You Can't Handle the Truth
Chapter 19 of 32
shellsnapeluverHermione learns the truth of the Grotto.
A/N: Three cheers for my team! They are such awesome ladies and I appreciate all the help they give me.
The morning light danced upon the walls, and already the summer's sun was heating up the room. She tried to concentrate on the here and now and not let her thoughts drift, but that was something Hermione was never good at--she was always thinking about something. And this time, she was remembering her ordeal from last night.
How the bloody hell did I survive that?
The memories or her attack were harsh, but no matter what had happened after she had blacked out, Hermione was very thankful to be alive.
The squeaky door from Madam Pomfrey's private quarters swung open, startling Hermione, and she snapped her eyes opened.
The round woman shuffled over to her as Hermione grudgingly sat up in the bed. "How are you feeling, Miss Granger? You gave us such a fright!"
"Actually, I feel well rested. Nothing hurts, and I'm not sore. I don't remember too much..."
"Which is a good thing, deary. You were extremely ill when Mister Potter and Mister Weasley found you--"
"Harry and Ron found me? Oh, they must be so angry with me!"
Madam Pomfrey sat in the chair next to the bed, confusion dancing across her features. "What ever do you mean? They were worried sick about you, young lady--they certainly were not angry. This wasn't your fault."
Hermione was just about to privately berate herself when she remembered something Severus had said. You will not carry this guilt about revealing the Secret...
She couldn't place when he had said that, but she knew he had. But, she pushed it out of her thoughts for the moment and said, "So, Harry and Ron know what happened?"
"I didn't give them details, Hermione. It wasn't their business. But, they are clever boys..."
"Yes, they are," Hermione said, picking up the glass of water on her bedside table and taking a sip.
"Not only were you violated by two men, you were cursed with some Dark spell, a spell we have not been able to identify. And oddly enough, Professor Snape had been hit with the same curse--"
"What!" Hermione shouted, sitting forward and sloshing the water onto her blanket.
"Yes. He had the same symptoms. He was under the effects of the Polyjuice, so we thought it might have reacted badly, but no..."
"Where is he?" Hermione asked, looking around the room.
"Resting, I hope. He wouldn't let me look after him--he always does that though. Harry and Ron were here as well, but Professor Snape told them to go home."
Hermione set her glass down and threw back the covers.
"Miss Granger? Where are you going? I need to examine you--"
"I'm fine. I've got some things to do, so--"
"Oh, no, you don't. Professor Snape can get away with that, but you cannot. You've been through a tremendous ordeal."
"Madam Pomfrey, I am perfectly all right. Just a bit shaken up--"
"A bit shaken up? You were... raped... I--"
Hermione gawked. "Raped? No, I wasn't. Not really. He never... never got that far. I remember. I began to shake very badly, and it frightened them into stopping! Whatever happened last night, whatever illness came over me--it saved me."
The healer look astonished. "You mean... he didn't penetrate you? My diagnostic spells indicated that you had--perhaps the curse you were hit with threw off my charms."
"Perhaps. They tried. But, no one pushed themselves inside me. Therefore, it was just another Death Eater attack--a terrifying one, certainly. However, I've been attacked before. I was very lucky last night--which is more than I can say for the girl from Beauxbatons..."
Madam Pomfrey silently nodded her head.
"But I would like to know why you became so ill. Although, I should talk to Professor Snape. He says he might have an idea. Very well, let me please give you a check-up before you leave."
"All right."
The older woman stood up and ran her wand over Hermione's body. "Oh, Professor Dumbledore wanted me to tell you that when you were released from my care, he wanted to see you in his office."
Hermione felt hot, prickly needles travel through her veins. He knows. And you're in so much trouble. Hermione, you are such an idiot!
Hermione smiled weakly. "Of course."
Waiting for the stone statue that led to Dumbledore's office to open up was one of the most nerve-wracking experiences Hermione had ever had. She wondered if this was what it felt like for those who walked to their own execution. The inevitable consequence.
