New Chapter for In Annulo
In Annulo
ladyofthemasque489 Reviews | 7.07/10 (489 Ratings, 1 Like, 1,118 Favorites )
It began with a letter, and a secret. Was it madness to trust? Was it a secret salvation? Or was it all just lying on a ring, in the end...? (***HBP SPOILERS***)
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About ladyofthemasque
Member Since 2005 | 37 Stories | Favorited by 1,485 | 368 Reviews Written | 1,311 Review Responses
I have to apologize to everyone, period. Real life swallowed me whole, as I have been struggling to make a living writing original fiction over the last 8 years. It has not been easy, & has been complicated by health issues. I hope people can forgive my long silences. Trying to make enough money to live on from writing is a lot harder--waaaay harder--than it looks. (At least I didn't leave any posted fanfics unfinished.)
These stories are works of parody (& thus are allowable under US law), and are not written for profit. Just for fun. I'm not making any money off of any fanfics, nor will I ever. I'm just playing around in other writers' universes.
...I am, however, making something of a living off my own stories. (If anyone wants to play around in my universes, you may visit my website,, and look up my policy on Fanfics & Fanarts. It's reasonable enough and fairly easy to follow, too...)
Reviews for In Annulo
Wow... wow and wow... this was (in HP words) BLODY FANTASTIC!!!!... I was so immersed in the story that I didn't post comments in the previous chapters... so I kind of reserved my opinion for this final one... well here it goes!!!--- Oh and English isn’t my first language so I apologize in advance for my mistakes (you wouldn't happen to read in Spanish, would you??? xD!!... Besides of being the spectacular writer that you are that is)---I bumped in to your story checking the favorite stories of GinnyW, and once I saw the number of people (459 people!!!!) that had the story as a favorite… well what can I say, I hoped for the best =PAnd wasn’t this the best!!!!... I have to agree with many of the previous posts, that this is way WAY better than JO’s final book. In your story we can really feel that you have everything in place… the pieces of the puzzle weren’t forced, they fell delicately in position like a real masterpiece.The Action/Adventure parts were brilliant. I’m not really into action and battle scenes but the way they were described and the links that they have with previous parts of the story (like the charm that Hermione invented and Draco used) made them real and important and fresh and logical… The drama and angsty parts were just right. Jane and Severus relationship needed time to feel real and you gave it to it. Even do I really love a sexy cute Severus, I always have problems to believe them genuine, but the Russel/Snape way of explaning Severus, like a mixture of different characters, was very very very very believable.I cried when the others wanted to reject Severus (again!!) and when Albus died… snif! That was beautifully written.I LOL (hehehehe) in the humorous parts, like the courtroom with the snarky (but truthful) Severus and the writing exchanges between Hermione and Russell (and I know I already said it… but that was bloody brilliant too!!).Also the way you portrayed the other characters was wonderful. Ron was my Ron… XD intelligent but still a boy in many ways… and you made him a man!Harry with his homeless issues… I wanted to hit him so many times!! But he is still the lovely character he always was…Loved Poppy, Filius and Tonks… and Albus too… snif!Missed a little bit of Hagrid but that’s really understandable because I don’t really see Hermione that close to him… Harry yes… but not her…And of course I loved Hermione… a strong Hermione, not perfect but strong (Like when she said… “You can teach all the odd-numbered lessons you like, but I get to teach you the even-numbered ones. And Lesson Two is that Severus belongs to Hermione, and Hermione can touch Severus anywhere she damned well pleases! Any time, any way…” Oh I loved that part… Way to go Hermione!!!) and smart (of course =P)… oh and I also loved the times when she was developing new spells or theories… many many congrats to you in that!I’m trying to remember all I wanted to say… but that’s my punishment for not writing the posts before!!! =PWell then… let me finish saying your story is incredibly creative (including the way you successfully used the situations of book 6)… very good plot!!!!! I love well written stories and yours is shockingly perfect… Millions of Hugs and Congratulations for you!!! Fran =)
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Alas, no, the only Spanish I know is the kind that you can rattle off in a restaurant. (A lot of Mexican restaurants in this well as a lot of teriyaki joints, and a lot of Thai, and a lot of...)I'm glad you enjoyed In Annulo. I still haven't read Deathly Hallows, myself. I like IA. It has all the loose threads (that I could see) tied up, AND it has a really good happy ending. (For Snape, who as we all know is the most important character in the story, lol.) And, of course, it has smut. Which is also important. *snicker*Now if you think this is good, try looking up my original fic, over at !~Lotm
Oh wow!I think your rendition of Severus Snape's trial was the best I've ever read, and I've been lurking around the SS/HG ship for quite some time!The whole story was more than marvellous and now I think I'll be comparing every other fic I read with this one XDBut I don't regret it for a minute!Thank you ever so much!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
You're quite welcome!~Lotm
completly awesome read! Reallly really enjoyed it. Hope to see a part to perhaps in the future?? And musssst give you major props for the two snapes action...mmmm ooops letting my mind hit the gutter lol Gotta love snape action!!
