34: Meeting at The Weasleys
Chapter 34 of 51
Vivian BSee Chapter 1
ReviewedChapter 34: Meeting at the Weasleys'
Even if the meeting with more people might go very badly, Hermione was grateful to have Remus in her corner. It was amazing how liberated she felt knowing someone beside herself was aware of her situation with Severus...the whole situation and not just the bits and pieces Ron and Harry now possessed. It was a relief knowing Remus would remind people that the information Snape had been passing was valuable, regardless of the source.
Hermione sat at the Weasleys' table a few nights later and played with the cup of tea in front of her. Molly had gone all out preparing food for the meeting, even though she had no idea what it was about. Hermione had the conversation planned out and felt she had a handle on how everyone would respond. That meant she could prepare her arguments. She really hoped she knew how people would respond. Her biggest fear was that someone would hex Severus the second he walked in the door and he would change his mind about the whole thing.
Harry and Ron were in the paddock practicing their Quidditch moves, and Ginny had just gone upstairs to change before dinner. Arthur and the older boys would be in shortly from work, and everyone else was expected in twenty minutes. Working to help Molly fix the feast had worn Hermione out, and she wasn't sure how she was going to get through the next couple of hours. Her stomach was roiling at the thought of the arguments and accusations she was expecting.
The time passed too quickly and before she knew it, the kitchen was full of people talking and laughing. Everyone kept shooting looks of curiosity toward Remus, who had been the one to call the meeting. They had decided that would be the best way to keep her true relationship with Severus hidden.
Hermione sat on the far end of the table from the front door, next to Ginny and Fleur, her fingers tracing the top of the cup over and over.
Finally Remus stood and everyone quieted down. "As most of you know, I've been receiving information from a source within the Death Eaters. Because of this information we were able to divert certain disaster at the Muggle athletic field this spring, saving thousands of lives. Also, through later intelligence gained from this source, we saved the lives of the Longbottoms, the Creeveys and, only this morning, the Clearwaters."
Remus took several steps to the right and scanned the faces of everyone in the room. "The informant has done so at great personal risk despite the fact that he received no recognition for them, and never expected to be acknowledged for his contributions. He knows he has earned derision for some of his activities and thanks for others. He doesn't expect anything but the former from you, but we decided the time had come for him to reveal himself and to gain your trust.
"I want everyone's oath that they will allow the individual to talk. I don't want anyone to hop up and hex him as soon as the door opens. There is a story to be told and we need to hear it."
"What, is it Snape or something?" Fred joked from across the table from Hermione.
Remus stood silent until everyone's eyes were on him. "Yes. It is."
A cacophony erupted as everyone tried to shout over each other. Remus stood still, the eye of the hurricane as everyone abused him roundly for even considering bringing Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore's murderer, back into the Order.
Hermione watched everyone to see their individual reactions. Molly nearly swooned. Tonks watched the man she loved through narrow eyes, then turned to Hermione and gave her an appraising look. When Tonks lifted an eyebrow of surprise, Hermione realized the woman suspected her relationship to Severus. She also realized she should have expected Tonks to put things together with the information she held that the others didn't.
Harry and Ron stood with the twins, yelling about the loss of Remus's mind, and Harry even went so far as to lift his wand...which Hermione silently summoned to herself, gaining his glare. McGonagall's lips had formed a firm line so thin they nearly disappeared...a sure sign she was about to blow her lid. Hermione said nothing, did nothing. Like Remus, she waited.
When the first bout of yelling and abuse was past, Remus motioned for everyone to settle down. "You need to understand, he's not trying to get back into the center of the Order. He knows that is too much to ask, no matter how much he has done for us in the past few months. His actions in the spring have seated him firmly in the upper echelons of Voldemort's camp making his spying abilities better than ever. Yes, I know we're all upset by what happened last spring."
"Upset? You think we're upset he killed Dumbledore and now wants back in our good graces? Upset doesn't cover it." Harry was standing again, his face bright red from anger. "He's nothing but a cold-blooded murderer."
