New Chapter for She Married Her Choice
She Married Her Choice
averygoodun418 Reviews | 418 Ratings, 0 Likes, 306 Favorites )
Sequel and continuation of "Marry A Choice." Now complete.
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About averygoodun
Member Since 2005 | 19 Stories | Favorited by 316 | 122 Reviews Written | 1,064 Review Responses
Right. I would like to state, for the record, that I WILL finish "She Married Her Choice". I will. Assuming I am in control of my own destiny and accomplishments, that is. ;-)
Unfortunately, real life (mainly an attention craving three-year-old) and inspiration have been keeping me from creative endeavors for a while now. I do foresee a time when that shall pass, but until then, I ask for your patience.
Thank you!
Reviews for She Married Her Choice
oh yessssssss! just loverly. i especially adored severus' wonderful letter. thanks so much.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Thank you! I really appreciate your thoughts, even if my response is so late in coming.
*squeal* Oh I loved it. Really really loved it XDDamn Snape for his snarky side (it's almost beginning to be sweet :P )x
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Well, he has to win Hermione's heart somehow, and you're supposed to play to your strengths, right? :D
Thank you so much! I'm thrilled you're loving it!
I finished your whole story so far, and because I'm very tired and there's actually only one good word do describe my feelings, I can not come up with something more clever:wonderful!
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Thank you! I hope it holds up well under one reading session!
I adored the letter. :D
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Thanks! I'm trying to make them as sarcastic as possible. Hmm. ASAP. :-)
Isn't it funny how Severus' "slow, ecstatic smile" gave me one of my own? Sometimes I get so angry with these two for misreading each other and emotionally battering themselves so. Just when I'm about to give up on them as hopeless, you expertly draw me back with a slow, ecstatic smile. Is it just my imagination, or is progress beginning to be made? I think Hermione's string of realizations was a great start. I look forward, as always, to more. Maybe even more progress and ecstatic smiles? Well done, as always! Thank you!
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Thank you! I'm so glad I could make you smile! Hee.
The next chapter starts out with Hermione observing, "They seemed to be very good at misreading each other. In fact, they rather excelled at it." Meaning, you're spot on, but you (and the other readers) are not the only ones noticing that little tidbit. Meaning, progress is most definitely being made.
Next chapter is well underway, but not finished yet, so I hope it won't be too long before the next update. And I like to think there's progress in there. Cheers!
It's no wonder Severus gets tension headaches! He's such a contradiction, how does he ever know what he means? Hermione must be in a tizzy all the time trying to figure out which way is up.
Hermione should inform him that as with performing 'light' magic vs 'dark' magic, the difference between sympathy and pity lies within the intent. If he knew our Hermione he would know she would never express pity towards him.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Uh-huh! He is. Granted, we're not really being given much insight into his mind at this point, so it's hard to gauge how much he really knows.
Ah, but she has pitied him! Once. She knows not to, now. ;-)
Thank you!!!
If he only had a heart? (Shakes head sadly).Am I to assume this is a parody then, written for humorous effects?
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
For the first part, yes, it's definitely a parody. The second part is less a parody because I've grown too fond of the story and have started taking it seriously. Besides which, we all need a little serious romance now and again!
Oh, Avery, this was just lovely! Just what I needed, really. My beloved Potions Master where he belongs - alive, and at Hogwarts! - sulking and brooding and snarking all over the castle. It makes me very happy. Thank you.Oh, it moved the story along quite nicely, as well ...
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Thank you, my dear
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
! Anything to get you over that book is a good thing!
He's still prickly (and probably always will be), but they both seem to be learning fairly rapidly. I'm enjoying the story, and am looking forward to the Professor Vector problem being addressed.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
He will never stop being prickly. He is learning, though, as is she, so hopefully their misunderstandings will be resolved more quickly from here on out.
Next chapter will definitely have a little more light shed on the Vector problem, although it won't be resolved for a little bit yet.
Thank you!
That was a very satisfying chapter, but that last sentence is just setting up the next chapter for future misery, I think (but hope not!).
Certainly life with Severus will never be a picnic, but it will always be interesting. Hermione has also exhibited a remarkable degree of maturity in handling conflict with Severus, especially after he said such a nasty thing to her.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Thank you! I'm glad you found it so. The last line isn't as dire as you may think. After all, the fates have handed her a heavy load, and know a 'thanks' when they hear one, even if it is disguised.
No, their life together will never be smooth. Their personalities will keep them from a peaceful life, but they may, in time, learn to show their fondness more clearly, and thus have a happy life together.
And as dfor Hermione maturing, now that she's recovering from all her trials, it's becoming easier for her to act rationally. Also, she has more experience with relationships (with argumentative males), so she's picking up Severus' cues fairly quickly now that she is starting to see him for who he is.
