Dennis Creevey
24 Stories
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Transfiguration of the Heart
by Losille
155 Ratings, 0 Likes, 171 Favorites )Hermione returns to Hogwarts as Transfigurations professor after a year away from the magical world. She hopes for a quiet year, but then again, she has never known a quiet year at Hogwarts. Why should she expect one now, especially when feelings develop for a certain greasy-haired, black-clad colleague? Some Hermione/Krum. Labeling this AU for safety.
84,842 Words, Started 03/25/2006, Completed 01/05/2007
The Resolution
by mmmcoffee
1 Rating, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Harry and his crew?s seventh year at Hogwarts. Watch as they cope with new romances, the absence of a loved one, surprising secrets, and, of course, Voldemort. Written before Half-Blood Prince was released.
5,007 Words, Started 08/08/2006, Updated 08/16/2006
All Night Long
14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 9 Favorites )Ginny Weasley, about to begin her second year at Hogwarts, does not want Hermione Granger as a friend. A whole night of Hermione's company in the Leaky Cauldron will demand the courage of Godric Gryffindor himself.
8,589 Words, Started 12/10/2006, Completed 12/19/2006
Harry Potter and the Unlikely Gryffindor
by Hera Malfoy
1 Rating, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Born thrice in darkest night,
Sight dying in brightest flash of light.
Purest of blood, raised in Mud.
After the murders of James and Lily Potter, the Ministry hunted down and imprisoned all known servants of Voldemort. One child of those who served disappeared, her caretakers murdered.
Over a decade later, she returns to start where she should have. But Voldemort has other plans for this prodigal daughter, and before they know it, the trio is dragged into her twisted family history.
2,617 Words, Started 12/13/2006, Updated 12/13/2006
Snape's Shakespearean Revelation
by snapemylove
84 Ratings, 0 Likes, 58 Favorites )My response to the Potter Place's Winter Prompt Challenge, Prompt #22. What happens when Snape is inadvertently hit with an obscure curse that forces its victim to declare his secret love? He doesn't even release he has a secret heart's desire until the spell forces him to declare it, publicly, in Shakespearean prose no less!
8,254 Words, Started 03/15/2007, Completed 04/27/2007
Ginny Weasley and the Yule Ball
by beaweasley2
6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )This is Ginny's Christmas during her third year at Hogwarts and her experiences of the Yule Ball.
For all of us who have read the Goblet of Fire, we remember the Yule Ball and the days leading up to it from Harry's point of view. However, for Ginny Weasley there were ups and downs, brotherly interventions, discoveries, and of course all the preparations, excitement and anticipation of the big event as seen through her eyes.
27,653 Words, Started 01/11/2007, Completed 08/30/2007
The Phoenix Command
by Ferenc
2 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )The Second War is in a stalemate. After drastic reforms, the Ministry has only just managed to keep pace with the Dark Lord’s followers.
Scrimgeour is still firmly in the Ministry’s chief seat, yet an unrelenting obsession and almost unlimited authority have transformed him into a relentless tyrant.
Against a background of Wizarding society’s slow decent into anarchy, small bands of Aurors try to stop the flood of Death Eaters and their vile allies. One such band or Aurors —the Order of the Phoenix commanded by Harry Potter— is send on a confidential mission as the armies of the Ministry and Lord Voldemort meet…
17,002 Words, Started 10/14/2007, Updated 11/07/2007
The Gift of the Mages
by spiderwort
13 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Christmas is coming, and Ron has no money to buy his sweetie (wife Hermione) a present. Enter an unlikely trio to help. (This story, originally written after book five, is now DH compliant.)
16,677 Words, Started 11/18/2007, Completed 01/25/2008
The Chocolate War
by pokeystar
29 Ratings, 0 Likes, 15 Favorites )Much ado about tiny bits of confectionery.
What do a wooden puppet, a talking water cooler, a Greek god, archival folders, coffee, and magically altered choccies have to do with falling in love? Possibly everything...
Officially nominated at dramione_awards, round 3.