"Guess that's what I get for trying to be non-confrontational about it," Remus muttered, though the sound traveled clearly across the room. "The reason Albus trusted him was because Severus gave the Headmaster an Unbreakable Vow. He swore to help the Order in whatever way Albus directed him and that he wouldn't work against us."
"Well, he's still alive, isn't he? And we only have his word on that, so what makes you think he actually took the vow? Maybe he's just trying to soften you up." Charlie Weasley spoke up this time, his voice was steady even if he looked like he could chew nails.
"He's still alive because after that he was backed into making another Unbreakable Vow last summer to Narcissa Malfoy; Albus ordered him to follow through. He was forced by both vows to kill the Headmaster." Remus looked them each in the eye, ending on Hermione, though she doubted anyone else noticed.
"Again, we have only his word for it. What makes you think he's telling the truth?" Arthur Weasley spoke up this time.
"He's willing to make another Unbreakable Vow. In front of everyone here so you all know what he's agreed to. He doesn't expect us to take the word of the vow holder and bonder. Would that content you?"
Harry stood from his chair, his face red with anger. "I will not allow that evil git in this house or into the Order again. I don't know how you all can believe him, but I'll never forgive him."
Sighing, Hermione pulled out her wand and wrapped him in cords. "Settle down, Harry. If he made a vow to Dumbledore and Dumbledore ordered him to fulfill the vow to Narcissa, there were few choices left."
"I would have died first myself before killing Dumbledore."
"You both would have died if he hadn't fulfilled his vow. All three of you, most likely. And then the Creeveys, all those Muggles at the football match and Neville's family would be dead as well. Would that have been preferable to you?" Hermione hoped her defense wouldn't give her away, but she couldn't sit there and listen to the abuse. "Would you rather Colin and Neville were dead? Do you think the Headmaster considered his life to be more valuable than those of thousands of Muggles?"
Harry stood quivering with anger for a long moment. Hermione removed his bonds and with a nod he forced himself to sit. "I still don't like it. I will never trust that git again."
Conversation broke out in a buzz. Harry and Ron still wondered how they were supposed to believe the git. Ginny rolled her eyes, but merely sat back in her chair to watch the others. Most of the older people seemed open to considering the option.
"The vow would have to have a truth clause in it," McGonagall said.
"And a loyalty clause," Tonks added, then darted a surreptitious glance at Hermione again. "One that makes him loyal to the Order."
"Yes, I believe we've come up with the appropriate wording. We've spent some time going over loop holes and think we've got it about right. I have a few copies to pass out. If everyone would like to take a look at it, see if there are any objections. Severus has agreed to these terms as well."
He passed the list around, and everyone lapsed into silence for a long moment.
"What about here," McGonagall said. "It says that he will tell the person he's vowing to the truth about all of Voldemort's actions. Why only that person? Who will it be, anyway?"
"We felt it would be counterproductive to have everyone badgering him about what is going on every minute of every day. There are a lot of sensitive issues that need to be handled carefully. Not everyone should have complete access all the time. Besides," he said with a half smile, "knowing Severus, someone would get hexed eventually. This makes him accountable only to one person. And no, Fred, I don't think you're very likely to be that person."
Fred grinned and George gave him a nudge. Charlie rolled his eyes and returned his gaze to the others.
Hermione just shook her head. Fred and George would never change. As long as it wasn't one of them she had to spend the rest of her life with, she could appreciate that fact.
It seemed most people were satisfied with the terms of the vow, though there was some disagreement on whom the person should be.
When Remus seemed satisfied that no one was going to hex Severus when he came into the room, he reminded them of their oaths. One by one he walked around the room receiving a wand oath from everyone in the room. Harry hesitated, but after being reminded the oath only lasted for the duration of the evening, he accepted. Hermione wondered if he had it in his mind that he would track Severus down another day.