I would just like to say, that no matter how many times i read this story, i still love it. it's the best i've really ever read, and sometimes i pretent that this happened instead of the last book. *coughcough* blasphamy, i know. pardon me, O Great Rowling, but i'm sorta in love with snape.just thought i would also compliment the fact that you hit the nail on the head with several of your predictions.and... I'm done.~Compliments of the Insane One.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
...I still haven't read the seventh book. I prefer the ending I wrote into this one. Snape lives happily ever after...and Hermione marries someone she can actually talk with. I've tried those Hermione/Ron style relationships, and they just don't work...~Lotm
I LOVED it!!!!! Couldn't put it down, Im so glad he didn't go to Azkaban or get lynched, but CRIED when Dumbledore died. Excellent job.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Yaaaay! *hands you a box of tissues* Glad you loved it! Now go forth and read some other good fics.*hug*~Lotm..who can definitely recommend "Phantom of Hogwarts" by Good_Witch (it's a WIP, just to warn you...but she IS still working on it!)
I have been arguing if "Russel" is Severus off and on with myself, but the scar on his calf convinces me! I hope I am right!
Wow! My hat is off to you, Ladyofthemasque, for this chapter, I was not sure if I was going to like this story or not, but it's length and recent slow buildup to a series of *climactic events*, have strengthened m resolve to read it straight through! I can only hope that I enjoy the end result.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
*curtsy* Thank you! I hope you're still pleased by the end of the story. (Considering it gets a bit angsty at certain points...)~Lotm
I've been hanging around TPP for some time now and have just finished my third read through of In Annulo. I'm sure I have reviewed it before but I just wanted you to know that it is brilliant and still as adictive as the first time I read it.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Then I've written a truly enjoyable story. The best ones are the ones you still love to read later, and read over and over...*hug*~Lotm
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Then I've written a truly enjoyable story. The best ones are the ones you still love to read later, and read over and over...*hug*~Lotm
damn it! snape with a timeturner! that is the friggin' best thing i've ever heard of! now all i need is to find snape and get him one of those... *sigh*
On something like the seventh re-read of this, I've noticed something. Is Vicar Dibbley a reference to the Vicar of Dibley? Because that's totally awesome if it is. And pretty much I'm in love with this story.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Yup, it is!~Lotm
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Yup, it is!~Lotm
I have this thing where i tend to lurk and never comment on anything, and having just finished reading In Annulo for the second time, i am compelled to say something. (And, let me apologize in advance for my long-winded nature. :] )
I absofriggenlutely love this story. I remember when i found it i was looking for R/Hr fics and someone highly praised this story so i looked into it. i saw that it was R/Hr, Hr/OC, and Hr/SS... the Hr/SS isn't something that i'm originally into, even though Snape is Most Definitely My Favorite i gave it a go. And, oh boy, am i ever glad i did! Such mastery at crafting a compelling story is hard to find in all the fanfics out there--especially in the HP fanficverse.
Your Hermione in this story is probably one of my favorite heroines i've ever read. I didn't realize until recently that i tend to read (and write) stories where the main character is male, so it was refreshing to have Hermione be the strongwilled and compassionate witch she is. I love that you incorporated Hermione becoming an adult, and her trials there, effected by the situations she'd landed herself in. She was sweet, cunning, and sexy when she needed to be...
And Snape! Oh, Snape... You really brought about a relationship that i really couldn't see happening into fruition in a way that was natural and realistic. When Hermione was with Russel, it was just a sweet love story with the intracacies of war and everything...and with the revelation of who he really is the story becomes soo much more. If it was good before that point, it's insanely good afterwards. Like many Reviewers before me, my heart was pounding in my chest when Hermione took off Russel's amulet and though i felt just as frightened as Hermione, i couldn't take my eyes away from the screen.