Well, no matter. Facing her fears seemed to be the story of her life, and nothing could change what she had done. Well, perhaps a Time-Turner, but that was for another Hermione Granger--the one who was a bright witch and not a foolish seventeen-year-old girl who had fucked everything up.
Hermione sighed, said the password that Madam Pomfrey had given her, and headed up the stone steps to face a man whom she hated to disappoint. She could just imagine his eyes--the sadness in them when she explained the truth.
She knocked on the heavy door and waited.
A muffled, "Enter," drowned out the sound of her racing heartbeat.
"You wanted to see me, sir?" she said, entering the room. But no one was there.
"Professor Dumbledore?" she asked louder, her eyes darting around the room. Fawkes was sitting on his perch, sleeping.
Hermione advanced several steps further inside. "Professor?"
"It's obvious that he is not here, is it not?"
Hermione whirled around, startled by the voice behind her.
But again, no one was there.
Feeling uneasy, she took a step towards the door, but stopped again when the same person asked, "Leaving so soon?"
Hermione looked at the person talking to her and huffed. "Oh. It's you."
"Disrespectful brat. Does Dumbledore not teach you children manners?"
Hermione rolled her eyes. "My apologies, Professor Black," she said mockingly. She looked around the room and noticed that the inhabitants of the other portraits were missing, just like Dumbledore.
"Where is Professor Dumbledore?"
"As if that is any of your concern."
Hermione shook her head and turned away.
"He is out at this moment and will be back shortly. Which gives you and I plenty of time to discuss a few things," the portrait said.
Hermione arched her eyebrow. "Discuss what? And why is it that every time I am in here, the other Headmasters and mistresses are always gone?"
Phineas Black grinned, his smile as oily as his portrait.
Hermione hated it when the Slytherin did that.
"Because I told them to leave."
Hermione shook her head in disbelief. "And why would they listen to you? You are no longer the Headmaster."
"No, but I used to be. Being a Slytherin Headmaster has its... advantages."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Hermione asked as she looked around the room.
"When I was headmaster, I charmed the portraits to do what I demanded... asked... even after my death. Clever, don't you agree?"
Hermione snorted. Yes, that actually was clever... but, she would never let him know that.
He leaned back in his painted chair. "But I was never as clever as Severus," he said, pausing and waiting pointedly for Hermione to ask what he meant.
Hermione was unsure what to say. The former headmaster was clearly up to something, and she didn't want to walk into his trap.
"All right. I know you've got something to say. Stop being a cryptic arse and just say it!"
Phineas smirked. "Very well, Miss Granger. I heard about your... attack. And what happened afterwards."
Hermione flushed. "How..."
"Like I said, the other portraits must do as I say and ask. They've been watching you, and they let me know when you are in the castle. And I do enjoy long strolls through the other portraits..."
"You've been watching me! Why?"
"Several reasons. But, mostly for my enjoyment."
"I can't deal with this at the moment!" she grumbled, stomping to the door to leave.
"I wouldn't leave--not if you want to know why you fell ill last night!" he called after her.
Hermione turned on her heel, her brows furrowed and her hands in fists.
"Only two people in this castle know what happened. And both are Slytherins."
Hermione closed her eyes, afraid to imagine what horrible things he was going to tell her about Severus. "Why are you telling me this? You hate me. You hate all students."
"For the most part, yes. But, Severus... Well, he's a fellow Slytherin... and well, you understand, don't you?"
"You look after him," she stated.
"I do what I can for him," he said, then added bitterly, "No one else will."
"But Dumbledore--"
"Is a fool. But what I have to say about Dumbledore's relationship with Severus has nothing to do with what I am going to tell you."
"Out with it, Headmaster," Hermione said, shifting uncomfortably.
"It's about the Slytherin Grotto."
Hermione rolled her eyes. "Not this again. Last time you mentioned the Grotto--"
"It was different last time, Miss Granger. It was fun, then. But now, after what happened to you and Severus last night... Well, it's out of hand now. Do you remember that night that Severus took you down to the Grotto?"
"Vaguely," she said cautiously.
