Chapter Four: Studying Together
Chapter 4 of 23
sunny33Hermione and Severus prepare for their mission.
Disclaimer: They are not mine, and if they were, I wouldn't share!
Chapter Four: Studying Together
Why didn't I carry on at a Muggle school? Mathematics is so simple compared with Arithmancy. I don't know why my cousin makes such a fuss about it. Well, I think I've covered the entire syllabus for the two years prior to sixth year. Now, where's that reading list for English?
Read it.
Read it.
Ooh. That was a good one. Loved that book. Read it five times.
Read it.
Shakespeare. Please. My parents named me Hermione for a reason. I was reading that when I was eight.
Poetry. Mmm, my favourites.
What? Is this all they expect the standard of punctuation and grammar to be? Even Harry and Ron can do better than this... on a good day... with no Quidditch matches coming up.
Snape looks confused. Perhaps teaching Music may be more difficult than he thinks. Nice to know he isn't perfect at everything. I should think of him as Seth... I mean Mr Sneyd.
Seth sounds better...
Okay. Enough daydreaming. Music then. I'd better brush up on my theory. It was a while ago. To work, Hermione, or rather, Harmony.
I wish I'd learned some theory when I was younger. Look at her. Miss Fucking Everything Comes So Easily Granger. I'd like to hex that smug expression off her face.
I wonder what she is thinking about. That smile is very... enticing.
No. Not enticing.
Back to work Sev. Seth. Whatever.
Dammit. I'll just have to use the patented Snape glare if anyone asks any awkward questions and look up the answer later. Of course, I could concentrate on the practical part of the syllabus; let the next guy cover the theory. That's it. I'll make them all practice for a recital.
Go on, Miss Granger. You study the theory well. With any luck your ability to memorise the book will come in very handy.
Oh, Merlin, here she comes. Probably to show off how much she already knows.
"Professor... er... Mr Sneyd?"
"Yes, Harmony."
"What exactly are you planning to teach my class this term?"
"As little as possible, if I get my way."
"A little of this and a little of that."
"Oh. Finding it difficult, then?"
"Don't be impertinent!"
"Well, don't pretend you know anything about musical theory. You learned by ear, didn't you?"
"What? You've mastered Legilimency in the last few days as well? Why am I not surprised?"
"No. I could tell by the way you've been scowling. If you are as fine a player as Kingsley says and learned the traditional way, this stuff would be easy. So, you must be a natural."
"Well. My parents could not afford fancy lessons. I had a second-hand saxophone and some old records. Which is more than you need to know. Hell, Kingsley has no idea."
"Why didn't you tell him you had no theoretical background? Oh. Right. You're Professor Severus Snape, Potions master, Defence master, superspy, expert at all things. Wouldn't do to admit a flaw, would it, sir? Oh, stop glaring. That hasn't worked on me since fifth-year. You really ought to try a new technique."
"You are impossible, girl. Impossible and disrespectful and insubordinate. I've a good mind to Floo Kingsley and call this mission off."
"Don't be so daft. You know he wouldn't have ordered us to do this unless he had no other choice. Now, do you want help with that theory or not?"
"How do you think you are going to help me? You are not even a real senior music student yourself, let alone a teacher. You are forgetting your place, Miss Granger!"
"Harmony. You have to practise calling me that. I spent six years learning music theory from an excellent teacher and was several levels ahead of my age when I went to Hogwarts. I've also read a lot over the last few years in my spare time. This syllabus for sixth year is mostly work I covered years ago. Nothing there I can't handle. So, let's get to work. Tell me what you know already, and we'll go from there."
"You plan to teach me?"
"You have a better idea?"
"All right. I give in. Pass on your wisdom, Madam."
"Do I get to set homework?"
"Don't push your luck."
Snape is such a prat. I think he's worse than the boys when it comes to ducking work. There I was, thinking he was a bigger swot than me, and it turns out he'd rather read novels than texts. Unless it's about Potions or Defence. And Dark Arts probably. No wonder he was crap at Transfiguration. It's all in the theory. He says he's a hands-on learner. Bet he read that in a Muggle book. I swear if he makes one more excuse to avoid reading the theory text, I'm going to hit him on the head with the damned thing.
What's that? Music?
For the love of Merlin, how can such a black-hearted bastard make music so sweet? I know Kingsley said he was a virtuoso, but I thought he was exaggerating. He's playing that saxophone like it was a woman's body, all delicate caresses and subtle nuances of movement. And the look on his face.
Gods, he looks so much younger.
