Battle of Evermore
Chapter 22 of 32
shellsnapeluverHermione and Severus race each other to Dumbledore’s office.
A/N: To all my readers: Thank you for sticking around and waiting for my slow update--it is much appreciated and I couldn’t continue this story without your support. I also wouldn’t have a story without my team, Lariope, Lulabelle72, and RedSkyAtNight--they are always so encouraging and patient. I also want to give a special thanks to nastygrl for her help by reading through this chapter and giving me some extra ideas.
As Severus stood at the bottom of the stairs that led from the dungeons up to the main floor, Hermione’s threat echoed in his mind.
“To do what I should have done a while ago--I’m turning myself in to Dumbledore about the Beauxbatons situation! And I’m telling him that you had the Horcrux the entire time and are a filthy traitor!”
A small part of Snape knew that the exposed Horcrux was meddling with their psyches, damaging all rational thought, but there was nothing he could do to fight it. All he could think about was getting back what belonged to him--no matter the consequences.
He slipped his wand into his magical pocket, knowing that if he used his wand against Hermione, he would kill them both because of the magic surrounding the book.
“I will only say this once,” he growled, hand out. “You can either hand me the book, or I can take it from you.”
“Piss off,” she snapped before she fled up the stairs.
Taking the stairs two at a time, he raced after her. Their steps clattered loudly as each of them ran across the empty entrance hall towards the grand staircase. Before Hermione started up the stone stairs, she whirled around, flicking her wand at him.
Snape had half a second before the jet of magic would hit him squarely in the chest. He dived to the right, tumbling onto his side and rolling across the cold floor. He snapped his head up just in time to see her running up the stairs.
Disregarding his previous rationale for not using magic, Snape flicked his wand out of his pocket, aimed it at the stairs, and quickly transfigured it into a smooth surface. Caught off guard, Hermione yelped as she fell to her knees and slid down the ramp, landing in front of him again.
Snape lunged to his feet and headed towards her once more, his wand pointed directly at her heart, as the power of the Horcrux taunted him once again.
Turn your wand against her…
Snape’s concentration faltered, and Hermione took advantage of his momentary confusion to shoot a jelly-legs jinx at him. He crumpled to the ground, cursing as she transfigured the ramp back to stairs and sprinted away from him.
“Finite Incantatem!” he shouted, putting a stop to the curse that she had placed on him.
Snarling, Snape scampered to his feet, but instead of running, he took flight and rapidly closed the distance between them, his arms outstretched and reaching for her.
“GIVE ME THE HORCRUX!” he roared, gripping a handful of her bushy hair and yanking her towards him. He landed several steps away from Hermione, who was falling backwards into his body, crying out in pain.
“Get off me!”
As he attempted to pull the book away from her, she kicked him in his shin, and he lost his balance. They both stumbled down the stairs, grunting in pain as the rough stone steps hit their bodies on the way down. Snape landed with a hard thud on the third floor landing, and Hermione crashed on top of him, her elbows stabbing into his ribs.
Hermione, moaning, lifted herself off his body and stood over him, pointing her wand at his chest. As she took a breath to say the spell, Snape kicked her hand, knocking her wand out of her grip. It toppled over the stair rail, and Hermione gasped in horror.
“My wand!”
Snape clumsily got to his feet and gripped Hermione’s shoulders, swinging her around and slamming her into the large portraits hanging on the wall.
“H-help me! Alert Dumbledore that this treacherous man is attacking me!” Hermione shouted to the portraits behind her.
A wizard with a bright purple robe and long white beard chuckled from behind Hermione’s hair. Snape looked at him, frozen in fear that he was going to go to Dumbledore. But then he realized that it was a fellow Slytherin in the portrait, and he knew at that instant he had nothing to fear.
The other portraits milled around in each other’s frames, muttering to one another as they deliberated what to do. But it was the Slytherin in the purple robe who spoke. “No, Miss Granger--we are only bound to the Headmaster. You’re the one who got tangled up with the Slytherin.”
Snape grinned wickedly, baring his crooked teeth before he forcefully kissed her, pinning her against his body, claiming his victory. She squirmed and moaned, trying to escape him.
“You’re mine,” he growled as he released her lips, pulling the book from her grip. He took a few steps away from her. “As is this,” he said, referring to the book.
Her cheeks were flushed, and she had a dreamy look in her eye--the same look she got after they were intimate. He knew his kiss had dazed her, and he chuckled at the power he had over her.
Tears immediately flooded Hermione’s eyes, shocking Snape--he had expected her to forget this nonsense and fall back into his arms.
He was such a fool.
She whirled around, hunched over, mumbling under her breath.
“If you have something to say, face me and say it!” he angrily shouted.
Hermione instantly stopped crying and stood up straight. Before Snape knew it, she had ripped a smaller portrait off the wall, turned on her heel, and forcefully struck him across the face with it. The portrait shouted at the sudden impact, and Snape stumbled backwards, his left cheek searing with pain. Instinctively, he covered his face, trying to protect himself against the wooden frame that Hermione was hitting him with.