"Basically, you made a promise to Severus that night. And once you make a promise to someone while in the Grotto, you are beholden to keep that promise by the power of the Grotto itself. Failure to do so will cause the person to become violently ill. Sound familiar?"
"A promise? I didn't make him any promises." Hermione chewed her lip, trying to recall her memory from that night.
"Oh, yes, you did."
"I--I don't remember. That was the same night that I had a horrible reaction to the elf-made wine." She looked up at the headmaster. "What did I promise?"
"That he will be the only man you ever want, the only man you will ever be with. That you are his, and he is yours. You don't remember that? It was an intense moment. You both had been extremely, erm, excited."
Phineas chuckled. "Excited, Miss Granger. Just as two consenting adults tend to be when--"
"Okay, now I know you are lying! Severus and I never--"
"Oh, but you did. And you enjoyed it."
Hermione stared at the portrait, wide-eyed. "You're a disgusting pervert!"
"Calm down, Miss Granger. Besides, there wasn't much too see. You were both clothed, and only his fingers touched you that night--"
Hermione was furious. "Enough!"
"What's wrong? You don't believe Severus would do that?"
"Severus... Severus is a complex man. He does a great many things he probably shouldn't, or things about which he has no choice. So if he did... take advantage of me, he had a reason. Just like I am sure he had a reason for making me promise him that."
"I admit, you have surprised me. I assumed you would be infuriated and wouldn't understand the choices that he made."
Hermione began pacing back and forth in front of his large portrait. "Oh, believe me, I am furious with him!" How dare he do this!
Hermione stopped pacing and sighed. "But, I also know him and understand that he does things, well, differently from everyone else. I can only rationalize his behavior like that, until I am able to talk to him about this matter. So, is that all you wanted to tell me?"
"For the most part. When a person breaks the promise, they fall ill, and the person who placed the spell will also feel the same effects. Some have even met death because of it. That is why I am telling you. Severus needs to release the spell. You both could have died last night, leaving me to find my entertainment elsewhere."
Hermione stopped walking. "You--you said you told me this because you were looking out for Severus! But you're a liar! You just don't want anything to happen to us because we are your bloody entertainment, and you would be bored if we died! Which is a horrible thing because this is quite serious!"
"I told you because, unlike the current Headmaster, I do care what happens to my fellow Slytherin. And if he is going to die, it should be for noble reasons, not because a silly little promise was broken."
Hermione stumbled into the nearest chair, shaking. Not only had Severus taken advantage of her, but he placed both of them under a curse. "I promised I wouldn't want another... does this mean that the love I have for him now is false?" she asked herself quietly.
"No. The promise had nothing to do with your feelings towards each other. From what I understand, he has desired you for a while. And I have watched you react to him--I could tell you have wanted him as well. So that part of your promise is irrelevant. But the fact that you cannot physically be with another, that is where the promise will affect you both," Phineas explained.
"So, those filthy Death Eaters who tried to rape me last night... they--"
"Were not able to because your body reacted violently to their imminent physical advances upon you. He also felt the pain that you did. You may think that it is a ridiculous spell, you may be angry with Severus for placing you under it, but it saved your life."
Hermione tilted her head back, lying against the back of the chair. A wave of exhaustion traveled through her body as she tried to wrap her mind around all that had been revealed. Not only was she completely mortified that Phineas Nigellus had known all of these dirty secrets about her, she was hurt and angry with Severus.
Why did Severus have to trick me like that? What if--what if he has done other things like that without my knowledge! Oh, that bloody Slytherin! I'll make him tell me!
Hermione nervously bounced her knee up and down, wanting to do nothing more than run straight to the dungeons and blast Snape's bollocks off.
Just as she stood up, the office door swung open and Dumbledore walked inside.
"Ah, Miss Granger. I was hoping you would be in here."
Hermione tried, with much difficulty, to hide the rage that was boiling inside her.
"You wanted to see me, sir?"
Dumbledore walked to his desk, signaling to her to sit in the chairs opposite him.
"I wanted to talk to you about the ordeal you went through last night. However, I just finished speaking to Madam Pomfrey, and she explained what really happened. I am thankful that you were not harmed more than you were."
