New Chapter for The Self-Writing Parchment
The Self-Writing Parchment
beaweasley2582 Reviews | 7.0/10 (582 Ratings, 0 Likes, 334 Favorites )
Hermione finds a mysterious piece of self-writing parchment in Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes that writes: Tell me your deepest desire. Thinking it’s a trick, she says, “I wish to see my soul mate?” and she suddenly finds herself at Severus’ feet.
This is my response to the Potter_Place Summer 2007 Prompt – #23
The warnings I have listed for this chapter are implied. I chose the rating of MA (NC-17) due to the story’s overall content.
Chapters (43)
About beaweasley2
Member Since 2006 | 53 Stories | Favorited by 519 | 2,769 Reviews Written | 6,181 Review Responses
I love to write. A dreamer, a creator and filled with wonder, imagination and life. Sometimes I get lost in the other worlds I've read and in some I create. It's all good, I’m in good company.
“Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and the strength, use it to create.”― Maria Montessori
“Our imagination flies -- we are its shadow on the earth.”― Vladimir Nabokov
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.”― Albert Einstein
“Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were, but without it we go nowhere.” ― Carl Sagan
Reviews for The Self-Writing Parchment
Thank you for the update! Fantastic chapter - as always. You've brought the doubt back between them, and now Severus has taken the sword through the Floo! Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
You're very welcome. I'm sorry it took so long to update. Yes, well, the doubt hasn't gone away cuz there is still trust issues to resolve. Thank you for the review.
So glad you're updating again. I've missed this story!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
I'm so sorry it took so long to update. I'll try to be more consistent in the future, but I haven't given up on this one or gotten bored with it.
Yay! So glad you're updating again! I really like this story. I'm enjoying their relationship development & the different view we have of Hogwarts under Snape because Hermione is there. Intrigued by the Slytherins. Can't wait to see how it continues... :)
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
Thank you. Yes, I'm writing again and it's good to be posting again. I'm sorry it took me sooo long. I'm glad you are enjoying their relationship and how I'm showing Hogwarts this year. it's a tough thing to write sometimes. Oh, the Slytherins - yes, intriguing. lol I have the next chapter in beta clean up and hope to have the process done soon. Thank you for reading and sticking with me.
That was lovely. I really do enjoy this story, the differences are profound but make so much sense.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
Thank you very much. I really do appreciate the compliment and I'm glad that the differences make sense.
Thanks for the update. That was wonderful.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
You are very welcome. I'm soo pleased that you enjoyed it.
I couldn't resist a reread of the last chapter when I saw that a new chapter might be up soon. I do love this story. I probably won't get much done waiting to see the update alert in my email box!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
Yes, I submitted it, but it's going to be a while - Writermerrin is checking it over for errant commas.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
Yes, I submitted it, but it's going to be a while - Writermerrin is checking it over for errant commas.
Being a student at Hogwarts, if you're not from the right House, can be very bad for your health. Amycus and Alecto are so dangerous because they are so stupid.I can't wait until Severus has his revenge on them.Severus' ploy to punish the "usual suspects" for the writing on the walls was just brilliant. It got the job done and protected the students at the same time. I hope Draco will be out of the Hospital wing soon. I'm sorry he was punished for trying not to hurt Hermione, and I had to smile when she turned around just in time to see him reading the get well card she made for him.A lot happened in this chapter, and I can't wait to see what happens next. Hermione is getting stronger in her Occlumency, and I am relieved. But she needs to be even stronger, so perhaps Seveus will work with her more on that.Update soon, please.Beth
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
Yes, but not only that, but who your parents are matters, too. The Carrows are ebil, and fun to use in this story.Thank you! That's exactly what was happening! So glad someone mentioned catching that. Hugs~Yes, Draco will be, but I wnated Hermione to show him some compasion/caring/kindness. It will make him try harder to get where I wnat him. lolOh yes, and there is so much more to come... Hermione's Occlumency is stronger than Severus realizes because she's doing it differently than how he does. But have you noticed what he's NOT seeing? or the flash of white light? When he realizes it - lol things can start to happen between them. more.
Thank you very much for the review and the pretty stars. I'm working on bringing you the next one!
