New Chapter for Power of the Mind
Power of the Mind
gersknightlady175 Reviews | 175 Ratings, 0 Likes, 15 Favorites )
Now a professor at Hogwarts, Hermione Granger begins to experience fierce migraines and voices in her head. What is causing these headaches or who?
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About gersknightlady
Member Since 2008 | 9 Stories | Favorited by 343 | 915 Reviews Written | 3,004 Review Responses
Age 59, I have been a Severus and Alan Rickman fan for a couple years. I post SS/HG stories.
I went to NY last week to see Seminar (Jan 4, 20012) It was wonderful.
Shades of Severus in his character and his house. I was priviledge to see Alan up close an personal after the play.
Reviews for Power of the Mind
Oh well, Hermione is young and that is the best time for her physically to do this. She's got the most energy, is used to changes in life and is also less neurotic than the >36 year olds that have their first. I know this. It is what I do all day every day, and few will deny that babies are much more fun on paper that they are in real life. I wonder how different my life would have been if my childern had gone to boarding school. I think it would have been so much better for our relationship now. I would have been just as happy to raise dogs. I could have been the Bouvier show mom and breeder with more enjoyment and finished my degree. I would have missed grandchildren, but I wouldn't know what I was missing and I would have been fine. I don't miss any of the other children I don't have. Severus and Hermione want children and I never did. So good for them. They also have house elves to help out so that Hermione's career won't be affected and boarding school right when they become pains in the ass. I hope they are able to keep their school age children in the dorms with the other kids and let the other teachers do the dicipline as if Hermione and Severus weren't there.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
I never had a baby so I really don;t know what it's like to have a kid of my own. I have lots of Nephews and Nieces around. Not the same by far... I know some people don;t enjoy their kids and others ador them... I would think that having kids of school age at Hogwarts they would still let them live in the dorms on the week days. We never really saw adults in the common room. Well I think I did see Minerva once ast week when watching the movies. Can't remember which year it was. You'd think these kids would have little adult supervision. Head Boy and girl are kids too not parents. I find it hard to imagine Snape being much of a mentor as he was before the war.Thank you for your thoughts.
Can Hermione's parents see thestrals? I've been meaning to say something and I keep getting distracted by the actual plot. Hermione and Severus sure like making love in the bath. Maybe magic makes it easier, but I've found that being buoyant is counter productive to the act and water prevents friction in a bad way. Maybe it's just because I have extra blubber that I float too easily. I could only say this to my TPP friends.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
Can they? Oh I don't even remember why I might have Thestrals in the story. I supose they might have seen friend or Parents die in the past. This thestral thing always bugs me that Harry can't see them till he's half grown after all he killed Qurrile (sp?) in his first year.Don't know much about making love in a tub never tried it. It always seemed romatic to me. lol
A very good chapter! All well in character. I'm so happy for Severus that he has found a family. I really like Hermione's parents. I really love that we don't know the names of her parents and every writer gets to give them their own names. I do like the name Harris for Hermione's dad very much. When I go home, we hold hands at the table and say grace as well. I quite liked that touch. I like to think that in this universe The Lord loves wizards as much as muggles because he made them all.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
Thank you, I looked up common English names and Harris came up. We held hands tonight as we said a prayer before our family Bible study. My Brother in aw has to have soe surgery next week. I like what you said, I too would like a Universe where The Lord loves Wizards if our favorite world was real.
Warning: Babies are much more fun on paper than they are in real life. Do not try this on your own without the assistance of house elves. Hermione might need a teaching assistant. Teaching doesn't lend it's self to pumping or breastfeeding schedules. One can't leave a potions lab full of children to go feed the new baby. It's a lucky thing that dad can fill in for mom during potions class.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
LOL... I think you have made it clear your don;t like kids lol. But I lvoe the idea of Snape being a father. I think the Hermione of the books might be less inclined to have kids. But I've always thought Snape needed children to help him learn to love :) Again Thank you so much for your many reviews and thoughts. I have appreciated you reading my stories.Jeannie
Maybe this could be a new start for Hermione and Ron to become friends again too, since we're all about new starts. If Ron apologized and could be civil maybe he could be invited to the wedding. If only to rub Hermione's happiness in his face. (Just kidding, really.) They don't have to be bosom buddies but he is part of a whole group of people that I think Hermione and Severus would like to have a long relationship with. I think Arthur and Molly Weasley and the older brothers would be fine friends. Ron and the Snape family could have more of a live and let live relationship. My apologies but my imagination can't summon the voice of Severus saying, "I expected to feel really bad, seeing him." or "Sounds like a plan to me."
