New Chapter for Darkness Within
Darkness Within
neelix326 Reviews | 326 Ratings, 0 Likes, 172 Favorites )
Severus Snape bumps into his ex-student Hermione Granger, but she's not the Hermione he remembers. Unwittingly pulled into her seedy world, he uncovers a shocking secret.
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About neelix
Member Since 2008 | 21 Stories | Favorited by 471 | 528 Reviews Written | 2,066 Review Responses
Happily married to a sexy Irishman, one teenage son.
Work with teenagers.
Obsessed with Alan Rickman and SS/HG fiction.
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Reviews for Darkness Within
Yay! Happiness all around! Great story!
Just from this short chapter, it is so very obvious how happy and in love they are. Maybe it is good that she went away briefly. They needed a kick in the pants somehow.
He had one chance to make this perfect, and I think he did outstanding. Yay!
I think he finally realized that it is now or never. Thank goodness!
I love the contrast in the first letter she sends to Severus and the one to Ginny. Why won't they just talk to one another?! Ginny may have to intervene further.
You're tearing my heart out with this chapter. Love the last line!
Doing something foolish? Everything those two do these days is foolish. I hope they cave soon. This is too much for me! I can't remember if she stays or goes.
I get so mad at these two, but considering her past and how delicate the subject, I can appreciate the tip toeing that is going on. Poor dears.
Oh dear, he is going to explode. I wonder who will cave and make the first move, and how it will be received.
So glad that they are all on friendly terms. That will help Hermione immensely.
I sure hope the Potters take this well. Hermione could use some friends. Not that Severus hasnt been wonderful to her. Onward and upward, I suppose.
I agree, it is great to see her happy. I just hope if their relationship progresses beyond just friends that they arrive there together with little drama. We'll see ...
What a sad pair they are right now. I think eventually when they stop working against one another, they will be able to sort themselves out.
He may be sorry he asked. :(. But, it is good for her to talk about it. She can't move on if she keeps it all bottled up. Things can only get better from here, right? Right? *is worried*
Well, looking in her head might be less painful than having to recount her whole story. Hopefully they can work together to get her back to good.
Bummer. He shouldn't have let his guard down. This poor girl is in bad shape, and I feel bad for her, her guilt warring with the need to drink.
Why do I know she isn't going to like what he has to say? Still, he is taking awfully good care of her ...
Wow, she's in a bad place, and he seems I'll equipped to deal with it. Still, they'll get through this. Eventually.
It is odd that he watched her for so long, neither deriving pleasure nor intervening. Maybe he feels protective, but not quite ready to get involved. I think this gets ugly before it gets good.
I love this because it is so different than the usual Hermione. Under the right circumstances, this could be her life. Now get in there Severus, and fix this mess!
It's been a long time since I read this, and I wasn't reviewing back then. So, I'm ready to jump on this ride again (since I don't remember much but know it will be good). Intriguing start.
Aww, a happy ending to a story with such a crappy beginning (circumstance-wise, not the actual writing!) is always a good thing to read. I loved the part where they write letters to each other, as well as when she came home on holiday and they finally said how they felt. :)
It is so very sad ,to see her fall so low.
" Miss Granger what happend to you?" that is the question ,isn't it.
Awww I loved it.