Response from braye27 (Reviewer)
Oh, yes! He didn't notice her using her friends wand or the Galleon in her hand in the library. She is able to do a little wandless magic now, too. Like getting the Galleon to work for her to "talk" to Harry, Ron, and Dean. I wonder how long it will be before Severus figures this out. *dont tell me, I want to be surprised*
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
I wasn't going to! For wandless - "once you know how it's a matter of concentration"
I'm always so happy to see a new chapter of this story posted, it's one of my faves. It certainly is a bleak existance for Hemione not having a wand, having to put up with the Carrows and other Death Eaters attentions, knowing that Harry and Ron need help figuring out how to find and destroy the Horcurxes and not being there with them. Even though I know she has feelings for Severus, it must still make her feel so helpless to be unable to use her magic.I was amused by the group sent to "work" with Amycus, I'm hoping they will "teach" him by casting those curses and hexes on him and let him figure out the counter curse. :) That would be sweet pay-back.Hoping to see the next chapter soon.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
Thank you very much. Yes, this is a tough year for her, but she has a lot of support in Seveurs, Cillian Draco ( okay but he is trying) and her friends.Once she has the mirrors - she'll be ableto help Harry.Oh, but doll, because she doesn't have her wand - she learning how to do wandless - a little at a time!Iagree, that would be kewl. Thank you very much for the review and pretty stras. I'm working on the next chapter!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
? Nope, well, the hand-fasting is for a 'year and a day' and their anniversary is August 30th! A lot can happen in nine months! (War for one lol) Thak you for the review and the stars.
Hello , dear!
Just because I don t write last few review doesn t mean I don t follow the story . It is so interesting and captivating , and I relay like your stile off writting .I find alarming that Hermione find out about the "list" , and I hope that after conversation with Severus she start plan her future getaway . She will have all help from DA , her elf ,Minevra and other old teachers , but she must first find way to have a proper wand to protect her . AND I think that the fact that she has some fillings for Severus is now dangerous , because she must think off her sefety. I also think that parchment will help in the end.I hope to read new one soon .Best regard from Lora.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
, that's not a problem at all. I appreciate the review and to know you are still with me on this. That means a lot. Oh, doll, escape isn't really in the cards for her, at this time. Hermione is getting her education and she will sit her N.E.W.T.s. That means a lot to her. She's known that Severus has the DA list for a while now, but it doesn't have everyone on it - there are new people. She is still getting help from Flitwick - he's teaching them that which Amycus isn't in Charms Club, how to defend themselves. Minerva went light on the detention, and in her own way, is keeping the DA members out of Alecto's and Amycus' way as much as possible. (You'll see. Hermione finds out about it soon - when she does, so do you.)You'll see the elves a bit later, as things get uglier. (yes, it gets uglier. The students, Room of Requirement, saving students from Filch's office... remember.)The parchment will come into play, when she really needs it. That's all I can say right now.In case you've missed it, Hermione is Occluding! She does so in a different way than Severus, so he doesn't see it right now. But you have the clues right in front of you. (The bright light obscuring her talk with Ginny in the hosp wing for one. The things Severus can't see when he's looking. He can only see what he already knows about... but she's shielding, hiding things. Like the day in the tunnels - Severus can't pull that up in her mind.) Once he realizes, expect a shift in the relationship.I hope I haven't given too much away! Thank you very much for the review and the pretty stars. Hugs~
Response from lora (Reviewer)
Dear , I meant the "list " of with VanHallal speak and what await Hermione after a year and a day of her stay with Severus . Also I find alarming that they will so directly threeten her in public knowing her status with Severus . He is after all a headmaster and they superior in the school.Hugs from Lora.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
Oh yeah, That list! lol It's only Nov - a lot can happen in four months? six months? five? Whenever this ruddy war comes to a head! Believe me, I don't show all of Severus' reactions (his POV) to these things, unless it's going to shape the story or something that will make an impact. Believe me, Severus reacts to these things, and both Draco and Cillian keep him informed. Although, his reaction might confuse you; he often uses these goons to prove he's still a loyal DE! ('pulls the wool over their eyes' and 'plays along' if it advances his position or keeps them off guard. Sly cold threats - or reminders that Hermione is the Drak Lord's pawn and to back off or face his 'displeasure'.... lol)MacCavish and VanHalal are under the impression that Severus will just give her up at the end of the year-and-a-day time frame! rigggght!Do you really think that this war won't come to a head before August 31st? Their anniversary will be August 30th 1998! That's nine months away!!Cheers!
