New Chapter for The Life Unlived
The Life Unlived
sshg316193 Reviews | 193 Ratings, 0 Likes, 250 Favorites )
While sorting through Severus Snape's belongings, Hermione makes an intriguing discovery that changes her life forever.
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About sshg316
Member Since 2006 | 20 Stories | Favorited by 376 | 199 Reviews Written | 1,365 Review Responses
Just an avid reader who somehow stumbled into HP fanfiction. I read and sometimes, I write.
Reviews for The Life Unlived
Heart-wrenching and beautiful! I can't wait for more....
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so very much! I'm so glad you're enjoying it thus far. More to come very soon -- I'm getting ready to post the next chapter right now. :)
I think she's taking things really well. They haven't had to sedate her yet. Of course, it is only the first chapter.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
*grins* It might just come to that. ;)Thank you!! The next chapter will be up tomorrow.
Very intrigiung!!! Give me more!!!
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you, gabi! More to come tomorrow morning! :D
Okay, let's be real. If I woke up in a hospital with a strange doctor telling me my husband hadn't left my side, even though I had divorced said husband, and the moment I open my eyes I see a man who has been dead for years staring at me, screaming would not even begin to describe the noises I would be making. Nor would his face be that close to me for very long. My fists might have to do some protecting from my delusions! LOL... love the start and I can't wait for the rest. (So glad it is completed and just waiting to be uploaded. Yay!)
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
*coughs* Well ... chapter two might help with that. ;) LOLI'll post the next chapter tomorrow morning. YAY! Thank you so much!
Wow, great first chapter! I love your writing style and the pace of the story. It's full of information but I'm still left longing for more! I also love your interpretaton of Luna. I think it's all too easy for fanfics to portray her as totally weird and too unbelievable, but you've got the balance right. Can't wait to read the next chapter!
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you very much for the lovely review! I'm glad you enjoyed Luna. I've written her before, but never in her thirties. It was a lot of fun. :)More to come tomorrow! Thanks, again!
Very nice. Love the picture at the top. Very interesting.Livvy
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you, Livvy! I'm glad you noted the pic. ;) More to come tomorrow!
Response from livvy6 (Reviewer)
Goodie!!!! *clapping hands* The suspense is killing me! I have absolutely no idea what the devil is going on! :)
I love this first chapter and the hint of things to come. Hermione's first waking moments in St. Mungo's had to be disconcerting, and finding herself looking into the face of Severus Snape, her husband, was such a shock!
The wooden spherical paperweight has me baffled! Just what sort of magically charmed device did Severus have that would have carried Hermione to this alternate existence? I think it is brilliant, and can't wait to see how all this plays out. Which "reality" is the real one?It's good to see Luna portrayed this way, and I highly approve. Finding out that her parents were such good friends with Severus promises to make for an interesting story! Well done!Beth
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed this first chapter.I love Luna, and when the idea for having her parents be friends with Severus came to me, I just couldn't let it go. So I'm thrilled that it intrigued you. :)That charmed sphere is definitely pivotal. And you're asking the right questions. More to come soon! Thanks, again!
okay - first - YEAH! Another fic from you!! second - YEAH!! What a great start!! Even though I know it will be SS/HG, you still make it so fresh and interesting that it is anything but predictable. Can't wait to see how this one goes - thanks so much for all your hard work - and for a great Luna - I think she deserves much more screen time than she ever gets
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
*grins* Thank you so much for the lovely comments! I hope this one isn't too predictable -- although you're right, given that it's SS/HG it has to be somewhat! LOL But it is a bit of a roller coasater ride. I'm so happy you enjoyed Luna. I wrote this for an anonymous exchange, and so I toned her down a little so as to not give myself away. Still, I think she works -- or at least I hope she does!Thanks, again! The next chapter should post tomorrow. :)
Very intriguing! I have some idea about which show, but won't say. Doesn't matter anyway. I especially loved the opening with your description of H's walk towards the house with her kids. Sounded most realistic. Good to hear that updates will be regular!
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Hi, Hannah! It wouldn't surprise me if readers guessed the show and episode. ;) But I deviated enough that even if you're right, there are still plenty of surprised ahead. I'm so glad you mentioned that opening scene. It's one of my favorites.More to come tomorrow. Thank you so much!!
Well you've got me hooked on this one. I even think I know what the television show is, but I won't say just in case I guess rightly.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
*grins* It wouldn't surprise me if you had guessed it. I deviate greatly but yeah, it's easy to see where I got the basic idea from. Or I think it is, anyway. ;)Thank you so much! More tomorrow!
Well, you have me hooked, that's for sure. I'm very eager to find out what is going on in this story on several levels.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much! I'm glad that you're intrigued. :) The next chapter will post tomorrow.
Response from nata (Reviewer)
Excellent! I'm looking forward.
What a fantastic, intriguing and brilliant first chapter! I am glad that it started with her divorce from Ron-the-Prat, hate that pairing so a divorce suited me just fine. I have always loved Luna, and the friendship between Severus and her parents were a brilliant idea. I am so looking forward to the next chapter, to read how Severus came to stay with Hermione at the hospital. What trilled me the most is to read that the story is completed and that you will update frequently; that is beautiful music in the ears of an avid fan:-))
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much for the lovely comments! I adore writing Luna, and I couldn't help but delve into her family a little. It was a lot of fun. :)More to come tomorrow! Thanks, again!
OMG being married to Ron Weasley would be the nightmare. I cannot wait to see how this plays out..