I bet he has no idea I'm watching. He'd hate it.
Snape knows Cole Porter? Perhaps he has some redeeming features, after all. Oh, that's good. Casting a charm to provide the percussion makes all the difference. Must ask him for that spell one day when he's in a good mood. Or at least not such a foul mood.
Where is it? Ah. There.
Let's see what he thinks of this.
Fucking bossy brat. Who does she think she is? It's no wonder those idiots used to complain about her obsessive studying. She's going to drive me to an early grave. Not that I haven't tried myself, but some idiot decided to revive me. Damn. Could be decomposing quietly, minding my own business instead of being harassed to read a book which tells me nothing I want to know. Fucking Kingsley Shacklebolt. Fucking Music teacher. What was he thinking?
To hell with it. Where's my sax? I'm sure I picked it up from my quarters.
Ah. That's better. It's been too long. Playing always did help me relax.
Feel the music, Miss Granger. Forget the theory just feel.
I've got you under my skin. I've got you deep in the heart of me...
So the know-it-all can play. Let's try a little Sinatra.
Not bad, Granger. Can you follow this riff?
Smart arse.
Now she thinks she can lead. Go on, Granger, do your worst.
Oh, fuck. Why would she choose that song?
"Wow. That was fantastic. I haven't played with anyone for years! Did you develop those variations yourself?"
"No fancy music teacher, Miss Granger. Remember?"
"Well, I can see why Kingsley raves about your playing, sir. It was brilliant! No, seriously. You can do things with a saxophone I've never seen done before."
"I have one question, though."
"Of course you have. You are conscious and retain the power of speech."
"Oh, piss off, you prat. Shouldn't that Cole Porter song be played in a higher key?"
"Language, Miss Granger! I was not aware there were hard and fast rules about the key to be used in an individual piece of music."
"But the sheet music specifies it."
"Has it escaped your notice I do not use sheet music?"
"No, but..."
"Not everything has to be done by the book. Just let yourself feel the music. It's like creating a potion."
"I suppose if you'd had the sheet music, you would have scribbled notes in the margins on how to improve it. Bloody arrogant..."
"Nothing is immutable, Miss Granger. Except perhaps your attitude."
"My attitude? I'm not the one who thinks he can do better than some of the best musicians in history. You. Are. Bloody. Arrogant!"
"I suggest you keep your impertinent hands to yourself, young lady."
"Well, you keep your enormous nose out of my face!"
"I'll not be told what to do by an insolent chit like you!"
"Fuck off, Snape!"
"Er. Hermione?"
"You do remember you'll be back at Hogwarts after Christmas?"
"And, your point?"
"So will Professor Snape. Do you really want to lose every point Gryffindor has accumulated as soon as you walk in the door?"
"Snape will get over it."
"Hermione, what's got into you? You refer to him as Snape after telling us off for years for the same. You insult him, swear at him, and poke him in the chest. I know you're stressed about this assignment, but even I know you shouldn't do that!"
"Oh, toughen up, Harry. He's been obnoxious since the moment he walked through that front door. I thought once the war was over, and he didn't need to pretend to be a Death Eater any more, his temper would improve, but he's still the same mean, unfair git he always was. I'm sick of being the good girl and behaving. If he doesn't like to hear the truth, it's his problem."
"Come on, Hermione. He hasn't been so bad lately. You've just been spending too much time together preparing for this mission. I really thought you two had made peace when I heard you playing together before."
"That's half the problem, Harry. One minute he's almost pleasant, witty, and relaxed. The next, he starts insulting me again. I never know where I stand."
"From where I stand, it seems you're both guilty of that. Can you just try to hold your temper, for the sake of Ron and me? I'm sure half the time he doesn't mean what he says. It's just a bad habit. Don't take him so seriously. Oh, don't cry, love. Come here."
"I'm sorry, Harry. You're right. It's as much my fault as his. I can't seem to help it. He just rubs me up the wrong way!"
What was that all about? We play together as if we had done so for years, and the next minute she is swearing and poking me. Temperamental little brat. Just when I thought we might be able to work together in harmony.
Harmony. Who thought that name up for the witch? Oh. It was me. Idiot.
Typical. Harry bloody Potter comes to the rescue. That's right, Potter. Listen to her woes. Maybe she'll prefer you to Weasley. Merlin knows he's not getting anywhere.
What? Potter as the voice of reason. Wonders will never cease.
Oh, for goodness sake, girl, don't you know when someone is teasing you? Okay. Since when did Severus Snape tease anyone? Good point.