Excellent chapter. I love Snape's letter, you have given him a nice tone of snarkiness. And maybe Hermione is finally getting a clue.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Thank you! I'm glad you found the letter snarky, and yes, Hermione is getting a clue. She's finally getting her wits back, so it's a little easier for her to see the clues now. :-)
I love this chapter. It made me smile the biggest smile. I loved how they were able to talk things through. And then the snog session...*sighs*I can hardly wait for the next chapter!
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Yes, the biggest thing that happened in this chapter was Snape not letting her walk out, proving he's learned from his past mistakes! I think that deserves a kiss or four! ;D
Next chapter should be pretty soon, though no promises on when. It just has to go through the betas now.
Ahh! That was a lovely reconciliation... i think. They still have some ways to go before understanding each other, but I think they are going in the right direction. Great kissing scene too. Woohoo!
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
They still don't speak each other's language yet, but they at least have started learning the basic phrases. :D
Thank you!
Enjoyable chapter. I thought Hermione cried entirely too much in DH, but in this chapter it seemed just right.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
She did cry an awful lot in DH, didn't she? But I'm glad you didn't find the crying in here to be too much. After all, sometimes a girl deserves a cry.
Drat! I would've happily been late to class. This chapter is a great telling of the pains that newlyweds face in learning to communicate, and I'm glad she is trying to remember to use her brains instead of "react" to initial perceptions. Poor Severus really is trying, but has little experience to draw on. Hmm, perhaps next weekend, they can do a little more "communicating" in the bedroom.... that would be very helpful to their marriage. Thanks for the new chapter!!!
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Heeheehee! Yes, but Hermione wouldn't! Hermione has started to figure out how to translate a bit, and is trying to help Severus along in the process. Fortunately, he is trying, so eventually they'll be able to have their misunderstandings in the same language, anyway. XD
We are getting toward the bedroom bits, but they're still a bit edgy for that right now. Severus' scared, I think. *wink*
Thank you!
They're in such a difficult situation, and Severus doesn't really help with that attitude of his.
But the letter was great, their getting swollen lips is great...
Lovely chapter :D
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
It's a horrible situation! But they're coping, and starting to actually enjoy rather than just survive. Thanks!
<3 this story is such a joy to read. You have snape down to a tee. Very endearing and I can't wait to read more :)
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Thank you! More should be on its way relatively soon (meaning less than three months from now ;-). Cheers!
Very nice chapter, you did a great job showing the differerences between them in age and experiance in their arguement.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Thank you!
Oh, I could just shag this story. It's so good. This update was a very pleasant surprise, as I thought you'd abandoned this fic, and I'm really glad you didn't. It's one of my favorites; funny and sweet and all that good stuff. I think I'll go back and reread MAC and SheMHC (love those names, huh?). Thanks for writing and for sharing :o)Sue.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
P.S.?Do you plan on continuing with Snape's Journal? That would make me oh so happy, but I understand completely if RL is throwing you curve balls (I've got a few of mine own). Have a happy day.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
LOL! I'm afraid it might be a bit disappointing, when it comes right down to it. XD
No, I am not abandoning this story! In fact, I now have it outlined to the end, which isn't all that far away. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it by the end of the year. Of course, I said that last year, as well. :-]
As for SNape's Journal... I love it, but the muse has abandoned it for right now. Perhaps when I finish with this story I'll be able to mork a bit more on that one, because I don't like having it shunted off to the side like it has been. :-(
I was so delighted to read that two such complex people are beginning to understand each other. All the kissing was lovely! And Severus' letter was so very Severus, but wonderfully affectionate in his own unique way. Very nicely done, and as usual, I look forward to the next chapter.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Slowly, ever so slowly, they are reaching a common language. Thank you, dear
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
I really love this chapter. It feels like something was accomplished finally. :) Their interaction was great, and I feel confident that their relationship can only get better. I wonder what's wrong with Severus? Upset about Draco / Lucius? And what the hell is it with Vector? LOL Did she like Snape? That would be the obvious thing, but that can't really be it, can it?~so curious~*cracks whip--write more*
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Yes, something was accomplished! And their relationship will still hit snags every now and again, but they're on much better footing now, so they'll recover, I should think.
Severus' problem will come out later, as will what's up with Vector. Patience, my sweet Southern! More is on it's way very soon!
I wonder what Vector's problem is. Jealousy?
I do like your Snape, although I can quite imagine how aggravating married to him could be on occasion! His sense of humour could use some refining, sometimes.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Probably. (Is say as if I don't know. Ha!)
Oh, marriage to Snape would be hell if you aren't up for a challenge. Fortunately, I think Hermione is up to it!
Lovely, as usual. This one of my favourite stories at the moment. You capture a prickly Severus so delightfully.
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
It's not seemly to squee reviewers, is it? *squees anyway*
Thank you so much! Your opinion counts for a hell of a lot, so thank you for sharing it!
can't wait to see what happens next!
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Next chapter should be out pretty soon! Thanks!
More!!! more!!!!Plz????
Response from averygoodun (Author of She Married Her Choice)
Soon, soon! I promise (it's at the beta's, so it shouldn't be much longer!)
Thank you!