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
I think thats why she was so hurt. Ron has a history of being an ass. He turned on Harry several times. I just never saw him and Hermione as a couple. I think that eventually he will find his way back :)So sorry too....
I'm glad she's sleeping with the pendant tonight. I'm going to have to go back and check, but it seems like this story has a differnt tone than your other stories. I'll let you know what I find. It is an enjoyable story.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
What did you find out. A different tone hummm. It's similar as far as I can see. Ourr Fate is what We Make it, is my one story that really takes a different turn. I have a number of stories still to post that are done. Not sure f they will ever make it on line here. I'm so beta poor. My TPP beta does what she can but it's taking time. I'm glad you like this story :)
I agree with Minerva. It was disrespectful to her as the Head Mistress and hurtful as a friend for them to keep the information from her. It undermined her authority and she wouldn't have been more hurt than the others if Severus couldn't be rescued. They left her out. That is a very lonely feeling. She wasn't out of line as the Head Mistress to tell Hermione that she had put the students at risk and lied to her employer. Hermione needs to remember that while they are friends, Minerva is the Head Mistress of Hogwarts and has responsibilities as such. I would be hurt if I were Minerva that three people I trusted and considered friends kept such an important secret from me and had been less than truthful about Hermione's excursions. She may regret saying something she might not be able to take back such as threatening to sack Hermione if she was given another reason, but it was within her rights and authority to do so. Hermione should make sure she doesn't give Minerva another reason to sack her out of duty to her position and respect for Minerva. There are disadvantages to being friends with one's boss. When they have to treat you like an employee, it shouldn't be taken personally. It's lonely at the top, they say. I think Minerva would agree. I enjoyed the chapter very much.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
Oh I do too, but you have to admitt the scenes were god ones. It was very hurtful. I hate writing hurt but that is what makes a story good sometimes. Rising out of the pain to be happy again. I agree it is hard to be friends with your employees, becasue when you get chastized it makes you both misserable. I'm glad you liked the chapter :) Thanks for taking so much time to write reviews.
It is wonderful! I have a headache and want to go to bed but I can't fall asleep. I had to come back and read this story! I love this Severus and I am so glad all of the teachers have rallied around him. Thank you Minerva for sending his one detractor to a better place.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
The test of a good story when the reader feels sick and still can't put the story down. THANK YOU!
I love this sweet romantic time they are having. I wonder if my marriage would be better if I had a way to connect to my husband's mind. Maybe I wouldn't think he was so lame if I knew what he what he was really thinking.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
Thank you, I'm glad you are enjoying the story. One can never know... might be good in some ways and worse in others. We all have thoughts about people we sure wouldn't want them to know. LOL
It's going beautifully. Magic is wonderful, isn't it? Love those potions. They are both thinking long term with this relationship. That's very good. I hope Minerva isn't too upset. Do you think Pomona and Poppy have told her what's up yet? If I were Hermione, I would prefer she had a week to get used to the idea that they had kept the information from her before facing her. I can't say that I blame Minerva for being hurt that they didn't bring her in on the secret. She would have given Hermione time off sooner, I reckon if she'd known what Hermione had been up to.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
Thank you, the holidays got the best of me and I forgot to answer your reviews will try to get to them asap.
