New Chapter for The Life Unlived
The Life Unlived
sshg316193 Reviews | 193 Ratings, 0 Likes, 250 Favorites )
While sorting through Severus Snape's belongings, Hermione makes an intriguing discovery that changes her life forever.
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About sshg316
Member Since 2006 | 20 Stories | Favorited by 376 | 199 Reviews Written | 1,365 Review Responses
Just an avid reader who somehow stumbled into HP fanfiction. I read and sometimes, I write.
Reviews for The Life Unlived
Okey-dokey! Alive! All sorts of possibilities now! And I vaguely recall the Star Trek episode, now that you mention it; Picard had another life, didn't he? Looking forward to Friday!
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Yes, that's the episode. It's my favorite. :) I'm getting ready to take the kids to school, and I'll post as soon as I get back. Hope you enjoy it! Thank you!
What a deliciously convoluted solution is playing out in your story!!! I love it, and the thought process Hermione goes through before she realizes that Severus is alive is fabulous.This story is absolutely amazing! You're amazing! Right now, after reading this chapter, I feel like Friday will never arrive.A Thousand Points To Your House, Shug! Beth
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
*grins* This was written for the SS/HG exchange, and so it was a response to a prompt, which requested research. Thus, my convoluted solution! LOL I hope it wasn't too confusing -- I tried really hard to make it somewhat logical. :)I'm so glad you're enjoying the story, and look! It's Friday! I'll post as soon as I get back from taking the kids to school. Hope you enjoy! :)Thank you so much! I love your reviews!
ok! now we're talking! facinating and deliciously convoluted. thanks so much
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you!! :D
Thanks for the quick update. You hook us in, and are going to make us wait til Friday! Awesome chapter, I'll be waiting.....
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
I'm so mean, I know, making you wait! LOL But it's Friday now, so as soon as I get back from taking the kids to school, I'll post. :)Thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy the final chapter! (It's a long one!)
Let me guess: Hermione will take a sudden interest in helping to organize that war exhibition.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Maybe, maybe not! ;)I'll be posting the next chapter in just a bit. Thank you so much!
In this life Severus is really not dead but alive well and she finds him because she comes to realise that she actually does love him. They have the life she has dreamed about but without Severus dying! Do I ask to much? (crosses fingers) Hope I get the programme right.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
*grins* All your questions will be answered in the next chapter, which will post in just a bit. Thank you so much!
Yes, was an episode of Star Trek (one of my very, very favorites). I haven't looked at any other reviews soooooo I'm I right????????
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
You are right! *throws confetti* The episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation was called "The Inner Light." It's my absolutely favorite. *happy sigh*More to come in ... oh, an hour or so. :) Thank you so much!
thank you for promising to post quickly - it saves me the trouble of empty threats and vague references to torture :-) Did see it coming- but you do such a lovely job it was still as engaging as ever - so I'll be here . . . on the literal edge of my seat . . . checking in every few hours . . . just waiting to see . . .
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
*grins* No turture necessary -- the next chapter will post in just a bit. :)Thank you so much!
Wow, I certainly had never expected this and now I'm REALLY confused!!! But I enjoyed the chapter tremendously and the little things that were missing (Why did she never ask what the shere was? why did she never tell Severus the exact place where her memories stop?) now don't seem like they're missing at all, but seem to be part of a greater scheme... I'm glad I don't know the TV show you're refering to. I'm ready so be surprised, again!Lovely chapter, I can't wait for the update!!!gab
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Good questions, gabi. I can answer a few. She never asked about the sphere because she didn't remember it. (Check chapter one when she's in the hospital.) It was implied, but not specifically stated, that Severus was told where her memories stopped by the Healers. Her memories are definitely not missing--she just hasn't had any yet. ;)All your questions will be answered in the next chapter, which will post in just a bit. Thank you so much!
Oh My God!!! EVIL! I cried when Severus died, and now it's just a DREAM!But the good thing is... she will get to live it all again, won't she? But without the missing memories! Lucky girl!!
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Is it a dream or something else? Hmmm....*insert evil cackle*We shall see! All your questions will be answered in the next chapter, which will post in just a bit. Thank you so much!
Gosh, by the end of this chapter I was in tears. And I'm still sniffling. Will the next chapter make me feel better or worse? I'm almost afraid to find out.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Well, I make no promises, but I'm guessing it will make you feel both better and worse ... though not necessarily in that order. ;)I'll be posting the next chapter in just a bit! :)Thank you so much!
Aha, she gets to start again! :)
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Yep, she's back to the beginning! :) More to come soon! Thank you so much!
I saw this coming but I was still crying when the end came. I believe this is from one of the best episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Am I right? It was a favorite of mine and just as gut wrenching as the story you're writing here.Well done.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Yes, you're right! It's "The Inner Light", my favorite episode. :)More to come soon! Thank you!
I'm so glad to know Severus is still alive. I wonder if he has any notion of the life he "shared" with Hermione. I'm looking forward to reading more.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
That is the question, yes, and we'll find out in chapter seven! Thank you so much!