Hermione felt horrible. How was it that she was the one to escape the wrath of those two monsters, when countless other women and girls had not? "Thank you, sir."
Tell him the truth, Hermione. Tell him why Beauxbatons was attacked--it's your fault!
"Have you made any progress with locating the missing Horcrux?"
"Actually, yes. The spell I found from the book in Egypt works wonderfully. I just haven't had the time to search the entire castle because other things came up," she said quietly, thinking about Beauxbatons.
"I agree. I'm sure you were worried about that note that was addressed to you--"
"It wasn't from Voldemort, sir. Greyback and Lestrange wrote it to frighten me."
"I assumed as much. But the meaning of the note--it has something to do with being Secret Keeper, does it not?"
"Somehow they knew you had become the Secret Keeper, and unfortunately I have to suspect Severus."
Hermione looked at the older man, confused. Jezzie had said that she hadn't told Snape anything.
"I don't understand."
"Severus is a spy, my dear. He must have known, and he had to reveal that to Voldemort. He does have to tell him the truth about our movements every once in a while, or it would look suspicious."
Hermione couldn't believe this. As much as she was angry with Severus about the Grotto incident, she couldn't believe Dumbledore didn't understand that it was she who was the one that told the Secret. Even if Severus had known that she was Secret Keeper, it wouldn't have made a difference, because she hadn't told him the location.
"But Severus didn't know the location of the school," she protested.
Dumbledore lowered his chin, peering over his half-moon spectacles. "Don't let Severus fool you. He knew, Miss Granger. And I will leave you to find out how he knew. But as I have said, it is his job to know these things..."
"Why couldn't you use Legilimency on him?"
Dumbledore sighed. "My dear, this is difficult to admit, but even I cannot use that against him anymore. But that is neither here nor there."
"Do you still trust him?" she asked softly.
"Although he will get there in his own way and by doing things I may not agree with, I trust Severus to do the right thing in the end. With the attack on Beauxbatons, I fear Voldemort will strike again soon, and we really need to locate that last Horcrux. If you don't mind staying at the castle overnight, in order to cover more ground, I would appreciate it."
Hermione nodded. "Of course, sir."
"Is there anything else troubling you?"
She shook her head and stood up. "I should continue my search," she said and walked towards the door.
So, Severus knew. Which mean Jezzie must have told him--it's the only way he could have found out. But why would she lie to me? Errr! I'll get to the bottom of this mess!
Before she knew it, she was on the third floor, nearly running down the stairs towards the dungeon. But as soon as she set foot on the landing, she realized something.
Remember who he is. A Slytherin. And the only way to beat a Slytherin is to play their game, and to play it better than they do. Busting into his office and demanding answers will get me nowhere with Severus. If I want to know how and when Jezzie told him the Secret, and why he seduced me into making that promise, then I must be clever about it.
Hermione chewed on her bottom lip, pacing on the tiny landing. Yes. That should work, she thought to herself as she headed to her private room in order to set her plan in motion.
Severus groaned deeply as he opened his eyes and realized that he was still laid out across his bed at a diagonal, stark bollock naked. He hadn't moved a muscle all night, and his body was stiff. Forehead throbbing, he slowly lifted his head up. He was disgusted by the line of drool that traveled from his lips to the pool of spit on his covers and wiped his face with the back of his hand.
He rolled onto his back, adjusting his hardening erection, and stared up at the floating candles above his bed. He thought about the previous night, about the two monsters he had slaughtered.
Had it been enough? Had they been tortured enough? It doesn't matter now. They will never hurt my Hermione again. My Hermione. He gripped his cock in his hand, pumping it up and down. Hermione. My beautiful girl--oh, Merlin, I want you to fuck me! His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he tugged faster and faster, bringing himself to a fast climax.
"Oh--yes!" he groaned, as the last of his semen squirted onto his abdomen.
After regaining his breath, Snape padded into the bathroom to shower.
Afterwards, he dressed in black trousers and a black cotton t-shirt. Just as he sat his teacup down on the table and was about to head towards the Hospital Wing, several soft knocks drummed across his door.
