Chapter Fifteen: Back to Class
Chapter 15 of 23
sunny33Snape and Hermione have to endure the rest of the term, and the girls have more questions.
Disclaimer: Snape and Hermione belong to JKR. The girls are mine.
Chapter Fifteen: Back to Class
Why did I agree to finish the term here? I know it made sense to stay. It gives the headmaster here a few weeks to find a replacement, and I don't have a job to go to at Hogwarts until next term, but still. Every day I see her. Every day it gets harder. And not just psychologically. No amount of wanking allays the desire I have for her. I feel like a damned hormonal teenager!
At least her friends have stopped making eyes at me in class. I think they might be a little afraid of me now. About time.
Just the recital to go and then Christmas at Grimmauld Place.
With her.
Three more weeks to change his mind. Well, five more if I count the Christmas holidays. But with Harry and Ron around, I'm hardly going to get a chance to seduce him. They'll be all over me like a rash wanting to know how I managed to handle Snape for three months.
Gods, I'd love to be handling him right now. Preferably those parts of him I saw the morning after the Halloween ball.
Now, there's a thought.
I still have his key.
"It's so cool you were able to stay until the end of term, Herm... Harmony. Oops, nearly slipped up. But we're going to miss you so much when you leave. You do promise to write, don't you? And visit if you can? You know, with all that 'popping' around you can do, surely you can 'pop' down for the occasional weekend?"
"Yeah. We want to get all the news about how you are getting on with Seth."
"It's okay to use our real names when no-one else is around, Lee. Just be careful in front of anyone else. And, yes, I'll try and arrange to come and visit, although that will depend on whether the headmistress at Hogwarts gives permission. I'm going to miss you all as well!"
"Can't you just ask Snape?"
"I don't even know if he will be talking to me back at Hogwarts, Cathy. He's such a stubborn, bloody bastard."
"But the way you two were snogging after that duel, we all thought..."
"So did I. But once again, he pulled the, 'We can't, I'm your teacher,' act. If I didn't want to kiss him so much I'd bloody well throttle him."
"There must be something you can do. Why don't you just bail him up after class and pin him to the desk?"
"Amelia! I can't do that!"
"Why not? We'd stand watch outside the door, wouldn't we, girls?"
"Sure. We'd be your bodyguards. We'd be his personal bodyguards if we didn't think you'd cast some nasty spell on us for even thinking about his body!"
"Think away, Lee. Just remember, he's mine. He might not appreciate that at the moment, but before too long I'm going to knock some sense into that dark, broody brain of his."
"I'd love to be a fly on the wall when you do that."
"You wish!"
"So, what happened about Katrina and that Edgely guy?"
"Edgely has been sent to Azkaban, our wizarding prison. Katrina had her wand sent back to Greece and basically was just soundly told off. She won't need any other punishment. Having her wand taken off her will be hardship enough. It becomes a part of you, really. I lost mine during the war briefly and had to use someone else's. It was never the same. However, it's been good for both of us having to live without using magic. We do get a little over-reliant on it."
"What sort of things do you use it for other than duelling?"
"Oh, just about everything. You know about Apparation and the fire and water charms. We turn lights on and off with magic. Warm things. Cool things. I use it to dry my hair... not being able to here has been a real nuisance. My friend's mum uses magic a lot for household chores such as cleaning, washing dishes, peeling vegetables, and chopping food. We can change one item into something else by a process called Transfiguration, even alter clothes. But we have to be careful. If someone says Finite Incantatem, which cancels a spell, while we are wearing clothes Transfigured from a piece of paper, it could be very embarrassing. It's useful in an emergency, though.
"We can unlock and lock doors, levitate objects and people, blow apart a wall, and fly on broomsticks. We have Healers who use magic to heal the wounded and sick, or use various potions."
"You really fly on brooms? I thought that was a fairy tale."
"We can. I don't. I hate it."
"You said before Snape was your Potions master. What does that mean?"
