New Chapter for In Annulo
In Annulo
ladyofthemasque489 Reviews | 489 Ratings, 1 Like, 1,118 Favorites )
It began with a letter, and a secret. Was it madness to trust? Was it a secret salvation? Or was it all just lying on a ring, in the end...? (***HBP SPOILERS***)
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About ladyofthemasque
Member Since 2005 | 37 Stories | Favorited by 1,485 | 368 Reviews Written | 1,311 Review Responses
I have to apologize to everyone, period. Real life swallowed me whole, as I have been struggling to make a living writing original fiction over the last 8 years. It has not been easy, & has been complicated by health issues. I hope people can forgive my long silences. Trying to make enough money to live on from writing is a lot harder--waaaay harder--than it looks. (At least I didn't leave any posted fanfics unfinished.)
These stories are works of parody (& thus are allowable under US law), and are not written for profit. Just for fun. I'm not making any money off of any fanfics, nor will I ever. I'm just playing around in other writers' universes.
...I am, however, making something of a living off my own stories. (If anyone wants to play around in my universes, you may visit my website,, and look up my policy on Fanfics & Fanarts. It's reasonable enough and fairly easy to follow, too...)
Reviews for In Annulo
absoulutely bloody brilliant.i loved are an amazing writer i swear. i love pretty much all of your stories.but this one defenitly has to be my favorite by far.perhaps even my favorite ss/hg ever!!
Wow! hermione is sure good at saving people!
LOTM, how wonderfully and incredibly nauhty! Wonderfully and incredibly naughty is my favorite! We have waited to the last minute to do our taxes. and while my husband is deciphering pay stubbs, I'm reading very titillating erotica. Life is unfair, is it not? My turn to work on the taxes will come soon. So in the mean time I'm goofing off while he is hard at work. Perhaps I should go see if he would like to take a break. The ring sharing more than just words was geniuses. I wonder if Sev...Rus..sle will find more naughty things for the ring to do.
*dies* *Dies* *DIES*
WOW. To say that I am impressed with your work here is truly an understatement. This 'fic is gorgeous, lovingly crafted, and an amazing read. I cannot possibly thank you enough for having spent the time to write this story, and I assure you I will be re-reading it frequently in the future.
Thank you so much!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
You're welcome!...Now, imagine what I can do with my own stories...(psst: (and yes, I'm a shameless self-pimper)*hugs*~Lotm
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Wow...I got to meet you in person... COOL!! (And even more amazing, I didn't feel an urge to go hide in the sofa-cushion fort! ...Well, until just now, lol...)I hope I get to chat more with you at Norwescon 30!~Lotm
You are a Goddess among women! Right after I began this it was HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by Subversa who had just finished it. Well, I've well and truly thanked her for showing me that I was on the right track, but now it is time to thank you.I knew you were good, but this is so far beyond good that I know I won't be able to come up with the words I want. I tend to become "involved" with stories that I'm reading and let me say that I have been fully immersed in this wonderful, wonderful (albeit scary and intriguing) world you've provided for a while now. Sleep only led to dreams featuring these people. (yes I know their "hers" but in my dreams they were in YOUR placings) It's something that I know I'll have to come back to time and again just for the fact that I don't want to give them up! So in summation... THANK YOU!!! so very much for this powerhouse of action, romance, laughter and intrigue.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
You're very welcome,
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
! I loved how tightly paced and plotted this one was, myself (and the image of a tanned blond Snape in a kilt...*drools*...or a pale, snarky Snape in a kilt...*drools some more*...) *ahem*, where was I? Oh, yes...Anyway, I'll always have a soft-spot for this one in particular because it's the story that got me noticed by my editor. Literally. Her sister got her hooked on reading HP fanfics, and that led her to read my stories, and when In Annulo was still a WIP, she emailed me, wheedled me to give her a sneak peek at the advanced chapters I had written but hadn't posted yet, and also asked if I wanted to send her a manuscript for yeah, IA is one I'll be proud of for a very long time, for several very good reasons....Not the least of which is the reason that I've made you happy with it. (No good writing a story if it doesn't please and move my readers!)~Lotm
I've lost count of how many times I've read this story (bad
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
for not reviewing til now) and this chapter still gets me every time. Surprisingly (or perhaps not), it is my favorite chapter in the entire story. Not because of the sex (assault) but because of the raw emotion the chapter evokes. In my mind, it is HERE that the story really begins and I, as the reader, try to sort out who Snape really is. It is a very carefully constructed chapter (and story, really). Disturbing confusing, dramatic, hot - it's all of those things, and yet I see underlying it all, Snape's desire to be accepted for who he is. A deeply moving chapter, lotm.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
...Then my hard work on that chapter has earned its reward again. This is where I, too, feel the story really starts to take its true shape and get interesting, not to mention involved. The stuff before it is important, yes...but like the description of a setting; here is where the action comes into play.I'm really glad you like this chapter. Heheh, even if it "gets" to you each time you read it. The story of In Annulo is about three relationships: the Hermione/Severus relationship, Hermione's relationship with herself as she finishes maturing into an adult, and Severus' with himself as everyone--including himself-comes to grips with who he is and what he's done.But as important as chapter 17 is for setting out the meat of the story for the reader to feast upon, I think the three chapters of the trial near the end are what really nourish the reader's soul. In the unfurling of truths during the trial, it isn't just Severus Snape who is stripped bare of all pretense; he rips the veils from the hearts of those around him, even as Veritaserum rips the veils from his tongue. We're moved to pity him, and moved to compassion for him, because he is so bluntly honest about our reactions to him, as well as his clearly expressed cognizance of his own flaws.With the light of the truth glaring in everyone's face, what was hinted at in this chapter becomes undeniably apparent to all by the end of the trial. As much fun as it was to write all that steamy smut, that's just the dessert course; this is the meat and veg that sustains us in our hunger for a truly good tale.*hugs*~LotmP.S. Stop me, before I wax eloquent some more!! *snerk*
Response from sshg316 (Reviewer)
But I don't want to stop you! Wax some more!! LOL It's wonderful to hear your take on it.