He gripped the iron handle, swung opened the heavy door and was surprised by the appearance of his unwanted guest.
I bet you guys didn't see this coming, did you? Heheheheh...
Up next: Hermione has a chat with Severus.
Thanks for reading!
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Latest 25 Reviews for Consuming Me
656 Reviews | 7.09/10 Average
i have just spent the last 3 days reading this, and i absolutely loved it!! So many twists and turns, it kept me thouroughly engrossed. I think you did a wonderful job with this. your plot is very strong, characterizations are great, and snark is top notch. Thank you for sharing. Kelly :)
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
oh, kelly, thank you for spending the time with thi story. thank you for the wonderful review. so happy you enjoyed the adventure1 shell...
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
oh, kelly, thank you for spending the time with thi story. thank you for the wonderful review. so happy you enjoyed the adventure1 shell...
Well i've re-read it. Bloody brilliant and I love the ending, I love a ending where I know that SS/HG will have a positive future together. Your a very talented writer. Please keep them coming. Wished I could give your more than 5 stars
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Thank you for taking the time to re-read this! Thank you so much for the review and the stars~
Unable to find the deleted scene--perhaps a link?
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me) should be there...
This ending is entirely satisfactory! Thank you so much for this amazing tale of redemption and resolution.You've written both Severus and Hermione true to character, and made both of them work like hell to maintain their faith in themselves and each other.Of course, Severus would have barred Hermione from visiting him in Azkaban. He'd made her promise to make a life for herself without him. The idea of tying her to him while he rotted away in prison was too painful to contemplate. And of course Hermione would try to keep her promise to him. But our Hermione wouldn't stand for him paying such a dear price for finding a way to defeat the Dark Lord. There is nothing so fearsome as a Gryffindor witch who wants her wizard. Kudos to her for earning her law degree and then using what she'd learned to clear him of those ridiculous murder charges. In less than two years they will be able to begin their happy life together, and isn't that what we all want for these amazing characters? I have loved reading every chapter, every word of this story. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing such a fabulous love story. I hope to see more stories from you in the future.
Congratulations on a job well done!
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Beth,I'm so glad you liked the ending! Thank you so much for all the wonderful reviews, I always looked forward to hearing from you. Many hugs and lots of luv.Shell~
Mwhahahahaaaaaaa! Great story.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
whoo, thank you, I read this with much joy.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Thanks for reviewing and reading it!Shell~
Well SHell, I suppose you could always write an alternative ending as a one shot, just for those who need a dark ending to go with the dark plot. Seriously, he just goes soft. . . please, this dark and maniacal Severus dominated the story, and then he goes all Fluff. . . geeze woman!
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Hahha, I could... I don't think this is too fluffy, though. You might be the only one who wanted that darker ending (besides me), because no one is else speaking up! Hahahah.
Well done, Shell! Very nice ending to a great story! I find it interesting that you chose to make Ron and Harry friends with Severus, I never would have imagined that happening.I like that you had Hermione keep working on Snapes appeal, and that something Severus had deemed inconsiquential ended up working to his benefit. Very well done.Reed
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Yeah, H and R did that for Hermione's sake, to try, and they found out that they could be friends. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!
Thank you very much for the hopeful ending!
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
You are welcome! Thanks for reading and reviewing!
That was a wonderful ending. You did a great job with that final chapter. I had no idea what to expect. I alternated between thinking she was dead and that she was Harry's new romance. I can't wait for your next story.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Oh, good! I kept you guessing! LOL!I'm glad you likey! Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!Lots of luv!Shell~
Great! Thank you so much for writing such an amazing story! I enjoyed reading it. <3
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Awee, thank you!
Lovely ending, thank you for sharing!
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
It's over? But, but ... what will I read now? You're the only one that writes Severus this way. I love Severus, but I REALLY LOVE Severus the way you write him. He's sort of like the essence of, 'what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger.' Everything that happened to him as a child and young adult seems to have forced him to be this way, just to survive.This is actually one of the few stories that I caught at the beginning [without playing catch up] and probably the story I have reviewed the most. I will definitely miss the all and powerful Snape; evil bastard extraordinaire. In case you're in doubt, I truly loved the story. Thanks!
