New Chapter for The Life Unlived
The Life Unlived
sshg316193 Reviews | 193 Ratings, 0 Likes, 250 Favorites )
While sorting through Severus Snape's belongings, Hermione makes an intriguing discovery that changes her life forever.
Start ReadingChapters (7)
About sshg316
Member Since 2006 | 20 Stories | Favorited by 376 | 199 Reviews Written | 1,365 Review Responses
Just an avid reader who somehow stumbled into HP fanfiction. I read and sometimes, I write.
Reviews for The Life Unlived
I'd forgotten what a wonderful story this is (or how much it would make me cry. So glad it was rec'd on LJ, making me come back for a reread.
Yes, I suppose screaming was exactly the thing to do.
Having been in situations where screaming was the only option, I can empathize...
It doesn't seem the British thing to do, though, stiff upper lip and all that.
I liked the story and your spin on the prompt. There was room for improvement in the writing, though. I was half tempted to start a drinking game every time you wrote 'the children'. I would've been drunk before the end of the first chapter! :P Overall a good piece.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thanks so much for the constructive cristicism. It really is helpful, and you're the first to mention that. I went and counted, and the phrase was used 15 times. For such a short chapter, that is quite a lot! Ah well. I'm of the mind that there is always room for improvement. Hopefully you enjoyed the rest of the story.
Aww you made me cry. Ok, actually for a chapter or two now, not just this one. I really liked how the timeline changed a little from the first time around, and how she inadvertently set up the cottage the same as their "previous" life. Very good story, thank you for sharing it with us!
Thank you so much for writing this! It's absolutely wonderful.
An interesting premise and I really enjoyed it. Thank you!
So good, this story is sooo good. I'm actually still crying as I write this, and I'm pretty sure I've been crying nonstop since chapter 3. (And that's saying a lot, because I can count on one hand the number of fan-fiction stories that have made me cry!) Wow!! What a beautiful, beautiful story. Devastation and angst, followed by reconciliation and joy, followed by more devastation and angst... but good thing for my tear ducts, you chose to end with more reconciliation and joy. =) Thank you so much for the sweet read! This is definitely one I'll be coming back to.
I absolutely LOVED this story! (I have to now go and watch that Star Trek episode.). You did such a great job. I loved how you pieced the whole story together, the charcters and just the emotional turmoil (which ended so well. I love a happy ending ). This story truly is one of my favorites! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!
This was a wonderful story. I loved every minute of it. These two people are so amazing together. So many stories told and I've read 100 s it's wonderful to find such a great one I hadn't seen before.
I can't believe I never read this story before. It's wonderful! Don't know if you're still writing, but I certainly hope so ...
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much! I'm so happy you enoyed this story.I have been on a writing hiatus due to real life issues--until recently. :) I am now writing again. I'm currently working on a story for the SSHG Exchange on LiveJournal, which will eventually post here when the exchange is over. Once I have turned in that story, I will hopefully be finishing my current WIP, Between the Sand and Stone, which has been languishing on this site for far too long. Hopefully that story will begin posting again this fall.Thanks again!
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much! I'm so happy you enoyed this story.I have been on a writing hiatus due to real life issues--until recently. :) I am now writing again. I'm currently working on a story for the SSHG Exchange on LiveJournal, which will eventually post here when the exchange is over. Once I have turned in that story, I will hopefully be finishing my current WIP, Between the Sand and Stone, which has been languishing on this site for far too long. Hopefully that story will begin posting again this fall.Thanks again!
This reminds me so much of an episode of StarTrek, The Next Generation entitled "The Inner Light" where Picard lives a whole life in 10 minutes. I much prefer your vision of the ending, however. Very, very well written. Thank you so much for taking it farther and allowing them to have that life together.
Maybe I'm just over emotional, but I cried the whole way though that... Amazing story :)
One of my favorite SS/HG fanfics ever. It's rated exceptional on my Snager fanfiction list (amoung the ranks of the Pet Project!).
I really deliberated how someone could write a story about Hermione and Severus (of all things those two :) ), and only needs seven Chapters.
You`ve done perfect.