I totally agree with you regarding the three chapters of the trial. Oh my. I could go on for days about those chapters. I'm on pins and needles waiting for Subversa to reach the trial. Those chapters are some of my favorite in all of HP fandom, for exactly the reasons you mentioned; the no-holds-barred revelation of just who Severus Snape is and the way he exposes the truth about himself, others, even the Wizarding society as a whole.
Yes, this chapter is where everything takes off. The entire rest of the story from here on out is so ... so ... GUH! I love the complexity; there are just so many layers, so many plot points. And the way you bring it all together in those three chapters is just absolutely brilliant; it's perfection. Those are the chapters that kept me coming back to read this story again and again. But I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I? :)
PS I love your meat and vegetables, even more than your dessert - and that's really saying something! :)
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Meat and veg are undeniably good; dessert makes life worthwhile, yes--I don't deny that at all--but meat and veg make life possible in the first place....Great, now I'm hungry.*toddles off to have herself a nice juicy Snapewich*~Lotm
The first time I read this story and I reached the end of this chapter, I was so freaked out by the confrontation I knew was coming, that I instinctively closed the screen, not wanting to see. I literally felt Hermione's panic. Goes to show just how engrossed I was in the story to have that kind of reaction - and how fabulous of an author you are to generate that reaction.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Heheheh, thanks for sharing your reaction! ...How long did it take you to open the screen once more and continue reading, if I may ask?~Lotm
Response from sshg316 (Reviewer)
About 5 seconds. LOL It was a totally instinctive response. Once I realized what I had done, I had to log back in immediately! And I wasn't disappointed by the confrontation - but that goes in another review, doesn't it? :)
This chapter is the one that grabs you and won't let you go. GUH. I love the dragon, and I am guessing - because it pleases my notion of How Severus Is - that the dragon reflects Severus' possessive nature. Lovely.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
You'll see...~Lotm
Guh. Such heat between them! Lovely, lotm.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
oh, my - picked up her hand and put it in his lap! Terrific UST in this chapter.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Ah, he's reflective, wondering if there will ever be a place for him in society. I am terribly curious to see how Russel and his personality figure into the Potions master. Lovely, complex story, lotm.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Keep reading, keep reading...30 more chapters to go, and then you'll know for sure...maybe...*iz a terrible tease*~Lotm
Holy shite!
Very original wizardy cyber-sex.
Clever girl.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Teehee, thanks!~Lotm
" Hermione gave him a lecture about Getting Along With The Other Cats."
Ah, yes. Well, I myself have never had a cat who listened to this lecture, so I'm not surprised it was a failure!
The Ring of Truth is a brilliant notion.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Heheh, sometimes they do get the message; they just don't apply it for a little while...~Lotm
“Whoa…a piece of his soul is really in there--and it’s arse-faced ugly!”
Thanks for that, lotm - some Ron-humour definitely made me larf.
I can see I'm really going to have to *earn* the Potions master ...
On with the show!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
A-yup. There's lots of everything in this one. Angst, drama, comedy, romance, smut, surprises, mystery...ooh, the purrrrrrness of it all!*purrrrrrrrs happily*~Lotm
Why, oh why, has it taken me so long to read this story? I am reading it with a friend, so that we can discuss it as we go. You've built a magnificent hook into the first chapter; I can see this is going to be quite a ride!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Gahhhh... WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?? I could've sworn you'd read this already! Sheesh!! *gives you a stout five minute lecture, and revokes your trebuchet privileges until you've finished the bloody thing. yes, iz a meanie!**snerk*Hugs,~Lotm
Response from Subversa (Reviewer)
SSHG316 and I just finished reading ch 17 and are in the middle of an in depth discussion right now - this is such a powerful story, such exquisite work, and the plot just awes me.