Response from lora (Reviewer)
Rigggght , "nine months away "? I am relived somehow that he is so good actor and got me confused .I hope that they will have a happy anniversary .Thank you so much for your detailed answer .I now simply can await for next , so pleas hurry.Hugs from Lora again.
Thank you for another great chapter!Over the past few chapters especially this one it reveals how Severus is being pulled in two directions: protect the students and appease the Dark Lord. It also revels what also contributes to his stress and workload in his "conversation" with Amycus. This is plausible and sort of fill in some of the blanks from canon.Potions class - isn't Hermione still a member of the Slug Club or has her blood status barred her?Cillian seems to be the only person to actually be able to keep MacCavis and VanHalal at bay. What a shocking and crue way for Hermione to find out about what's planned for her after her year and a day is up. How will this affect her relationship and trust in Severus if she knows that he is powerless to protect her from this if the war's not won by the end of that time?Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
You're very welcome
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
!Thank you for saying this about Seveurs - that's exaclty what I'm trying to do! I'm so glad it comes across - and it's going to be a long theme in this story - this pulling on him in two directions.
Potions and Slughorn - Sughorn isn't supposed to be having them. lol Severus would pitch a fit! The Dark Lord would pitch a fit - especially since it's not the 'future Death Eaters' and the 'sons of tDL's supporters' being invited, the Dark Lord's favorites. So Sluggy isn't letting Hermione in on them, in case Severus finds out. But you know how the wizard likes to brag! It was a huge slip of his to say something in class like that.MacCavish and VanHalal don't respect Draco very much, and you can kind of guess it might have to do with what's happening at home. (Lucius' position in the ranks) As for the threat of being turned over to someone else... You don't know what may come. It's only Nov (actually on my outline and in the calander-weekly planner I'm using this chapter ends on Wed. the 19th of Nov) and I still have a lot of stuff planned/outlinned/in the works. (MIrrors! once she has those - the Horcurx hunt/destroying can comense... communication with Harry, Ron and Dean inprove. Two more join up with Harry and Ron... well, the tent gets crowded. lol Expect to hear from the Creeveys! And you'll see a girl with the guys!) That's enough spoiling for now.Cillian is a tougher wizard than you've seen. He and Severus are pretty much aloke in skills, (sort of - Cillian's best subject was NOT Potions) intelligence, cunning, love a reading (he is always reading when Hermione is in the library, as much as he grumbles about it, he is a avid reader, too) and as Severus pointed out, a skilled dueler/(duelist?) Fighter. Cillian's just happier in life (he was in a well off, caring home - Severus was not)well, I'm babbling. Sorry. Thank you for the review, doll. Hope you have a great week!
I was so excited to see another chapter up I was almost late for work. I will finish reading it at my lunch time and I will send you more hugs.Sevibaby
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
Oh no! I'm so sorry! I'll try very had not to do that to you again! I promise. Only... I have no control on when it posts once I submit my chapter... and I have another almsot ready to sumbit. I'll try to time it for the weekend! Okay. I'll try!Hope you had a good day at work.bea~
Oh, my. Poor Hermione. I think I would have killed myself by now.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
I' know, things are tough. But really, she has a huge ring of support, Severus, Cillian, Draco (well, he's trying), Neville, Ginny, Luna... many of the new DA members are there for her... so she'll be okay. I'm looking out for her too. Thank you very much for the review, blue. Hugs~
Amycus is such an oaf! Draco and Hermione seem to be getting along better. :)
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
Amycus is definately an oaf. Tha'ts a good word to describe him - thanks!Yep, Draco and Hermione are getting along better, (she's getting to him )Thank you for the review, sunny. Hugs~
That was interesting. How far are we from the year and a day? Is there any significance to the men chosen to observe Carrow? Thanks for the update.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
Well, this chapter by my outline, and the calander-weekly planner I'm using, ends on Wed the 19th of November. The next chapter only covers up to the 22nd of Nov and a Hogsmeade weekend (and my beta has it on her computer!) There is just so much going on in Nov - Dec leading up to some surprises in Jan! But I'm getting there! The DE's chosen to meet with Amycus are known DEs that I don't have placed in this story doing something else. teehehe Basically, if you read between the lines, what is implied is that the Dark Lord knows that Amycus is letting the students fight and uses spells - not teaching them how use them or how to reverse them and he's not happy. ;PYou're very welcome for the update. Thank you for the review and the pretty stars.
