New Chapter for Resurgam
ayerf174 Reviews | 174 Ratings, 0 Likes, 71 Favorites )
Darkness never dies. Sequel to Redivivus.
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About ayerf
Member Since 2006 | 30 Stories | Favorited by 277 | 151 Reviews Written | 1,977 Review Responses
Jumped on the Harry Potter bandwagon in 2000 (when Goblet of Fire was out in hardback). Prisoner of Azkaban is my favourite in the series, followed by Order of the Phoenix. I read and write in the SS/HG corner of the Potterverse.
Reviews for Resurgam
I am very glad that you did not leave Hermione completely powerless. The merging with Atropos is a bit odd, but I suspected as much as soon as the twin thing came about. Loved that Silas got the shock of learning his mother was now his boss. And, I had to read aloud to my oldest (nearing 21) that line of "... for the love of Merlin! Can’t you save it for your bedroom?” Sounds so much like stuff she and her siblings say. LOL.Entertaining, angsty, and nicely done.
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Thank you very much! It would have been far too cruel to strip her completely of her powers. It's certainly one of the oddest things I've written about - glad the twin thing had you suspecting.Glad poor Silas's outburst fit his age!
I just read this and the other accompanying stories in one sitting and enjoyed them thoroughly. I started reading them on FF.Net but when I realized that all of the juicy stuff was cut out I got an account on here. :) This was a really creative and entertaining series. I just wish that there had been more Severus/Hermione love scenes in Resurgam but I understand that the defeat of Atropos was more important. Overall, this was very well written and I can't wait to read your other stuff!
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Thank you! I'm delighted to hear that you enjoyed this series, despite the few and far between love scenes!I hope you enjoy my other stuff!Thanks for reviewing!
"Hermione was still dead to the world when Severus awoke"Nice choice of words haha
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Thank you! Glad you liked my choice of words.
Response from Duchess_Of_Arcadia (Reviewer)
lol I just thought it was ironic.. tee hee
so does that oh f-- suggest that hermione is pregnate??? lol yays
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Quite possibly... Thanks for reviewing!
Excellent ending to an intriguing story.
Loved the happy ending!
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Thank you! After the endings of the prequels, I thought this needed a happier ending.
You did a great job of overcoming Apropos, tying up loose ends and providing a happy ending. I had my doubts about the happy ending for awhile. And no Bellatrix.
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Thank you! I must say that I had my own doubts about that ending, but I'd promised a happier one than in Redivivus. I hope the lack of Bella isn't a bad thing...
Response from FruGal (Reviewer)
Lack of Bella is never a bad thing, although in her own universe, it looks as though Apropos had the same roll as Bella had in Hermione's world - crazy, evil supporter of V.
Yay! Three cheers for happy endings! Three bigger cheers for answers! Hoorah! That was good. I like the asimilate-the-baddie ending. Excellent! Thank you!
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Thank you, glad you liked it! I had to provide answers in the end. I just hope that I didn't unintentionally miss any!
Ive been reading this fic for the past few days, and when I come across Apropos I keep thinking of Bellatrix. Did some of Hermione's genes get mixed with Bella's in the final battle? Also, doesn't Severus know it could be dangerous to leave his powerful witch unsatisfied?
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
All I can really say is read on! I hope you enjoy the rest of it.
I'm sure Severus does realise that if he thinks beyond the dent it's done to his male pride.
I have truly enjoyed this foray into your imagination. I enjoyed the first story, and this one as well. I love all the different elements that you brought together. Well done and thank you!!! :')GG
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Thank you! I'm very glad to hear it. I just hope that I'll be able to do as well with any other writing I do.
Oh thank goodness you've done a sequeal to Redivivus. That is my absolute favorite fic of all time, and I spend a good part of every day reading fanfics, are extremely talented and gifted as a writer. I cannot thank you enough for writing a sequel and bringing Hermione back... *does wacky little happy dance*
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Thank you! That's quite a compliment. I hope you enjoy the rest of this sequel!
Awwwww, it's over??? Well, that was a very nice Epilogue, much better than Some Which Shall Remain Nameless that I have read recently. Very neatly tied up all the loose ends. Thank you so much for writing this! Think this weekend I might just read the whole series over again...
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Thank you! I'm glad to hear it, and very touched that you'd want to reread the entire series.
Paternity test? I guess not if they agreed not to. Interesting ending.
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Severus may well have made it impossible to... I suppose if it meant that Atropos wouldn't be so much of a problem, he thought it a price worth paying.