I loved to read your story, I liked your plot and you draw a scenerie, I immersed in and didn't want to get up so fast.
And I like the based Star Trek Episode too. :D
Thanls for writing and sharing.
Best wishes
I love this story. I love it up, love it down, love it left, right and inside-out. This is my third reading, and every time I swear I love it a little bit more. Just thought I'd let you know.
I was visiting my mum when you started this tale, so I am glad they chose to highlight it this month. I guessed the star trek episode right away! Thanks for sharing this interesting tale. You did a good job melding the idea from the tv show with JKR's Wizarding world, and then making the story your very own.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much for the lovely review! I love that episode of Star Trek. LOL I'm glad you enjoyed the story. :)
“Ms Granger—” She waved him off. “Not now, Severus. I’m having an epiphany.”*cackles* I love, love, LOVE that line – and how she nonchalantly rattles it off as though they weren't in an extremely awkward situation... It was perfect.In fact, the entire story was flawless and achingly poignant. Beautiful.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much for the lovely review! I do love that part. :) Glad you enjoyed the story!
*sobs* I never cry at fanfiction! *wipes eyes* Except for right now *blows nose* Oh my, but you're a heartbreaker.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
*passes the tissues* I made it all better though, right? :)Thank you so much!
I have to admit I had decided against reading any more of your story after Hermione "woke up" married to Severus. I actually rolled my eyes and thought, "Here we go again. Another story that skips over all the niggly, real, details of building a relationship between SS and HG because they either don't want to take the time to figure it out, or don't have the imagination to do the deed." I'm glad I thought it over and came back. Quite brilliant and yes, I guessed the episode of The Next Generation that inspired you. It was one of my favorites as well. I have it on an old VCR tape, somewhere. LOL Anyway, I completely enjoyed your story and best of all, you write beautifully. I find a lot of authors can write correctly, have all the comas, periods, etc in all the right places and be boring as hell in the way they write. Few people have the gift of telling a story that holds the reader's attention. You have it.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so very much for the lovely review. It truly means a lot. I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the story so much. So glad you came back to give it a second chance! :)
Response from devsgma (Reviewer)
Hee! I thought there were some familar parts to this story. It appears I read it before. I'm just glad I'd forgotten enough of it to be able to read it with fresh anticipation. Again, thank you for a wonderful read.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
*grins* I'm glad you enjoyed it a second time!
wow. wow. this was utterly incredible.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you very much! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story. :)
Wonderful story. I'm so glad there was a happy ending. The scene where he comes to her house the night of the Museum opening almost had me in tears. Good thing she's a Griffindor and had the courage to make him stay and see reason.Great Job!
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you very much! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story. :)
Yeay! I was right about STNG! I'm so glad he's alive and it was a vision of their possible future.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
YAY! :)Thank you!
I have not yet read past this chapter because I wanted to answer your question at the end about the TV show where this idea may have come from. I remember an episode of Star Trek TNG where a mysterious bouy floating in space shot a beam of light on Picard. In the span of a few minutes he lived an entire lifetime in the past on an extinct planet. He fell in love, had a son (which was played by Patrick Stewart's real-life son BTW) and lived to a ripe old age before he awoke on the bridge of the Enterprise. This story reminds me of that episode. Am I right?This has been quite enjoyable so far. I did have a feeling that this would happen. I just hope that it was a peek into her future, not just a life that could have been. :)
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
You were indeed right (as I'm sure you know by now LOL)! I love that episode, and it really inspired this story a great deal. :)
Wow! Well in the end they finally got there! Thank God he was just being a bastard about it, it really would have been awful if he had been unaffected. I think it was a horrid charm and I would have been cursing that woman's grave!
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Poor Eglantine. She had such good intentions. But at least it all worked out in the end, right? :) Thank you so much!!
It kind of makes sense but im really lost. Its like her disappearing memories would account for the amnesia a the beginning of 'The Life Unlived" Im not that clever though, so I am totally lost. But I am really glad he is alive, that would have made anyone lose their mind.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
It is a bit confusing, for Hermione, too! :) Basically, the memories of the "life unlived" aren't real, and they're disappearing, much like dreams fade, only more slowly. does that help?