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
ROTFL Wouldn't it? Poor Hermione. At least she's out of it now. ;)Thank you so much! More tomorrow.
sounds like a better reality than the one she had! :)
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Ha! Doesn't it? LOL Thank you!
Wow, this really sucked me in. And it sounds vaguely familiar, but I can't place which TV show you're referring to. At any rate, I'm glad you'll be posting new chapters quickly, because I'm really going to enjoy this story!
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thanks so much,
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
! At this point it might not sound too familiar. The end of the chapter, maybe. But I think it really becomes obvious in later chapters. ;)I'm so glad to have intrigued you! *squees* More to come tomorrow. Thanks, again!
Poor Severus. Poor Hermione. Poor kids! Great story! :)
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you very much! I'm glad you're enjoying it thus far!
Enormously interesting! Can't wait to read more!
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much! The next chapter will post tomorrow. :)
A very unique story with twists, love and intrigue! <3 it!
As well written, as all of your stories are.
Thank you for keeping "reality" (i.e. Snape) alive & well.
I loved this story so much! <3
Okay, so I'm wrong again, but I love the story. The concept that it was just a "what could have been" is explained nicely with the slight differences (Eleanor not being able to have children, the differences in the meeting, Snape and Hermione not having children of their own, etc).Looking forward to your future stories. I really enjoyed this one. =)
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you very much for all the lovely reviews! They are very much appreciated! :)
Good explanation, makes sense to me. Although I'm interested in how Luna couldn't have told Hermione anything...unbreakable vow perhaps?Now, I do not claim to be a canon know-it-all, but is Luna's mother's name given or did you chose it? Because if you chose it, I have to tell you whenever I read it I think of Angela Lansbury's character from Bedknobs and Broomsticks. It does seem to fit the Lovegood family, slightly eccentric.Off to the next chapter.=)
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Ah, Luna. Yes, there was a Fidelius Charm in place, but no Vow. But she had several reasons for not telling Hermione he was alive. First of all, she had sworn not to tell, and her first loyalty was to her godfather. Plus, she knew that he would not have responded well to what happened. Secondly, she wasn't sure if Hermione's feelings ran true or not (once she realised they did, she began a campaign of her own, as seen in the following chapter). She didn't want to hurt either of them if one were to reject the other. Really, she was in a Catch-22. Poor dear.As for Eglantine, canon doesn't tell us her name. My friend Mollyssister helped pick out a name one evening, and when she brought up Eglantine, my mind immediately went where yours did -- Bedknobs and Brooksticks. LOL I thought it fit perfectly, so I'm thrilled that you agree!Thank you!!
Hmmm...guess I'm not nearly as observant as I pretend to be. I'm interested in seeing how you explain this...possibly a way for Hermione to see what life is like in order to make it happen?Guess I best go read the next chapter right now. =)
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
I am so sorry for taking so long to reply. RL kicked my arse for the last month and a half, and I'm just now getting back to normal.Anyway, thank you so much for you review (and thes ones that I see are coming for the following chapters)!
I'm sure canon Hermione wouldn't have strangled Ron, she would have hexed him to death. just remember the birds incident! And they weren't even married!This was a beautiful story, and I particularly liked your depiction of canon Snape, and Hermione's reaction to his behaviour. I loved it how she wouldn't let him go in his cowardly retreat (Don't you dare call me a coward, I can hear him yell). You also gave a reasonable explanation of why Hermione was so quiet at the station in the so called canon Epilogue. That's something I could never understand...among many other things regarding that last part. I got the impression that JKR was so pressed by her deadline that she just sent a draft of it.But seriously, you're so good at transmitting emotions that I think you should try writing your own original stories. You have set a high standard of what fan-fics should be like.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
I'm so sorry about the tardiness of my reply to your review, but RL really kicked me in the arse the past month and a half!Hah! Yes, Hermione did have a tendency to hex, but for some reason, I can envision her reverting to her Muggle heritage when REALLY upset. LOLEpilogue? What epilogue? LOL I agree with your assessment. It certainly seemed tacked on. And yes, Hermione was far too silent, especially for her. I just couldn't imagine that ... at all. I'm so glad you enjoyed the story. And thank you so very much for the lovely comments. They mean more to me than I can possibly express. Thank you!!
Oh, Shug, I don't have the words to tell you how much I love this story. You hit all the right points: love and the fear of loving and being loved, hope and angst, regret and joy!
I also loved that when Hermione looked at the home that Minerva had for sale, it seemed to speak to her. She may not have consciously recognized the home as the one she and Severus had lived in in her dream, but I did... especially when she told Minerva where she thought a pair of French doors would go.
I thought the night that Severus came to view the exhibit was perfectly written. Severus' reaction to seeing Hermione was what I would have expected from the Potions master, and his struggle with himself as he pondered going to see her fit with his character, as well.
When Severus remarked that she had done a good job of recreating "their home," I took this to be a good sign, but it took a little more time and discussion to bring that about. When I got to the last paragraphs of the chapter, my heart begin to soar! This could not have had a better ending. Everything about it is thrilling and inspiring and feeds my yearning for Severus and Hermione to have a good life! It even had something wonderful in their "real life" that their "dream life" did not have... a child or children of their own.
Your unique and thoroughly satisfying story will be on my most favored list!!! Thank you so much for this. I love you and I love your story.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Oh, I have to thank you so much, Beth, for all your lovely reviews! You picked up on all the things I loved and wanted the readers to notice, and you felt them ... just as I intended. Thank you, thank you!!