"He taught us Potions. Sort of like chemistry, but with less science and more magic. He had this wonderful speech he used to make every year to the firsties, which summarised his love of the art. I remember it sent a thrill down my spine to hear it. Brewing fame and bottling glory, and all that. We brewed potions to cure boils, heal burns, and make someone laugh. We can use Polyjuice to look like someone else for an hour, or Felix Felicis for luck. Potions have almost as many uses as spells, but don't tell Snape I said that. He always said he didn't have time for 'foolish wand waving'."
"Looked like he was pretty good at it the other day!"
"I didn't say he wasn't good at it, Cathy, just he didn't think it was everything. He's a master of Potions probably the best in Britain. What he can't brew in a cauldron is not worth troubling with."
"Do you think he would do his speech for us? If we asked nicely?"
"I doubt it. You can ask, but don't blame me if he cuts you to ribbons with his tongue, Amelia."
"Aww. Sevvie wouldn't do that. We're his mates. Oh, don't look like that, Hermione. I'm just kidding."
"Why are you leaning out of the window, Lee?"
"Picking flowers. Here, girls. Choose one each. Shortest stem has to ask Snape to do the speech."
"You lot are crazy. I knew it! I'm going to do some homework."
"Why bother? You're going back to your own school after Christmas to do Potions and stuff. I don't suppose a good grade from Seth for music will help there."
"Hey, it's about the only time I've ever had a decent grade from him, so I'm making the most of it. Gives me satisfaction, knowing he has to be reasonable here."
"And she calls us crazy!"
"Excuse me, Mr Sneyd. Can you spare a moment?"
"Yes, Cathy?"
"Er... Has everyone left?"
"Yes. Why are we whispering?"
"Sorry. Um... The girls and I... well... Lee and Amelia, not Hermione, because she said you wouldn't, but we wanted to ask anyway..."
"Spit it out, girl. I haven't got all day to stand here listening to you babbling on like an idiot!"
"Ouch. You really aren't that nice, are you?"
"No. I'm sure Granger has enlightened you as to my charm. Now. What. Did. You. Want?"
"Well, Hermione was telling us the other day about your first year speech, you know, the one you give in Potions class. And we'd like to hear it. If that would be all right, that is, and not too much trouble. Please?"
"Why on earth do you want to hear that?"
"She said it sent a thrill down her spine, listening to it. And it explained Potions really well."
"Oh, very well. I suppose your friends are outside the door?"
"Er... yes."
"Bring them in then. And listen well, I'm not repeating myself."
"Brilliant. Thanks, Mr... er... Snape. Come in, he's agreed to do it."
"You too, Granger? Wanting to relive your childhood?"
"Just checking to see you didn't eviscerate Cathy. I know and respect your temper, even if these three idiots don't."
"Fine. Just sit there and keep quiet. All of you."
"Where's he going, Hermione?"
"Oh, I imagine he's gone to get into the part. Just wait."
"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making. As there is little foolish wand waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses ... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach.*
"There. Satisfied?"
"Wow! The way he swept in here and slammed the door. And where did he get those clothes from? I can see why you say he is scary at Hogwarts. If he'd done that when I was a first year, I'd have bloody well wet my pants! But you're right; it does send a thrill down your spine."
"Some firsties do wet themselves, Lee. He must have Transfigured his clothes when he went into his office. They are the sort of robes and coat he wears all the time at Hogwarts."
"Not very user-friendly, are they? All those layers. How can you expect to seduce him through all that lot?"
"Amelia! I do not want to seduce him. Well, I do, but not at school!"
"I heard that. Can I have that in writing, Granger? I have witnesses."
"Oh, don't kid yourself, Severus, dear. You're going to give in one day, and then you'll regret holding out on me. And don't think you can hide behind Minerva McGonagall's skirts all year."
"Once I get back into my teaching robes and persona, I guarantee you'll lose interest, witch."
"Severus bloody Snape, how many times do I have to tell you the snarky bastard turns me on! So, call St Mungo's; I've been hexed too many times. I want you, bad temper, and all! Why can't you see that, you great pillock?"
"Perhaps I just get turned on when you're angry, Granger. All those sparks flying. You could light up any wizard's life. Mmmmph..."
"Can I ask a question? Just when you come up for air."
"It had better be a good one, Amelia. I'm rather busy snogging some sense into this bloody man at the moment."
"Do all witches and wizards express affection like you two, or are you just odd?"