Finally, Remus pointed his wand toward the door and his Patronus shot out, melted through the door and skimmed across the grass to a copse of trees near the house. A moment later, a dark figure emerged from the trees and walked toward them. Hermione could tell right off that it was Severus; the gait and bearing couldn't be anyone else. And she was surprised he stood so close to the dwelling. She felt her heart swell, knowing how difficult it would be for him...despite everyone quieting down, the anger and tension in the room were still very high. His anxiety was clear to her, and she tried to send feelings of reassurance.
These people may not shoot out of their seats ready to hex him, but there were still a few mutinous looks, and the rest were well guarded. With another swish of Remus's wand, the front door opened before Severus reached it.
Hermione hadn't seen him for a few days so she had to fight the urge to gasp when he appeared in the light of the kitchen, a long, partially healed gash running above his right brow. She had felt the pain there earlier that day, but it had receded so quickly, she hadn't expected it to be visible still. She could see the tension in his face despite his scowl.
"So who's going to take his vow?" Harry asked when Severus stood in the doorway without speaking for nearly a minute.
"Not you, Potter, that much I promise." Severus lifted a disdainful brow and began to skim the faces around him. They passed once over the circle without pausing and without expression. On his second pass he paused for a moment on Hermione's face, pursed his lips, which had the effect of making him look surlier than ever, then continued on. "If I'm going to submit to this, it must be someone with an unassailable sense of honor. Someone too impossibly Gryffindor to take advantage of the opportunity." He managed to infuse the word Gryffindor with mountains of disdain.
His eyes passed over the crowd one more time. The fact was, most of them had been Gryffindor, though, as Remus had said, the twins didn't quite fit the description. His eyes stopped on Hermione, and she felt his trepidation and applauded his acting ability. He cocked an eyebrow and spoke with more than a little derision. "Miss Granger, perhaps you would be acceptable."
The older adults made protests about Hermione being a child, forgetting that she was now a full Order member. She knew some of them thought he picked her because he thought she could be manipulated. Hermione stood and everyone around her slowly quieted down. She maintained eye contact with Severus, held her face without expression. "I'm rather proud of my sense of honor, Professor, so thank you for the compliment."
"I'm no longer your professor, girl. And you would be proud of that trait. I have to admit in this case it is an asset." The grudging look on his face kept the comment from sounding too complimentary.
She licked her lips, allowing some of the nerves she was feeling to show. Everyone else would think it was simply because she didn't want the job and was trying to convince herself to do it. "We all have something to contribute to the cause. I suppose my sense of honor isn't the most amazing gift, but I'm glad to give it."
Severus nodded, surveyed the room's furnishings with distaste, then turned to Remus and filled his voice with loathing. "I suppose we can get to this some time tonight? Tomorrow is the full moon after all."
Hermione wished he wouldn't do such a thorough job of being surly Snape.
"Kneel before me on the floor. Hermione, if you would join us." Remus gestured to a spot in front of him.
"Remus, do you think it is best? Miss Granger is too young to be saddled with such secrets and responsibility," McGonagall gave it one last chance.
"It will be her or no one. If I walk without taking the vow, you will all lose the information I have been passing. Miss Granger may respect authority, but I've never thought her to be a pushover." Severus stared down at his erstwhile coworker, then turned and curled a lip at Hermione. "Bossy and nagging is more like it."
"We are all learning responsibility at a young age these days, Professor." Hermione looked McGonagall in the eye, and caught the woman's nod of understanding.
Severus looked back at Hermione's face, met her eyes, and took her hand in his own. She was flooded by the indefinable feeling of rightness that always came over her when they touched, and she had the thought that three days apart was too long. Far too long. How they had ever managed a week before was beyond her. Why would she ever want to when she could feel like this with a simple brush of skin?
She wondered if this was how it would feel when they were one day living together full time, if they should both live to see that day come to pass. She thought she saw the same question echoing back to her in his eyes.
Remus lowered the tip of his wand to their clasped hands, and Hermione swallowed before speaking. "Will you, Severus Snape, promise to give me, Hermione, the complete truth about any activity within the Dark Lord's camp that may be of concern to the Order of the Phoenix?"
