New Chapter for Bound to Happen Again
Bound to Happen Again
Battle of Lissa180 Reviews | 180 Ratings, 0 Likes, 88 Favorites )
Sequel to Bound to Happen. Jealous. Possessive. Endlessly devoted. Such words could easily describe a man like Severus Snape, especially in regards to his wife. Unfortunately, Snape finds himself in the position of shielding Hermione from the temptation of a hot-blooded and disturbingly older man—himself. Story beta'ed by Madbrilliant, luvsev and Southernwitch!
Start ReadingChapters (7)
About Battle of Lissa
Battle of Lissa
Member Since 2007 | 12 Stories | Favorited by 141 | 65 Reviews Written | 765 Review Responses
Student at California State University of Los Angeles. Currently studying Law and Society Sociology and Criminology while hovering in graduation limbo.
I enjoy writing simple poetry about love, life, and betrayal; either about myself or those closest to me.
Notice! December 2, 2010:
This site is amazing. The numerous reviews and reads I have received here has been beyond humbling. However as I have gotten older, RL has taken main priority to reading and writing fanfic. Any tiny fraction of personal time I am able to indulge myself has been spent in the fandom, but I must admit it had been dwindling more and more. I will NEVER abandon anything I have begun, and attempt to finish my WIPs every day. However, like many authors, I have made the mistake of submitting my work to more archives than I am capable of maintaining with the care that is due them. If I am able and time willing, I might continue to update my fics here, but my main priority lies elsewhere. MODERATED ARCHIVES ARE A BLESSING AND NECESSARY FOR QUALITY FIC. I stand by that. Unfortunately submitting my fics to various moderated archives means more time necessary to edit the various mistakes each individual archives will find in my work. My fics will continue to be updated at Ashwinder and Potter Place Archives, anywhere else will have to take a back seat. This is my problem and I take full responsibility. Thank you for reading, reccing, voting, and reviewing my fics on The Petulant Poetess!
Reviews for Bound to Happen Again
Loving this story, please continue :)
Love Sonia
Oh Gods, it stopped here?!
*heart is pounding, yet this hasn't been updated in 3 years*
Please forgive my stalker-ish tendencies, but I may need to raid all your other profiles to see if you've continued this elsewhere.
I have found tomorrow's goal! :D
Thank you for sharing this, I've been riveted through the last hour or so reading it.
I dont know if you, ever have the intention of finishing this, but i truely hope you do. I love this and fic. And I hope you get this message and Maybe it may inspire another chapter. I hope do. Thank you for writing this...:)
Oh, I am loving this story. Just wondering if you intend to finish it?Eagerly awaiting your reply, Sonia :)
Response from Battle of Lissa (Author of Bound to Happen Again)
Thank you so much for your reviews! And yes, I intend to finish it :) So happy for your read!
Response from sbrande (Reviewer)
Of course babe. Take your time with it as I shall be here waiting for your return.Love Sonia :)
Love this story so far! Please update soon! :D
beaten, he is simply beaten.
As I am.
Your story rocks.
your talent to tell this rocks.
I want more!!!!
You spoil us here, are you aware of this?
I like every bit of this chapter.
And - need I say it - the very last scene was so intense, I lived and breathed and felt evey moment of it, heard her tears in her voice and saw his astonished face. Yes, he is an idiot.
I do so like, how she handles him, adresses him at the various occasions the trip, the stay at her home and then back at his office give her or she simply takes.
The chemistry is just like the air between them is soo full of tension, they are dancing around each other. Who is the torero who the torro? Are they dancing Tango? It feels like that to me. Brilliant.
I do so like it!
When will be the next chapter up?
Or did you abandone your story?
I hope not. I would bang on your door all day long, until being heard and granted a new chapter.
Your fans would soo like it, belive me.
so please, continue your grand work.
oh how dreadfull. You storm into your room for refuge, for crying your heart out. and then you have to make a happy face for your Birthday Party.
all so contrarian. Idiotic. But that is life. Catches you at the worst moments.
And then her conversation with Denny. Wich was interruped by Malfoy. What is her plan with the camera? That everybody should be photographed with it? to reveal the real intentions of the respective person?
Good idea.
And then Malfoys act. Hermione sends Denny away and says, she might not need him. HA!
Well, ok, she did manage all by herself. And brilliantly, just as you explained. Had she done more or less, it would have been all to his best, now it was his torture. Well done girl!
