New Chapter for The Life Unlived
The Life Unlived
sshg316193 Reviews | 193 Ratings, 0 Likes, 250 Favorites )
While sorting through Severus Snape's belongings, Hermione makes an intriguing discovery that changes her life forever.
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About sshg316
Member Since 2006 | 20 Stories | Favorited by 376 | 199 Reviews Written | 1,365 Review Responses
Just an avid reader who somehow stumbled into HP fanfiction. I read and sometimes, I write.
Reviews for The Life Unlived
That really was wonderful, even with that gut wrenching last paragraph.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much! More to come in just a bit. :)
Wonder if he had the dream? :)
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
That's the question of the hour! LOL And it will be answered in chapter seven. :)Thank you!!
yay! i love her attitude about moving forward from the present. great stuff! thanks so much
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much! More to come very soon. :)
That is a great beginning. Just one comment: I understand that it has to happen the way you write it in order to make sense in your story. However, Hermione should have kicked Ron out of their place, instead of leaving it to him. Anyway, I'm one of those who would agree that their marriage wouldn't stand a chance. You know, in real life you can never be sure marriages will last, but there are a few ones which you can easily predict they won't. Ron and Hermione's would be one of those.Good cliff hanger. I'll keep on reading.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much for reading! As for who leaves who, yes, Hermione could have kicked him out. That's not necessarily realistic, however. While I haven't experienced this personally, it has happened to my sister and a few friends. Two did exactly what Hermione did (although after a screaming match)--they packed up and left, not wanting to spend another moment in a house that was filled with memories that were now tainted. The other called the police to try to force him to leave after he refused to go; she was told that his name was on the mortgage, and they couldn't force him to leave unless there was a criminal complaint (i.e. abuse). This is, of course, fiction, and you're right, it had to be this way for the storyline to work. But even without that, I think it says a lot about Hermione's character that chose to take her children and leave rather than get in a screaming match or hex him in front of her small children. As she said early in this chapter, he might have broken her heart, but she wasn't about to let him take her dignity, as well. She wanted to spare her children from a potentially ugly scene, and they were far more important to her than a house or the moral highground. In the end, the assets were divided equally, as it says in the chapter, so Ron didn't get the house anyway.I'm not sure there is a right or wrong answer as to how a woman should react in this situation -- every woman would have to decide for herself what is best for her. For some that may be to stay and fight; for others, it may be to fight another day.I hope this helps explain my thinking. :)
Response from Crystal Quill (Reviewer)
Thanks for your answer. It does make a lot of sense the way you put it.
Oh goodie...lemons next chapter. This is a wonderful chapter so sweet and lovely. But can hardly wait for chapter 5
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
*eyes the rating* Nope, no lemons this time! Still, next chapter is a big one. *whistles innocently*Thank you so much!
awww... That was so emotional and yet amazingly beautiful. My heart broke when he kissed her palm, so poignant. I love that she's falling in love with him... perfect! Cannot wait to read the next chapter, and yes, the build up was intense!
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much,
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
! They've definitely rounded the corner now, as we'll see in the next chapter. Yay! More to come soon!
Build up suspense? Now you're teasing. I'm glad that Hermione has come to the realization that she's happy where she is now and that it isn't as important to know how she got there as long as she's there. Course, I wouldn't mind knowing how she got there myself. ;-)Looking forward to the next chapter. Hope it's up soon. =)
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
I'm so mean, tossing that out there. So sorry! ;)Ah, the answers are coming ... and soon, too! More to come on Tuesday. Thank you so much!
Jeez, what a place to stop.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Mean of me, I know. ;)Thank you!
Wonderful chapter!!! I love this story more with each posting!!! You are simply amazing!!! I'm looking forward to the next!!!
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much, gabi! You have me blushing! :DMore to come on Tuesday.
OMG, Shug! This chapter is exquisite! It's everything I had hoped for! If my life depended on it I couldn't single out just one thing that stood out because every word is perfectly written, the tone is perfect, the emotions are perfect... the whole thing is perfect!A Thousand Points to Your House! And flowers!