Snape is as wonderfully complex as always. I read this fic the first time, waiting impatiently for HP book 7, and i loved that your story focuses on Snape and all of the things he has done--and WHY he has done all the things he has done. Having now read Deathly Hallows, im not satisfied with JK's Version of What Happened. Now, i'm not saying i didn't enjoy the book--i did--its just i'd rather have a happy ending for everyone... I liked your resolution so much i was even tempted to start imagining plot bunnies about What Happenes Afterwards, as if JK's version didn't exist at all! XD
Another quick thing before i give you some more general praise and sign off: when i read a reaaally good story and i get all obsessed with finishing it, i tend to get bitchy and blue when i'm not reading it... However this last time i was reading it, i had to make a two hour drive out to my mother's house for some x-mas celebrations, and i expected to be a grouch, but instead i was insanely giggly and happy. I still had your characters running through my head throughout baking and unwrapping presants and eggnog, and i wasn't at all moody.
So, to conclude: Your story rocks. Your characters rock. And therefore you rock, too.
Have a day! I'm off to see if your other stuff is made out of as much awesome as this one is. :B
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
*feels all marbley and granitey, and giggles...*I'm very pleased that I've delighted you so much. I write this one after feeling like book 6 had kicked me in the gut--it was literally post-HBP therapy for me. And I ended up liking it so much, after hearing reports of OOCness, plot holes, and (worst of all) editing mistakes ( >.< !!!), I think I'll just keep In Annulo as my unofficial book 7. Maybe someday I'll get around to reading DH, but I do like how this one ended up, so it'll remain my favorite.As for Hermione's coming-of-age (and yes, you're forgiven, as I'm rather longwinded myself), that was an important story I wanted to try and tell. After all, age is just a number, and a general indicator of physical attributes. Maturity comes mostly from making the right choices when it comes to tough decisions...or from making the wrong choices, and then realizing they were wrong and subsequently dealing with them in a way to mitigate any problems. So I'm very pleased you like that aspect of the story....Now, imagine what I can do with my own characters/settings/universes, muahahahahah...~Lotm
I am really phenomenally impressed with this story; so many of the little things really made it worthwhile. I especially liked Minerva saying she'd trust her own life to Snape . . . that was kind of a backhanded statement and I wonder how many readers missed it.
I really liked the rings; I LOVED Sigurd. :D The angst was really heartfelt and genuine. The little bits of subplot woven in were all fantastic.
I also got a huge kick out of those things that you really got spot on: Harry being an accidental Horcrux and having to die, there being more than 7, Percy rejoining the family, a LOT of the Snape dialogue, 12 GP being used for HQ and new spells being cast by Moody, etc.
I didn't make note of every thing in every chapter that I liked: the only "complaints" I had were that the Weasleys/Grangers/Potters/Order seemed awfully quick to A) adopt Harry and B) accept Hermione & "Russel"'s marriage, but those are minor and can easily be forgiven due to pacing issues.
All in all, I thought the story was fantastic and really well presented, and it was certainly a lovely read! Thank you for writing it and posting it someplace I'd come across it!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
I like to think of it as the Order coming to the conclusion that, "If these kids really aren't going back to Hogwarts, and they are going to go off and fight the Dark Lord...then they're a loose cannon, and we HAVE to get them yoked under our control (at least nominally)...and be able to coordinate their efforts with ours." As for the marriage thing...yeah, pacing issues.Also, there's only so much angsting and and then wangsting I can have the other characters do about it, before they descend into the depths of Whingy Hell, and then I'll just wanna smack 'em silly and rip out several paragraphs, and I hate having to do that. Besides, it's clear that Russel made Hermione happy, so the others probably just sucked it up and wished them well, lol.*hugs*~Lotm
Response from cmwinters (Reviewer)
Well, you could have probably stuffed in another chapter worth of how the Grangers & the Weasleys (besides Ron) and the rest of the Order were wondering WTF her problem is, but to be honest, *that* wasn't the focus of your story, so I totally understand why you didn't go there.
If my WIP ends up half this good I'll be delighted! :D
Huzzah for Draco! I mean... That's not the right response, is it?
This is a fabulous story, as you've no doubt heard over and over and, well, over. I like this Hermione, as she seems one of the truest Hermiones I've read--that stuff about Charms skill? Totally makes sense. She's a corker, that one.