Good, that she avoids eye contact with Snape from now on. She is really furious. As she showes in the Dungeon scene. Heart stopped to beat there, I must say.
She can make a scene, my!! and he ? sits and can't move.
And when he thinks he has her in hand and make her suffer for it, then he realises that she has Him in hand. tadaa! I like these twists these tricks the heart plays to one. irrational. That is the last thing Snape could need right now. And he is escorting her *trallala sing*
I don't know if I like Ginny here, all the greedy girl. Wait until her photograph is taken. ouch.
what a wonderful chapter.Grand stuffyou have a hand for dialogues, and building sceneries, and protraying people with mere brushstrokes.I liked the conversations a lotI liked how Hermione - again - stands up before Severus, and reminds him of how his behaviour is not wanted and not needed and she has not to bear it any more.Yes. she is growing. She has durign her year on the run. She found her Self.Chapeau.She can deal with a Malfoy, find relive in laughter, everything seems to float, even if not light, nothing can be light in such times where everything is moving, emotins, lifes, everthing. But she is on track. She pins Snape down. And he.oh, They are so interesting.just like equals.or becoming equals.Snape has to deal with a Malfoy as a rival.ouch.He himself is his worst rival of all, to be is so much fun to read this and watch the story procede.I like it very much.
Response from salvamea (Reviewer)
oh, skipped the last paragraph.she was in the classroom! I guessed right.Well, girl, this was not so very good.For her it seems to fit. But his intentions were quite different, He wants to lead Malfoy off the track, I think? oh poor suffering Hermione.Wonder how she will repay him.
Very revealing lines here I like them very much:
In death, that was when he had completely and unreservedly admitted to himself that he wanted her.
But ‘want’ was a very open-ended word.
And here, the teaser itself, He wanted her to have a reason to marry him? here he got it.
But unfortunately it will put him into the mind of many many willing witches. Poor Sod, will have a lot of fanpost to sort now... hehe :
You and your ideas, just grand!
Her Jeans attract her to him. And against his will. Oh fate is soo cruel... tehe
Much as I like her staning up before him in a point she finds important, I can not see, why she would WANT to be called just Granger, without the Miss. Iwould probably have killed anybody, who would have just called me that. I find it so disrespectfull. I am glad he does it the way he does.
What is her point here?
Draco and a Hogwarts - WE meeting/date.
Didn't I say he'd play one of the suitors?
And now she gets one single sentence out of Ron. And what is it? An insult. oh thank you very much.
He really marked a new low in defining bad behaviour.
Oh boy.
Now she is called "Gold-digger" not nice.
And all the while all girls chat about Snape as the best Gold - claim to dig at. How utterly cool.
You have wonderful ideas. About how he collected all the money and all and how he becomes "Desirable No. One" and all.
Ah, but in this classroom, I get paid to do so.
This one really made me laugh out loud !!!
so truely Snape.
But he reminds Ron of his "duties" as her peer.
He does want to make sure, who is around her or not any longer around her, doesn't he. He is really jeleaous and chivalric. *sigh*
from gettin up till going to bed, it is Snape in her head and around her, pinning her to a wall, giving icy comments.
Here we have Draco.
Well, I can make out 3 suitors? Ron, Draco, Severus, Dennis is out, why am I glad about it...?
Cool, that you invite Draco around.
Curious, what will become of it.
And the more frequent Hogwarts weekends and dances.
Much to do here, many interesting meetings and events ahead, am I right?
I like it, when she shows less fear from him. Of course she is right. there are worse and mor frightfull things than him.
They're not there, I'm alone!" wondeful line.
He and his trio. Can't live with nor without them... teehee.
Kind of Neurosis? Psychosis?
She can't marry anyone she wasn't breathtakingly in love with. To much Disney in her childhood, definitely. Spoilt for ever. well, she can develop new attitudes towards love and marriage. or find the love of her life. or her soulmate.
Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful chapter.
hey, cruel you!
made it thrilling to hold back the moment of facing the photograph with all possible twists and turns. My heart almost stopped when Dennis offered to destroy the photograph. Never!
The meeting in McGonagalls office was quite frustrating and leading to nothing but insults. oh my, they are really under distress. Hope the future meetings will bring some results.
Found it chivalric of him to help her when the headmistress was nagging away.
And found it perfect when she told him her "Welcome back" This was a very nice and very Hermione gesture.
But I cannot make out what the picture is telling us.