Hugs, hugs, and more hugs,Beth
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
*squees and bounces about the room*Thank you so much, Beth! I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the chapter so much -- I spent so much time on this one! LOL More to come on Tuesday, and all I can say is hold on to your hat. *gulps* I hope you're still with me at the end of the chapter!*HUGS*
A "soft place to fall." What a great description of Severus' friendship with the Lovegoods. It's interesting to see Xenophilius presented in a much more positive light for a change, and I love that Luna also played such an important role in Severus' life.Well, you promised a photo album scene, and you certainly delivered. Picturing the two of them on the couch is sweet, dreamy, comfortable and romantic. I'm glad they were able to review their past and contemplate their future together. But wow! What a place to leave us! Thanks for another beautiful chapter.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much! We really don't know a whole lot about the Lovegoods, other than that they're eccentric. A lot of times they're treated as caricatures more than characters, and so when I use them in a story, I really try to flesh them out a bit. I am thrilled that you're enjoying them. I really have grown to love writing them.The photo album scene .... *happy sigh*. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I know I enjoyed writing it. And now a major hurdle has been overcome, and things can only move forward. Right?Ahem.;)More to come on Tuesday! Thanks, again!
Response from christev (Reviewer)
Ahem, indeed!!! :)
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
*attempts to look innocent*
Reading this chapter, I found my heart breaking for Severus. Hermione didn't want to spend time with him on his last day before returning to teaching at Hogwarts. Her refusal to look at the photo albums tells me that she has lost her Gryffindor courage and is too afraid to do anything to help herself. Then in the middle of the gentle kiss that Severus had bestowed on her lips, she pushed him away... right after she had realized how much she liked it. What a mess. No wonder he has withdrawn from her. A person can only set themselves up to be hurt just so many times before they decide not to try again. It's heartbreaking and quite a mess. I think a turning point was reached when Hermione came home from work to find Rose and Hugo thought Severus was angry with them. That was a wake up call for her, and she realized that her fence-sitting was wrecking her children's' happiness. Urging Severus to come back to family time, she got a feeling for how her behavior had made Severus feel when he walked away to stand behind his desk.
But the biggest break through came when she had the nightmare where everyone knew who she was but her. Finding solace in Severus' arms felt so right to her then that I can't help but believe that their lives will begin to get better. It may be three steps forward and one step back, but I think the healing journey has finally begun.I don't know why, but something niggled my brain, and I begin to wonder if there is any connection between the magical 'spherical piece of wood" that Hermione was holding in her hand just before she faded into blackness (1st chapter) and the "carved of a solid piece of oak, it was a snake, a badger, a raven, and a lion" that Severus had on the mantle (2nd chapter). Great writing gets me to thinking about the threads and weave that make up a story, and so I've been thinking, again.Great story!Beth
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much for such a wonderful review! I'm so glad that your heart broke for Severus -- that's just what I was going for, and it was a difficult task since none of the story is from his point of view. I'm so relieved that I was able to evoke that response. Whew!Yes, you're quite right. That was the first of two turning points for Hermione; the other is what happens after the nightmare. You've got me feeling all giddy that you were able to see that!And yes, a major hurdle has now been overcome, and things can only go forward from here. Right? ;)Ah, the sphere. Can't really say anything about that at this point. Maybe after chapter five ...:DThanks, again!!
This chapter is beautiful. How romantic lying on the sofa like that, I can actually picture it. Look forward to the next big chapter.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much! That you can picture it means I did my job well. Yay! :)More on Tuesday ... and it's a doozy.;)
Yum!!! Worth the wait. I had to laugh when S and H were discussing how they met, and that the notion of them meeting over a research project was 'cliche'! Very true!
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
LOL I couldn't help myself. My betas were asking how they got together, and this was my response. Just had to use it. LOLI'm glad you're enjoying it, and I hope I don't lose you after the next chapter -- it's a doozy!And the TV episode will become more than obvious at that point, I believe. ;)Thank you so much!!
Response from Kailin (Reviewer)
*ulp* A doozy? Uh-oh... You know, I think Hermione's life is now just so wonderful, it has to be a dream or something - which I would just hate, because I'm so jealous of her right now I can hardly see straight. If it does turn out that this is Hermione's life, I'd really like to know how Snape became so enamored of her kids. He's such a grinch normally, and while I'm sure he could indeed grow to love the children, I'd love to know how it happened!