So, I rub her up the wrong way? I should be so lucky.
Stop it!
She's a child. A student.
She's nearly nineteen. She'll be your partner undercover for three months.
Then she'll be a student again.
Harry's right. I have to loosen up a little. Ignore his insults. He probably has no idea how to carry out a normal conversation with another person. If I react like this to him at the school it'll blow our cover. I'm not supposed to have met him before, so I can hardly go around swearing at him all the time.
Not that it wouldn't be extremely satisfying.
We only have a week before we go. I hope we'll be ready.
Damn. I have to make sure he can manage without using his wand. I've seen him do most things.
Make tea, use a Muggle pen, shop. I suppose I could show him how to use a mobile phone. Those new text messages would work to share information and arrange meetings. Must ask Kingsley. I'd better take him to a library and show him how to use a computer. They are bound to use them at the school.
What else? I'm sure there's something I've forgotten. He obviously showers the normal way, contrary to popular belief, as I've seen him leave the bathroom afterward. There was that time he was only wearing a towel. Mmm. Wonder what was under it?
Stop it!
He's a teacher. And he's old.
He's a man. And he's only thirty-eight, and we'll be working closely together for three months.
Then we'll return to Hogwarts.
Just as well.
"Right. Are you all set?"
"I believe so, Shacklebolt. You have all the modified transcripts in place? I assume we will be expected?"
"All the records have been altered to show your new names and backgrounds. The headmaster has been visited by an Auror, who performed a mild memory modification so he recalls interviewing you for the position of Music master. Hermione's application form and acceptance for the school are on file, and her school record is in their system. It shows she is an average student with a talent for the flute. Remember, Hermione, average only.
"Severus, you will be teaching all six years of students. You must control your temper. We cannot risk you being the subject of an inquiry. You will arrive later this morning by train, and Hermione will be dropped off this afternoon by her 'parents,' two of my top Aurors, who will advise her of her cover story once they pick her up.
"Any questions?"
"I can take my wand, can't I, Kingsley?"
"Yes, Hermione. Just make sure it is disguised somehow and don't let anyone handle it. Our target is likely to recognise it as a wand even if it looks different. But neither of you are to use magic unless it is an emergency or one of the specific detection spells I have provided. Traces of any other spells could alert our quarry and contaminate the scene. Hermione, I know as a Muggle-born you can manage perfectly well without magic. Severus?"
"I do remember how things worked before I learned to use my wand. Miss Granger has obtained us a mobile phone each so we can communicate. I suggest you make use of one as well so we can easily report in."
"Grand idea, Severus. I shall get my secretary to find one. She's a Muggle-born as well and will be able to show me how it works. I'll just have to ensure Arthur Weasley doesn't get his hands on it.
"You have your clothing sorted out. Nice haircut, by the way, and I see you finally did something about your teeth. Really getting into the part, aren't you Severus?"
"You had your teeth fixed? Oh... nice. If it was that easy, why didn't you do it years ago?"
"It was not easy. And thanks for paying attention. Do you know how painful that procedure was, Miss Granger, and no-one even noticed?"
"Perhaps if you smiled more often, someone would have."
"Perhaps if you kept your nose out of my business, we could let Kingsley get on with his job?"
"Yes, well, try and get along, you two. You have to work together quite closely for some time. Now, remember your mission is purely to find out who is using magic in the school and what it is being used for. You do not need to apprehend the user or make them aware of your presence other than as teacher and student. When you have uncovered the information, you simply report it and return to Hogwarts. We will then deal with it once we have a target to be extracted and interrogated. I anticipate it will take at least a few weeks to settle in and several more to obtain what we need. However, I hope you will be back to your normal activities by Christmas."
"What if we find out who it is in the first week or two?"
"Then, Miss Granger, we will be lucky enough to return to Hogwarts where the discipline is much more to my liking."
"Oh, give over. You don't scare me."
A/N: This was written for the Severus Big Bang Birthday Bash over on LiveJournal.
Songs Snape and Hermione played, in order, are: I've Got You Under My Skin, by Cole Porter; Come Fly With Me, by Frank Sinatra; and Can't Take My Eyes Off of You, by Bob Crewe and Bob Gaudio. Snape, after all, had a Muggle father, who played Muggle records.
Many thanks to ladyinthecloak for her magnificent beta skills.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Can't Take My Eyes Off You
315 Reviews | 7.0/10 Average
Just here for a reread as I was due for some lighthearted entertainment, and I loved this all over again. I'm still floored that reading dialogue only didn't become tedious or confusing. It's times like this I wish I had some talent, because this story would make some great fan art. I miss reading new fic from you. Are you retired forever?