"I will."
A lick of flame shot from Remus's wand and circled their clasped hands.
"And will you vow to do your best to bring about the long-term goals of the Order until the Dark Lord is brought to an end?"
"I will."
A second jet of flame shot out to join the first. Hermione glanced at them, then returned her gaze to Severus's face.
"Do you vow to remain true to the goals and values which Albus Dumbledore envisioned for us?"
"I will."
When the last flame leaped from the wand and joined the others, Hermione felt Severus's grip tighten on hers. For the first time, she fully realized the precarious position in which he had been placed. Caught between a mad man and his soul mate, he had to fight to find his way. Remus lifted his wand, and Hermione whispered, "Wait for me in the copse."
The flames dissipated as he nodded slightly, still without taking his eyes from her.
When he pulled away, Hermione wondered if she had just done him a great wrong.
Severus joined the others at the table for a few minutes. Hermione sat next to him, asking him a few, pre-worded questions that would satisfy the people in attendance that he had, in fact, been carrying out Dumbledore's expectations, and not acting outside of his responsibility to the Order. When he'd had enough of Harry's glares and the others' questions, he stood and excused himself from the table. With a brusque goodbye to no one in particular, he headed back toward a more distant copse. Hermione didn't watch him walk away, knowing any sign of more than respect from her now would be suspect.
She only stayed perhaps twenty minutes before making her own excuses about needing a breath of fresh air and slipping away. She wandered the yard for a few minutes before heading in the general direction where he hid. When she was only feet away, however, she was joined by Harry. "Hermione, wait."
Surprised, and worried about the amount of time she was making Severus wait, anxious to be with him again, and worried about what Harry would say, she turned to watch Harry cross the last few steps. "Hermione, things are breaking up in there and, well, that vow, it put a lot of pressure on you. Didn't it?"
"Not nearly as much as it put on Snape. But yes. Did Remus talk to you? He indicated he wanted to talk to you afterward." Hermione tried to remove the focus from herself, turn Harry's attention in another direction.
"I just wanted to say, I still hate the greasy git, and I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive him. I'm sorry you'll have to have regular contact with him now, but thanks for being willing to put up with him." He took her hand in his. "You are much more than a friend to me, more like the sister I never had. I know I don't say it often enough, but I appreciate your help and support. I'll work on not wanting to kill the git every time I see him, if he helps us get rid of Voldemort. I think you are very brave to take this on."
Hermione sniffed a little as tears rose in her eyes. "You better get inside before you make me cry, you prat." She pulled him into a hug, then released him. "I'm grateful for you too. Being your best friend certainly keeps life interesting." She laughed with this last statement and wiped at her eyes before the tears touched her cheeks. "Get on with you, and let me cry alone. I hate tearing up in front of others."
Harry laughed, then placed both hands on her face and turned her head down to drop a kiss on her head. "Go find your mysterious soul mate. It looks like you could use a hug."
She swatted at him as he walked away and she watched him go for a moment before turning toward the copse most people used as an Apparition point. She hadn't taken more than a couple steps into the dark vegetation before Severus wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. She tipped her lips upward and he kissed her firmly.
"I about hexed him when he said you were more than a friend," Severus said as he trailed his lips along her jaw toward her hairline. "Luckily sister was his choice, or I would have had to break my vow and kill him. I'm quite certain that wouldn't fall under the auspices of looking out for the Order's long-term goals. Brilliant play on words there, my dear." He placed his forehead on hers and looked into her eyes, despite the darkness surrounding them. "I was worried you'd forget, and I'd be trapped in a hole."
"There are too many possibilities, times you might find yourself with information that the Order would be interested in, but that might compromise your job if you acted. I can't take a chance with you."
"I also noticed you only asked me to be perfectly honest with you about Order business, and not in everything. You could have made me be perfectly honest in every question you asked me for the rest of our lives." He lifted a brow at her. "How did you ever manage to control your desire to know all?"
