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Watchers of the Skies
6.0/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )At the Three Broomsticks one day, Narcissa Black sits down to chat with Lily Evans. A story about roads taken and not taken
5,095 Words, Started 05/30/2012, Completed 05/30/2012
The Pride of the Dark Lord is Wounded
by peskipiksi
6.0/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Lord Voldemort is having trouble with his new wand.
480 Words, Started 06/02/2012, Completed 06/02/2012
Not the Mama!
6.0/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Fatherhood becomes Ron...
583 Words, Started 06/03/2012, Completed 06/03/2012
Without You
by luvsev
6.0/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Harry's thoughts about Severus.
212 Words, Started 12/14/2009, Completed 12/14/2009
Safe In Your Arms
by articcat621
6.0/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Hermione gets frightened during a thunderstorm.
1,479 Words, Started 07/10/2013, Completed 07/10/2013
Ship Drabbles
by phoenix
6.0/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Five vignettes that look at the canon relationships.
608 Words, Started 06/29/2013, Completed 06/29/2013
Hiding Hermione
by ApollinaV
6.0/10 (25 Ratings, 0 Likes, 20 Favorites )Hermione throws herself upon Severus' mercy to escape an undesirable fate.
1,110 Words, Started 04/26/2009, Updated 04/26/2009
by blue_paris
6.0/10 (20 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Draco goes to Harry in order to repay his life debt.
270 Words, Started 02/15/2009, Completed 02/15/2009
The Sanctuary
by SisterG
6.0/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Severus Snape runs away from the foulest creature in fanfiction to a place of safety. At least for a moment...
1,220 Words, Started 06/01/2007, Completed 06/01/2007
The Portrait Speaks
by phoenix
6.0/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Severus ponders his life after Dumbledore's death. Deathly Hallows spoilers.
1,550 Words, Started 09/09/2007, Completed 09/09/2007
by Doomspark
6.0/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Post-war ruminations
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings!
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!
860 Words, Started 06/17/2005, Completed 06/17/2005
Plus One
6.0/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Andromeda Tonks isn't quite as alone as she feared. Inspired by information from Pottermore. May contain spoilers.
1,153 Words, Started 08/23/2013, Completed 08/23/2013
That Tickles!
6.0/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )Severus and Hermione encounter a rather ticklish situation. Written for GS100's tickling challenge.
123 Words, Started 05/04/2009, Completed 05/04/2009
Caru Rhwymydd
by Meladara
6.0/10 (15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )In this one wild fall down the shifting staircases of Hogwarts, with the eyes of the student body watching, something sparks to life, and it will leave every understanding the world has ever had of him and of the girl who is Hermione Granger completely and utterly invalid.
7,647 Words, Started 08/05/2013, Updated 03/01/2014
She Towers Above All
by Amita
6.0/10 (15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )A bad boy notices a good girl who is more amenable than either believed possible.
1,320 Words, Started 05/03/2009, Completed 05/03/2009
Always and Forever
by x_dobby
6.0/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )A fight between Ron and Hermione blooms into something more... Can he resolve it?
::A/n:: One-shot. Very fluffy. :]
924 Words, Started 09/13/2007, Completed 09/13/2007
Trews Blues
by odogoddess
6.0/10 (21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 14 Favorites )Wherein we learn the basis for Snape's preference for buttoning up.
616 Words, Started 06/01/2007, Completed 06/01/2007
Dragon Riders Are Us
by Fairfield
6.0/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )New vistas open for our heroine.
508 Words, Started 09/15/2013, Completed 09/15/2013
Severus' Mince Pie
by Jolene_Wawr
6.0/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )2013 Christmas Drabble. The Christmas word I picked was 'mince pie'.
188 Words, Started 01/11/2014, Completed 01/11/2014
Courtesy Call
6.0/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 14 Favorites )For the grangersnape100 'family visit' challenge. Someone's upset at Severus' and Hermione's news.
110 Words, Started 09/21/2007, Completed 09/21/2007
Eight Years
by Drivelicious
6.0/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 13 Favorites )A time-turner takes Hermione into the past where she tries to change the future. What she finds in the past changes everything for her.
1,706 Words, Started 05/12/2009, Updated 05/12/2009
Within the Hogwarts Kitchen
by x_dobby
6.0/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Dobby has something he wants to say to Winky. AU because Dobby died, of course.
429 Words, Started 09/22/2007, Completed 10/13/2007
Into the Night
by selinabln
6.0/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )If Voldemort wins... Written for grangersnape100 at LiveJournal
233 Words, Started 02/09/2009, Completed 02/09/2009