14,166 Words, Started 02/27/2008, Updated 05/12/2008
Death's Dominion
by MMADfan
559 Ratings, 0 Likes, 207 Favorites )Severus Snape’s life was changed when he was hit by an errant spell, and he comes to a decision that defies Dumbledore’s wishes. Even the fate of the wizarding world is altered by this one ill-cast curse and Snape’s subsequent resolve. Long after the spell itself has dissipated, its effects continue echoing in the lives of Severus, Albus, Minerva, and Hermione, and they bring with them a shadowy figure whom Snape does not trust and whose motivations and influence on Minerva are murky. Conspiracies and schemes swirl around Severus as he continues on his path of deception to his final confrontation with the Dark Lord.
Canon-divergent post-July 1996 in the HP universe. Not DH-compliant. (Partially HBP-compliant.)
A “Light” fic of love, loyalty, and redemption.
Pertinent warnings in individual chapter summaries.
Voted First Place, Gen Fic: Best Legacy Story, in the HP Fanfic Fan Poll Awards for Spring/Summer 2013.
288,570 Words, Started 03/20/2008, Completed 11/07/2008
Carpe Diem, Part One
398 Ratings, 0 Likes, 234 Favorites )Hermione Granger returns to Hogwarts for a year of postwar schooling. When, supposedly, all is well for the Know-It-All, events from the past emerge and drama ensues. And where is Severus Snape in all of this? Right smack in the middle, of course! Amidst the turmoil of early adulthood and unrequited feelings, will Severus and Hermione learn to "seize the day"?
AU after HBP, some facts from DH. Mild student-teacher romance. Rated M for later dream sequences, etc. Features some non-explicit HG/DM.
PLEASE read Author's Notes for disclaimers and necessary warnings throughout story.
69,257 Words, Started 11/25/2008, Completed 02/08/2010
Breaking the Limits
by dumbles
2 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )As Hogwarts starts again under rightful control, Dennis tries to cope with the losses and get back to his normal self.
2,853 Words, Started 07/29/2009, Updated 07/29/2009
Bound to Happen Again
180 Ratings, 0 Likes, 88 Favorites )Sequel to Bound to Happen. Jealous. Possessive. Endlessly devoted. Such words could easily describe a man like Severus Snape, especially in regards to his wife. Unfortunately, Snape finds himself in the position of shielding Hermione from the temptation of a hot-blooded and disturbingly older man—himself. Story beta'ed by Madbrilliant, luvsev and Southernwitch!
30,399 Words, Started 08/09/2009, Updated 03/08/2010
War's Aftermath
5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )Hermione's decisions and discoveries after the war's end.
11,564 Words, Started 12/10/2009, Completed 12/22/2009
12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 17 Favorites )After receiving an enchanted Christmas present from Fred Weasley, Hermione thinks her life will never be the same. And she's right.
5,337 Words, Started 01/30/2010, Completed 01/30/2010
Laughing Last
9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )The Creevey brothers believe that Severus Snape has never laughed.
987 Words, Started 02/27/2011, Completed 02/27/2011
The Perfect Girl and The Safe Haven
by Ludo13
0 Likes, 0 FavoritesWhen all hope is lost, she just wishes to go someplace safe.
But magic having its mysterious ways, she finds herself waking up in the arms of someone who is supposed to be dead...
Was she really dead, dreaming, or hallucinating?
But how exactly, does HE fit in the equation?
2,346 Words, Started 05/30/2011, Updated 05/30/2011
The Philosopher's Fate
by peskipiksi
91 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Ginny's eighteenth birthday present to Hermione causes no end of trouble.
22,169 Words, Started 07/25/2011, Completed 12/18/2011
A Lasting Tribute
10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )His memories would live forever....
352 Words, Started 08/28/2011, Updated 08/28/2011
by Electryone
34 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Hermione creates a potion with unfortunate consequences.
12,267 Words, Started 09/04/2011, Completed 10/07/2011
639 Ratings, 0 Likes, 39 Favorites )Five years after the fall of Voldemort, Hermione and Severus receive unhappy news.
214,187 Words, Started 02/01/2013, Completed 05/24/2013
The Crafty Case of the Corpses That Weren't Corpses
20 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )Several people have disappeared from the wizarding community, and a wholly unlikely suspect is being accused. Who else but Hermione Granger would take up this impossible case—and who else would she drag along with her but Severus Snape? A classically styled murder mystery.
14,550 Words, Started 08/05/2014, Completed 08/14/2014