I cannot imagine how frightened Hermione must feel, nor how heartbroken Severus must be. I have any number of possible scenarios for how she found herself in this future five years beyond her last memories, but the longer I think, the more extreme they become. I can't wait for the rest of this marvelous tale to unfold to find out if I am even remotely on the right track. This is such a magical look at Hermione and Severus. Thank you for sharing!Beth
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Hmm ... one of your scenarios is probably right. Who knows which one, but it just might be revealed in chapter five. Just sayin'. *whistles innocently* ;)Thank you so much for the lovely review!
OMG! This is a wonderful beginning for a story. What such a surprise for Hermione ! Thanks!
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you very much! I'm glad you're enjoying it thus far!
what a wonderful update! it's so sad for severus but i think she's coming arround! thanks so much
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you very much! Yes, she's definitely coming around -- they've now crossed a major hurdle, and things will be much improved between them, I think. ;)
"You've always been welcome." Great line. Well done. Can't wait for the next update!
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
So glad you liked that line -- it's one of my favorites. :)Thank you very much! I'm glad you're enjoying it thus far!
Lovely story! Glad I found it, and I look forward to following along as you update. I was also thinking it was some kind of alternate reality when Severus first appeared. I'll be interested to hear an explanation of how he and Hermione got together in the first place, and also to see if she can ever face those photo albums...
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you very much! I'm glad you're enjoying it thus far!I'm getting ready to post the next chapter, and you'll have your answer about the photo albums ... and how they got together. ;) Thanks, again!
What a lovely ending scene, the two of them snuggled in the bed, just content to be together. I'm glad to see that Hermione is beginning to come around, but will we find out what happened during the missing five years?
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you very much! I really liked that image as well. :) Yes, they've crossed a major hurdle now, as we'll see in the next chapter.And your question will be answered as well ... sort of. LOLThanks, again!
Oh how sad and painful. Please don't abandon this story. I want to know what happened and I want everything to turn out okay for Severus and Hermione!!!Fabulous story! Made me a bit tearful at times.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you very much! I'm glad you're enjoying it thus far!Don't worry, it won't be abandoned. It's actually complete, so I'm posting every other day or so until it's all up. :)More to come very soon -- I'm getting ready to post right now!
Oh Wow. Okay I started reading this fic yesterday and then continued thru to the end of this chapter today. I couldn't believe how upset I was getting because I could feel both Severus' and Hermione's pain. The hurt and confusion of being 5 years older and not remembering anything or having your spouse right in front of you and them not remember the life you've had together. I kept thinking about how I would handle it if Brett didn't remember me or what we've lived through together and our wedding and the day to day awesomeness which is our was just scary. I want to thank you though for taking me there with them. Your writing is so amazing and I love it when I can actually relate to these characters in a personal way. You totally rock! Thanks Again! Much Love ~ Brena
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much for the lovely review! Your response was just what I was going for, so I'm thrilled! When I was writing these chapters, I really tried to put myself in Hermione's position, and I agree. It would be frightening and confusing. Such an awful situation.More to come very soon -- I'm getting ready to post the next chapter right now! :)Thanks, again!
le sigh. wonderful. i can't help but review again. this chapter conveys so well hermione's fear and confusion, and i'm so pleased with how both she and snape are acting-- you allow them to be human, with difficulties, but none of the over-the-top drama so common in fanfic, where you just want to slap the characters for refusing to stop being so self-absorbed and just meet halfway, already!i love it.
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
Thank you so much for the lovely review! I'm glad you're enjoying Hermione and Severus -- I really worked hard to make their reactions/emotions realistic given such extraordinary circumstances. Hopefully what's to come won't be too over the top! LOL ;)Thanks, again!
Oh god. This chapter has me crying again.. it's so heart wrenching what Severus is going through. I want to know why Hermione lost her memory, and why can't Luna help her fill in the gaps from her last memory?Hope the update comes soon!
Response from sshg316 (Author of The Life Unlived)
*passes the tissues* I cried while writing some of these scenes, so I'm thrilled to know that they're so effecting. :)Ah, the answers to your questions will come ... eventually. LOL Although ... the reason for her memory loss was expalined in chapter two -- she hit her head, leading to amnesia. Now, if that's all there is to it remains to be seen! (I'm not helping all that much, am I?) LOLThe next update is very soon -- I'm getting ready to post it right now. ;)Thank you so very much! I'm glad you're enjoying it thus far.