The fear/horror ( to loose her? and then the disspointment of realising that she wouldn't care that he wouldn't get her?
hope so.
The camera reveals it the camera reveals it. right?What will the picture show, Snape and his care/ sorrow or anything else he harabours for her for her?I am so glad, that I don't have to wait for the next chapter. It is there, waiting for me. oh thank you soo much for continuing your story.This is wonderful to read.First the sum up of what happens when he first meets her pre-teen until shortly after the end of the war.So it wasn't her, who safed him. aha. might have been the little extra, but isn't inevitable for the developement, I think. I like your little scenes at Grimmauld Place. the chair, the covering, the earring...Her reading between the lines, his "I don't want to have to do with her let alone marry her", but then on the other hand it is HIS Hermione. oh, it is a complicated life, when you had a peak into your future life 10 years or 5 years later. It preys on his mind. It puts her into the center of his thoughts, a place where she never would have been without the time turner business.or would she?interesting interesting.Thanks for sharing!
Response from salvamea (Reviewer)
I'm so glad, I finally found your second part of your timeturner story!
Love it so far! More please?
when can we get more?
I am delighted to stumble upon this. I hope to read more soon!
Haha, this was excellent! I love the interactions between Snape and Hermione's grandma especially. :)
I really love this story. And when is SS going to realize and admit to himself that he's in love with HG?! Goodness, that man is dense (and yes, neck deep in denial). BTW, you wrote it beautifully.
For the briefest of moments, he thought he was twenty-four years old again, absconded in some forbidden reality while his future wife argued with the family house-elf.
Hazed mind gathering itself into consciousness, Snape was aware of a strange heaviness in his chest at the recognition of such a thing being furthest from the truth.
Update soon!
I am completely, utterly, hopelessly devoted to this story! I loved his quiet "'Do not hit me.'" I can't really explain why, but that simple sentence profoundly affected me.
I eagerly await the next update!
What a chapter! The Grandmother seems to be a bit of a witch herself. Anyway....I don't think Severus went about proposing properly. Well I guess it will all work out in the end. Update again soon!
Oh, my. Grandmother or no, I would have hexed her. She reminds me of my father's mother. I couldn't stand her.
No wonder Snape didn't want his past self around Hermione in the future. Idiot! I love this! It took me a sec to figure out the house was their house, that was neat touch.
Thank you for this marvelous update! It's been a wild ride from beginning to end.
Grandmother Granger is a bit of a harridan, isn't she? It surprised me was that she would sell Hermione's parents home right out from under them without giving them the chance to buy it back. What's up with that?
The thing that really blew me away was that this house was the one that Mr. and Mrs. Snape lived in, and that Severus had live in with them when he had his "accident" with the Time-Turner. Now the time lines really begin to twist and turn in my mind like a whirling mass of spaghette in a tornado.
While his proposal of marriage to Hermione lacked romance or anything resembling a heartfelt desire on his part, I can see that he just doesn't understand how women think and feel. Perhaps being turned down by the woman he feels he is destined to marry will bring him to some insight on the finer points of wooing a wtich. Even Draco could give him a few pointers, but I just don't see Severus telling the young man about his proposal to Hermione.
“This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen…”
I can't wait to ready your next update. And Congrats on the OWL Awards!
Hugs, Beth
What an exciting chapter! So her grandmother bought the house that she and Snape end up in. I can only imagine that when she puts it up for sale, he will buy it.
I can't blame Hermione for turning him down. If he has to work for her he will appreciate her more. Besides, this proves to him that she doesn't want him for his money like all the other flirtatious girls.
I can hardly wait to see who takes her to the ball. Snape? Will he ask her out on a "date" in an attempt to win her heart?
Excellent! Loved the harpy, too. That line about SS being nice to HG because he was intimidated by the competition in the instilling-fear department was priceless.
Great job portraying the confusing, mixed emotions SS is going through, as well as his overlapping realities. You had me right there with him.
And SS is surprised that she turned him down?! What makes him think that it's acceptable for him to take HG for granted? And knowing the future Mrs. Snape, what especially makes him think that she would accept it? What universe is he living in? And not only is he emotionally clueless, his logic is dim.
Mr. Snape needs a reality check, and it looks like he just got it.
Great job!
So, how WAS it supposed to happen? Dang it, that was eally frustrating! So sad to see them so distant and unable to tell each other anything. Make it better soon.