"We're just odd. Now, go away. And close the door behind you."
"Oh, gods, Severus. How can you pretend there's nothing between us? We ignite whenever we touch."
"It's just lust, Hermione. One quick shag and you'd be over it. It's not worth ruining your reputation for. If you're that desperate for sex, there are plenty of boys in your class who would love to oblige."
"That's bollocks, and you know it! Sure, we have a powerful physical attraction I can feel yours pressing against me now, so don't try and deny it, but it's so much more. I don't believe for one minute that simple lust feels like this. I don't just want to get into your bed, I want to get into your mind and your heart. I know you feel the same; you as good as admitted it the other evening, and I've seen it in your eyes and in your smile. I've felt it in your kiss, and the way your hands tremble on my skin. As do mine. Look at me, Severus. Look into my mind and see the truth!"
"I can't. I look at you and want to Vanish your clothes and gaze upon your naked skin. I want to impale myself within your body and stay there forever. I want to wake up beside you every morning, hear your laughter every day, and surrender to your kisses every night.
"Don't you see, Hermione? I'm your teacher. It's wrong. I'm just a pervert for even thinking about you that way. It's just the situation here and the part I'm playing. Once we return to our normal roles, you will forget me."
"Oh, Severus. How do I convince you I'm serious? I love you, dammit! You. Severus Snape. Not Seth, charming though he may be. I love the real you; the man I've known since I was a child."
"You didn't even like me four months ago. How can you say you love that man now?"
"Because I've discovered who he is under his prickly skin, that's how. Heaven knows that armour is enough to scare off most people, but I'm not most people.
"I'm going now. I only ask you to think about what I've said. Term is over next week, and you have the recital to handle. But when we're at Grimmauld Place, we will talk again."
Well, that's it. The recital is over, my bag is packed, and the music books are put away. Back to being a wizard.
I'm going to miss this. Everyone here is so relaxed and happy. The students are still hormonal idiots, but they are innocents. War hasn't touched their lives and damaged their souls. Magic and power is meaningless to them.
They're so lucky.
Now, I need to face my future.
Without Hermione.
She will change her mind when she sees her friends again. This will be cast aside as a temporary aberration. If I'm lucky, she won't make any complaint about inappropriate behaviour.
Oh, Hermione.
My love.
I can't do it. I want to, but I can't. I promised him I would leave him alone until we were at Grimmauld Place.
That damned key is so tempting. Just let myself in and take him by surprise. With any luck, he would already be naked and ready for me.
Oh, gods, yes.
I can see him now, lying on his bed, skin pale and soft, one hand lightly stroking his penis, and the other beckoning me to join him. I'd walk into the room and, slowly, seductively, remove my clothing. He would stare at me, fixated, as my body was finally revealed to his eyes. His erection would grow hard and demanding as I stepped up to the bed and finally lie skin to skin beside him.
Our kisses would begin as gentle touches of lips to lips and gradually become more passionate as our hands explored every inch of the other's skin, leaving no small corner untouched, no intimacy unbreached. Eventually, our lips would follow the paths of our fingers, tasting and licking and nibbling until we were both ablaze with fever and want.
Then, and only then, our bodies would join, mine welcoming his home until we flew together in ecstasy through time and space to a place where love knows no boundaries or preconceptions.
But all the wishing in the world won't bring him to me until he is ready.
Soon, Severus.
Then, I will come.
And hopefully, so will he.
A/N: * passage quoted directly from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
This was written for the Severus Big Bang Birthday Bash on LiveJournal.
Please note, Hermione's rose-tinted view of sex is purely her own. She'll learn.
Thanks to karelia for her wonderful beta skills.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Can't Take My Eyes Off You
315 Reviews | 7.0/10 Average
Just here for a reread as I was due for some lighthearted entertainment, and I loved this all over again. I'm still floored that reading dialogue only didn't become tedious or confusing. It's times like this I wish I had some talent, because this story would make some great fan art. I miss reading new fic from you. Are you retired forever?
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
I'm still reading fanfic at times, but at the moment music consumes all my time. The only thing I write now is basslines!