I'm really enjoying this story. Thanks! Here's my guess on the TV Epi: Star Trek TNG, season 5 episode called "The Inner Light" As soon as Hermione picked up the sphere and spun out of time this is what came to mind. Can't wait for the rest!Celest
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Yes, you're right! *thows confetti* It's my favorite episode. *happy sigh*Thank you so much!
Very nicely written. You are very effective at transmiting emotions. I'm looking forward to read how you tie up the loose ends.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you very much! :)
I am amazed how well you told us of the events that occurred throughout the decades of their life together. With an economy of well written words we learned that:• Hugo had been sorted into Slytherin House (and made Severus very proud).• Severus had been about to leave his family rather than have them have to endure an investigation of an unfounded accusation of the child of a former Death Eater.• Rose had married Scorpius Malfoy.• Hermione had won a grant to study memory loss, and Severus had feared that his wife harbored some regret for staying with him.• Hugo gave them their first grandchild, Dahlia Hermione Weasley.• Ron and Eleanor had four children.• Severus and Hermione never had a child of their own (and Severus had no regrets).• Rose and Scorpius were expecting a child.• the youngest of their great-grandchildren was named Severus Ronald, and they had gone to see him off at Platform 9-3/4 when he first went to Hogwarts.• Rose and Scorpius' middle child was named Peter, and Peter had escorted his aged grandparents to the train station.• Severus collapsed at the station after the Express had left because of his declining health.
And then I cried. The Healer's words to Hermione broke my heart. Not Severus... this could not be happening to Severus and Hermione...
Severus' goodbye to Rose and Hugo, his children, and to Luna was poignant, and I know how hard it was for Hermione to witness it. But his goodbye to the love of his life was both sad and uplifting. Hermione's love for him had given him the life he had wanted but feared he would never have. He felt blessed beyond measure to have been married to her and loved her with all his heart.Hermione's response to him was the perfect benediction for his life and love: “Loving you has been the best part of my life. I wish I had those missing five years again … not because I still feel that something is missing—because I don’t, not at all—but because it would have been five more years of memories with you. I love you, so very much.”
They spent his last two hours not speaking but looking into each others eyes, and as Severus closed his eyes and his breathing slowed, Hermione timed her breaths to his until he drew his last. I can not imagine a more peaceful death. And I can identify with the feelings that overcame Hermione. "What would she ever do without him?"
At the very ending of the chapter, when Hermione awoke and found herself in Luna's home, surrounded by all of Severus' books and parchments and journals, I caught my breath. And then she realized that her wedding ring was missing, and her hands were not those of an old woman. Then when she saw the "small, wooden sphere," I had to wonder if her marvelous husband hadn't found a way to grant her this fondest wish to have "those missing five years again." Good lord, what a marvelous story! Take a bow, Shug, you deserve it.Beth
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
<--- Me, taking a bow. :D Thank you so much!!What a great theory you have come up with -- but is it the right one? Hmm ...But all your questions (or most of them) will be answered in the next chapter, which will post in just a bit. :)I'm tickled pink that you're enjoying the story so much. Thanks, again!
Hrmmm ... I bet dollars to donuts that she finds out (somehow) that she is just back at the start of those missing five years again and she somehow had a flash into the future. ^_^ Guess I'll have to wait and see ...
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
The future? Maybe ... maybe not. ;) We'll have to wait for the next chapter to find out, which luckily will post in just a bit. :)Thanks!
The next chapter better be up tomorrow, omg! Evil, evil cliffhanger!!!!!
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Don't worry, I'm getting it ready to post right now. It shoudl be in just a bit. ;)Thank you!
Ack, I knew it! But wait - maybe Severus is really still alive, and Hermione has yet to meet him, and she'll have another wonderful life with him ahead of her! Right? *crossing fingers and toes*
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
*grins* We'll see! ;)All your questions will be answered in the next chapter -- or most of them anyway. I'm just getting it ready to post, so it should be up in just a bit. Thank you so much!
Ohhh... I cried hard when he died... =(But it is a beautiful story, I'm glad I stoped to read it!I'm nervously waiting the next chapter!
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much! The next chapter will go up in just a bit. :)
But what about the object which sent her five years forward? Obviously Snape should understand what happened if he looked into her mind.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Because she didn't remember the sphere (check chapter one, the hospital scene) and ... well, I can't tell you that yet! LOL But all will be explained in the next chapter, which will post in just a bit.Thank you so much!
you better post tomorrow night. I love this story. There could have been a little more filler in this chaper, but then you could have gone on forever. Can't wait until tomorrow.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
I'm getting ready to post in just a bit! :) Thank you so much!
So no finding Severus alive and well in the shower? hmm...the story description does say it is DH-compliant, and I read it anyway, so I guess I am ready for whatever is coming...
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Nope ... not in the shower. ;)All will be well, promise. Thanks so much!
first i was tearing and sniffling...then i was ready to strangle you (along with hermione!) but you promised tomorrow so i'll compose myself in patience. thanks so much
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
I did promise ... and it will post in just a bit! :)Thank you so much!