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
,I'm grinning from ear to ear. Your words really warmed my heart, thank you for saying that. I love writing Severus like this because to me, that IS who he is. Sometimes evil, sometimes a lover, but always, always mysterious and I-will-always-keep-you-guessing. So, I'm really happy you like him too the way I write him. Thank you for reviewing as well! Lots of Luv and many hugs! Shell~
shocked outbursts of ‘Shell, you’re EVIL’ have truly warmed my heart
Awww. And I think this says a lot about you, my dear! LOL!
Just as your death would’ve destroyed me, being aware that you were out there in the world, living a happy life without me, devastated me.
It is unhealthy and unjust for him to compare those things similarly, of course, but then, that is exactly what Snape thinks. And if we're honest, that's how many of us feel in the same situation, if someone we love leaves us behind and is happy in their new life while we still want them with us. And I think that's what you tapped into with this story -- those untold truths of human psychology, however dark and however much we would like to believe we're above them.
Great work. I'm very proud of you.
Author's Response: Squee!
I didn't realize I was tapping into those untold human truths! But, I'm glad I did, becasue the way you say it, sounds so awesome! LOL!
Thanks for all you did.
Wonderful ending. I loved it. Great job! I'm glad everything is working out for Hermione and Severus after all. ~Jen
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Oh, me too! I feel good about giving them a life in the future! Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!
I am so glad you finished this story. It sounds like you really struggled with how you wanted to end the fic. You are very talented, and I can not wait for the next one! :)
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Thank Livvy! Yes, I did struggle, but in the end, I owed it to all the loyal readers to give these two a good ending. Thank you so much! LoveShell~
Congratulations on a job well done, Shell! I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw that this was updated and finally finished. I love what you did with this and it couldn't have ended any better. It wasn't some ridiculous happily ever after. That would have felt inappropriate considering the tone of the story as a whole. But it made me happy that Ron and Harry and the twins were friendly with Severus. While I think it was only appropriate that he spend some time in Azkaban, I'd have hated to see him rotting away there by himself. And whether she thinks so or not, it really was good for Hermione to get away and make an attempt to move on so she can be sure that he is what she really wants.I had no idea what the new evidence would be, and was still surprised when I found out. But what a great moment to bring back up, because while I as a reader felt like he really was a good guy, despite some of his previous actions, it was nice to be reminded that he really did do some good things throughout, even if sometimes misguided.Thanks for sharing such a fantastic story with us. And a special thanks for forcing me to read this. Yes, I started out reading through squinty eyes, but you held my hand and dragged me on through and I couldn't be happier about it. You've done a fantastic job and I hope to see more from you in the future!
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Thank you so much! Yes, it was very good of Hermione to get away, go into another world and really test her love, because now she knows for sure. I'm so glad I surprised you with the new evidence! I was hoping someone would say so, so thanks. See now, I told you it was going somewhere, even if it did start off really dark... LOL! Thank you for reviewing.*hugs*
You managed a HEA! Kuddos. I loved that story, from beginning to end.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
LOL. Thank you so much for reading this! Massive Hugs!
Hey, this story is listed as "Completed: Yes" -- where's that last chapter????
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
It is still in queue--they are taking longer than usual, but it should be posted here in next few days. Lol, sorry!
Response from June W (Reviewer)
You know your story is good when you have stalkers begging for updates.
What is Severus up to now? I was afraid he could not be trusted.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Lol, just keep reading!! thanks~
They definitely know how to have an adventure.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Oh, yeah! I love writing action-packed adventures!
I can see that Snape is trying to be kind to Hermione but I don't know if I trust him.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
Trust is a hard thing to come by, hopefully he will earn it from you.
A trip to egypt, that does sound like fun. I wonder how Hermione will react to flying with Severus. I thing it sounds like tons of fun.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of Consuming Me)
I think flying with him would be awesome! lol!