I adored this! One of the best things I've read in ages! Well done!!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Thanks! :)
perfectly complementary dialogue! :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Thanks. :)
Yes, I have read this story. Loved it. I did like the whole concept of Severus and Hermione having to attend a Muggle school as pupil and teacher. I have always imagined Severus if in a Muggle role as a long haired musician, tight jeans, leather jacket with dark t shirt with some logo on it. I think you did a grand job of this whole fic.
Having the story from Severus and Hermione's POV was a superb idea and hearing the two sides of each situation was hillarious.
Thanks for writing and posting .
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I had a ball writing it! :)
You had me dying w/ some of the dialogue, it was so fantastic!! :DExcellent work!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Thanks for all your reviews so far. xx:)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Thanks for all your reviews so far. xx:)
Perfect ending, thank you so much, for this funny,light hearted, story .
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Thanks for all your lovely reviews. If you like humour, might I suggest Carrot Tops and Unspeakable Plans or Don't Stop me Now if you haven't already read them. :D
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
Thanks I will.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Thanks for all your lovely reviews. If you like humour, might I suggest Carrot Tops and Unspeakable Plans or Don't Stop me Now if you haven't already read them. :D
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
Thanks I will.
At long last love has arrived.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Hehe. Took her a while! :)
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
Yes, but he's worth it, and so is she. { I/m sure Sev /Seth would agree} if I haven't said it before, thank you.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Hehe. Took her a while! :)
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
Yes, but he's worth it, and so is she. { I/m sure Sev /Seth would agree} if I haven't said it before, thank you.
Are the owls in the right order? Put it together Hermione=
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Nope. They are all mixed up deliberately. :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Nope. They are all mixed up deliberately. :)
What the hell,is Draco up to?
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Mischief? ;)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Mischief? ;)
Poor sevvie, everyone is picking on him. Go get him Hermione.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
He needs to be picked on occasionally. :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
He needs to be picked on occasionally. :)
Great that they are together, at last. Trust Severus to do the noble{ and dumb } thing. I hope Minervia can talk some sense inti him.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
You'll see. ;)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
You'll see. ;)
WILF! and she's wearing it, will she explain it to molly?
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Not bloody likely! :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Not bloody likely! :)
Love the banter with the boys, Harry and Ron come very close to the mark, even though, they think they are joking. The hug at the end , awwww, just perfect.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Thanks. :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Thanks. :)
OMG, that man is hard work, it's a good thing he's worth it. I loved the first year speech, the girls were a bit cheeky asking him, but he did it. Run Severus, stick your head in the sand, it matters not, Hermione has you in her sights, and she will have her way.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Indeed she will. :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Indeed she will. :)
oops, I got so caught up, I forgot to review. Katrina is so young, and alone in the muggle world, easy prey, for someone like Edgely.Wonder what Sev's new Patronus is?
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
I wonder too. Can't remember now, I wrote that story so long ago! LOL
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
I wonder too. Can't remember now, I wrote that story so long ago! LOL
KINGSLEY!!! spoil-sport, oh well ,there may be more PDA's to come. "The girls" are getting an education,aren't they. Love the duel, and the banter, they are well matched, in more ways than one.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
LOL. Kingsley wasn't quite up with the play there. :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
LOL. Kingsley wasn't quite up with the play there. :)
Glad Hermione has someone to talk to, but I hope the girls don't get caught in the crossfire.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Lovely, hugs and kisses,just what they both need.Love the way Hermione, lies by telling the truth.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
She's almost Slytherin...
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
She's almost Slytherin...
"It'll be canaries for him" If severus knew what she is thinking, it would wipe that smirk, right off his face.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Sure would. :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Sure would. :)
They are both as bad{or good} as each other. If you will excuse me ,I think I had better turn the fan on, it's getting a little warm in here.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Hehe! :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Hehe! :)
So much fun, in this chapter,flirting, dancing , ogling, { I don't know who has the biggest, inner pervert, Severus ,or Hermione
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Me neither! :)
What a Birthday present! and with extra vitriol, just the way we like it.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
No-one does vitriol as well as Sev! :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
No-one does vitriol as well as Sev! :)
The dialogue reminds me of the screw-ball comedys. wonderful, that last line made me laugh so much, I cryed.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)