Furiously, Snape grabbed the portrait from her and threw it down the stairs. As he did so, she darted past him, heading towards the next floor. Just as he had last time, he levitated himself, rising off the stairs and up to the next floor. As soon as Hermione reached the next flight, he was there, waiting. Startled, she gasped and attempted to turn and run back down the stairs. Snape snatched at her hair, snapping her head backwards and stopping her from running.
“Don’t touch me!”
He wrapped his hand around her upper arm tightly and flew off the ground, rising higher and higher above the stairwell. The paintings raced by incredibly fast, and he could only see blurs of colours as he flew as fast as a flying snitch.
“Please--stop! Put me down! P-please!” she begged, shouting at the top of her lungs.
The book warmed in his grip, taking a hold of Snape once more.
Drop her.
He looked down--they were at least up to the seventh floor by now, nothing was beneath him but the air between his feet and the bottom of the stone stairwell.
Drop her! Make her face her fears, just as you do everyday!
Rage bubbled inside him, and he couldn’t control it--the Horcrux was too close to his body. Hermione, his light, was too close to his heart, and it was all too much for him to handle.
Snape growled in frustration as the power of the Horcrux and the love in his heart warred within him.
Not knowing what else to do to stop the madness in his mind, he released the book.
And Hermione.
As soon as he released her, Snape watched in horror as she fell. It was if she was in slow motion at first; she almost floated for a second before she began dropping like a stack of books. Her screams pierced his ears, and the look of terror on her face shattered his heart. Her hair fluttered widely around her face, and her hands reached above her head, grasping at nothing.
Not able to believe that he had allowed the Horcrux to take hold of his mind and had let Hermione fall to her death, Snape dived after her, arms outstretched, reaching for her.
But before he could grasp her, there was a flash of pale blue light from below and Hermione instantly slowed down and floated to the landing on the third floor. As he lowered himself to the ground, he realized that Hermione was curled in a small ball, crying.
Standing next to her, looking incredibly livid, was Dumbledore.
And he was holding the Horcrux.
I know, it’s short, but it’s action-packed, right? Can you believe he dropped her! Muwhahahahah.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Consuming Me
656 Reviews | 7.09/10 Average
i have just spent the last 3 days reading this, and i absolutely loved it!! So many twists and turns, it kept me thouroughly engrossed. I think you did a wonderful job with this. your plot is very strong, characterizations are great, and snark is top notch. Thank you for sharing. Kelly :)
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
oh, kelly, thank you for spending the time with thi story. thank you for the wonderful review. so happy you enjoyed the adventure1 shell...
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
oh, kelly, thank you for spending the time with thi story. thank you for the wonderful review. so happy you enjoyed the adventure1 shell...
Well i've re-read it. Bloody brilliant and I love the ending, I love a ending where I know that SS/HG will have a positive future together. Your a very talented writer. Please keep them coming. Wished I could give your more than 5 stars
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Thank you for taking the time to re-read this! Thank you so much for the review and the stars~
Unable to find the deleted scene--perhaps a link?
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me) should be there...
This ending is entirely satisfactory! Thank you so much for this amazing tale of redemption and resolution.You've written both Severus and Hermione true to character, and made both of them work like hell to maintain their faith in themselves and each other.Of course, Severus would have barred Hermione from visiting him in Azkaban. He'd made her promise to make a life for herself without him. The idea of tying her to him while he rotted away in prison was too painful to contemplate. And of course Hermione would try to keep her promise to him. But our Hermione wouldn't stand for him paying such a dear price for finding a way to defeat the Dark Lord. There is nothing so fearsome as a Gryffindor witch who wants her wizard. Kudos to her for earning her law degree and then using what she'd learned to clear him of those ridiculous murder charges. In less than two years they will be able to begin their happy life together, and isn't that what we all want for these amazing characters? I have loved reading every chapter, every word of this story. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing such a fabulous love story. I hope to see more stories from you in the future.
Congratulations on a job well done!
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Beth,I'm so glad you liked the ending! Thank you so much for all the wonderful reviews, I always looked forward to hearing from you. Many hugs and lots of luv.Shell~
Mwhahahahaaaaaaa! Great story.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
whoo, thank you, I read this with much joy.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Thanks for reviewing and reading it!Shell~
Well SHell, I suppose you could always write an alternative ending as a one shot, just for those who need a dark ending to go with the dark plot. Seriously, he just goes soft. . . please, this dark and maniacal Severus dominated the story, and then he goes all Fluff. . . geeze woman!
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Hahha, I could... I don't think this is too fluffy, though. You might be the only one who wanted that darker ending (besides me), because no one is else speaking up! Hahahah.
Well done, Shell! Very nice ending to a great story! I find it interesting that you chose to make Ron and Harry friends with Severus, I never would have imagined that happening.I like that you had Hermione keep working on Snapes appeal, and that something Severus had deemed inconsiquential ended up working to his benefit. Very well done.Reed
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Yeah, H and R did that for Hermione's sake, to try, and they found out that they could be friends. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!