Thank you!
The summary was ominous, but your epilogue was perfect. A good mix of sadness, intrigue, humor and hope. I can only imagine what hell Atropos put Severus through in the first year, but in the end what matters is that Severus and Hermione made it and are happy with their kids.
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Thank you! It was a very tricky chapter to write, the most taxing of the lot, so I'm happy that you think it 'perfect'.
Oh what a fabulous ending to this saga. Thank you for writing it and not giving up.I loved the fact that you showed a little of Severus and Hermione's lives after their children were all grown up.Thanking you.Cheers, Sonia :)
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Thank you very much!
At times it was a trial, particularly towards the end, but I couldn't have imagined abandoning it.
I'm glad you liked the little snapshot of Severus and Hermione's lives 20-ish years on.
makes sense. Hermione can keep the Atropos side of her in check with that dampening ring. Why would Severus and Hermione think of either of their daughters, though, as a potential "cuckoo in the nest" when it seems clear that Silas is Riddle's biological son? Guess I'm just confused (or Confunded). Or is Silas just what Severus would have become if he had all of James Potter's family, school & societal advantages? Anyway, thank you for taking on a wild ride on Hermione's Dark Side.
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Thank you!
On Silas, he was meant to be a red herring. I guess he got the best of his parents' genes, making him comparable to Riddle in looks... so you're right about Silas being what Severus might have been.
Yeah! Brava! I loved your newest exploration of darkness. I was completely hooked by the process of figuring out Atropos' identity and background throughout the story. I am also intrigued by your interpretation of the Veil. All in all, a great story.
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Thank you very much! It's always a pleasure to know that I managed to hook a reader.
I am so glad Hermionegot her powers back. I was so worried about what she would do with her life. I see she is also sharing souls in her body. This may be an advantage for her. Great story!
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Thank you! Your comment about sharing souls would be enough to spark another sequel... if my Muse hadn't run away for the time being. That said, I'm not saying 'never' to a sequel.
ok i didnt know how you were going to pull it off but you didand wondefully i might addnice clean edgesof course i have a feeling you will come up with some other twist and i will wait with baited breath for your newest realeasethanks again for a wonderfull storyyours truly Julie
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Thank you!
I have no sequel planned, but I'm not saying 'never'. I will keep writing, though, plot bunnies permitting.
Good sequel! I'm glad it all worked out.
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Thank you! That epilogue was very difficult to write compared to other chapters, so I'm glad you think so.
I liked this version of "19 years later". ;-)
Excellent story, and the epilogue was great, tying things up very nicely. Thanks!
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Thank you! I hoped that would be the case.
Oh, so that is what happened! But, hmm, why does Silas favor Riddle if he wasn't one of the twins? I guess you just had to leave a question or two for us to ponder. *g*
Excellent story! All three of them, actually. I look forward to rereading them all now that the last is complete.
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Not so much a last question as a red herring... but I bet both Severus and Hermione would occasionally wonder the same thing.
Thank you! I'm very happy to hear that.
Ohhhh why did you strip Hermione of her magical powers?? Now she fits in neither world. I suspect Severus still loves her, but Hermione was always so driven! Now what will happen?
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Thanks for reviewing.
What will happen will be revealed or at least hinted at in the epilogue.
About Hermione's magic: the veil stripped her of her powers but remember what she told Severus about it... specifically how permanent it is.
You are truly wicked with your cliffies. Twins??? WTF? Man, o, man I'm very intrigued as to how that came about. I do hope Hermione gets her magic back eventually, though. I'm sure Severus would want to be with her even if she were a Squib, but....
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Thanks! That question is answered in the epilogue, honest!
As for Hermione's magic, you make a good point about Severus. It might be a wedge between them in time, though... but bear in mind what has been said about the veil in this fic.
Oh. Sh!t. I thought the evil cliffies were over, but I guess I'm wrong! Please update soonest!
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
There's usually a cliffie. If I hadn't needed a clear end, one might've slipped in the epilogue too.
I'm posting the epilogue on Tuesday, in about 36 hours from now.
Oh... for a moment there right before the end I thought "finally no evil cliffie!", but I guess that was not to be. ;-) Excellent solution to the previous one though, and I'm very much looking forward to the epilogue (not because I want the fic to be over, obviously).
Response from ayerf (Author of Resurgam)
Thanks! I hope the epilogue lives up to your expectations... it certainly was the trickiest part of the story to write. Perhaps my (over)usage of cliffies made it all the harder to tie up the loose ends.