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The Mutual Deal
5.68/10 (182 Ratings, 0 Likes, 212 Favorites )Hermione and Draco pretend to be dating in order to dodge realtionships with Ron and Pansy. Will they truly develop feelings for each other?
47,266 Words, Started 11/06/2005, Completed 01/30/2006
My Love, My Heart, My Soul
5.68/10 (19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )She lost everything thanks to Voldemort.
474 Words, Started 06/08/2008, Completed 06/08/2008
Nine Dates
by shosier
5.67/10 (6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Finalist, 2011 Valley Forge RWA "Sheila" Award... John and Paul have build a strong foundation of love between them. Will Beth be added strength to their relationship... or a wrecking ball?
3,467 Words, Started 10/01/2012, Completed 10/01/2012
Table Etiquette
by lilbitbord
5.67/10 (43 Ratings, 0 Likes, 88 Favorites )Hermione is thrown in the middle of her parents' vicious divorce. Can two very delectable wizards help her through it with some very special lessons? Hermione/Remus/Severus threesome. Written for the Hermione_smut exchange.
Disclaimer: NOT DH compliant. I own nothing. I'm not making any money off of this story. If I was, I wouldn't have a secondhand laptop to work with. :)
11,759 Words, Started 12/14/2007, Updated 01/03/2009
Realization of a dream
by ancientgirl
5.67/10 (12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 11 Favorites )Short sequel to "I dream of..." This is total fluff.
1,723 Words, Started 11/10/2005, Completed 11/10/2005
Do You Believe in Magic?
5.67/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Just how do Muggle-borns get their letters?
543 Words, Started 10/19/2009, Completed 10/19/2009
The Midnight Run
by AndroB
5.67/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )When an Owl Pal program erupts at Hogwarts, Draco begins having nightmares of death--his death.
3,326 Words, Started 05/28/2006, Updated 06/02/2006
Music From Another Night
5.67/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Two women, separated by time and circumstance, meet again. Can they regain the love, forgotten now, that they once shared?
1,178 Words, Started 07/03/2006, Completed 07/03/2006
5.67/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Blaise gets some inside information.
857 Words, Started 07/10/2008, Completed 07/10/2008
It Ain't What it Used to be
by Mazzy
5.67/10 (15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )Size Matters challenge for GS100. Severus and Hermione discuss the use of Severus' old tool.
156 Words, Started 04/13/2008, Completed 04/13/2008
Nineteen Again
by debjunk
5.67/10 (6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )After Nagini’s bite, Severus can’t be saved unless he’s restored to age nineteen. His past in between is now forgotten. Will he choose the light, or continue in the Dark?--gift for blueartemis07
0 Words, Started 07/28/2018, Completed 01/11/2024,
Why Would You Save Me?
by belle4life
5.67/10 (12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 23 Favorites )After Severus is bitten, a certain Brunette Gryffindor saves his life. The feelings behind that act unfold.
3,284 Words, Started 11/14/2008, Completed 11/14/2008
An Opportune Moment
by sunny33
5.67/10 (21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )A giant squid shaped crop circle has appeared near Hogwarts. Snape and Hermione are sent to investigate.
1,116 Words, Started 06/07/2009, Completed 06/07/2009
by whitesilence
5.67/10 (15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 22 Favorites )Six years after Voldemort's defeat, Harry goes to visit Hermione...
2,055 Words, Started 01/09/2007, Completed 01/09/2007
The Centre of the World
by CiraArana
5.67/10 (21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 27 Favorites )The final battle and what happened afterwards. One-shot.
3,449 Words, Started 07/09/2006, Completed 07/09/2006
Caged Bird Sings
5.65/10 (178 Ratings, 0 Likes, 83 Favorites )Hermione wakes up in a cell, held captive by none other than her former professor, Severus Snape. She’s scared, alone, and confused about her feelings for her unwilling captor. How can she know what is real and what isn’t when he won’t tell her anything?
57,483 Words, Started 03/23/2010, Completed 07/13/2010
Beating His Bludger
5.65/10 (17 Ratings, 0 Likes, 42 Favorites )After a few harsh words from Rosmerta, Snape seeks to better himself and gets a little help from Hermione to make it happen.
8,156 Words, Started 03/23/2006, Completed 03/23/2006
So Cold the Night
by karelia
5.65/10 (23 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Each night, he sat by the window to watch the girl across the road.
1,405 Words, Started 08/21/2011, Completed 08/21/2011
The Avbrytande Effect
by kittylefish
5.65/10 (23 Ratings, 0 Likes, 32 Favorites )The Potions master and his apprentice make a field trip to collect potions ingredients. Things do not go as expected.
53 Words, Started 12/05/2008, Completed 12/05/2008
Heartburn Hotel
by Elisabeth
5.65/10 (17 Ratings, 0 Likes, 25 Favorites )On the road, Hermione and Severus have a literary encounter of a frustrating kind. A post-Deathly Hallows fic, so please don't read if you hate spoilers.
929 Words, Started 07/23/2007, Completed 07/23/2007
Love Remains
by livvy6
5.65/10 (500 Ratings, 0 Likes, 31 Favorites )Lily's life doesn't end when Voldemort hexes her. Instead, she and Harry go into hiding, but are things truly any better for her?
72,103 Words, Started 05/05/2008, Completed 10/20/2008
The Guardian
by a_bees_buzz
5.64/10 (14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 23 Favorites )The war is over, but not all the battles have been fought. Hermione seeks help from the ex-Potions master.
3,059 Words, Started 10/19/2007, Completed 10/19/2007