'whistles' 'claps' 'flicks Bic'So excited to see another chapter posted! Am copying to read! 'dances to printer'
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
Oh, you are good for my writing muse! Thank you so much for the review, and I really hope you like the chapter. Hugs~
Facts are hard to deny but these are a people used to self-delusion. Thanks for the update!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
Yes they are. You are very welcome. Thank you for the review and the pretty stars.
I liked how exploring with Peren helped Hermione to create her memory palace. A place for everything and everything in its place will help her prevent Voldemort from sussing out the things she mustn’t allow him to see, and knowing her way through the secret passages will probably come in very handy before all is said and done. But her being out of sight for so long really made Severus crazy with fear for her wellbeing. The way you described his reaction and the way she reacted to his demands to know where she had been was very well done. When you love someone as much as he loves Hermione, the fear that something bad has happened to them will run the gamut of emotions. In this case love led to fear which led to laughter which led to the expression of that love through passion. And a lovely bit of passion it was! Lovely, lovely lemons.
Draco's having had to witness his mother's being cursed by the Dark Lord with The Tongue-Blisters Curse would have put me off the Dark Arts all together, but it is still imperative for them to know the curses AND the counter curses. One good thing about talking with Draco about their class assignment is that she realized that she should list them by categories. Perhaps even more important was that Severus found out about the assignment and would put a stop to the cursing of fellow students. If he can... the Carrows are a hateful and diabolical pair of loyal Voldemort supporters, and they are determined to maim and injure anyone who does not think like they do. I hope Severus can do something to about it.
Another disturbing thing that Hermione found out from Draco was that some of the students that were members of the DA were going to marry Death Eater's sons. Breanna Enfield, Charlene Weston, and perhaps even Parvati Patil could be spying on Dumbledore's Army. Not good.
This chapter is chock full of intrigue, desperation, and hope as well. I can't wait to see what happens next!Beth
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
Since Hermione is an organized person, and this makes a well organized mind – it seemed to fit her perfectly. But yes, now she can visualize a ‘hidden Hogwarts’ for her secrets.
Yep, he was afraid because he couldn’t find her and the Carrows were staked out in her usual haunts. I’m glad you liked his reactions, and the lemons.
Yes, well, that would have done me in too. But then so much of what the DE’s do would have me quake and run from them. The Carrows are a prime example of the ‘thought’ and do take it out on those they don’t like. It’s sad. But yes, Severus is trying to protect the students.
Oh yes, that – three of her house mates, and as of yet, I haven’t shown you how they feel about it. Yet.
Thank you for the review, doll. Insightful as always.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
Oh, you are very welcome.
Is it going to take something even more traumatic to get Hermione to understand that she is NOT safe? When even Neville and Ginny admonish her about 'disappearing' without letting them know she was safe, you'd think that she would clue in a bit. I mean, even Draco warned her about the way the Dark Arts class was heading.She's really too self-absorbed and arrogant in her own way, making it harder for all those that care abut her to keep her safe. She can't even conceive of the fact that Draco has come to care for her on her own merits and not just because he has been ordered to. I know that she feels a need to fight and rebel in some way, but she's going about it all wrong. I've dealt with and fought oppression - what she is doing currently is creating havoc for all of her would-be allies. I wish she would use the brains she's been gifted with. *headdesk*I did like the fact that she made Draco really think about the parallels between the DE's and the Nazi regime, although the fact that he stayed and listened should have been a clue that he respects her for herself. She needs to take a look at the same history herself. There were supporters of Hitler that changed and helped Jews during the war when they had come to the conclusion that all was not what they had believed it to be. Draco could well turn out to be one of those.Another great update.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
Sometimes when one is overly protected there is a false sense of security. When you feel that even your ‘protectors’ are not really your friends but just protecting you for their own reasons, it’s really hard to let them get close to you or trust them as you would a true friend. Even Cilian sits back and allows the Carrows to do and say to her what they want – within reason. He draws a line but its rather permissive – they can do anything as long as she’s not seriously physically hurt. But imagine being whipped daily for simple being in the room, being different and hated.