Thank you very much for the hopeful ending!
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
You are welcome! Thanks for reading and reviewing!
That was a wonderful ending. You did a great job with that final chapter. I had no idea what to expect. I alternated between thinking she was dead and that she was Harry's new romance. I can't wait for your next story.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Oh, good! I kept you guessing! LOL!I'm glad you likey! Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!Lots of luv!Shell~
Great! Thank you so much for writing such an amazing story! I enjoyed reading it. <3
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Awee, thank you!
Lovely ending, thank you for sharing!
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
It's over? But, but ... what will I read now? You're the only one that writes Severus this way. I love Severus, but I REALLY LOVE Severus the way you write him. He's sort of like the essence of, 'what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger.' Everything that happened to him as a child and young adult seems to have forced him to be this way, just to survive.This is actually one of the few stories that I caught at the beginning [without playing catch up] and probably the story I have reviewed the most. I will definitely miss the all and powerful Snape; evil bastard extraordinaire. In case you're in doubt, I truly loved the story. Thanks!
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
,I'm grinning from ear to ear. Your words really warmed my heart, thank you for saying that. I love writing Severus like this because to me, that IS who he is. Sometimes evil, sometimes a lover, but always, always mysterious and I-will-always-keep-you-guessing. So, I'm really happy you like him too the way I write him. Thank you for reviewing as well! Lots of Luv and many hugs! Shell~
shocked outbursts of ‘Shell, you’re EVIL’ have truly warmed my heart
Awww. And I think this says a lot about you, my dear! LOL!
Just as your death would’ve destroyed me, being aware that you were out there in the world, living a happy life without me, devastated me.
It is unhealthy and unjust for him to compare those things similarly, of course, but then, that is exactly what Snape thinks. And if we're honest, that's how many of us feel in the same situation, if someone we love leaves us behind and is happy in their new life while we still want them with us. And I think that's what you tapped into with this story -- those untold truths of human psychology, however dark and however much we would like to believe we're above them.
Great work. I'm very proud of you.
Author's Response: Squee!
I didn't realize I was tapping into those untold human truths! But, I'm glad I did, becasue the way you say it, sounds so awesome! LOL!
Thanks for all you did.
Wonderful ending. I loved it. Great job! I'm glad everything is working out for Hermione and Severus after all. ~Jen
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Oh, me too! I feel good about giving them a life in the future! Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!
I am so glad you finished this story. It sounds like you really struggled with how you wanted to end the fic. You are very talented, and I can not wait for the next one! :)
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Thank Livvy! Yes, I did struggle, but in the end, I owed it to all the loyal readers to give these two a good ending. Thank you so much! LoveShell~
Congratulations on a job well done, Shell! I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw that this was updated and finally finished. I love what you did with this and it couldn't have ended any better. It wasn't some ridiculous happily ever after. That would have felt inappropriate considering the tone of the story as a whole. But it made me happy that Ron and Harry and the twins were friendly with Severus. While I think it was only appropriate that he spend some time in Azkaban, I'd have hated to see him rotting away there by himself. And whether she thinks so or not, it really was good for Hermione to get away and make an attempt to move on so she can be sure that he is what she really wants.I had no idea what the new evidence would be, and was still surprised when I found out. But what a great moment to bring back up, because while I as a reader felt like he really was a good guy, despite some of his previous actions, it was nice to be reminded that he really did do some good things throughout, even if sometimes misguided.Thanks for sharing such a fantastic story with us. And a special thanks for forcing me to read this. Yes, I started out reading through squinty eyes, but you held my hand and dragged me on through and I couldn't be happier about it. You've done a fantastic job and I hope to see more from you in the future!
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Thank you so much! Yes, it was very good of Hermione to get away, go into another world and really test her love, because now she knows for sure. I'm so glad I surprised you with the new evidence! I was hoping someone would say so, so thanks. See now, I told you it was going somewhere, even if it did start off really dark... LOL! Thank you for reviewing.*hugs*
You managed a HEA! Kuddos. I loved that story, from beginning to end.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
LOL. Thank you so much for reading this! Massive Hugs!
Hey, this story is listed as "Completed: Yes" -- where's that last chapter????
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
It is still in queue--they are taking longer than usual, but it should be posted here in next few days. Lol, sorry!
Response from June W (Reviewer)
You know your story is good when you have stalkers begging for updates.
What is Severus up to now? I was afraid he could not be trusted.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Lol, just keep reading!! thanks~
They definitely know how to have an adventure.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Oh, yeah! I love writing action-packed adventures!
I can see that Snape is trying to be kind to Hermione but I don't know if I trust him.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Trust is a hard thing to come by, hopefully he will earn it from you.
A trip to egypt, that does sound like fun. I wonder how Hermione will react to flying with Severus. I thing it sounds like tons of fun.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
I think flying with him would be awesome! lol!