I am a fan for life now. I love this wonderfully written and well balanced prose. Thank you for a rivoting roller coaster ride.
I'm late to the show here, but WOW. This was fantastic. My highest compliments to your ingenuity with the wizarding world, especially the charms and potions. Great story development, great character consistency, and great sex!!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Thanks; it was fun coming up with all those twists and turns!~Lotm
Ah... and so it ends. Such a nice time I had reading this, and I will remember it for a very long time.
There's so much I loved about this story that it's impossible to put into words. Thank you.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
You're very welcome,
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
. I'm glad I could entertain you so well.~Lotm
This is going to be a somewhat strange review. I really love this story. While I don't really get into the sex scenes as so many others probably do (in general, I find actual sex scenes to be boring), I love your set-up and your characterization. I also really like Hermione's Charms talent - it seems so natural, I don't know how I could have missed it!
I also really like the Snape-raven associations you've made, and I'm positively delighted by the coincidence that you gave Eileen Prince the same birthday as mine :)
Anyway, I'm going to keep reading, and reading... and will probably be sad when it's over.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
I'm glad you're enjoying those little touches I threw into the stew...and in fact, lol, I'd forgotten I had assigned Eileen a birthdate! Thanks for the reminder...*hugs*,~Lotm
Delightful reaction to the previous chapter!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Thanks! I worked hard to get her reactions just so, following such a painful, tumultuous revelation...~Lotm
I'm going to guess that he doesn't love her, but wants her very much. I just don't think even Severus could do that to her (mild though it may have been, considering), if he did. And she may talk about turnabout, but what she did and what he did are vastly different. And she'd better get her own back at some point.
Still excellent :)
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Keep'll see...~Lotm
At this point, Hermione has enough clues to know that it's Snape. Considering that she's Hermione. He said that the Riddle Manor was where they were staying, and then she wasn't able to say that -- which means he has to be the Secret Keeper, and with the non-ability to lie, she therefore knows that he's "the traitor".
And, you wrote: "Ron’s and Harry’s brows both used." They did <i>what?</i> *wiggles eyebrows*
Anyway, I love this story. Great job!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Eek, didn't even notice that typo! As for knowing or not, that isn't the issue. It's whether she realized it or not; even Hermione can get blindsided at times...~Lotm
Response from Vorona (Reviewer)
That's true... And I do like how you worked that in in a later chapter!
Dear Lady,
I was completely stuck by this story, read it in one go over the week-end. I really loved the chain of events and think the writing is very good.
Howerver, I nealy stopped reading after the rape. Pleasure or not pleasure it was a rape, and I really can't imagine Hermione going so fast over it, or dealing with it so well, and the moral-relativism of Albus shoked me even more. I don't see how being impotent for a moment is enough "punition", especially as he never really try to apologize for that. Yes she broke his haert, yes, she breach his confidence. I don't give a d***, he retaliate with psychological violence if not truly physical. I'm very much in love with my husband, but if he tried anything like this I would sic all the police of the kingdom on him. So I really have a credibility problem with that moment.
That being said, you really have a knack for telling stories. Lots of thanks for writing this.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Different women have different reactions to such situations. I will never for the life of me understand the women who allow their husbands to beat them, to batter and rape them violently, and who stay with these so-called men.Yes, there are women who would sic the cops on their own husbands, and I agree that it is their right to do so; my only caution is to think carefully about crying 'rape' because if it's done for vengeful reasons over something that could have been misinterpreted, the woman in question could damage the man's reputation and future. It's a very serious charge--as it should be--but it shouldn't be abused and taken advantage of.On the other hand, I have been violated. And it wasn't nearly as traumatic for me as violation has been for other women. So what may have made you angry to the point of calling the cops could make another woman choose to stand by her man for whatever (utterly misguided) reason, or it might make the woman think long and hard about what was done to her, and why it was done. (For the record, if I ever run across the fellow again, I'd be interested in castrating him; not because what was done to me was awful, but because it was done to me when I was a defenceless, ignorant child.)For that matter, miscommunications and misunderstandings blow things out of proportion. I know of one couple wherein the woman wanted to be pinned down and *cough* licked until she cried with ecstasy. She thought her partner could manage this, since it was his idea of a good time, too...but *coughcough* according to her report, he didn't really have any talent for it, and so her tears were of frustration and disappointment in the end, because being pinned down as she was, she couldn't communicate what he was doing wrong. And so when he finally let her up, she got into a row with him, and it took them a week to patch things up. (This is why non-verbal "safewords" are important...)But other than that, I'm glad you liked the rest of In Annulo...~Lotm
Response from Bergerac (Reviewer)
Thank you for taking the time to respond.
personally, I like the one "moldy-wart".