In defense of her ‘disappearance’, Hermione thought that since the house-elf tunnels were ‘secret’ that she was perfectly safe exploring them with Dobby and Peren. She was right in that. She was safe. Only no one knew where she was – and the Carrows had staked out where she would’ve usually been – so there was concern. Even the M-map wouldn’t have shown her location, and the portraits wouldn’t have been able to find her.
Yes, the more time Hermione and Draco spend together, (not fighting or mocking each other), the more Draco is getting to know her, really see Hermione. It’s bound to have an effect on him, isn’t it? And yes, she’s not dealing with her stress as mature and level-headed as we’d seen in the books. Due expect some change later in the year, I just have a few things to twist around first. Believe it or not, I have her emotional state mapped out in my outline as well as a few other characters. I do have a psychology degree. Lol
Oh you’ve picked up on that! lol You’ll see more – later. Yes, Draco stayed. He listened to her, even if he wasn’t ready to accept such hard truths. Expect this conversation to happen again. And you’ll see more of this thread you mentioned. It might surprise you from where.
Thank you very much for the review. I really enjoyed answering this.
aeron's response: *points upward*I knew all of that, but it's like the movies where you uselessly yell at the screen, 'DON'T OPEN THAT DOOR!!', when you know that they will. But it makes you feel better in an odd way just to have done it all the same. Hee!Both you and Ayerf tend to ellicit that type of response from me with your characterizations and writing. *blushes*As for Cilian - I don't expect him to behave in any other way than which he has. In my book, Hermione needs to experience what her classmates have been living with so that she can learn to pick her battles and make smarter decisions. Cilian is allowing her the freedom to do this while insuring she doesn't get herself killed for her troubles. Or, at least this is the way I view his actions.I love this story. Thank you for writing. ~Wow, that was a information packed chapter. I really liked the turn that you took at the end with comparing both WWII and the Wizarding War. I also liked how you invisioned how the house elves moved about the castle. P.S. Great lemons.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
You’ve have a few more ‘information packed’ chapters as things move forward for a while. I’m glad you liked the comparison at the end – you’ll see more of it later. LOL.
Thanks, I just figured that they didn’t always use magic that they’d have their own way of getting around unnoticed.
Glad you liked the lemons. There will be more, and on occasion I may have to cheat you out of a full glass of lemon aide, but I won’t do that too often. Thank you very much for the review and the pretty stars. Hugs~
Draco has something to think about now! :)
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
Oh yes, he does, even if he wasn't ready to hear it yet.
Glad to see an update. Thanks!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
You're very welcome. I hope you enjoyed it. CHpater 25 should go in queue in a few days.
And the tension mounts! I found your comparison of the DEs and the Dark Lord to the SS and Hitler to be spot on. WWII history is a particular passion of mine and I have often remarked on the parallels I noticed in HP. I like the way your Draco is so determined NOT to be wrong, but realizing that there is a lot of truth on what Hermione is saying. Their interaction is very emotional for sure. Now, will Draco visit the library or will he follow the path of so many who turned a blind eye to the Nazis? Great direction and I look forward to your next update!!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of The Self-Writing Parchment)
Thank you very much. I admit that my history of WWII is a bit rusty, so I'm deeply relieved that I was able to get the comparisons. It's a subject that Draco will talk to Hermione about again, he's as you said, shaken by her comparison at this point. I may have to email you for that list of parallels you mentioned. *batt eyeslashes with a coy smile* Yes, I have Draco and Hermione really get to each other at times. But she is making him think.As for the library - I can't say right now, but he's not one who can turn a blind eye - he is a Death Eater. And Marked. He even showed Hermione his Mark when they were in Snape's kitchen. My beta has my next one...and we're trying to get it ready for you. In fact she has 2 chapters. So as soon as they are ready... Thank you very much for the review and the stars. Hugs~