I read this story pretty much straight through (except for eating some pancakes that were made from a special gluten-free mix and were much less "pan" than "cake" but still surprisingly decent. Damn food sensitivities.) and I'm glad I did. The sexy bits are sexy, the angsty bits are angsty, and the fluffy bits are fluffy. Even the final battle didn't bore me, as so many final battles tend to do.
But I have a question: what's the story with the kid? What's his name and where's he at while Mummy and Dad are being Administrative?
That is all.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Dunno, didn't ask. Prolly had a nanny....If you're gluten intolerant (or just wheat sensitive), feel free to email me, and I'll email back with a recipe or two for mixing up your own baking flour for cookies and stuff, and for pie crusts, that sort of thing. My mother has celiac sprue, and one of my friends has her fibromyalgia aggravated by wheat, so I've gotten rather adept at cooking without it...~Lotm
A very rich tale, beautifully written! I couldn't stop reading it from start to end!! It evoked tears and emotions most other stories neglect.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Good! *hands you some chocolate and some tissues to aid your recovery* Good stories should stir the emotions, involve the reader, make your heart race and ache, and make you feel...everything.~Lotm
Dear Lotm,I read this story after 'Deathly Hallow" published, and after all of the complaint and depression and broken-heart of our beloved Potion master's demise.I cann't hold it up, then I seek comfort in fanfiction.I have to say I love your stories so much, no only this one, including FSS and other marvelous impressive novels. I'd like to leave review after I finished this novel. But when I read Severus sarcastic comment of "Fame isn’t everything!”--which also remind me of Alan Rickman's delicious baritone. I'm so much jubilant and just leave the review this instance.Say that again, I love U. Huge embrace for thanking u bring these amazing novels to us.
PS. this chapter also stir up my hatred of potter brat once more. ;-p
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Lol, I'm not surprised. I went into writing this one with the firm determination that I wouldn't so many SS/HG 'shippers do. But *cough* as a result, I sort of Harry-bashed instead. *blush*.I'm glad you enjoy my stories!~Lotm
Great story... I enjoyed it immensely and I'm sure I'll revisit it.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Feel free to drop by any time!~Lotm
Okay, I have to admit I read this story a while ago but I don't think I ever left one review. I'm very sorry because this truly deserves a review! Having read this before DH I had always hope some of those plots in your story would be in DH (somehow)...No matter - the courtroom scene is one of the best scenes (and dialog) I have ever read in a ff. It's chilling and I found myself not able to look away... It was a mesmerising experience and you had Snape spot on, in my opinion...I'm sorry if I'm rambling. I guess I'm just trying to say 'thanks a lot' for writing this (and posting it here) =)
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
You've very welcome,
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
. I had that trial scene plotted from the very beginning, so it, even more than the vanquishing of Moldiemort, was the climax of the story for me--climax and denouement rolled into one. Lol, it certainly took up a huge chunk of the story, three whole chapters' worth! Almost 30,000 words of drama, revelation, and angst...I'm glad you loved it,~Lotm
I've read this story several times now (and never reviewed, shame on me, I know...)
I just finished Book 7 and thought, I should finally tell you how much I like this story. I decided to stick to In Annulo and will simply disregard Deathly Hollows. In my opinion your story is much better than the actual book. Your search for the Horcruxes is much more exciting (I love the way that every one has to be destroyed in it's own way). The characters are more interesting (I love your Harry/Hermione = sibling-charm idea, I love Ron's reactions to Hermone's actions, I love Professor Flitwick and most of all of course your Severus in his different roles).
Of course I never expected hot sex scenes in JKR's book but I'm not complaining about them in your story. :-)
The only thing I don't like much is your story ending. After many chapters of good drama your story suddenly becomes slapstick like. You are throwing Unbreakable Vows around like some sort of ... I don't know. There is not even any bonder there. First I thought it's another vow (because you called it "Unbroken Vow" somewhere) but Hermione's phrases of "Oh well, then I'll just drop dead"... well I didn't like it much. The courtroom scene itself is quite nice again, still much more humor in there than I expected but it is ok. After all Severus got an overdosis Veritaserum, that brutal truth has to be funny.
And since that's the only downside to a great epic story I don't mind too much. I'm sure I'm going to read it many many times more because, as I said, your version is much better than JKR's in my opinion.