Groan...she can't get there fast enough! There are good people in the world that would help her like that. Thank God for all of those good people.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
I know I wanted her to egt there faster two but then someone would have said it's too soon and I whimped out. LOL
There must be some excuse Hermione could give to need time off to search for Severus. Maybe she could say Kingsley has given her a secret mission. How long before she realizes the aides had Australian accents. She knows the name of one now too.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
Again if I'd written it that way... in retrospect she should have gone to Minerva. Several times When I've been to Europe or Canada there are people who speak all sorts of languages. So just the accents aren't always a good clue.Jeannie
Is there no one else she can trust to help her find and go through all the State run hospitals? I'm sure they are egar to find the families of the John Doe's in their wards. Couldn't she just go in as a concerned family member searching? She could give them the date he would have most likely been brought in and ask to identify any patients that came in on that day. I suppose it's best that she be delayed until she realizes what her heart's desire is. Hopefully, it is to have a romantic relationship with Severus.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
I guess there would have been if I'd thought to write it that way :) I think she did need some time to get to know Severus. Being in his mind makes him more of an open book to her.
I wonder how much strength it costs Severus to contact Hermione. I understand why she much occlude him, but I do feel like this is taking such a terribly long time. Can't they do a charm, something like "Constituo Severus Snape" on a magical map?
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
I'm so sorry I had not seen your reviews until tonight. I haven't looked at TPP in awhile. I will make comments on each chapter in the next days since it's 1:20 am right now.
I love this story, it just keeps getting better & better. Loved the delivery it was sweet & funny at the same time. Great Chapter.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
Thank you, I hope you will enjoy the two final chapters when they are up. I hope it wont take too long.
Hmmm! Is this the end then? You still haven't given us a wedding yet, brat.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
No, there are two more chapters :)Jeannie
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
I really do appreciate that you continue to read my work and make comments.
Thank you so much for another brilliant update, I loved it:-))
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
Thank you for hanging in there. There are two more chapters. I really appreciate your comments.
Thank you so much for another great update to this wonderful story.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
Your very welcome, I'm very glad you enjoyed it and let me know.
I have just discovered your story today and read every single chapter! I love it! Can't wait more updates!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
Wow, all in one day. I'm honored. There are three chapters left. I hope they will be up soon.Thanks so much for the review.
*squeee!* A new chapter! I like the little tips Severus picked up on about how to treat a spouse from Hermione's dad. ^_^
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
Thank you for your comment. I'm so glad you enjoyed the chapter. I hope to egt the next one out more quickly.
Response from MsTree (Reviewer)
egt? Is that a new type of egg? Sorry, punch drunk tonight. Had to replace the hot water heater this weekend and discovered the floor had to be ripped out and replaced as well. Not looking forward to cold shower in the morning. ^_^
I Love this story! Can't wait to read about the Granger's reaction to all they see and the stories they hear! Thanks for writing!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
Thank you so much for your review. Also Im not sure I ever got around to writing those stories, gads my bad.... I hope we will get more chapters up soon, I think there are four left. It took an insane amount of time to get through the Queue process this time with all the holidays.Thank yoou for enjoying the story and letting me know.
I think the Grangers will be nearly as instrumental as their daughter in helping Severus heal the emotional scars he's suffered over the years. As for Severus' offer to Harry, that newfound bond will surely do them both a world of good. They really do have quite a bit in common, except Harry was luckier... his relationship with Hermione was far stronger than Lily's with Severus.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
I think their acceptance of him is very goof for him and for Hermione. Yes she was luckier. I have never thought much about Lilly. Her turning her back on Se erus pushed him over the edge. Thank you for your thoughts.
I loved it as always, this story is so wonderful, it always makes my day getting new updates:-))
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
Thank you, it's been a long time in coming. I' m glad you are sticking with the story. I hope the next one is a bit faster. My ladies at TPP are doing their best, I really make them work overtime.
another great & fill of detail... love it!!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
Thank you, I'm glad you like it. Two more chapters are in the Queue but it's taking some time to get them processed. Hope you hang in there.
That's it? I want MORE! Lovely story, I don't feel finished with it. Would have loved to see the wedding, and their family. Keep up the good work!
Response from Amiella (Reviewer)
Haha! Just realised it's not completed. Feel much happier now. :)
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Power of the Mind)
Oh I'm glad you figured out its not done. There are 21 chapters. 16 and 17 are in the Queue. We just have to wait for the lovely overworked TPP ladies to get to it. They do so much for us all. Where would we be without this site :) Thank you for the review.