Hermione chuckled against his neck. "I'm not sure I want to know the truth all the time. You can be a real bastard sometimes."
He laughed as well...it was one of the most beautiful sounds she had ever heard.
"Besides, I trust you to tell me the truth, remember? The vow was for them, not for me."
The sound of voices calling into the darkness, saying their goodbyes, echoed on the air. "What do you say we move this to a more private venue?"
"Good idea."
Without altering their hold on each other, they Apparated into the night.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Chocolate Enchantment
595 Reviews | 6.62/10 Average
Brilliant story. Loved it. 10/10
Took me a few days to read the entire story, but very much worth it! I love how you developped their feelings, but also the feelings of their friends in relation to their new relationship. :)
Also, the trial was fantastic. XD
Thank you so much for sharing!
Your story is one of the best stories I've ever read in the HGSS ship. You're a great writer!!! Thank you!
Thank you for sharing this amazing story - it gave me hours and hours of entertainment. It was a pleasure to read and I loved seeing how your characters developed.
this is so perfectly cleverly wonderfully writte, I could read this over and over again. hundreds of times.
congrats to your talent!!
Great story. You did a wonderful job of weaving an epic tale. I am glad your Hermione and Snape characters weren't too intractable. People change according to the circumstances in which they are placed - something you illustrated quite clearly.
I cannot believe that cormac mclaggan jointed the death eaters!
Hungaria? or Hungary? :)
wait. so snape can go back to his house, and the aurors won't look for him there?
excellent read, i liked it alot, hope to see more of your work, congrats on a very well written story.
Short, but sweet! Excellent job!
Yay! They certainly trounced the Ministry! And now for their well-deserved happily ever after. ;)
Clever Hermione, getting manipulating that old fool into setting Snape's trial quickly. :)
Poor Ron... I wonder if this is going to cause problems for Hermione later on...
Very good chapter! The tension between the two of them was well done.
The battle seemed a little short and lacking in description, but I suppose that kind of thing could drag on. I really liked how you took out Voldemort. Very fitting. I wonder who his spies were, though? I hope they get what they deserve!
Wow, Ron took the news really well! Luna must be a good influence on him. Perhaps the training with Snape will help the boys form better opinions about him.
Oh, they've reconciled! How sweet. :) And, she is now the owner of a manor and house-elves! Quite the birthday surprise! Still, I think I would have made him sweat a while longer after that stunt he pulled.
I hope Snape figures out his feelings for Hermione before it's too late! Wouldn't he feel like a complete git if he doesn't realize until he's sitting in Azkaban and can't tell her properly? That he's wasted so much time? Maybe Hermione's words will give him food for thought.
Good job showing the consequences of Snape's actions regarding the pregnancy - Hermione's illness, her loss of power when she needs it most, and the effects it could have on their baby. I also like that Hermione is not gung-ho about it - she is very young and wouldn't be ready for all that a baby - and possible single motherhood - entails.
It must be very difficult for Hermione to keep all her different stories straight! She can't keep this up forever. It will be interesting to see how she evetually slips up and to whom. ;)
Harry was much more reasonable than I expected! He's a good friend. :) Good for Hermione - make Severus suffer a little for his little surprise. He's right about her safety, however, no matter how frustrating it might be.
I'm glad that Hermione hasn't forgiven him - if some guy did that to me, he would have to do some serious searching to reclaim his junk. Severus is has earned payback with interest.I hope Harry isn't too hard on her - she doesn't need the extra stress. I imagine that he feels as betrayed by her as she does by Severus. What a mess! The rest of the Order isn't going to be thrilled, either.Great chapter!
Didn't start you're wonderful story until it was completed. Have been really enjoying it. Noticed a little mistake... In Ch. 47 you refer to Twinkie as 'she' and in Ch. 46 you refer to Twinkie as 'he'.
what an opus!! you must be exhausted!
oh how I will miss this!! Was so wonderful to read! already started at the beginning again..salva