Thank you for many exciting and enjoyable reading hours.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
To Hermione's (admittedly drastic) way of thinking, she needed an absolute guarantee to get Snape into a fair trial, rather than a mockery of one. Given the immense public sentiment against him, that required a very dramatic set of reassurances for the Wizengamot--she's willing to put her life on the line, which is as dramatic and sincere as it will get--and she needs a very powerful motivator to get her husband to the trial, because he's completely convinced it will be a sham trial--for more reasons than just everyone hates him, because of his Unspeakable Vow.Having a limited number of literary tools at my disposal, I went with the one that fit the situation. Scrimgeour was going to ramrod Snape right into a Dementor's Kiss. Snape was going to go on the run, knowing he wasn't going to be able to have a fair trial because Albus hadn't shown up to let everyone know he had only been acting under orders. At that point, since he actually liked the idea of being alive and having a wife and child, nothing less than a threat to his wife's life was going to drag Snape to that courtroom.And there was a bonder for Hermione's vow; you just don't see it happening on-screen, as it were. If you'll remember, Madam Philiston asks her assistant to linger for a moment to do something for her, at the end of that scene with Hermione in her office...and that's when it happens. Off-screen, but it happens. It's just not shown to heighten the dramatic tension, and skip an unnecessary bit of prose. (This story is the equivalent of 1,321 paperback pages, after all.) Hermione snarking about "oh, then I'll just drop dead" was her, well, snarking at Severus.But if those were the only things you had an objection to in a story of this sheer size...then, yay!! I'm glad you liked the rest of it!*hugs*~Lotm
Seeing as I should have been asleep approximately four or five hours ago...I'm almost falling asleep on this keyboard. But I had -- just had-- to finish your story before the book release on saturday. And i'm glad I did...originally I was reading Phantom of Hogwarts, but the author suggested I read this tale while waiting for updates...and I have to say, I wouldn't be disappointed one bit if your story was published instead of Jo's. Alas, this is where I say good night! And happy reading on saturday! :P
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Actually, I'm not reading book 7 until a trusted prereader lets me know if it's safe for me to read. (If it's not, I shall be clinging firmly to In Annulo for my personal sanity & salvation...)Here's hoping it's got everything you want it to have...and if not, well, we'll always have In Annulo!~Lotm
Response from baseballbabe122 (Reviewer)
You're not going to read book 7 asap? I feel like I'm being a bit snoopy by asking, but why wouldn't you?
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
I had someone tell me the important stuff, who lives, who dies, so I'd know if I could handle it (being a rabid SS/HG 'shipper and all)...and then they told me about the editing mistakes and errors in the book.>.<Given that I take a certain level (okay, a neurotic level) of professional pride in my published works (fanfics don't count as much; I put a lot more effort into corrections when I'm getting paid for it), I found that a little offensive, and a lot of a let-down. When I first got into the HP series, books 1-3 were out, and when 4 came out, I read it and thought, "wow, the quality of the writing is not only still getting strong, it's getting better!" 5 was okay, 6 was...well, there was definitely some OOCness and that bothered me. And to hear about problems with characters and punctuation was a bit of a let-down.I'll eventually read it, but...I think I'll wait until it comes out in paperback.Besides, right now I'm swamped with my own work. Being neurotic when it comes to my original stuff, I'm in the middle of an 8 book series that has to finish even stronger than it started, and I'm currently writing the trickiest portion of it, a very convoluted piece of plotting that I'm trying to keep straight while interweaving everything. So I really don't have the time to read DH, and I don't have a strong enough motivation to go ahead and read it anyway.Besides, *snerk*..."We'll always have In Annulo." (And yes, my Bogart impersonation sucks.)~Lotmgetting back to writing, now
Response from baseballbabe122 (Reviewer)
I'll agree six was a bit of a let down, definitely not my favorite. The other series your it like a set of published books? I'd definitely want to get my hands on it if it's anything like the quality of writing I've seen from you on here!Anyway, I"ll let you be for now...wouldn't want to scare away any plot bunnies. :P
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
<a href=""></a>Clicky on that, go there, and see for yourself. If you like the looks of it, buy it!~Lotm
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Aaaargh! Silly thing wouldn't let me post a clicky!http://www.jeanjohnson.netwww.jeanjohnson.netTHBBBBBBPT (at the review script, not at you)~Lotm
Best story yet, and I read a lot
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
Thank you!~Lotm
So far I have two words,... BlooDY BRILIANT!!! I love the whole Betrothel Rings concept. I also love the fact that Harry and Hermione are realated tat is the perfect thing for them, Maby JK should steal that idea?! lol excellent story!