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
I'm still reading fanfic at times, but at the moment music consumes all my time. The only thing I write now is basslines!
I adored this! One of the best things I've read in ages! Well done!!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Thanks! :)
perfectly complementary dialogue! :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Thanks. :)
Yes, I have read this story. Loved it. I did like the whole concept of Severus and Hermione having to attend a Muggle school as pupil and teacher. I have always imagined Severus if in a Muggle role as a long haired musician, tight jeans, leather jacket with dark t shirt with some logo on it. I think you did a grand job of this whole fic.
Having the story from Severus and Hermione's POV was a superb idea and hearing the two sides of each situation was hillarious.
Thanks for writing and posting .
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I had a ball writing it! :)
You had me dying w/ some of the dialogue, it was so fantastic!! :DExcellent work!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Thanks for all your reviews so far. xx:)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Thanks for all your reviews so far. xx:)
Perfect ending, thank you so much, for this funny,light hearted, story .
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Thanks for all your lovely reviews. If you like humour, might I suggest Carrot Tops and Unspeakable Plans or Don't Stop me Now if you haven't already read them. :D
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
Thanks I will.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Thanks for all your lovely reviews. If you like humour, might I suggest Carrot Tops and Unspeakable Plans or Don't Stop me Now if you haven't already read them. :D
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
Thanks I will.
At long last love has arrived.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Hehe. Took her a while! :)
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
Yes, but he's worth it, and so is she. { I/m sure Sev /Seth would agree} if I haven't said it before, thank you.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Hehe. Took her a while! :)
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
Yes, but he's worth it, and so is she. { I/m sure Sev /Seth would agree} if I haven't said it before, thank you.
Are the owls in the right order? Put it together Hermione=
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Nope. They are all mixed up deliberately. :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Nope. They are all mixed up deliberately. :)
What the hell,is Draco up to?
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Mischief? ;)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Mischief? ;)
Poor sevvie, everyone is picking on him. Go get him Hermione.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
He needs to be picked on occasionally. :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
He needs to be picked on occasionally. :)
Great that they are together, at last. Trust Severus to do the noble{ and dumb } thing. I hope Minervia can talk some sense inti him.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
You'll see. ;)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
You'll see. ;)
WILF! and she's wearing it, will she explain it to molly?
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Not bloody likely! :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Not bloody likely! :)
Love the banter with the boys, Harry and Ron come very close to the mark, even though, they think they are joking. The hug at the end , awwww, just perfect.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Thanks. :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Thanks. :)
OMG, that man is hard work, it's a good thing he's worth it. I loved the first year speech, the girls were a bit cheeky asking him, but he did it. Run Severus, stick your head in the sand, it matters not, Hermione has you in her sights, and she will have her way.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Indeed she will. :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Indeed she will. :)
oops, I got so caught up, I forgot to review. Katrina is so young, and alone in the muggle world, easy prey, for someone like Edgely.Wonder what Sev's new Patronus is?
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
I wonder too. Can't remember now, I wrote that story so long ago! LOL
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
I wonder too. Can't remember now, I wrote that story so long ago! LOL
KINGSLEY!!! spoil-sport, oh well ,there may be more PDA's to come. "The girls" are getting an education,aren't they. Love the duel, and the banter, they are well matched, in more ways than one.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
LOL. Kingsley wasn't quite up with the play there. :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
LOL. Kingsley wasn't quite up with the play there. :)
Glad Hermione has someone to talk to, but I hope the girls don't get caught in the crossfire.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Lovely, hugs and kisses,just what they both need.Love the way Hermione, lies by telling the truth.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
She's almost Slytherin...
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
She's almost Slytherin...
"It'll be canaries for him" If severus knew what she is thinking, it would wipe that smirk, right off his face.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Sure would. :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Sure would. :)
They are both as bad{or good} as each other. If you will excuse me ,I think I had better turn the fan on, it's getting a little warm in here.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Hehe! :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Hehe! :)
So much fun, in this chapter,flirting, dancing , ogling, { I don't know who has the biggest, inner pervert, Severus ,or Hermione
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Me neither! :)
What a Birthday present! and with extra vitriol, just the way we like it.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
No-one does vitriol as well as Sev! :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
No-one does vitriol as well as Sev! :)
The dialogue reminds me of the screw-ball comedys. wonderful, that last line made me laugh so much, I cryed.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Can't Take My Eyes Off You)