New Chapter for The Life Unlived
The Life Unlived
sshg316193 Reviews | 193 Ratings, 0 Likes, 250 Favorites )
While sorting through Severus Snape's belongings, Hermione makes an intriguing discovery that changes her life forever.
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About sshg316
Member Since 2006 | 20 Stories | Favorited by 376 | 199 Reviews Written | 1,365 Review Responses
Just an avid reader who somehow stumbled into HP fanfiction. I read and sometimes, I write.
Reviews for The Life Unlived
Gosh, I thought he would never get around to it! Hermione practically had to put him into a half-nelson to get him to admit his feelings! But it was a lovely ending.Livvy
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Aw, Livvy, thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the story.Yeah, I was wondering if I'd have to have her tackle him before it was over. LOL ;)
*sighs happily*
that was quite wonderful
Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story. :)
Expertly done. Enough similarities between reality and the vision to make it satisfying, but different enough not to be carbon copies. That would have been entirely too neat and tidy. I thoroughly enjoyed this story and look forward to more in the future! *bows to you*
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Yes, I wanted to show that reality was different from the "dream life". Which is also tied to why I chose to have those memories fade -- I didn't want to her to compare the two. :)Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story!
Damnit Woman! You made me get all sappy gushy again! I can't imagine a world without my husband! And death scences always make me weepy! I'm happy that I'm about to see how this all came to be soon though. Thanks for the wonderful chapter. Much Love ~ Brena
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
But I love making you all sappy and gushy! It's my life's mission, don't ya know? ;)Thank you!!
Wow!!! This was a great story. I waited unti the end to review. You made me cry. That doesn't happen very often. I write this review with happy tears in my eyes still. Can't wait to read your upcoming stories.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story. And it's horrible of me, but I love it when readers say I made them cry. I cried when I wrote it, so it's only fair, right? ;)Hopefully real life will settle down and I'll be able to get to work on the next one, soon!
Do you know how amazing you are??? This was THE BEST story ever (and you know how often I've read the LL-saga)!! Really wonderful, I'm sooooo glad they had a completely new life (for a minute I was worried we'd get the amnesia again). I'd love to know the baby's name though, did you have one in mind?Again, thank you so much for this treasure of a story and I guess now I'll just be sitting here, waiting for your next finished story (you're right, I love it when you post a chapter every other day).Love, gab
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Aw, gabi, you always leave the loveliest reviews. You know, I hadn't really thought of a name for the baby. I have no idea! LOLThank you so much! I'm hoping that things will settle down soon so that I can get back to work on the next one. :) I do love posting every other day. ;)
Thank you for a WONDERFUL story. One of my favorites now. If that only could have happened for Capt Picard Will await your next creation patiently.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much! I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the story. Yeah, it would be have been great if that had happened for Picard! LOL In my original outline for this, I had kept to that basic plot and had Snape really be dead ... but I just couldn't do it! He has to live! LOLI have four chapters done of both stories, so as soon as real life settles down a bit, I'll get back to work on one of them. :)Thanks again!
What an ending! Another lovely tale for you ma'am - thank you so much for your time and effort - I so appreciate it!
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much for the lovely review! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story. :)
What a great chapter! I've actually been kinda afraid to get beck to this fic because of how I kept thinking about my honey and stuff. But this was so great and honest and real. I loved how Hermione was talking about how they became a couple in a normal way instead of over a research project and Severus said "How Cliché." Very Funny considering our wonderful fan-fic world. Anyways I'm off to the next chapter. Much Love ~ Brena
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
I'm doing these review responses backwards, and I keep running into yours! LOLThank you so much for all the reviews! (That line about the cliché was one I couldn't resist tossing in there. Glad you liked it!)
Somehow I missed the updates for the last few chapters, but I read them together tonight. Oh it was wonderful! The tears are still fresh on my cheeks. Fantastic writing - plot and characterisations. For me the parts that moved me were - The images of Snape and Hermione growing old together, 'That' letter to Luna with a note to Hermione, when Hermione was trying to preserve the memories by using a penseive and the last few lines that had a great twist of Hermione being pregnant.Thankyou so much for your wonderful story.Cheers.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much for the lovely review! I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the story. You picked out some of my favorite images, so I'm giddy that you liked them, too!
YAY!!! A happy ending!! With a baby! This makes up for the actual sobbing and weeping I did at the end of chapter 5 :)
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
*grins* Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed the conclusion -- even if I did make you cry in chapter 5! LOL ;)
I'm so excited about this chapter, I'm reviewing before I read it! *bounces in chair* Okay, I'm going to read now and review again later ^_^
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
HAHAHAHAHA! This completely cracked me up.*snickers*Thanks!
Brilliant, just the the ended I wanted! But a bonus Hermione is pregnant with his child! I look forward to your other stories. Thanks you!
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the story! :)
awesome, I thought the last chapter was a bit cramped- but this explains it
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
*grins* Yeah, I had to fit a whole life in there! LOL Glad you're enjoying it! I'll be posting the next chapter within the next hour. :)Thank you!
I had more feels reading this story than I felt the past week. I loved it. Thank you.
such a fa b story. beautifully constrcuted. gorgeous.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you very much! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story. :)
sadly, I recongied that line from trading places! Have tears running down cheeks. All good.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
LOL I couldn't help myself. The image is too good to pass up! Glad it made you laugh! Thank you!