I first read this story on months ago. From the first time I read it, I knew it was going to ruin book 7 for me, because you so masterfully wove together a story including all my own personal theories about the upcoming book and made it HGSS! I fell in love with tartan wearing Russell and, even though I just knew he was Snape, when he is finally revealed I cringed right along with Hermione and learned to love him all over again. That kind of story telling is powerful and talent at it's highest. Thank you for writing this story, it's become one of my all time favorites from any fandom. I've read and reread it and recommended it (as well as For Someone Special) to anyone who will listen. I hope you keep feeling inspired to write for a long time to come, either in fandom or with original fiction.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
"I fell in love with tartan wearing Russell and, even though I just knew he was Snape, when he is finally revealed I cringed right along with Hermione and learned to love him all over again."Ohhhh, now that's a high compliment! I've achieved what I set out to do: make you fall in love with a character, totally shatter your perceptions of that character through a terrible revelation, and then put that character back together so that you dearly love him even more. *purrrrrrrrrs, nuzzles* I'm glad I could please you...~Lotm
First of all, just brilliant. Third time reading it, and it's just wonderful. Complex, intricate, great characters, tight plot. I love this story.
Second, I hope you realize how happy and thankful I am that you write SS/HG, and not, well, whatever else that's not SS/HG. What would I read then, if we didn't have your squeeworthy epics?
Ta very much for sharing
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
You'd have Pearle's stuff, or Good_Witch's faboo epic, Phantom of Hogwarts. (Note to self: threaten to kick GW in the BUTT until she writes another chapter, dammit...'cause I know where she lives!!) But thanks for the compliment!*hugs*,~Lotm
First of all, I'd just like to say that this was absolutely amazing. And that I could probably continue to read this over and over again for the next week and not get tired of it.
Second, this story had me completely enthralled. And confused, but in a good way. When I first started reading it, I was under the impression that the mysterious 'Russel' was Severus... Just because of the usual SS/HG-ness of most of your stories. And then, I saw 'Hermione Granger, Original Character'... and thought, Oh! It's an original character, and realized that it was the first HG/OC story I'd ever read. And it was pretty damn good :D And I was really loving the character, 'Russel'. AND THEN, I finally got to... I believe it was chapter 16 or 17. And I was completely and utterly shocked. Of course, I was strolling blindly through the entire story believing that Russel was really, truly a new character. [Well, he sort of is...] I was surprised, but again, in a good way :) Then I realized Damn, so I guess that doesn't count as REALLY reading a HG/OC story, haha. I think that when Russel referred to Snape as the bastard traitor, I was hoping that Severus hadn't really turned to the Dark side... and that he was actually still Dumbledore's man... but that no one knew; not even 'Russel'. And I suppose he was truly Dumbledore's man. Except 'Russel' was Severus... So, yeah. Anyways, my random thoughts aside... This story was truly and absolutely brilliant. The plot was incredible and definitely very interesting.
As for my more shallow musings... Severus in a kilt. Hmm, sandy haired, tan Severus in a kilt. Yes. Pale, dark haired Severus in a kilt. Still, yes. Mmm. I loved that one chapter where they're buying christmas gifts... and Hermione is completely infuriated by all the women gawking at Severus. And so she possessively stakes her claim :D But mmm, kilts... And of course, the smut, as always, was delightful. Ahem, yes.
So anyways, haha. Now, kilts and smut aside... This story was still fantastic. An excellent read. I would recommend it any day! And I think I will :)
[I promise I'm ending this long rambling soon, sorry!]
Thank you so much for writing such a wonderful story. It was truly... Oh, I'm not feeling very creative with adjectives anymore. Basically, it was lovely and I loved it. Congratulations on such a great story. Oh and of course, I'm so glad that you have published works; because you truly deserve it :)
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
You're welcome, and I shall take it as a superlative compliment that you, well, ran out of superlatives.*hugs*~Lotm
My house is a mess, my family wants dinner, and all I can do is sit and read your compelling story.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of In Annulo)
*iz NOT responsible for skipped chores, missed family time, etc...though iz happy you're enjoying the story!*~Lotm