)
It's very exciting to hear how much you've enjoyed this story! Thank you for the read and review!
Oh gosh what's going to happen! Please don't leave it to long.
Response from Battle of Lissa (Author of Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy)
Response from Battle of Lissa (Author of Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy)
I'll update as soon as possible! Thank you for the read and review!
Great chapter. I liked the conversation slash advice between Hermione and Sirius and the scene between Hermione and Severus sent chills down my spine.
Response from Battle of Lissa (Author of Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy)
Thank you! Next chapter completed and on its way. And thank you for the continuous reads and reviews!